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01/20/2015 03:58 PM (UTC)
Because it's locked content that's on the disc. Plus, some people would like to read the reviews for the game first before deciding whether or not to buy it.
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01/20/2015 04:04 PM (UTC)
C-Sword Wrote:
Because it's locked content that's on the disc. Plus, some people would like to read the reviews for the game first before deciding whether or not to buy it.

If one wants to wait and let reviews decide for them- then too fucking bad. They should use their own brain and judgement.
01/20/2015 04:08 PM (UTC)
Goro is a classic. He may not be the mecca badass to a lot of newer age fans and that's understandable given the amount of brutes in mk today. However, you can't deny his intimidating presence in the very first mk in the 90s. At that time it was a big deal. He was also to ring leader shang tsung what kintaro is to kahn.

Thus to me makes his being in this game not only nostalgic but hype as well. This should be a good mash up vs Torr fans. And lets face it. It will be nice to play a newer more defined goro then the clunky and less refined one they had in mkd/a.

EXACTLY! I made this huge post about Goro being in MKX and no one seems to realize that they're obviously trying to make him fucking amazing in this game.
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01/20/2015 04:34 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
Goro is a classic. He may not be the mecca badass to a lot of newer age fans and that's understandable given the amount of brutes in mk today. However, you can't deny his intimidating presence in the very first mk in the 90s. At that time it was a big deal. He was also to ring leader shang tsung what kintaro is to kahn.

Thus to me makes his being in this game not only nostalgic but hype as well. This should be a good mash up vs Torr fans. And lets face it. It will be nice to play a newer more defined goro then the clunky and less refined one they had in mkd/a.

EXACTLY! I made this huge post about Goro being in MKX and no one seems to realize that they're obviously trying to make him fucking amazing in this game.

*raises hand*

I do!

Goro is looking fantastic and I can only imagine the extent of his gameplay in MKX. You know full well he's going to be a force to reckon with.

01/20/2015 04:46 PM (UTC)
"(the same movie where he gets punched in the balls and falls off a cliff) " Lmao idk why but I found this hilarious.

Anyway, its true, I do think NRS made Goro less threatening and awesome in the most recent games, but that is exactly why I am pumped to see him in X. I am hoping they take him back to being that monstrous intimidating four armed beast he was back in the day. I absolutely hated how he was beaten 3 times in ONE game. The guy who won 9 tournaments and was undefeated for 500 years all of a sudden became cannon fodder...I didn't like that lol

He needs a redemption and I hope he gets it this time around.
01/20/2015 05:35 PM (UTC)
I don't know who's the writer at NRS, but they've indeed done a lousy job with Goro and many others. The biggest problem I have with Goro (and Kintaro as well) is their size and weight. In MK1, Goro felt stronger and bigger than other characters and you would feel threatened to even approach him. Kintaro in mk2 was even worse, that guy was terrifying because he was so wide and strong. You couldn't move him, or kick him down or anything.

I hope this time around Goro cannot just be taken to the ground like he's nothing. He should also be a bit slower, but very strong. Most of all, he should be bigger than anybody else in the game. He should be taller than Kotal Kahn at least and almost reach the damage bars. The only thing I did like was that it wasn't a case of coming in flying, Goro grabbing you, doing a combo that leaves your energy 3/5 left.

From the footage, I cannot understand people whining about Goro at all.
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01/20/2015 05:56 PM (UTC)
I honestly don't think having Goro as a pre-order is that big of a deal. It doesn't cost anything, all you have to do is put five dollars down. I think its just a way for NRS to reward the die hard fans who don't want to wait to buy the game.

I pre-ordered the game way back before Goro was even announced as a pre-order exclusive. And I was like oh that's a cool little extra. Again its not like he costs extra, you just have to pay for the game a little at a time.

Of course if you are in a region where you can't pre-order the game then I can see the frustration.
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-Let Mortal Kombat Begin

01/20/2015 07:10 PM (UTC)
Because some people smartly realize this an escalation of a increasingly horrible trend in gaming.

Everyone hurrying out and pre-ordering MKX is just one more example of why this treatment of consumers is running rampant in the game industry. Everyone's so accepting of all the BS these companies keep coming up with.

First it was skins, now it's a whole character being locked out. What’s to stop Warner Bros. from creating something like this for the next MK release:
Outworld Invaders Bonus -
Pre-Order to be the first to be able to take these kombatants online:

How shitty would that be? If they created a "bonus" that would restrict certain characters to offline battles unless you pre-ordered? But right now, it appears there’s nothing stopping WB from doing that because everyones attitude is “ah well there’s nothing we can do, we should just suck it up and buy all this companies bullshit anyway”.

Can you imagine if this type of thinking was the majority attitude in response to the original Xbox One specs Microsoft revealed?? They would completely have the consumers by the balls right now. Instead, people actually spoke up and changed the landscape of the XO, making it more consumer friendly.

