whos tired of midway / boon and his staff saying oh we didnt have time to include that
posted11/06/2005 03:19 AM (UTC)by
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09/07/2005 04:41 AM (UTC)
im getting sick and tired of boon and his staff saying they are going to do this and that and at the end they say we didint have the time or even in some cases they dont say it and then when the game is out they say we were going to do such and such but we never had the time then y even say IT! just gets me mad and im sure otheres more PISSED a perfect example is the smoke level in MKSM where the tree was going to be a secret of some sort from what i have seen reading threads and the excuse for the secret not being there was time, also that sub-zero and scorpion didnt have there own storys they answer is we didnt have time that excuse is getting lame now NO MORE EXCUSES TAKE THE TIME! and give as a complete game for once
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10/27/2005 07:34 PM (UTC)
Considering that Midway has stated that they'll push for a Mortal Kombat to be released every year, I doubt that we'll ever get a glitch-free game with every single idea they tell us put in.
10/27/2005 07:47 PM (UTC)
Hate to break this to you, but Boon just doesn't have absolute control over the time frame he's allowed to make his games in, unlike the boys at Bungie, Blizzard, etc. He has to answer to his supperiors in charge of Midway itself, and when they say "Hey! Its time to release the game!" its time to release the game whether its complete or not. Thus a game like MKSM has to be cranked out with rush-job bug-testing and only part of the content they wanted and claimed was going to be in.

If you want to mad at someone for that, blame the Midway execs. Only thing Boon can be blamed for is getting too ahead of himself, talking of features that end up being cut by the company's constricted development time.

But what do you expect? If he didn't make ANY claims about EVERY piece of content he felt might be cut by development time, we probably wouldn't be getting any info at all about future releases.

In other words, yeah it sucks, but what are you going to do?
10/27/2005 07:47 PM (UTC)
Grrrr.... Glitchy AOL internet connection double post my topic. Eyedol BASH!
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10/27/2005 08:20 PM (UTC)
Less time on pointless mini-games more time on making a worthwhile game please.
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10/27/2005 09:03 PM (UTC)
shadowcat Wrote:
im getting sick and tired of boon and his staff saying they are going to do this and that and at the end they say we didint have the time or even in some cases they dont say it and then when the game is out they say we were going to do such and such but we never had the time then y even say IT! just gets me mad and im sure otheres more PISSED a perfect example is the smoke level in MKSM where the tree was going to be a secret of some sort from what i have seen reading threads and the excuse for the secret not being there was time, also that sub-zero and scorpion didnt have there own storys they answer is we didnt have time that excuse is getting lame now NO MORE EXCUSES TAKE THE TIME! and give as a complete game for once

I'm getting sick and tired of people who don't really bother to check wether what financial state Midway is in, and how the game industry works. If they are going to make a game they have to set factors for it's release, make contracts what pinpoint a given time for it's release or completion. If they don't finish it in time, then they get reallly annoying bills of increased pay-ments becouse of the latency, the reserves are going to call for more of the green money becouse they alerady expected the game to be on the ready for the shelves.

Seriously, if you don't have anything substantial to post, at least don't try to sound "that much" of arrogant and selfish.
10/27/2005 10:04 PM (UTC)
Ok, if someone here can tell me or explain or post a game thats 100% glitch free, i'll be happy, because no such thing exists.

There's close to perfect, but NOT perfect!

Give me a week with any game, i'll find a glitch.
10/27/2005 10:16 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
shadowcat Wrote:
im getting sick and tired of boon and his staff saying they are going to do this and that and at the end they say we didint have the time or even in some cases they dont say it and then when the game is out they say we were going to do such and such but we never had the time then y even say IT! just gets me mad and im sure otheres more PISSED a perfect example is the smoke level in MKSM where the tree was going to be a secret of some sort from what i have seen reading threads and the excuse for the secret not being there was time, also that sub-zero and scorpion didnt have there own storys they answer is we didnt have time that excuse is getting lame now NO MORE EXCUSES TAKE THE TIME! and give as a complete game for once

I'm getting sick and tired of people who don't really bother to check wether what financial state Midway is in, and how the game industry works. If they are going to make a game they have to set factors for it's release, make contracts what pinpoint a given time for it's release or completion. If they don't finish it in time, then they get reallly annoying bills of increased pay-ments becouse of the latency, the reserves are going to call for more of the green money becouse they alerady expected the game to be on the ready for the shelves.

Seriously, if you don't have anything substantial to post, at least don't try to sound "that much" of arrogant and selfish.

ok if you think that way y post in my thread and start a flame war start your own thread pretty dumb 2 start a fight as for the subject it dont matter with anything that you have stated above the point still remains DONT SAY SOMETHING WILL BE THERE IF YOU DONT KNOW FOR SURE IT WILL! thats is misleading consumers like us to get hyped up about it simple as that its consumers like you that give them the ok to do stupied stuff like promise stuff that they dont put in like in deception / MKSM for the most resent released games by midway, you are giving them excuses or okeying there excuses DO YOU WORK FOR MIDWAY OR SOMETHING?
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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
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10/27/2005 11:30 PM (UTC)
shadowcat Wrote:
ok if you think that way y post in my thread and start a flame war start your own thread pretty dumb 2 start a fight as for the subject it dont matter with anything that you have stated above the point still remains DONT SAY SOMETHING WILL BE THERE IF YOU DONT KNOW FOR SURE IT WILL! thats is misleading consumers like us to get hyped up about it simple as that its consumers like you that give them the ok to do stupied stuff like promise stuff that they dont put in like in deception / MKSM for the most resent released games by midway, you are giving them excuses or okeying there excuses DO YOU WORK FOR MIDWAY OR SOMETHING?

