Will Jades Mystery Woman appear in MKX?
posted02/06/2015 07:30 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/19/2010 11:17 PM (UTC)
I have wondered about this ending since MK9. I know others have as well, and I know Icebaby hates it.lol.

I would like to discuss whether or not Jade will play a part at all in MKX or if maybe the woman she has seen will make an appearance in the slightest. I just have a hard time believing that they would create this really random ending and not explore it at all.
02/06/2015 04:24 AM (UTC)
Jade was a forgettable character, so they gave her a forgettable ending. Sad, but true.

I'm actually a huge Jade fan, but I just don't see her being a focus of the story this time around, nor do I see her ending being cannon.

However, I would love it if the mysterious woman was some sort of Edenian goddess who appeared to Jade while she was under Quan Chi's control, and somehow helps her fight his spell so that she can free Sindel and Kitana. That way, they can reclaim Edenia!
02/06/2015 04:29 AM (UTC)
I don't think so. I even doubt Jade will be playable in the game. I wouldn't mind it, it could be quite cool if done right, but I just don't see it happening.
02/06/2015 04:46 AM (UTC)
The MK team seem to enjoy sprinkling in bits of mystery in order to let the fans go wild with ideas. I'm sure the mystery woman will show up again in this game or the next. They might not know who she is yet themselves, and plan to revisit it when coming up with a new character like Ermac and Blaze. Or this is just a way to add more depth to Jade's character when she returns.
02/06/2015 04:51 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
The MK team seem to enjoy sprinkling in bits of mystery in order to let the fans go wild with ideas. I'm sure the mystery woman will show up again in this game or the next. They might not know who she is yet themselves, and plan to revisit it when coming up with a new character like Ermac and Blaze. Or this is just a way to add more depth to Jade's character when she returns.

That last sentence of yours is EXACTLY what I thought would happen. I hope they explore it more in MKX. I know a lot of people are thinking Jade won't be in, BUT there is always DLC and if MIleena does indeed become playable I would think that Jade would be the shoe in DLC character to finish up the trio.
02/06/2015 05:11 AM (UTC)
God, I hope not.
02/06/2015 05:11 AM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
Jade was a forgettable character, so they gave her a forgettable ending. Sad, but true.

lol What? Her ending has been the topic of more conversations that any other in MK9.

It doesn't look like they'll follow up on it and that saddens me a bit. I like when they leave breadcrumbs to the next game's story. Makes it look like they actually have a plan.
02/06/2015 11:51 AM (UTC)
I really hope Jade is going to be in, she is my favorite character.
02/06/2015 12:00 PM (UTC)

I don't think Jade's MK9 ending was canon. I would like for NRS to work in some sort of explanation or even a hint or two for her ending though in story mode. If Kitana gets freed from Quan Chi somehow, I'm sure Jade and Sindel will also be freed as well. I don't think Jade will be playable, but she needs to be in story mode. Or they could do a reverse MKD and have Kitana rescue Jade. My main point is, Jade and Sindel should at least be in story mode. And hopefully Jade's MK9 ending wasn't just something NRS made up because they didn't have any ideas for her ending.

02/06/2015 12:44 PM (UTC)
Borshay Wrote:
Dervis Wrote:
Jade was a forgettable character, so they gave her a forgettable ending. Sad, but true.

lol What? Her ending has been the topic of more conversations that any other in MK9.

It doesn't look like they'll follow up on it and that saddens me a bit. I like when they leave breadcrumbs to the next game's story. Makes it look like they actually have a plan.

I'm with you on your post. It does leave good thing to come, just look at Shang too.
02/06/2015 01:53 PM (UTC)
I certainly hope her existence will be acknowledged in some way, and that if she actually ended up on the roster, she would do so in her own body, or some unknown individual's, not Jade's.

While I know Freddy's not canon to the MK universe, what if the dream realm is, and the mysterious woman comes from that world? Jade did encounter her while unconscious, after all.
02/06/2015 02:54 PM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
Jade was a forgettable character, so they gave her a forgettable ending. Sad, but true.

I'm actually a huge Jade fan, but I just don't see her being a focus of the story this time around, nor do I see her ending being cannon.

However, I would love it if the mysterious woman was some sort of Edenian goddess who appeared to Jade while she was under Quan Chi's control, and somehow helps her fight his spell so that she can free Sindel and Kitana. That way, they can reclaim Edenia!

Strange that you say she was forgettable because I have never forgotten about Jade ever since she blazed her way into MK3 with her purple stick.

And if I may wear my "Delusional Story Matters in a Fighting Game MK Goggles" for a moment. She was one of the most competent and strong female characters in MK.
02/06/2015 07:09 PM (UTC)
I've seen talk of this topic before, and frankly I never understood the amount of attention it's generated. One could speculate it's a representation of the One Being or that it could be Delia...idk. To me, it's just a non-canon interesting mini story that won't figure in to the MKX plot. If I'm wrong, you certainly have the right to call me out.

Bottom line is that I don't see much of anything from the Mystery Woman in Jade's ending figuring into this upcoming game.
02/06/2015 07:11 PM (UTC)
Omegali2422 Wrote:
I've seen talk of this topic before, and frankly I never understood the amount of attention it's generated. One could speculate it's a representation of the One Being or that it could be Delia...idk. To me, it's just a non-canon interesting mini story that won't figure in to the MKX plot. If I'm wrong, you certainly have the right to call me out.

Bottom line is that I don't see much of anything from the Mystery Woman in Jade's ending figuring into this upcoming game.

I'm right there with you. It's a shame that the Story mode has completely eradicated the point of arcade endings. Unless they did them properly and treated them as epilogues to the characters.
About Me

02/06/2015 07:30 PM (UTC)
Ed Boon deconfirmed a mystery woman from the interview:

"​Is there a possibility we will see the Shimmering Woman from Jades ending in this game or perhaps in the future? Fans love her design and the new, unknown realm she inhabits.

Is there a possibility? I suppose, but is there a probability? Not a high probability."
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