Why does everyone get so crazy about super unlockables?
posted04/20/2006 12:57 AM (UTC)by
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11/20/2004 09:58 PM (UTC)
I mean all I ever hear about before and after a Mortal Kombat game is released are "Super Unlockables." I mean fans of Mortal Kombat are Unlockable whores. I consider myself a Mortal Kombat fan-(atic) and everything but I was just thinking about this earlier. I mean I remember everyone was all looking for ways to unlock Noob Saibot, and Liu Kang in Deadly Alliance...

Anyways I couldn't think of a Forum to put this in so I think this works out the best.
02/28/2006 03:16 AM (UTC)
It's just those things that fans get crazy over because they're so 'special'
and fantastic.Sadly there has only been ONE super unlockble and that
would be MK1s Reptile which is near IMPOSSIBLE to fight let alone reach.
02/28/2006 08:43 PM (UTC)
reaching reptile in MK1 is not impossible. I have MK1 for an emulator on my computer and i've reached him alot of timesfurious
03/01/2006 03:52 AM (UTC)
subzero460 Wrote:
reaching reptile in MK1 is not impossible. I have MK1 for an emulator on my computer and i've reached him alot of timesfurious

Either you have god like fighting skills or you've used cheats.I just hope it's
the first one.
03/01/2006 08:07 PM (UTC)
Super-Unlockables and secrets used to be a MK tradition. Back in the only days the games were packed with obscure sercets for lucky players to stumble upon, such the hidden character battles and pong mini-game in MK2.

These days putting super-secrets in a game is near impossible, with the all too convienent interent blowing most game secrets before they even come out. Sad drawback of the modern world.
04/14/2006 09:17 PM (UTC)
Super unlockables rule thts 1 of the thngs tht set from the rst i was very yng bout 7/8 wen i frst played mk n i still remember fnding n fighting guys like reptile or seeing jade pop round a tree god it was great.p.s 2 the guy with the emulator i got a genissis 1 n all the mk games but cud u plz tell me ow 2 get a gud emulator n a row of mk trilogy if u know.
04/15/2006 01:08 PM (UTC)
6volt Wrote:
Either you have god like fighting skills or you've used cheats.I just hope it's
the first one.

Nah man, reaching Reptile is relatively easy if you use a technique I came up with, rather more time consuming than hard:

Easiest way to get to him in Rev 5.0 - since the shadows rarely fly by the moon (supposedly it's every 6th game / cycle through the arenas) do this:

Play a 2 player game for 5 whole cycles through the arenas, on the 6th cycle of arenas when you get to the "Warrior Shrine" pick whoever you think you are good enough with to get a double flawless and fatality. Beat up P2 like you have been for all of the previous rounds, but this time let the CONTINUE SCREEN count down reach 0.
Then it will go into a 1 player game, starting you off at the easiest opponent (1st level on the Battle Plan) and you will be on the Pit.

Watch the moon, hopefully the shadows will fly by.

However, they don't always on the 6th round of arenas, sooooo....if the shadows don't fly by, Press Start w/ with Player 2, and continue as P1 to beat up P2 in the Courtyard and Palace Gates.
After that, once again pick whoever you are gonna get the double flawless and fatality with, and beat up P2 again in the Warrior Shrine - let the countdown reach 0 again, and hope the shadows fly by the moon when you start the 1 player game on the pit.
Then when they do (even if they don't come, just keep doing this pattern, they will show eventually) double flawless victory + fatality (w/out hitting blk) and voila - you found him - now prove yourself...

Wow, sounds complicated, but it really isn't - and it's the easiest way to reach Reptile in MK1.

PS- If you continue playing a 1player game after facing Reptile, the CPU becomes much harder.
04/20/2006 12:57 AM (UTC)
The other Super-Unlockables were Mokap and Blaze in MKDA. If the charactors are unknown, then I like it. Or charactors that were never advertised to be in the game. Like a complete surprise. But, if its just some standard charactor, then I think it is a waste.
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