06/17/2014 08:49 PM (UTC)
Well after MK9 they are STILL FREAKING fighting eachother over nothing...

I'm getting awefully tired of this! Greetings from Valenice of Kings Quest.
06/17/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
women are not meant to be leaders only queens.

also sonya was under jax but jax seems like the second in command. so I doubt the mk writers are doing anything on purpose that offends petty aggravating feminist, who love to start arguments, because they don't have a fucking life.

anyways you don't need a main hero really. just a main leader, who is raiden.(who the writers fucked up)

the mk team(liu,kunglao,sub,jax,sonya,cage,cyrax) should be looked at as the protagonist/heroes. all of them are contributing to earth's protection and all of them are the main hero. they work as a unit and a team with strategy help from raiden.

liu kang is just a more talented fighter out of the group in my eyes.
06/17/2014 09:33 PM (UTC)
Nobody has a fucking life darling.

Cuz life is useless in the end.
06/17/2014 11:05 PM (UTC)
I could see it being Jonny Cage!
06/17/2014 11:14 PM (UTC)
Yeah what happened to Liu Kang really? It was him that I compared to Ryu/Ken back in the MK3 days...
06/17/2014 11:25 PM (UTC)
My guess is on the God of Blunder once again. Maybe he can try and not be the god of useless this time and actually not lead everyone to complete ruination.

Though if I had it my way I mean...I wouldn't have only one but make the whole...well you know make it like the X-Men, with Night Wolf as the leader.
06/17/2014 11:45 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
women are not meant to be leaders only queens.

But... queens are leaders. And don't be like that, I would have no problem with a woman being a main hero, but I don't think it's a good idea to have a female lead just for the sake of having a female lead. Cassie Cage, for example, doesn't seem to be written to be a hero. But if you were to say, go back to MK1 and genderswap Liu Kang, but keep everything else the same then it would still be a good protagonist, because that's how Liu was written.

If Johnny was made a little more serious he could be a good Nathan Drake-esque protagonsit, but Cassie doesn't seem to be taking it to the next level based on her bubblegum and "from the page of Cage!" taunts.
06/18/2014 02:45 AM (UTC)
johnny1up Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
women are not meant to be leaders only queens.

But... queens are leaders. And don't be like that, I would have no problem with a woman being a main hero, but I don't think it's a good idea to have a female lead just for the sake of having a female lead. Cassie Cage, for example, doesn't seem to be written to be a hero. But if you were to say, go back to MK1 and genderswap Liu Kang, but keep everything else the same then it would still be a good protagonist, because that's how Liu was written.

If Johnny was made a little more serious he could be a good Nathan Drake-esque protagonsit, but Cassie doesn't seem to be taking it to the next level based on her bubblegum and "from the page of Cage!" taunts.

with limited power.

she only has what a king or an army(MEN) can do for her. If those things go away what does she have?

no matter how you slice it women have there place and men have there place. are they intellectually inferior to men? HELL NO, but there is a difference in a man mental, emotional and physical make up.

see im straight up and im not scared to give my opinion. im not with this new gen wave of gender bending and pro homosexuality, but that's a different conversation.
06/18/2014 04:48 AM (UTC)
This thread. Aw Lawd.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

06/18/2014 03:18 PM (UTC)
Inside sources say it's batman
06/18/2014 03:35 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
johnny1up Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
women are not meant to be leaders only queens.

But... queens are leaders. And don't be like that, I would have no problem with a woman being a main hero, but I don't think it's a good idea to have a female lead just for the sake of having a female lead. Cassie Cage, for example, doesn't seem to be written to be a hero. But if you were to say, go back to MK1 and genderswap Liu Kang, but keep everything else the same then it would still be a good protagonist, because that's how Liu was written.

If Johnny was made a little more serious he could be a good Nathan Drake-esque protagonsit, but Cassie doesn't seem to be taking it to the next level based on her bubblegum and "from the page of Cage!" taunts.

with limited power.

she only has what a king or an army(MEN) can do for her. If those things go away what does she have?

no matter how you slice it women have there place and men have there place. are they intellectually inferior to men? HELL NO, but there is a difference in a man mental, emotional and physical make up.

see im straight up and im not scared to give my opinion. im not with this new gen wave of gender bending and pro homosexuality, but that's a different conversation.

Women can be leaders, bro. Get your head out of your ass, come join the rest of us in 2014, and stop making sexist, neanderthal statements. You're making the rest of us men look like backward twits mired in the 50's.

On topic, I'd love to see a female champion. Would definitely be interesting and a change of pace.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/18/2014 03:52 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
johnny1up Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
women are not meant to be leaders only queens.

