Will Noob Saibot someday return?
posted10/20/2014 01:57 PM (UTC)by
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12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
All this talk of Bi-Han coming back as Sub-Zero is giving me a headache.

But what's gonna happen to Noob Saibot? Will he return someday in the next game?

Will someone rather than Bi-Han or Kuai take over the role as a wraith to the Brotherhood of Shadow?
10/13/2014 03:03 AM (UTC)
They'll reboot again. Might take another 20 years (probably sooner though since they're accelerating the timeline so fast in MKX and I have a hard time imagining a world where Cassie Cage's age bracket will be popular enough to be the main characters for more than like two or three games), but pop culture franchises work in a cycle of retellings.

Krypton will always blow up, the Waynes will always be shot in an alley, Uncle Ben will always be mugged, and Scorpion and the first Sub-Zero will always kill each other and come back as demons.
10/13/2014 08:11 AM (UTC)
I hope so ;_; I've been using him since Trilogy

If this Sub Zero is Bi Han, then GG Noob

Hopefully as DLC if anything
10/13/2014 08:12 AM (UTC)
In the next Trilogy game.
10/13/2014 09:24 AM (UTC)
It's definitely a possibility.
10/13/2014 12:50 PM (UTC)
I know MKX is going to about the new generation of fighters, the next batch if you will. But like Ed said, ppl don't stay dead or gone in MK forever. Unless specifically said by Boon himself. Was never a Noob Saibot fan but has grown on me over the yrs. I hope he does spring up again and cause chaos
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10/13/2014 02:05 PM (UTC)
Now that we have a likely return of Bi-Han as Subzero and in my opinion maybe even the champion of the elder gods also, this really leaves Noob Saibot in a weird spot.

It's not just as simple as slapping the identity on Kuai Liang. There would have to be a catalyzing force. Quan Chi? An order from Shinnok as a failsafe against Bi-Han? If I were Shinnok and Quan Chi, Bi-Han would be at the top of my list for threats. He beat them before.

How to counteract that? Kuai Liang.

Cyber Noob?.....

10/13/2014 02:14 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Krypton will always blow up, the Waynes will always be shot in an alley, Uncle Ben will always be mugged, and Scorpion and the first Sub-Zero will always kill each other and come back as demons.

That made me laugh.

But on the topic at hand, I find this question pointless. I mean, did Noob Saibot suddenly become as unpopular as Hsu Hao while I was away? Of course he'll come back one day. Even Hsu Hao might come back someday, likely in another Trilogy-like installment, so thinking Noob might never ever return...holy hell.
10/13/2014 02:18 PM (UTC)
hope so.

I wanted shadow shurikens in MKX.
10/13/2014 02:29 PM (UTC)
Yes he will for sure, hell I'm pretty sure he will be in MKX, either as Bi-Han, Kuai-Liang or just the evil half of Bi-Han.
10/13/2014 03:12 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind if he returned in MKX, as he was awesome in MK9. I doubt that he would attain the shriukens, because Reiko is not out of question for MKX.
However, I guess it wouldn't matter who has the shriukens, I just want them back!
10/13/2014 09:01 PM (UTC)
Bi-Han is Noob Saibot. Bi-Han's alternate costume could be Noob Saibot, maybe??

Noob Saibot looked too basic in MK9. He needs to stand out from his "Bi-Han version" a little more... he needs to be more epic and more scary than Bi-Han, in my opinion.

Also, Noob Saibot's winning pose in MK9 is the absolute worst. Again, just my opinion.

I like the concept and the idea of the Noob Saibot karakter but he should get a big makeover to become more badasss.
10/13/2014 09:59 PM (UTC)
Noob Saibot was perfect in MK9. His gameplay (while complicated) was awesome, as well as his Fatalities and victory stance.

But he is sort still a B-list character and his presence is not necessary for the game. If there is a choice between Bi-Han as Sub-Zero or not evil demon shadow thing and Noob, I'll choose Bi-Han as his own character.

Noob could be easily done without crazy reboots. Just make him symbiote-like entity, which has separated itself from Bi-Han and has become his own character. Or make him Bi-Han's evil half. Though, if Sub-Zero is indeed Bi-Han, I hardly can describe him as good, because of his dialogues with other characters. So most likely idea of Noob being "evil side of Bi-Han" is sort invalid.

