Why do people think Rain has a chance?
posted06/24/2015 12:14 AM (UTC)by
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04/29/2015 04:35 AM (UTC)
Why just why? Why would you pay for a character that you already paid for, it makes no sense at all! Matt Rogers is really getting on my nerves with spamming NRS and Ed Boon with that stupid Rain petition, the only reason why Rain is a "fan demand" is because of that petition, ever sense the Tremor petition was getting tweeted out multiple times by Ed Boon and Shaun Himmerick everyone started doing it because they think its going to work, NRS listened to the Tremor fans and put him in because of the petition, and after that it got out of hand which is why NRS and Ed Boon are probably ignoring it. Back to Rain, Ed Boon said his chances are not likely yet the Rain fans still think he has a chance because "Things change" I mean seriously why would you pay for a character that you already paid for? Sorry for ranting I just had to get it out. What do you guys think, why do you think he has no chance if you think that way. I really want to hear what people have got to say.
06/20/2015 04:23 AM (UTC)
Because he has the underdog effect. He is one of those guys that had 1 game (plus Armageddon). He didn't even make the MK9 main roster when people like Sheeva and Stryker did. He barley got in as DLC over Tayna there as well.

Fans want him to have a chance. Being in MK9 isn't really a chance given that he wasn't apart of the story at all, and in MKX he can fully realize his potential. The fans wanting him have just as much merit as the ones who want Havik, Fujin, or Reiko.
06/20/2015 05:00 AM (UTC)
He has a good chance because he would be bought by a lot of people and would make them a lot of money. It's as simple as that.
06/20/2015 05:45 AM (UTC)
For the last time, that Tremor petition didn't get him in the fucking game.
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...And Justice For All

06/20/2015 06:09 AM (UTC)
Check out the "boon tweeting some things" thread there is some good Rain fan boy claims there.

I understand that everyone wants their fav fighter in the game, fair enough. However the Rain fan boys take it to the next level when he's not included, thinking their petitions and complaining will get him added. He was a nice surprise in MK9 as DLC. Do we need a repeat DLC or should they be original and if there is Kombat Pack 2 should we have something other than a boring repeat. This is something the Rain fan boys cannot see past, it's Purple or nothing in their eyes, there is no Rain or Shine for them, it's always Rain.
06/20/2015 06:45 AM (UTC)
NRS/WB should, in my opinion, give us at least one free DLC character and it should be Rain. Doesn't seem fair for us to have to buy him TWICE if they decide to add him to another kombat pack.
06/20/2015 09:45 AM (UTC)
Rain should have been in the roster. I don't understand all the hate he gets, he definitely isn't a bad character.

Would put him over predator.
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06/20/2015 10:04 AM (UTC)
Blade4ever Wrote:
However the Rain fan boys take it to the next level when he's not included, thinking their petitions and complaining will get him added. He was a nice surprise in MK9 as DLC. Do we need a repeat DLC or should they be original and if there is Kombat Pack 2 should we have something other than a boring repeat. This is something the Rain fan boys cannot see past, it's Purple or nothing in their eyes, there is no Rain or Shine for them, it's always Rain.

Honestly, there's not really an alternative. We're at the point where no one is going to be handed their favorite characters anymore. If you want your character in, then you have to rally.

I'm not saying I agree with the fanboyism, but there are no points for complacency. I'm not going to march in their parade, but I understand why they're not going to lie down and die. If intelligent peaceful requests were effective, then Fujin would be in MKX.

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06/20/2015 10:12 AM (UTC)
Because ninja.
06/20/2015 12:21 PM (UTC)
ilikethings Wrote:
NRS/WB should, in my opinion, give us at least one free DLC character and it should be Rain. Doesn't seem fair for us to have to buy him TWICE if they decide to add him to another kombat pack.

I agree that Rain should be free if included but we aren't entitled to a free character, they don't have to spend the time/energy developing one, and I'm not sure it would even be rain if they did.
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06/20/2015 12:50 PM (UTC)
You They say the MK9 DLC will not really be dlc again in the MKX , then why ask the Rain,Nonsense.
06/20/2015 12:53 PM (UTC)
Darkk Wrote:
He has a good chance because he would be bought by a lot of people and would make them a lot of money. It's as simple as that.

Ummm not really lo
06/20/2015 12:57 PM (UTC)
ErmaSco Wrote:
Rain should have been in the roster. I don't understand all the hate he gets, he definitely isn't a bad character.

Would put him over predator.

Predator = very cool and popular character, will most likely be the most successful dlc
Rain = lame ninja only a very few very hardcore MK fans care about
06/20/2015 01:07 PM (UTC)
Because he already has an in-game model, voice actor, and some specials and normals. He obviously needs a lot more to be a complete character in this game, but he is farther along than other characters who would have to me made from scratch.