The only thing that could make this pre-order promotion worse if it was restricted to certain retailers. Oh wait.. this promotion is even shittier in the UK, where Goro can only be obtained by pre-ordering specifically at the retailer GAME. This is bullshit! In America at least we can pre-order at Amazon, Target, Best Buy etc... but in the UK this promotion is retailer specific. Want Goro in the UK? Well, "screw you" unless you shop at GAME. If you can't see how bad that is for the consumer then I can't help you.

People pre-ordering will be sending WB a message that the Goro promotion is a good incentive and that it's perfectly okay to lock out on-disc characters from future titles.
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01/20/2015 07:26 PM (UTC)
zerosebaz Wrote:
I can't pre order it, which means I'll have to pay to get content that is already on the disc I bought. And, not only will I have to pay, I'll also have to wait about a month or so before I can get it. I didn't mind when it was skins, as in MK9 and Injustice, but doing that with a character in fighting game is just really shitty.

I mean, even if I could pre order, I would still think is a shitty move, people who want to wait for reviews to come out, or that because of X or Y reason won't get it on launch day are being forced to pay extra for something that is on their disc. It's just wrong.

Why can't you spend $5 to preorder a game that your going to buy anyways?
01/20/2015 07:30 PM (UTC)
blame it on WB , not Neatherrealm.
01/20/2015 08:19 PM (UTC)
I have no problem with it. All the game developers do it so NRS/WB are just keeping up. It doesn't cost more and allows them to figure into the level of interest and want based on preorder sales. It rewards the preorder customer. I know the gripe is "its on disc", but this is just how things are now in this industry. Things could be worse, the content could be DLC only and be out up for sale on the network store right after release....now thats the bullshit that brings my piss to a boil.
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01/20/2015 08:21 PM (UTC)
Kamal Wrote:
Because some people smartly realize this an escalation of a increasingly horrible trend in gaming.

Everyone hurrying out and pre-ordering MKX is just one more example of why this treatment of consumers is running rampant in the game industry. Everyone's so accepting of all the BS these companies keep coming up with.

First it was skins, now it's a whole character being locked out. What’s to stop Warner Bros. from creating something like this for the next MK release:
Outworld Invaders Bonus -
Pre-Order to be the first to be able to take these kombatants online:

How shitty would that be? If they created a "bonus" that would restrict certain characters to offline battles unless you pre-ordered? But right now, it appears there’s nothing stopping WB from doing that because everyones attitude is “ah well there’s nothing we can do, we should just suck it up and buy all this companies bullshit anyway”.

Can you imagine if this type of thinking was the majority attitude in response to the original Xbox One specs Microsoft revealed?? They would completely have the consumers by the balls right now. Instead, people actually spoke up and changed the landscape of the XO, making it more consumer friendly.

The only thing that could make this pre-order promotion worse if it was restricted to certain retailers. Oh wait.. this promotion is even shittier in the UK, where Goro can only be obtained by pre-ordering specifically at the retailer GAME. This is bullshit! In America at least we can pre-order at Amazon, Target, Best Buy etc... but in the UK this promotion is retailer specific. Want Goro in the UK? Well, "screw you" unless you shop at GAME. If you can't see how bad that is for the consumer then I can't help you.

People pre-ordering will be sending WB a message that the Goro promotion is a good incentive and that it's perfectly okay to lock out on-disc characters from future titles.

Thank you for this informative post.

I was flabbergasted reading all the throughly ignorant posts in this thread.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
C-Sword Wrote:
Because it's locked content that's on the disc. Plus, some people would like to read the reviews for the game first before deciding whether or not to buy it.

If ine wants to wait and let reviews decide for them- then too fucking bad. They should use their own brain and judgement.

How can people make their own judgment on the game if the game is not released? People use reviews and simlar material to make an informed decision on the game. By pre-ordering a person is buying a game on faith alone.

Do you think that people would have pre-ordered Aliens: Colonial Marines, Rome: Total War II and Assassin Creed: Unity etc etc if they had read reviews or watched some videos the games first?

Pre-ordering is the most stupid thing a consumer can do, which is why it is incentivised. You are paying full price on faith alone. Waiting for reviews and such and then making a informed decision is the smart thing to do.

I never pre-order and I have saved hundreds of €/£/$ and whole load of time because of it.
01/20/2015 09:02 PM (UTC)
There are a lot of problems with preordering, but they aren't going away and neither are incentives. Microsoft had to change their stance on the Xbox One specs because Sony was humiliating them. Sony took a huge lead in consumer favor, and Microsoft, like all companies in a capitalist system, needed to compete. Don't be so naive to think that customer demand is what changed Microsoft's mind. If Sony was doing the same thing, no amount of complaining would have changed their stance. Thankfully Sony decided to use it to their advantage, not to make everyone love them, but to get everyone's money. It's all about money.