It could be interesting twist, if symbiote-Noob merged with Quan Chi remaking him into monstrous final boss of the game. Just throwing this one out there, though.
10/13/2014 10:06 PM (UTC)
I'm still far from convinced that Sub-Zero is Bi Han. I'm not sure why everyone else seems to be.
10/13/2014 10:20 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I'm still far from convinced that Sub-Zero is Bi Han. I'm not sure why everyone else seems to be.

its because of the leaked character intros. Some of these conversations that Sub-Zero says to certain opponents make it seem he is Bi-Han. I cant remember any of their sentences, but i believe someone will post some of them sooner or later.
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10/13/2014 10:22 PM (UTC)
HopefullyThis could happen.
10/13/2014 10:36 PM (UTC)
MrInternational Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I'm still far from convinced that Sub-Zero is Bi Han. I'm not sure why everyone else seems to be.

its because of the leaked character intros. Some of these conversations that Sub-Zero says to certain opponents make it seem he is Bi-Han. I cant remember any of their sentences, but i believe someone will post some of them sooner or later.

The 3 that people seem to point to are rather odd to point to Bi-Han though. One is the Raiden quote.

Raiden: I am their protector not you!
Sub-Zero: They deserve a better protector.

Some seem to think that means OMG! he's elder gods champion or Earth's new protector.

Why would the elder gods make him their champion though when Shinnok and Quan's invasion is supposed to be a blindside. They don't know it's coming. Also, why would they make him their champion when he is fresh off of serving the very people they need protected against? Why would he be the new protector when there's Fujin to step up in that place?

The next is this

Quan Chi: I have your brother's soul

That could be either brother though. He is in possession of both Kuai and Bi-Han as far as we know. Yes, Noob was kicked into the soulnado, but that doesn't say Quan chi has freed him.

Last is this

Scorpion: How does it feel to be a dead man?
Sub-Zero: You would know
Scorpion: I was reborn unlike you

Some people think that seems personal, but again we don't know enough of what has happened yet. Scorpion and Kuai very well may have crossed paths in the netherrealm. This could literally be anything.

Basically, we still don't know enough to say who Sub-Zero is. That's why I still think it's too early to tell.

Hell look at Sub-Zero's theme render on this very site. When MK9 rolled around everybody was saying the same things they are now. This Sub-Zero seems more sinister and then the bio uploaded on the site which said Sub-Zero resurrected made people think it was Bi-Han. Then we got details and found out that it was Kuai.

So, nobody jump to conclusions just yet.
10/13/2014 10:57 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Why would the elder gods make him their champion though when Shinnok and Quan's invasion is supposed to be a blindside. They don't know it's coming.

The Champion's job is to run errands for the Elder Gods.

25 years is enough time for a lot of different errands.
Personally, I hope that they didn't just recycle Scorpion's Deception storyline and that line is only Sub-Zero telling Raiden off in general because the whole universe knows Raiden is a fuckup...I'm just sayin'.
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10/14/2014 12:36 AM (UTC)
Noob is in 10000% I guarantee! he is to awesome to be left out. It's kool dude. Noob is in, Ermac is in, Reptile is in, Kenshi is in, Smoke is in.
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10/14/2014 12:40 AM (UTC)
as long as he has a good story, why not
10/14/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Why would the elder gods make him their champion though when Shinnok and Quan's invasion is supposed to be a blindside. They don't know it's coming.

The Champion's job is to run errands for the Elder Gods.

25 years is enough time for a lot of different errands.

Personally, I hope that they didn't just recycle Scorpion's Deception storyline and that line is only Sub-Zero telling Raiden off in general because the whole universe knows Raiden is a fuckup...I'm just sayin'.

Yeah but the main reason people are using this whole elder gods champion thing is because he was thrown into the soulnado in MK9 and the elder gods will save him because he can defeat Shinnok. However,

1. The elder gods (at least in the original timeline) don't know this is coming so why would they save him? Better yet how could they trust him when he is fresh off of serving Shinnok and Quan Chi? The very people who are going to attack them.

2. The soulnado has already disintegrated. Like it's gone. I mean his soul could be out there somewhere, but when Shinnok and Quan invade the soulnado should have long ended.

There COULD be other reasons for him to be elder gods champion, but there COULD be just as good of a reason to bring back Kuai Liang or bring in a new Sub-Zero.

The whole protector thing does not = Sub-Zero is a protector. Here's a hypothetical. What if Shinnok did end up seeing events as they unfolded or Quan Chi for that matter and they indeed "warp" Kuai Liang's mind by showing him what Raiden did to him.

