05/05/2009 12:15 AM (UTC)
Oh i didnt know street fighter iv had sold close to 5 million. i hadnt checked the stats since the week it first came out. A lot of people bought it the first day too. That would be a dream come true if the mk team made somthing like street fighter iv. they have made enough of 3d games(5 of them), now its time to take it back to 2d.(just my opinion) thats why street fighter never went 3d again after the ex series, i mean some games just dont feel right in 3d, and street fighter is the mother of 2d fighting games. my advice to the mk team, follow the leader(street fighter) like you always did. tekken did the same thing to virtua fighter in 3d fighting, but it has got better and some people even think that it has surpassed virtua fighter.
05/05/2009 03:41 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Oh i didnt know street fighter iv had sold close to 5 million. i hadnt checked the stats since the week it first came out. A lot of people bought it the first day too. That would be a dream come true if the mk team made somthing like street fighter iv. they have made enough of 3d games(5 of them), now its time to take it back to 2d.(just my opinion) thats why street fighter never went 3d again after the ex series, i mean some games just dont feel right in 3d, and street fighter is the mother of 2d fighting games. my advice to the mk team, follow the leader(street fighter) like you always did. tekken did the same thing to virtua fighter in 3d fighting, but it has got better and some people even think that it has surpassed virtua fighter.

I really hope the next one is 2d. It will be harder to dodge special moves, and the evironments can be busier and more detailed in 2d. 2d would also compliment the new combat system better than the 2d-3d hybrid. MK can also be a contender for one of the best fighting games in the 2d but, it's harder to compete in 3d with the likes of tekken, virtua fighter, and soul calibur.
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05/05/2009 04:51 AM (UTC)
There are other factors in there though for SF4. For one thing, it's been a LONG time since a Street FIghter game came out. Plus, it had all of the classic characters for the most part. Essentially, they remade the old game with a few bells and whistles and put a big coat of graphical paint on it.

Capcom could get away with this though because of the nostalgia factor. I mean, when was the last time all of these characters were in the same game together? 1996? I don't know off hand, but I know that it's been a very long time.

Then you add to that the fact that Street Fighter has a special place in the hearts and memories of video game fans. It was the game that launched an entire genre, and one of the most popular ones for a long time at that. It rates up there with the classic quarter munchers of gamings past.

So to me, it's pretty much special circumstances. If MK went away for several years and then came back with a big new game that was basically all of the classic characters, a fresh coat of graphical paint and the gameplay that fans knew and loved, it would probably sell pretty well also. Maybe not 4 million in it's first week, but it would sell.

The problem is that MK comes out every year for the most part and it's to the point where the games are usually rushed, the gameplay is glitchy and lacking in any real excitement outside of the special moves, and then you have a bunch of minigames.

It's not too hard to figure out why the gaming public isn't as excited about MK as they used to be. Oh, and there are also the 8 million other reasons that I listed in my obscenely long rant on the last page. Those tend to be issues as well... grin
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05/07/2009 01:18 PM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Oh i didnt know street fighter iv had sold close to 5 million. i hadnt checked the stats since the week it first came out. A lot of people bought it the first day too. That would be a dream come true if the mk team made somthing like street fighter iv. they have made enough of 3d games(5 of them), now its time to take it back to 2d.(just my opinion) thats why street fighter never went 3d again after the ex series, i mean some games just dont feel right in 3d, and street fighter is the mother of 2d fighting games. my advice to the mk team, follow the leader(street fighter) like you always did. tekken did the same thing to virtua fighter in 3d fighting, but it has got better and some people even think that it has surpassed virtua fighter.

I really hope the next one is 2d. It will be harder to dodge special moves, and the evironments can be busier and more detailed in 2d. 2d would also compliment the new combat system better than the 2d-3d hybrid. MK can also be a contender for one of the best fighting games in the 2d but, it's harder to compete in 3d with the likes of tekken, virtua fighter, and soul calibur.