And that's the thing with preorders. They cost no money. Companies have nothing to lose by offering preorders and incentives. They can only gain, and because of that, no amount of boycotting will penalize them. They will make their offer, no one will get the incentive, and then eventually later on pay additionally for it as DLC if they want it bad enough. Video games are also prohibitively expensive to allow people to show favor to companies that don't provide preorder incentives. There's just no way around it. The best thing to do would be to boycott all DLC, so that they don't profit, but that's a tall order. In the case of retailer exclusivity, you'll have to boycott the retailer because they stand to lose money by offering the incentive.

So that's why you have to do your duty as an intelligent consumer. Look at the track record of the developer/publisher to deliver a polished, quality game. Gauge the probability of you buying the game anyway and what you want it to cost you, and be prepared to wait if it's not in your budget. Many people wait for the GOTY edition to get it all in one place at a reasonable price. Or, better yet, game the system that's gaming you. Many retailers don't require all of the money up front. And others, like Amazon, don't charge you anything until the day the game ships. Wait until the day before release to preorder so as to not affect market expectation. And if you do preorder the game, and it tanks in reviews, just keep it sealed and return it. You'll probably get to keep the DLC anyway in some cases. It's true that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but only so long as the grease is cost effective.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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01/20/2015 09:18 PM (UTC)
Because nobody wants to play as Goro, other than the initial first time.
mkmileena Wrote:
Because nobody wants to play as Goro, other than the initial first time.

I want to play as him, so you're fucking wrong on that "nodody" part. Infact thousands of people want to play as Goro.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

01/20/2015 09:27 PM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
Because nobody wants to play as Goro, other than the initial first time.

I want to play as him, so you're fucking wrong on that "nodody" part. Infact thousands of people want to play as Goro.

There are probably 50 other characters who would be played more than Goro.

Goro was just including for marketing because he is somewhat iconic.
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01/20/2015 09:41 PM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
Because nobody wants to play as Goro, other than the initial first time.

I want to play as him, so you're fucking wrong on that "nodody" part. Infact thousands of people want to play as Goro.

Yes sir. I'm very interested in playing as him. He's gonna have one of the most brutal brute x-rays and fatality. Plus his grab moves and possible teleport ex? Yea I'm hype for Goro!
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01/20/2015 09:58 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Words of wisdom

Good shit, man.

Me, I've got no problems with it; as a die-hard there's not a question of my not picking this game up and it costs me nothing extra. Why wouldn't I?

Goro is beastly and I look forward to him.
01/20/2015 10:25 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
Because nobody wants to play as Goro, other than the initial first time.

I want to play as him, so you're fucking wrong on that "nodody" part. Infact thousands of people want to play as Goro.

There are probably 50 other characters who would be played more than Goro.

Goro was just including for marketing because he is somewhat iconic.

01/20/2015 10:39 PM (UTC)
Wow it's pretty mixed lol. I didn't know there was an anti-goro crowd. To be honest the last few depictions kinda sucked. He was mean looking in mk1 and by 4 he was kinda goober looking. Mk9 did better but he was still kinda cartoony. Without any gameplay it's understandable to why some would dismiss it, it's dumb I agree.

That being said, I think the look of him is 100% better and NRS never really made brute characters before Grundy in injustice. Torr shows that they are adding that to the mix and it would suck if goro wasn't the sickest of them all. I think he'll be intimidating again when he's more than a goober with ground pound and green fireball.
01/21/2015 01:56 AM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
zerosebaz Wrote:
I can't pre order it, which means I'll have to pay to get content that is already on the disc I bought. And, not only will I have to pay, I'll also have to wait about a month or so before I can get it. I didn't mind when it was skins, as in MK9 and Injustice, but doing that with a character in fighting game is just really shitty.

I mean, even if I could pre order, I would still think is a shitty move, people who want to wait for reviews to come out, or that because of X or Y reason won't get it on launch day are being forced to pay extra for something that is on their disc. It's just wrong.

Why can't you spend $5 to preorder a game that your going to buy anyways?

I don't live in the US. And again, even if I could, I would still think it's a really shitty move.
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01/25/2015 01:02 PM (UTC)
Here's my problem: I don't have internet on my Xbox. Not everyone does.

Offering Goro with an online code (for content that is locked on the disc and could easily have been just a regular unlockable through gameplay) is like saying to me, "Here, i herd u liek cherries. Have a cherry tree." Which would be great except i have no garden in which to plant it.
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01/25/2015 06:15 PM (UTC)
Not too many people will make it to EVO, as Goro is a fact.
01/27/2015 12:29 AM (UTC)
Some of you guys seems like you have Stockholm syndrome. You buy a game, you get the full game... There's no defending this.
01/27/2015 12:47 AM (UTC)
That would be fine if the term "full game" wasn't so flexible. By virtue of advertising Goro as a preorder bonus, he's not part of the full game, even if he's on the disc, and they're making you aware of that. They're saying, if you pay 60 dollars, you get everything. If you want everything plus Goro, pay in early or pay extra later.
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