Why so much hate for Tremor?
posted05/13/2015 03:59 PM (UTC)by
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04/17/2015 12:43 PM (UTC)
I think he is a cool character and has big potential
05/10/2015 10:09 AM (UTC)
His fans are often the same people who criticize characters like Frost for being a clone. Tremor started off as a palette swap and clone of Jax.

The only reason he was even liked was because he was a ninja. Im not saying he wont be good, but he is only liked for stupid reasons and his fans are annoying AF
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05/10/2015 10:19 AM (UTC)
Because people are bitter when THEIR favourites aren't included and can't deal with it when other people like different things....

I'm not a Tremor fan. I'm not excited to see him. But I'm not going to freak out about it.
05/10/2015 11:35 AM (UTC)
I always thought Tremor's inclusion was overdoing the ninjas thing. The way Tremor was introduced in MKSF is sadly what he's remembered for and that portrayal was a shambles. He has not been given opportunities to shine because of the severe lack of involvement in MK. There is little or nothing known about him except the facts. These are, he's a Black Dragon insider and he's a foe of Jax, that's about it at the moment. To me he is sort of an enigma.
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05/10/2015 02:45 PM (UTC)
People hate Tremor because they see people liking Tremor.

That's not a joke. There were people who loved Tremor, despite the fact that he was only a minor character in what's considered the worst MK game of all time, and wanted him in a full series entry. What started out as an annoyed cry of "you only want him because he's another ninja" spiraled in to full-blown bile and disgust toward his "character" and the people that liked his design/potential enough to keep asking for over 10 years (with no one saying boo to anyone that wanted Meat or Khameleon back).

Flash forward to 2015 and Tremor's cracked a limit roster, sending the people that hated him and his fans in to a full frenzy, and creating new hate from people who wanted their own favorite character instead.
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05/10/2015 02:48 PM (UTC)
As if to prove my point, this got posted in the "Tremor and Tasia in the comic" thread at the exact same time as my reply in this one.

frabn Wrote:
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
Sindel798 Wrote:
frabn Wrote:
I hate Tremor too.

You don't hate him as much as I do. lol

You know it's funny...I despise Tremor not because of the character, but because of this ass-backward fan base. He started out as nothing more than a dumb, boring rip off of Scorpion's MK4 design and Jax, appearing in what has to be one of the single worst games ever created in the 40 year history of video games.. But because he's a ninja, and ONLY because he's a ninja, Tremor is by far, hands down one of the single most popular, if not THE most popular "character" ever created for the Mortal Kombat franchise.

Now, his legions of raving, frothing-at-the-mouth fans will tell you "ITS NOT BECAUSE HE'S A NERNJER!@#!#!@#!@!@#!!!!11111!!1!1", but face it - if Tremor wasn't a big, dumb brown ninja in Special Forces, no one would give two shits about him.

The ONLY reason Tremor was ever popular to begin with is because he was designed as a ninja. That will always be the case. And it's why I despise the fans of Mortal Kombat - no matter how much progress this series makes, no matter how much it reinvents the genre, improves upon the formula, takes the story and whole series in new directions, it always boils down to "Where's Tremor?".

So no, the hate is not toward Tremor itself, but the fanbase for being so hung up on pointless characters. I never thought I could harbor such utter hatred toward people with the same interest as me, but...there it is. So the sheeple got their Tremor...and they still won't be satisfied in the end.

As for Tasia - nice to see a somewhat original character make it into the comic.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

05/10/2015 02:55 PM (UTC)
It's not the fact that people LIKE him - it's the fact that they ONLY like him because he's a ninja...despite the fact that he was boring, and unoriginal, he has the biggest fan following of any character. If he looked like some boring ass Tekken character in fatigue pants and a tank top, would Tremor be popular? Would people even remember he exists?

No. Period.

So again - no matter how much progress this series makes, people will always be hung up on boring, uninspired characters if they even remotely resemble a ninja. Hence why Chameleon/Khameleon are the most requested characters after Tremor.

