07/05/2015 12:33 PM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:

People just always want what they can't have the choice of sindel, Baraka and rain made sense they were important to the story and warranted a decent story Involvement however none of them are that popular that they needed to

Since when aren't Baraka and Rain popular? Wasn't Rain one of MK9's DLC because he was hugely requested? And is Kano that much more popular than them?

Sindel's popularity is arguable though.
07/05/2015 01:46 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:

People just always want what they can't have the choice of sindel, Baraka and rain made sense they were important to the story and warranted a decent story Involvement however none of them are that popular that they needed to

Since when aren't Baraka and Rain popular? Wasn't Rain one of MK9's DLC because he was hugely requested? And is Kano that much more popular than them?

Sindel's popularity is arguable though.

It may not be entirely a matter of popularity and could have been influenced by which characters the devs felt could make the best use of the variation system.
I haven't asked anyone, but I believe NRS simply dropped in their MK9 forms with updated graphics to use them in the story. That's it. They were nice cameos, I appreciated it and I'm hardly angry.

I doubt they weren't included because of lack of variations - more like lack of everything. They were seriously just MK9 shells dropped into the MK X engine.
07/06/2015 12:09 AM (UTC)
Baraka had to be in the game, he is popular and fits more than 50% of the carachters.
He also adds variety, but NRS probably ran out of time again.

But this is what happens when half of the developing time was centered around adjusting Scorpions height and what else not involving him. lol what?! Yes, Scorpion was shorter in the select screen in early gameplay footage lol. Just proves how much obsessed NRS is with him. Not to mention every damn costume is for him. New charachters don't get anything.
Doesn't Sub-Zero have just as many alt costumes? We know Scorp is Boon's favorite character, but come on...
07/06/2015 01:56 AM (UTC)
dipshit Wrote:
Baraka had to be in the game, he is popular and fits more than 50% of the carachters.
He also adds variety, but NRS probably ran out of time again.

But this is what happens when half of the developing time was centered around adjusting Scorpions height and what else not involving him. lol what?! Yes, Scorpion was shorter in the select screen in early gameplay footage lol. Just proves how much obsessed NRS is with him. Not to mention every damn costume is for him. New charachters don't get anything.

1. Baraka is popular but how popular. Everyone has fans but can you say with confidence (or evidence if it exists) he has enough to justify his prioritizing over other returning characters? Him fitting better is also entirely your opinion, and I respect that, but it isn't fact.

2. Curse them for focusing on scorp and sz, their 2 most successful and popular moneymakers, when other characters also exist. (Although I do think the new characters could have been given a little more love)
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/06/2015 03:21 PM (UTC)
dipshit Wrote:
Baraka had to be in the game, he is popular and fits more than 50% of the carachters.
He also adds variety, but NRS probably ran out of time again.

Honestly on the subject of Baraka, I think his fate is pretty sealed as of story mode, and frankly it's a good send off to a once beloved character. Since the Tarkata are basically all a bunch of identical Baraki, for me Baraka has become one of the most easily replaceable, expendable and pointless characters in the entire series. They don't need to bring him back...they can just shove another Tarkatan with blades and teeth onto a future roster...the series has shown that there is practically no individuality amongst them, so no major loss.

As for creating costumes mostly for the most iconic characters...well, they are the most iconic characters. Those that complain about Scorpion and Sub-Zero are vastly outnumbered, by a factor of tens of thousands, by people who adore the characters. Good on anyone who prefers "outside the box", but facts are facts - you're in a tremendous minority if you don't care for Scorp/Sub.

07/06/2015 03:47 PM (UTC)
Baraka's death served a big purpose of out with the old and in with the new. When everyone agrees to turn on Mileena, he's the only one standing for her and his death, followed by Ermac's betrayal, showed that she was all alone. He was one of the most expendable villains and he served his purpose well.
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