will mk9 reboot the franchise of the series or will it remain the same.
posted08/28/2009 07:57 PM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
what i mean by this will mk9 use the same gameplay as mkvsdc. will the same cast of characters return. will there be new characters. what will the roster size look like. will classic arenas return or will we get new ones.

mk is known for keeping classic characters and past arena's along with adding a few new moves and modes here and there occasionally. just to make fans happy.

i hope mk9 is completly new but does not lose the mk feel to the series. alot of fans want to see the classics but we are in mk9 and i feel that each mk is taking a step sideways instead of going forward into the series. that'ts just how i feel. how about you.
08/21/2009 06:05 PM (UTC)
i know 1 thing they better pull out all the tricks out of the hat 4 this 1 because i think most of the mk fans r really really starting 2 get fed up like myself. The only thing we can do is just wait n c what is going 2 come out of this. i've been into this mk series ever since the first one and i never cared 2 buy any other fightn game ever but the disappointment the i had over mk vs dc i think i'm going 2 give tekken 6 a try bcause i never stop playing a mk game this soon after it came out and i love mk but the more i try 2 play mk vs dc the more i get upset with it. it is so generic 2 me all the infinintes every character got the same generic lookn throws when u throw somebody when they get up they automatically side step when they get up the whole fighting timing is fuk up........its nothing going on all the arenas r just boring it's like they just put some junk together ENOUGH bout mk vs dc i'm just hoping that mk9 is a decent game that i can b proud of
08/22/2009 12:28 PM (UTC)
Well we don't know yet, I guess we'll just wait and see. My money's on a modified MKvsDCU engine.

jmo1214 Wrote:
i know 1 thing they better pull out all the tricks out of the hat 4 this 1 because i think most of the mk fans r really really starting 2 get fed up like myself. The only thing we can do is just wait n c what is going 2 come out of this. i've been into this mk series ever since the first one and i never cared 2 buy any other fightn game ever but the disappointment the i had over mk vs dc i think i'm going 2 give tekken 6 a try bcause i never stop playing a mk game this soon after it came out and i love mk but the more i try 2 play mk vs dc the more i get upset with it. it is so generic 2 me all the infinintes every character got the same generic lookn throws when u throw somebody when they get up they automatically side step when they get up the whole fighting timing is fuk up........its nothing going on all the arenas r just boring it's like they just put some junk together ENOUGH bout mk vs dc i'm just hoping that mk9 is a decent game that i can b proud of

I didn't understand a word of that confused
08/22/2009 05:02 PM (UTC)
well i hope they modified it correct whats up with u have 2 use the analog stick 2 side step that is just terrible but i like the fact that u can jump again and do uppercut that was the only thing that i liked about the mk vs dc engine i don't care bout the jump punch pop up
08/23/2009 03:08 AM (UTC)
as Icebaby said on another forum it would be nice to see a return to the classic MK 2d style, where the only true variation in char.s non-special moves are combos, this was really cool to me, especially on trilogy for psx.

but should they decide not to do that than i definitely think that they should completely scrap the current fighting system, it just sucked WAY too hard for a 3d fighter nowadays. it needs a solid HI MED LOW system like VF and Tekken and DOA and every other fighter that was ever worth buying. If somebody is in a crouch block i should be able to easily knock them out of it with a med move, like a knee or an upper cut, and thats another thing, they need more emphasis on stand alone attacks, right now, there's hardly anytime that you would just do a single attack as opposed to one of the crumby dial-a-combos. the sweep and uppercut is all that i can think of as a single move that one would actually use in a MK match.

also, that generic grab thing is just DUMB
that's all that it is
i mean really, everone should ATLEAST have there own grab in a 3d fighter.
not to mention that they should have some char.s who have more than one, like if they used judo, their entire moveset should have more grabs than anything else!

also in the last game some people even had some of the same moves as another char. and i'm sure i don't have to preach about how that should change.

in truth,personally, I'd be happy if they went back and made 2d digitized sprites of all the char. again! I'm sure that there is plenty of opposition but, the only 3d mK that even came close to the old ones was shaolin monks, now THAT was a good game!!
in fact i wouldn't have minded if they decided to make the new fighting system similar to that. THAT WAS AWESOME!

....geez, i rant too much.

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08/23/2009 03:43 AM (UTC)
i think they should go back to a 2d style in 3D like the new street fighter 4, you fight on a single plain walking back and forth, but the game is in 3D and the really big attacks and combos the camera can move around also like in street fighter4, bring back the old days.

also in the new isssue of Game Informer, there was a little comment about the new MK9 and it said they were going to make it darker and more gore .

they need to get rid of the comedy and make a real fighter, dark and evil.
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08/23/2009 10:04 AM (UTC)
I hope to see a big difference since the deal with the WB.
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08/23/2009 11:23 PM (UTC)
Did anyone else read the most recent Game Informer (The one with Beatles Rock Band on the cover)? I'm talking specifically about the article regarding game series that need to die. Now, I don't overly grant the authors premise that any series needs to be killed off. I think that Resident Evil 4, Street Fighter 4 etc have proven that a stale series can be revived with daring and innovative ideas.

I'm talking about this because one of the series the author mentions by name (along with Tony Hawk and others) is Mortal Kombat.