1. The whole point of topics are to start debates and discussions about the initial idea, not to get everybody to agree with you.

2. Chrome doesn't work for Midway (if he did, then the higher-ups at MKO would know).

3. They hype up the game so that people will actually be interested in it and BUY it. If there's no hype, no imagination, then there's no interest form consumers, and then there are poor sales, and then Midway goes down the tubes.
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10/27/2005 11:55 PM (UTC)
I thought about posting the pic of my econmics-marketing certificate, but this will do...

10/28/2005 12:24 AM (UTC)
Chrome, do you think we could be less of a condescending cunt to people who don't deserve it please? I know he sounds quite "enthusiastic," but there's really no need to call him "arrogant" and "selfish," then follow it up with a post like that with the whole "owned" picture and everything.

Anyway, I agree with what Obreck's saying. I mean, what would you rather have, information about the next game now, or no information until it's released? Personally I would rather have none until the game is released, but I know there are a lot of people who'll lap up any info that comes their way so I guess that's just not going to happen. I think it's important to keep in mind that when developers say a game will/may feature something, it's more of a "If things go according to plan" sort of statement (and of course, in movie/game development, things pretty much never do go according to plan).
10/28/2005 12:45 AM (UTC)
Jerrod Wrote:
shadowcat Wrote:
ok if you think that way y post in my thread and start a flame war start your own thread pretty dumb 2 start a fight as for the subject it dont matter with anything that you have stated above the point still remains DONT SAY SOMETHING WILL BE THERE IF YOU DONT KNOW FOR SURE IT WILL! thats is misleading consumers like us to get hyped up about it simple as that its consumers like you that give them the ok to do stupied stuff like promise stuff that they dont put in like in deception / MKSM for the most resent released games by midway, you are giving them excuses or okeying there excuses DO YOU WORK FOR MIDWAY OR SOMETHING?

1. The whole point of topics are to start debates and discussions about the initial idea, not to get everybody to agree with you.

2. Chrome doesn't work for Midway (if he did, then the higher-ups at MKO would know).

3. They hype up the game so that people will actually be interested in it and BUY it. If there's no hype, no imagination, then there's no interest form consumers, and then there are poor sales, and then Midway goes down the tubes.

where in my subject tittle does it say debate and flame it says who thinks(tired) not who doesint think, who doesint think is welcome to comment but not how the comments have been so far with such stupidness its simple yes i agree and why and no i dont agree and why at the same time not killing the topic starter ok, back on topic so by you saying QOUTE:(They hype up the game so that people will actually be interested in it and BUY it). so ur saying its ok for them to lie to there comsumers dont get me wrong i love mortal kombat more then any other fighting game mostly for the story but lately they have disapointed and someone has to wake them up thats all there is 2 it is it such a sin to admit it? have i done such wrong?
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10/28/2005 12:57 AM (UTC)
haha, i couldve sworn this was just a simple thread asking if ur sick of it or not
and yes i am :D

otherwise u guys keep debating
10/28/2005 04:06 AM (UTC)
I agree. Chrome you are nothing but stuck-up and bitchy on every post you've made. We are all MK fans here, there's nothing to be THAT sarcastic about. Give us a break.
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10/28/2005 06:30 AM (UTC)
::::: Wrote:
Anyway, I agree with what Obreck's saying. I mean, what would you rather have, information about the next game now, or no information until it's released? Personally I would rather have none until the game is released, but I know there are a lot of people who'll lap up any info that comes their way so I guess that's just not going to happen. I think it's important to keep in mind that when developers say a game will/may feature something, it's more of a "If things go according to plan" sort of statement (and of course, in movie/game development, things pretty much never do go according to plan).

The whole point has an edge. If you look at the issue from a marketing prespective, you'll notice that lying and info leaking is necessary for a product to be recognized. One example: I don't know if you have it, but we have a yoghurt culture commercial here, where they talk about a certain essence in the stuff, called "bifidus essencis" that help is digestation and stuff. Funny thing is, there is no such thing, yet people don't sue or comp-lain in massive lines. The product is certainly based upon a lie what sounds good and helps sparking up interest.

Another fine example is the "intelloigentchemicals" found in products meant for clening during the tie the washmachine is on. Chemicals are not intelligent and the product commericla hows a clearly impossible and fictional chemical reaction. People buy it, since it's a good sounding lie.

Opposition: no commercials containing any info leak, or infact no commercials and advertisement at all: the new Limp bizkit album. The worst manouver the band could've came up with. Despite the lacking interest in their music, they risked to put out an album with only 7 tracks and without complete info leak. As I recall, the sell rates are beyond 20.000 copies, and thats an immense stepback even for a starter band.