It would be so awesome if they brought back the photorealistic digital actors in HD. I'm so tired of the crappy 3D models and ridicluous animation they've been feeding us for the past 10 years.
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05/07/2009 06:32 PM (UTC)
Because its no longer special and everyone remembers the side view days better than the 3D days. They try to appeal to different audiences (Stryker, ninja robots) to broaden their players instead of sticking to the hardcore gamers.
05/08/2009 07:57 AM (UTC)
TrueNoob Wrote:
It would be so awesome if they brought back the photorealistic digital actors in HD. I'm so tired of the crappy 3D models and ridicluous animation they've been feeding us for the past 10 years.

actually i think with the tech we have now, they should base the 3d models off of actors. mk vs dc came pretty close to realistc but the thing is now they don't base them off actors, so the look is basically just made up. lui kang looks different every game ranging from mk4 to mk vs dc. Imo they should stop making new characters unless they're really going to think them through in design, concept, story etc. Right now it just seem like they're just making it up as they go. :-/
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05/09/2009 02:12 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
So do you guys think boon was telling the truth about a dark and gritty game for mk8 and midway said NO! and made him do a mk vs dc crossover??????

Hell yeah I do, Midway made them rush out Armageddon to make a quick buck and made them do MK vs DC.

Now don't get me wrong, I like MK vs DC, but you can't tell me that the game wasn't Midway ordering them to try to capitalize on the growing popularity of superhero movies/games.
05/10/2009 08:30 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat was popular in the 90's because it was MATURE. At the time there were no Grand Theft Auto's, there was Mario and Sonic. Digitalizing graphics at a time when sprite based graphics were the norm made MK seem "cutting edge" in the graphics department. Blood and Fatalities added "Holywood Movie" realism which agaiin made kids think it was cool
Controls were simple to pick up and play . The characters and the story were interesting and dark.

Why the MK team can't grasp this is beyond me.

-Digitally scan actors like they do in sports games

-Make the violence serious again instead of campy

-Make the controls easy to pick up

- Bring focus back to the CLASSIC STORYLINE .. no one gives a fuck about the chaos realm and order realm ..... tell us more about the Lin Que and Scorpions former clan, tell us were Shang Tsung came from, how did Sub become Noob saibot ........ thats what fans want. AND PUT SOME FUCKING FOCUS INTO THE STORY.

Armageddon was a disaster because Boon thought that fans wanted all the characters for the "Gameplay" options ....... when the reality is that people wanted every character so they could get their Bio , Ending and were they fit into the universe of MK, not because we think they belong in some tier and we want to play the game in tournement.

they fail because they are always trying to make MK2 over again, and MK2 is clearly outdated
05/12/2009 03:03 PM (UTC)
didnt capcom just make sf4 a lot like sf2. i guess that means street fighter 2 was classic but mk2 was not. hhmmmmm..........
05/13/2009 07:19 PM (UTC)
SF4 is more like SFF3 more then 2 mk is not failing needs better advertisment
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05/14/2009 03:13 PM (UTC)
There are numerous reasons why I believe the MK franchise failed. The very first thing that comes to mind is the flaws and loop wholes in the story line. Mortal Kombats 1 - Gold/4 all followed the same story with no flaws or storylines that contridicted the previous game. Then here comes the 3D titles beginning with Deadly Alliance that sort of changed the story that especially contridicted the previous game before including the previous games before it too. The storyline flaw may be in part because the main driving force behind the story flaw is that John Tobias left Midway. The story was mainly his idea. Another reason was really because they switched from 2D to 3D and attempted to be King of the 3D games because in my opinion they were and always have been the King of 2D games. Street Fighter IV is now the 2D King. Another possible reason was the lack of newer fresher content that die hard MK fans wanted to see, aka the finishers. I mean Armageddon could have been a rock solid game if you could have an actual Creat-a-Finisher mode like we had Create-a-Moves List in the Create-a-Fighter mode. Besides having every single fighter having the same finisher, including the created ones, why not give certain fighters a signature finisher, and have all finishers from previous games in the Create-a-Finisher mode to give to your fighter. As far as signature finishers, I mean finishers like Scorpion's Toasty. Another flaw was adding such content that we didn't really want in the Krypt. Artwork and pictures of the staff, we do not want to really see. Bios we want to see. MK vs DC failed so bad because it wasn't as bloody as the previous games and added characters that had absolutely nothing to do with the MK franchise. Last but not least, broken promises slowly killed the franchise. Whatever happened to Cage's Nut Punch move we were promised in an interview with him in Armageddon? What happened to a "new start" after Armageddon? What happened to the DLC for MKvsDC? Those are my opinions.
07/29/2009 04:28 PM (UTC)
sorry but the mk vs dc engine is just terrible everybody got the same throw infinites up the ass after u knock a person down they automatic side step u and u got 2 use the analog stick 2 side step that bullshit tap forward forward 4 that half ass run body they change the grab button so let me know what was so good bout mk vs dc mechanics that's the worst mk engine i ever played.sad
07/29/2009 04:52 PM (UTC)
i'm a big fan of the series but i'm getting tired of these games that they are putiing out i've been playing ever sense mk1 if the next one don't live up 2 the hype i'm going 2 turn my mk fan card in i cant take it no more
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07/29/2009 06:22 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat is just an old franchise. People get bored with the same games over and over again. The name Mortal Kombat used to sell, but somewhere along the lines of MK4-MK:DA, people stopped buying the game.