I get the feeling that alot of people would rather MK simply faded into history. Obviously, I'm not one of them, but I am in favor of a fairly drastic reboot of the series.

This time, they need to make their sole main focus on making an outstanding and innovative fighting system that's fun for both diehard genre fans, series fans as well as novice players as well.

In other words... Take those parts of the MK team that are working on dumb gimmick # 135 (Checkers Kombat, silly mid-air animations, a whack-a-mole minigame etc) and put those people in a room and tell them that they can't leave until they've come up with a new and FUN fighting system!

Then tell the designers and programmers that they have to make the animation great (no more stiff characters!) or else.

Sure, I want great characters, a great story, tons of extra content etc. But that stuff is all secondary. That stuff is WAY down on the list of priorities. I don't need a krypt with 700 koffins worth of stuff! Give me a great standard move set for each character. Make them unique!

MK already had a reboot of sorts when MK: Deadly Alliance came out. To me, I think they have to go even FURTHER on this reboot. Again, no silly gimmicks like weapons that are basically pointless. Give us a GOOD, DEEP and FUN fighting system and the rest will be great! That's it! That's the secret! It doesn't matter if it's 2D or 3D. 25 characters or 70 characters. Five modes or 15 modes. Extras or no extras.

It ALL begins and ends with the gameplay. Make it new and make it fun again (hint: NO MORE FREAKIN DIAL-A-COMBOS!!!!) and the fanbase will grow.
08/24/2009 04:09 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Did anyone else read the most recent Game Informer (The one with Beatles Rock Band on the cover)? I'm talking specifically about the article regarding game series that need to die. Now, I don't overly grant the authors premise that any series needs to be killed off. I think that Resident Evil 4, Street Fighter 4 etc have proven that a stale series can be revived with daring and innovative ideas.

I'm talking about this because one of the series the author mentions by name (along with Tony Hawk and others) is Mortal Kombat.

I get the feeling that alot of people would rather MK simply faded into history. Obviously, I'm not one of them, but I am in favor of a fairly drastic reboot of the series.

This time, they need to make their sole main focus on making an outstanding and innovative fighting system that's fun for both diehard genre fans, series fans as well as novice players as well.

In other words... Take those parts of the MK team that are working on dumb gimmick # 135 (Checkers Kombat, silly mid-air animations, a whack-a-mole minigame etc) and put those people in a room and tell them that they can't leave until they've come up with a new and FUN fighting system!

Then tell the designers and programmers that they have to make the animation great (no more stiff characters!) or else.

Sure, I want great characters, a great story, tons of extra content etc. But that stuff is all secondary. That stuff is WAY down on the list of priorities. I don't need a krypt with 700 koffins worth of stuff! Give me a great standard move set for each character. Make them unique!

MK already had a reboot of sorts when MK: Deadly Alliance came out. To me, I think they have to go even FURTHER on this reboot. Again, no silly gimmicks like weapons that are basically pointless. Give us a GOOD, DEEP and FUN fighting system and the rest will be great! That's it! That's the secret! It doesn't matter if it's 2D or 3D. 25 characters or 70 characters. Five modes or 15 modes. Extras or no extras.

It ALL begins and ends with the gameplay. Make it new and make it fun again (hint: NO MORE FREAKIN DIAL-A-COMBOS!!!!) and the fanbase will grow.

08/24/2009 05:45 AM (UTC)
Seeing as how the Mk developers never learn from their mistake and are always one about five steps behind every other other fighter, I think that this franchise will remain the piece of shit that it is.
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08/27/2009 08:51 AM (UTC)
Need to die? It is already on comatose life support.

Face it people, it is not relevant now, MK can't bring anything that has not been done before really....

People do not care about MK anymore, and the fanbase will diminish.
08/27/2009 02:17 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Did anyone else read the most recent Game Informer (The one with Beatles Rock Band on the cover)? I'm talking specifically about the article regarding game series that need to die. Now, I don't overly grant the authors premise that any series needs to be killed off. I think that Resident Evil 4, Street Fighter 4 etc have proven that a stale series can be revived with daring and innovative ideas.

SF didn't really do anything that innovative with SF4. To me, SF3 was the series' most revolutionary title: The ability to tech any move, the extremely fluid movement of the sprites, the famous Daigo parry video that brought a lot of attention to the hardcore scene. Even with all that, SF3 didn't do that well among the public. If SF4 would have been 2D instead of 3D, it probably would’ve have garnered the same amount of attention and success. SF4 went back to a simpler, causal gamer type of formula to recapture the old fans that played it back in the early 90's. MK going for a deeper fighting system seems like it will only shrink the fan base.

But MK has basically degenerated into self-parody, anyway...so...whatever.
08/28/2009 06:45 PM (UTC)
SF4 is 2D, gameplay wise anyway. As for MK, it just needs a good fighting system for once. The best it ever had was with UMK3, as none of the 3D ones were ever that good, besides DA having potential.
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08/28/2009 07:57 PM (UTC)
GeminiEntity Wrote:
SF4 is 2D, gameplay wise anyway. As for MK, it just needs a good fighting system for once. The best it ever had was with UMK3, as none of the 3D ones were ever that good, besides DA having potential.

That is the misconception. UMK3 was not good as a fighting game mechanic.
UMK3 was the Least Broken out of the engines that were used. There is a difference.
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