You all sound a bit like if MK is the only game that lied about it's properties or somethings were cut out of it, well, here are the other games that propo-sed possibilities in gameplay that weren't found in the game: Half-Life, C&C Red Alert 2, Icewind Dale (laborate plotline promised with interaction from your NPC's yet NONE is found in the game), so on...

The whole marketing is based on how much fuzz you can create around a product, and honestly nobody wan't to morlaise over the fact that everybody lies about their work. And of course, nobody gives a shit becouse thats how the industry will work forever.
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10/28/2005 06:39 AM (UTC)
and there are also a few things I would have liked to state:

-MKO has a nice tradition of making flames on every possible scenario of a thread, so get used to it.

-ok, you're an MK fan, allright, you want to help the creators to wake up and such. Ever considered that if Midway pays too many exra bills becose they make game development too long they could run out of bussiness? Other-wise I have nohing against your initiative, but you have to understand this.

-Im highly bitchy all the time and hipocrytical. Sue me, but this is the victory of shamelessly objective self-evaluation.

-I was once that enthusiastic about MK, but now..meh...I found out that MK doesn't have the worth to be argued over of. It has simpkly lost it's flare as with all fighting games. The design is still good though.
10/28/2005 07:06 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
and there are also a few things I would have liked to state:

-MKO has a nice tradition of making flames on every possible scenario of a thread, so get used to it.

-ok, you're an MK fan, allright, you want to help the creators to wake up and such. Ever considered that if Midway pays too many exra bills becose they make game development too long they could run out of bussiness? Other-wise I have nohing against your initiative, but you have to understand this.

-Im highly bitchy all the time and hipocrytical. Sue me, but this is the victory of shamelessly objective self-evaluation.

-I was once that enthusiastic about MK, but now..meh...I found out that MK doesn't have the worth to be argued over of. It has simpkly lost it's flare as with all fighting games. The design is still good though.

fair enough you have a right to ur opinion no harm done but the question still remains for others i feel cheated by this if any others do plz state ur comments or all feel like the only one feeling like this in reguards to the topic
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10/28/2005 07:55 AM (UTC)
thumbs up then
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FLStyle Personal Twitteromegaasylum.com Updates Twitter Omega Asylum - Home of FLStyle - Video Game and Media Blog

10/28/2005 01:03 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
Ok, if someone here can tell me or explain or post a game thats 100% glitch free, i'll be happy, because no such thing exists.

There's close to perfect, but NOT perfect!

Give me a week with any game, i'll find a glitch.

I'll take you up on that, go find me a glitch in Virtua Fighter 4, thanks.
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"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

10/29/2005 04:42 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

-MKO has a nice tradition of making flames on every possible scenario of a thread, so get used to it.

LOL! Quoted for truth. tongue

Boon may not have "total" control in terms of marketing, promotion and time. Though, the dev team does have CREATIVE control. Manage assets and don't put shit in the design doc that'll waste your time.

Lying to promote a product? Did I read that correctly? 0_o Yeah, looks like Midway is doing real well with that business plan, lol.
10/31/2005 10:40 AM (UTC)
Satyagraha Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:

-MKO has a nice tradition of making flames on every possible scenario of a thread, so get used to it.

LOL! Quoted for truth. tongue

Boon may not have "total" control in terms of marketing, promotion and time. Though, the dev team does have CREATIVE control. Manage assets and don't put shit in the design doc that'll waste your time.

Lying to promote a product? Did I read that correctly? 0_o Yeah, looks like Midway is doing real well with that business plan, lol.

This thread should be moved to General Discussion, Stickied and renamed "Ed Boon Delay Ranting". lol
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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
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11/02/2005 02:11 PM (UTC)
shadowcat Wrote:
(They hype up the game so that people will actually be interested in it and BUY it). so ur saying its ok for them to lie to there comsumers (...)

It's not lying if they tell you all of this when the game's not even finished and still in development. They're allowed to tell you the ideas they have for the game, because that's all they are, ideas, not promises and not facts (similar to the whole "ripped-clothing" deal stated in MK:DA that obviously wasn't put in). Whether or not those ideas make it in is all based on time constraints. If you choose to buy a game based on things they told you six months before its completion, then you fell into their trap. You can't blame Ed Boon, John Vogel, or any other member of the staff for saying what they want to be in the game and them not having any time to put it in.

I am tired of them giving the same-old excuse, but that will never change unless Midway can afford to give the MK team a time-limit that's longer than two years to make a game.
Actually, there are a number of glitches in VF4.

I downloaded some vids of them happening from Virtua fighter.com

I have the vids saved on my comp, if you want to see them.
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11/02/2005 06:27 PM (UTC)
oooo that would be cool, i'll have them please
11/06/2005 03:19 AM (UTC)
It's not as much as the whole "not having time" as much as they take out portions that the fans want the most. Of course, these things they do take out may take the most time/money, but come on... Boon told us things about MKD's Konquest mode that had me 'gasming like a fanboy, but, although I did pretty much like the final product, the big stuff I was drooling over was out the window.
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