Will MK10 be on a current or next gen system?
posted02/11/2012 05:43 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/21/2004 08:11 PM (UTC)
With all these talks of the PS4 and the next Xbox, I am wondering if MK10 will be on those or on the ps3 and Xbox360.

If you look back, there has always been at least 3 MK games on every current game console at that time.

Snes,Genesis, mk1,2,umk3



So far we have only gotten 2 MK games during this current gen run. So it would be a shame if the next one was for the next gen. Just saying...

I know I am leaving out other systems with other versions of MK games, but I was just trying to make a point.

Anyways, I hope MK10 lands on the 360 and ps3. And if anything. I hope if they do make them for the ps4, that they also have a ps3 version as well.
01/31/2012 03:46 PM (UTC)
It could be for both generations. At least for Wii U from the next generation, modified. No one here knows the answer to your question just yet though.
01/31/2012 07:03 PM (UTC)
Hopefully next generation, but it wouldn't surprise me if developers are still making current gen games well into the life cycle of the next. 360 and PS3 were already out by the time Armageddon was released, weren't they?
01/31/2012 07:45 PM (UTC)
My thoughts on current gen. Or probably a release for both generations. But with how fast the next gen could come up, based on the speed they usally show, who knows.

I wish it'll be for current gen and not showing too much distance from the last one gameplaywise at least. Feeling like they would have to alter everything about it only to make the step forward and feel like a refreshed franchise once again for the next gen like MK is accostumed to do? Could have that cool stuff about MK9's gameplay turn into a waste.
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02/01/2012 05:47 PM (UTC)
It's looking more and more like PS4 and 720 or whatever will probably drop toward the end of 2013 at the earliest, with Wii-U seemingly dropping at the end of 2012.

If that's the case, I'd rather they take a good long while to go through the conceptual phase. Take this time to write the story, create character concepts and art, backgrounds, fatality ideas, etc, then start working on the game once they get the next gen dev kits from Sony and Microsoft so that they can release the next game in the launch window (not necessarily AT launch since that usually leads to quick development cycles which i would NOT be a fan of) for the new systems.

Some might disagree with me, but I just don't know how they could top MK9 with a sequel on the current gen systems. Can they really make a game look and play that much better? Sure, they can add more modes and what not, but I'd like to see them take as much of a forward leap in terms of graphics and gameplay as MK9 was over what came before.

It might sound selfish, but I'd like to see them raise the bar even further to the exponential degree that I think they raised it with MK9 over previous installments. If they can't do that on current gen systems, I'd rather they wait and get it just right on next gen systems.
02/04/2012 02:54 AM (UTC)
I hope it's for PS4/Nextbox.I believe that by the end of the year MS and Sony will handle specs and devkits to game companies.
02/04/2012 01:49 PM (UTC)
Not saying this will happen or that it must: But Namco released the SC adventure game exclusive for the Wii. Graphics were average and the game just sucked i know. But if the next nintendo system is out one year before the others who knows? With the success of the reboot to add to that?

Not sure it should be exclusive, but think this is not impossible.
02/11/2012 05:43 PM (UTC)
Rumors are flying around about new gen consoles all the time so I take them lightly until it actually happens. I do know for a fact though that Sony is planning to hold on to the 10 year cycle as of the latest statements from articles that I know of. I would hope they make at least 1 more on PS3 & 360.
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