There is NOT a lot of hate for Tremor. The majority of the fan base adores him. It's people like me who were pumping quarters into MK1 in the early 90's, when probably 90%+ of the modern day fanbase wasn't even born yet...shit, their parents probably were barely out of kindergarten...shaking our heads at how rabidly fanatic people become over stupid characters.
05/10/2015 03:06 PM (UTC)
Him being palette swap ninja probably has something to do with the hate. Some people like to focus on what's in front of them instead of what could be in front of them. That way of seeing things isn't bad or wrong, in fact there are many times in which it's better to think that way.

But when I see Tremor, I see potential. His backstory has ties to the rest of the MK lore, he has a rival to fight to the death against (something Jax has been missing for 20 years), and he has a unique powers for the MK world.

Yes, he started out in a bad game with a copied design and moves. But, he could be in a good game with a great design and interesting moves. Why wouldn't you want that to happen?
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05/10/2015 03:22 PM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
It's not the fact that people LIKE him - it's the fact that they ONLY like him because he's a ninja...despite the fact that he was boring, and unoriginal, he has the biggest fan following of any character. If he looked like some boring ass Tekken character in fatigue pants and a tank top, would Tremor be popular? Would people even remember he exists?

No. Period.

So again - no matter how much progress this series makes, people will always be hung up on boring, uninspired characters if they even remotely resemble a ninja. Hence why Chameleon/Khameleon are the most requested characters after Tremor.

There is NOT a lot of hate for Tremor. The majority of the fan base adores him. It's people like me who were pumping quarters into MK1 in the early 90's, when probably 90%+ of the modern day fanbase wasn't even born yet...shit, their parents probably were barely out of kindergarten...shaking our heads at how rabidly fanatic people become over stupid characters.
I like him because he's an earth elemental wielding powerhouse. Not a single character in the franchise is an earth elemental.

Bonus points for being a ninja.

and lol at khameleon/chameleon being the most requested after Tremor.

Tremor has a fanbase. He's had one for over 10 years. Doesn't matter if it's because he's a ninja or not. Every mk game people ask about Tremor.

Sucks you don't like him because of the single reason that you're an asshole who despises something because other people like it.

Have you ACTUALLY seen Tremor design? Where the fuck is that a ninja design. Only the shirai ryu and the lin kuei have ninja designs. No one else has. NRS moved away from the concept. Sure they all still have the slight nod in their design but they gave each ninja their own design.

Reptile is an humanoid reptilian warrior.
Ermac is a warlock like warrior.
Rain is a royal warrior.
Tremor is a big burly brute with rock arms and chest.

The only thing that these characters share with their ninja days is that they all have some sort of mask. And even then you now have variations or costumes where they're unmasked.

That's like saying mileena, kitana, jade and tanya are ninjas too.

I don't like Quan Chi. I think he has always had an awful bland design though in mkx he finally gets a decent one. He is and will forever be, atleast to me, a 2nd rate Shang Tsung.

Shang Tsung is the original sorcerer and has by far a more interesting moveset.

Yet I don't go around bitching about Quan Chi.

Grow up.
05/10/2015 03:33 PM (UTC)
I personally thought Termor was awesome because he wasn't playable. He was the "Hidden Ninja" so to speak. Now that he's playable, he lost his hidden ninja title and is no longer unique.
05/10/2015 03:40 PM (UTC)
Doesnt matter, he'll be the most downloaded MK dlc character
05/10/2015 03:42 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Doesnt matter, he'll be the most downloaded MK dlc character

I'm placing my money on Predator being most downloaded
05/10/2015 03:43 PM (UTC)
All for Tremor's powers, in MK. Just not so much the clothing direction. I'm convinced there are optional routes for his look, that could borrow details from the ninja but make him different from what he is now.
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05/10/2015 03:49 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Doesnt matter, he'll be the most downloaded MK dlc character

Hahaha! Yes, he'll so top the two iconic guest characters.

Glob of puss does not a brain make.
05/10/2015 03:50 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:

Sucks you don't like him because of the single reason that you're an asshole who despises something because other people like it.

Quote foooor truuuuuth.
05/10/2015 05:06 PM (UTC)
I don't hate anyone. Hate is a strong word, specially for a non-person.