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06/20/2015 02:19 PM (UTC)
Darkk Wrote:
He has a good chance because he would be bought by a lot of people and would make them a lot of money. It's as simple as that.

In Mortal Kombat 9 he was the least sold, then why I would not go back. wink

I would say that Skarlet is most likely that it.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/20/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
ErmaSco Wrote:
Rain should have been in the roster. I don't understand all the hate he gets, he definitely isn't a bad character.

Would put him over predator.

Rain = lame ninja only a very few very hardcore MK fans care about

Sounds just like Tremor...

Any way what the fuck Is the point of this thread? You people go on and on about how tired of Rain you are yet you go and make a thread about him.

Some people want him as DLC. Some do not. Some do not mind paying for him again, some do.

A fucking discussion isn't needed. If Rain is gonna be DLC, he will be. If not, he won't. until then just shut the fuck up. Rain haters are equally as annoying as Rain diehards because neither side ever shuts up.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/20/2015 07:50 PM (UTC)

Theres been no confirmation on who was the least sold. All we know is Freddy sold the most.

Considering Skarlet didn't even cameo in story mode (in which Rain actually had a decent sized role) she most likely was the least sold. To think otherwise is idiotic. I think it went as follows- Freddy, Kenshi, Rain, Skarlet. Kenshi nabs a default roster spot, Rain gets a role in storymode, and Skarlet gets nothing but a few comic appearences.
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06/20/2015 08:09 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

Theres been no confirmation on who was the least sold. All we know is Freddy sold the most.

Considering Skarlet didn't even cameo in story mode (in which Rain actually had a decent sized role) she most likely was the least sold. To think otherwise is idiotic. I think it went as follows- Freddy, Kenshi, Rain, Skarlet.

Kenshi nabs a default roster spot, Rain gets a role in storymode, and Skarlet gets nothing but a few comic appearences.

Skarlet was sold more than Rain my friend, stop disagree with facts
06/20/2015 08:54 PM (UTC)
- Because people who didn't necessarily like the character before enjoyed playing as him in MK9 (Like me).

- Because he was featured in Story Mode but not part of the roster even though he, Tanya, Sindel and Baraka should've been.

- Same reason as Tremor; he's a ninja. Ninja's are popular. To the casual audience, more ninjas = better game.

- Because he's a Trilogy character.

Need I go on?
06/20/2015 09:07 PM (UTC)
If MKX made as much money as I think it did (several million copies plus kombat pack, special editions, DLC), then the cost of adding Rain would be pennies to NRS. They could even give him away for free, however I would pay for him gladly. I bought the MK9 komplete edition so the "already dlc" argument doesn't apply to me. And he's a high demand fighter, in spite of the haters.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/20/2015 11:28 PM (UTC)
ViSilva Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

Theres been no confirmation on who was the least sold. All we know is Freddy sold the most.

Considering Skarlet didn't even cameo in story mode (in which Rain actually had a decent sized role) she most likely was the least sold. To think otherwise is idiotic. I think it went as follows- Freddy, Kenshi, Rain, Skarlet.

Kenshi nabs a default roster spot, Rain gets a role in storymode, and Skarlet gets nothing but a few comic appearences.

Skarlet was sold more than Rain my friend, stop disagree with facts

First of all, learn English.

Second, there are no facts to support your argument.
06/20/2015 11:31 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
ErmaSco Wrote:
Rain should have been in the roster. I don't understand all the hate he gets, he definitely isn't a bad character.

Would put him over predator.

Predator = very cool and popular character, will most likely be the most successful dlc
Rain = lame ninja only a very few very hardcore MK fans care about

Your opinion =/= fact
06/21/2015 12:54 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
ErmaSco Wrote:
Rain should have been in the roster. I don't understand all the hate he gets, he definitely isn't a bad character.

Would put him over predator.

Predator = very cool and popular character, will most likely be the most successful dlc
Rain = lame ninja only a very few very hardcore MK fans care about

Your opinion =/= fact

14. Mileena

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06/21/2015 03:54 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
ViSilva Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

Theres been no confirmation on who was the least sold. All we know is Freddy sold the most.

Considering Skarlet didn't even cameo in story mode (in which Rain actually had a decent sized role) she most likely was the least sold. To think otherwise is idiotic. I think it went as follows- Freddy, Kenshi, Rain, Skarlet.

Kenshi nabs a default roster spot, Rain gets a role in storymode, and Skarlet gets nothing but a few comic appearences.

Skarlet was sold more than Rain my friend, stop disagree with facts

First of all, learn English.

Second, there are no facts to support your argument.

First I'm not forced to study a language that I am not native.
Second, if you do not have enough arguments to discuss it, not come to change the subject by asking to study English
06/21/2015 04:02 PM (UTC)
Probably because he has a voice actor, new design, and a partial moveset. Really just because he's in-game. They feel he's owed since he's technically in the game.

But unless Rain is free DLC (which is never gonna happen), then I say tough shit Rain.
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