Certain games will always sell because of it's name (i.e Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Resident Evil, etc.), but for whatever reason, the MK team did something wrong along the way. Maybe because they came out with a Mortal Kombat every year, instead of being able to take their time on the game. Mortal Kombat should never be released as much as Madden is.

As much as I love the MK games, other fighting games out there are far superior to it, in terms of graphics, gameplay, fighting engine, etc. I played Tekken 6 in the arcade not too long ago and the fighting was absolutely superb, and the graphics were down right amazing. The motions were fluid and realistic, something we are not used to with MK.

And over the years, MK has gotten a little "cartoonish". As much as I like a dark sense of humor, Fatalities such as Bo Rai Cho farting fire at the opponent should stay out of the game.

Things like that, as well as other ingredients to recent Mortal Kombats, has made the game a running joke more or less.

I think what the MK team has to do, is go back and play MK1 and MK2 and see what it was in those games that made it so great back then.
07/29/2009 06:33 PM (UTC)
I think the number 1 reason is that the fighing games garne is not poplar as it Was in the 90's.
07/29/2009 09:09 PM (UTC)
i think as long as mk9 turns out really good, then its fine. otherwise, its a pretty good series actually. i loved all of them but i was dissapointed in armageddon.
07/30/2009 02:49 AM (UTC)
*This series is outdated. I thought Ign made that clear with their reviews.
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07/31/2009 02:26 PM (UTC)
nightmare-vs-scorpion Wrote:
they fail because they are always trying to make MK2 over again, and MK2 is clearly outdated

Haha, the only recent game that tried to copy, or drew inspiration from MK2 was Shaolin Monks, and if I recall correctly, it's the only recent MK game that's enjoyed any real success.
08/13/2009 04:31 AM (UTC)
Personally i think that most of the current team making the game is just lazy, and cares more about making a buck than actually putting some heart and creativity into their project.
08/13/2009 09:19 AM (UTC)
I personally dont think they are really failing because people are still interested in the MK games. Since MK was bought by WB hopefully they will have plenty of time to get their games finished instead of being rushed like with Midway and end up getting stuck with a game like MKA. I know that MK has had it's ups and downs, but I have faith that Ed Boon and the Mk team will deliver the dark and gritty Mortal Kombat that we were promised
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08/13/2009 10:07 AM (UTC)
Desolate_One Wrote:
Personally i think that most of the current team making the game is just lazy, and cares more about making a buck than actually putting some heart and creativity into their project.

08/17/2009 12:39 PM (UTC)
Predator's 7 points summed it up pretty well. personally, I think the change from 2D to 3D (since MKDA) had the biggest influence. It changed the game majorly.
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