But as other things, my despite for the character comes for his fans. To be exact, for the "it's a ninja, put him in the game".

And I think that it's pretty legitimate to don't like that attitude/reasoning.

But if NRS can evolve him will be a win-win situation. Win for Tremor fans and win for fans of other characters to obtain a well-deserved update.

For now, it's a DLC, so I don't have to play with him. If the final look, gameplay and story - both from game and comics - are enough good, I will give him an opportunity. If not, I will save money for a game with 0 (from my Top 5) favourite playable characters (down from 2 - 1 + 1 DLC).
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05/10/2015 06:06 PM (UTC)
Me loving tremor has nothing to do with the Ninja aspect. Is it badass hell yes. But is that soley why? No.

I became a tremor fan because of the Movie with kevin bacon. And when I heard a character in mk had the name all I could think of was hard hitting. Then I saw that his moves were like ground pound etc. I ultimately thought of aftershock ground breaking. Made me think of Thing from fantastic four. So hell yea I love tremor.

He has one of the coolest names of a kevin bacon film and he has rock elements like thing / darkseid. Best believe I hold him in the highest regard.
05/10/2015 06:14 PM (UTC)
I was always more in the I don't care one way or the other side of the Tremor debate, but now that he's DLC I'm actually looking forward to him. His design looks awesome, and his moves (which no doubt they've widely developed) should bring something new to the table. I certainly don't look at it like "we got Tremor instead of( whoever)" because that's pointless.

Btw anyone know his release date?
05/10/2015 10:23 PM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
It's not the fact that people LIKE him - it's the fact that they ONLY like him because he's a ninja...despite the fact that he was boring, and unoriginal, he has the biggest fan following of any character. If he looked like some boring ass Tekken character in fatigue pants and a tank top, would Tremor be popular? Would people even remember he exists?

No. Period.

So again - no matter how much progress this series makes, people will always be hung up on boring, uninspired characters if they even remotely resemble a ninja. Hence why Chameleon/Khameleon are the most requested characters after Tremor.

There is NOT a lot of hate for Tremor. The majority of the fan base adores him. It's people like me who were pumping quarters into MK1 in the early 90's, when probably 90%+ of the modern day fanbase wasn't even born yet...shit, their parents probably were barely out of kindergarten...shaking our heads at how rabidly fanatic people become over stupid characters.

Well played, sir.
And yet people complain about someone like Kira being a Sonya clone.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

05/10/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
I've never been a fan of Tremor for various reasons.

The whole petition thing is what rubbed me the wrong way this game. Maybe I'll have another reason next game.

That said, I'm willing to let my mind be changed, and with NRS' track record since MK9 I believe they can make me like this character. Time will tell.
He still made it to MKX, so maybe he is not that much hated.

For me it's not hate, it's just indifference.
I feels there is nothing new. A ninja, the power of earthquake has been used several times (Jax, Goro, Sheeva, even Ermac).

He has the power of manipulating rock too I think .... it's not uninteresting, but yea I don't know how they'll really differentiate him and avoid making him the 4th variation of Jax.

That's a lot of special forces characters, I expected more new characters from Edenia and Netherrealm, something more magical.

05/11/2015 12:59 AM (UTC)
Better than Tanya.
05/11/2015 01:05 AM (UTC)
wow you are old,that's great.congratulations!
05/11/2015 01:13 AM (UTC)
It's not that I hate him. I'm open to giving him a chance. I just find his following odd.

People decry so many characters, saying they're a clone. But he gets a pass for some reason. Because ninja?

Also, people keep saying Kano and the Black Dragon need to go away. Ya'll realize Tremor's a member, right? Lol

I would have much rather seen Tasia developed, but ah well. I hope everyone that wanted him enjoys him. Far from me to rain on your parade.

For me, I'm really excited for my favorite female's long awaited return!
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I kill people for a living. Get over it.

05/11/2015 01:23 AM (UTC)
He'll be awesome just look how Jason turned out. Only characters that disappointing is probably Reptile but he still has diehard fans
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