But... queens are leaders. And don't be like that, I would have no problem with a woman being a main hero, but I don't think it's a good idea to have a female lead just for the sake of having a female lead. Cassie Cage, for example, doesn't seem to be written to be a hero. But if you were to say, go back to MK1 and genderswap Liu Kang, but keep everything else the same then it would still be a good protagonist, because that's how Liu was written.

If Johnny was made a little more serious he could be a good Nathan Drake-esque protagonsit, but Cassie doesn't seem to be taking it to the next level based on her bubblegum and "from the page of Cage!" taunts.

with limited power.

she only has what a king or an army(MEN) can do for her. If those things go away what does she have?

no matter how you slice it women have there place and men have there place. are they intellectually inferior to men? HELL NO, but there is a difference in a man mental, emotional and physical make up.

see im straight up and im not scared to give my opinion. im not with this new gen wave of gender bending and pro homosexuality, but that's a different conversation.

...anyway I think it's too early to speculate on main heroes since we quite literally don't know anything about the characters really except for Scorpion. We don't even know if Sub Zero is either of the previous ones. Cassie seems like a likely candidate but there's no way to know.
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06/18/2014 05:17 PM (UTC)
I find it hard to believe that Cassie will be the main hero.... MKX starts right after the events of MK9... she isn't even conceived then.. shes not going to be the main character as a newborn, 5 year old, 10 year old, 15 year old.... My guess is that Sonya and Cage start out as the main heroes, die, and then at the 25 year mark, Cassie enters the fray...
07/15/2014 11:28 PM (UTC)
Since Liu Kang is based on Bruce Lee.

How about a new hero based on Tony Jaa since he does muay thai?
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

07/16/2014 12:52 AM (UTC)
Neat idea for Cassie, but NRS is not bold enough to go for it. An ensemble cast however, as opposed to a main character, would be awesome and right up their alley.
07/16/2014 10:32 PM (UTC)
I'm going with fujin and kai
07/16/2014 11:39 PM (UTC)
Since it's MK, things do change drastically so to speak. So if Bo Rai Cho makes it in, I say it'll be him. If not, Fujin or Kai. If we were to have a female in place, I'd go for Jade or Tanya...
07/17/2014 12:43 AM (UTC)
I would like reptile to be it. raiden offers to restore his race if he can defeat the big bad foe. reptile sacrifices himselfi to bring back his people
07/17/2014 12:48 AM (UTC)
Since Shujinko & Taven won't ever appear again.

How about since Liu Kang is based on Bruce Lee. How about a...

Donnie Yen?...

or a....

Tony Jaa?
07/17/2014 04:17 AM (UTC)
The main hero will be the one who will be playable in the final chapter of the story mode, which should take place 25 years in the future. I say it's going to be a new character.
07/17/2014 08:09 AM (UTC)
Imagine how epic it would be if Princess KITANA was given the main protagonist role?

She would be the one to eliminate Earthrealm's biggest threat, the Fire God LIU-KANG.

KITANA has so much potential NRS! Give her a darker design with her classic metallic fans and there you have the leader for MKX. Plus KITANA does not age so this 25 years later issue thing wouldn't interfere with her beauty and power.

Sadly I don't ever see this happening

07/17/2014 10:28 AM (UTC)
I hope NOBODY is the main hero, I want everybody to make sense, not only one stupid main hero.

I hate such stories that everything comes on to only one person and the others only guide him like they are stupid or something.

NO, never again. No main hero, that type of storytelling is for people without imagination and its the easy way out.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

07/26/2014 03:23 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
johnny1up Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
women are not meant to be leaders only queens.

But... queens are leaders. And don't be like that, I would have no problem with a woman being a main hero, but I don't think it's a good idea to have a female lead just for the sake of having a female lead. Cassie Cage, for example, doesn't seem to be written to be a hero. But if you were to say, go back to MK1 and genderswap Liu Kang, but keep everything else the same then it would still be a good protagonist, because that's how Liu was written.

If Johnny was made a little more serious he could be a good Nathan Drake-esque protagonsit, but Cassie doesn't seem to be taking it to the next level based on her bubblegum and "from the page of Cage!" taunts.

with limited power.

she only has what a king or an army(MEN) can do for her. If those things go away what does she have?

no matter how you slice it women have there place and men have there place. are they intellectually inferior to men? HELL NO, but there is a difference in a man mental, emotional and physical make up.

see im straight up and im not scared to give my opinion. im not with this new gen wave of gender bending and pro homosexuality, but that's a different conversation.

So you're an intolerant and backward bigot. A neanderthal basically. Thanks for letting everyone here know that you are a chauvinist who doesn't respect women or the gender identities and sexual orientations of everyone.
07/27/2014 11:13 AM (UTC)
Johnny or Kai please.
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