I'm just telling everyone NOT to jump to conclusions because nothing has confirmed Bi-Han yet. It could still be a new Sub-Zero or Kuai. Nobody knows yet though.
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10/14/2014 01:36 AM (UTC)
Yes, they always come back, through one way or another. In MKX? I doubt it.

We still don't know enough about this Sub-Zero, he still could be someone new. Based on Scorpion's intro quote, this sub-zero is died or is dead but is not a wraith/spectre (like Noob or Scorpion), that's it.
10/14/2014 02:08 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
The elder gods (at least in the original timeline) don't know this is coming so why would they save him?

The Elder Gods don't know WHAT is coming?

MKX probably won't be all about Shinnok's attack, realm invasions don't take 25 years to fight. The game'll probably be about people's life stories, all the different things that happen over those 25 years.

There could be like three different main bad guys. Onaga or Daegon could come back again at the end of the game. We've already been told that part of the game is about how Kotal Kahn takes over Outworld and later is defeated.

And why does something need to be coming for the Elder Gods to pick a champion? The Elder Gods ALWAYS have a champion whether there's an emergency or not.

The Champion of the Elder Gods' main job isn't even to protect realms from bad guys. It's to collect the Kamidogus or prevent people from misusing them and accidentally waking the One Being up.

Remember that "Monster" guy Shujinko fought in Deception? He was the real Champion of the Elder Gods and he fought Shujinko because Shujinko was an impostor champion. But Shujinko won and killed him, so the Elder Gods didn't have a champion anymore.

That's why they picked Scorpion when he accidentally ended up in their realm. They didn't care who Scorpion was or what he did, they just needed SOMEONE to take the champion job, and he was the only person THERE at the time.
10/14/2014 02:18 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
The elder gods (at least in the original timeline) don't know this is coming so why would they save him?

The Elder Gods don't know WHAT is coming?

MKX probably won't be all about Shinnok's attack, realm invasions don't take 25 years to fight. The game'll probably be about people's life stories, all the different things that happen over those 25 years.

There could be like three different main bad guys. Onaga or Daegon could come back again at the end of the game. We've already been told that part of the game is about how Kotal Kahn takes over Outworld and later is defeated.

And why does something need to be coming for the Elder Gods to pick a champion? The Elder Gods ALWAYS have a champion whether there's an emergency or not.

The Champion of the Elder Gods' main job isn't even to protect realms from bad guys. It's to collect the Kamidogus or prevent people from misusing them and accidentally waking the One Being up.

Remember that "Monster" guy Shujinko fought in Deception? He was the real Champion of the Elder Gods and he fought Shujinko because Shujinko was an impostor champion. But Shujinko won and killed him, so the Elder Gods didn't have a champion anymore.

That's why they picked Scorpion when he accidentally ended up in their realm. They didn't care who Scorpion was or what he did, they just needed SOMEONE to take the champion job, and he was the only person THERE at the time.

Shinnok's attack. Sorry, I should be more specific.

That's exactly what I'm saying about the whole Elder Gods champion thing though. We don't know that Shujinko is still on his quest. Maybe as a result of change he got sidetracked. Maybe the Kamidogu aren't even in danger anymore. We don't know. Unless the Kamidogu are in danger I see no reason for them to have a champion.

What I am saying is that when you see people saying that Bi-han is going to be elder gods champion it is because they think he is going to defeat Shinnok for them and that just makes no damn sense because the elder gods shouldn't know that Shinnok is going to attack the heavens. The reason they need a champion is because the don't want the kamidogu to be merged. NOT because Shinnok is going to attack them.

People are thinking this though. Look at some of the posts here. They consist of people saying oh, well Bi-han did defeat Shinnok maybe he is the elder gods champion. That's what I'm saying. I don't understand that logic. The elder gods don't know an attack is coming.

Also, yes I know the game spans 25 years. That's why I'm telling people NOT to jump to conclusions. Anything can happen in that time. Bi-han becoming Elder Gods Champion to protect the Elder Gods from Shinnok does not seem like the best idea to bring back Sub-Zero IMO.
10/14/2014 02:22 AM (UTC)
Will Noob return someday? Yes.

I am going to wait until I get some confirmation first before dwelling into the numerous rumors on who this Sub-Zero is.

I'm still going on a limb saying it's their third cousin twice removed.

But seriously, I'm not going in a frenzy about who's behind the mask this time even though he is my all-time favorite character.

I do like Noob, I thought he was one heck of an awesome character in 2011 because of the new stuff he was able to perform. They did very well. To just suddenly ditch him for some crazy story, it would be disappointing, yes.

But I am not going to say that Noob is completely out of the picture.
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