Wholl be declared Emperor &/ Empress of Outworld
posted08/13/2011 05:08 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
Will it be Reiko as Emperor and Mileena as Empress? I'm glad Shao Kahn is permanently out of the picture. And Sindel... may her rest in peace and her spirit watches over her daughter and comrades.
07/27/2011 04:01 AM (UTC)
Rain or Mileena
07/27/2011 04:01 AM (UTC)
The only one with "legal" right to the throne would be Mileena, as she is Kahn's "true" daughter... But I doubt it works like that in Outoworld. I bet there are numerous people who wants the throne, and the strongest one will take the throne.

And I hope it will be Reiko. ^^
07/27/2011 10:50 AM (UTC)
The Tarkata will probably support Mileena's claim to the throne. As the rightful heir the Shokan and Centaur will either accept it or there'll be war. With the oncoming invasion from the Netherrealm, Outworld can't afford instability and will probably need to ally with Earthrealm and elect a leader, if only for the time being, namely Mileena. Earthrealm will need all the help it can get and would probably have to accept the offer of allegiance. Should the other realms get involved, I suspect Seido will back Earthrealm and Outworld and Chaos will support the Netherrealm.

Mileena may be child-like in MK9 but she seemed to be developing fast. By her ending she was already becoming calculating and power-hungry, just like her old self. She also seems to genuinely care about her 'father' in this timeline. Perhaps she'd want to honour him by claiming his throne.

Watch as none of this happens and MK10's story consists of tens of non-consecutive, random fights, the majority of which are against Baraka and Reptile.
07/27/2011 11:08 AM (UTC)
idk...i like Mileena but i don't feel she's strong enough to be an empress...maybe they will add some new characters into the mix. They always add more with each game. This game's only new (kinda) characters are Skarlet and Cyber Sub-Zero. I hope with the next game they create a few more new characters. I think it's time for some new badasses tongue
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07/27/2011 11:21 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't be suprised if it was Quan-chi somehow..lol

Mileena has the mind of a child, so I doubt she could rule.

It will probably be one of Kahns generals, I hope Reiko but doubt it.
07/27/2011 11:30 AM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:

Mileena may be child-like in MK9 but she seemed to be developing fast. By her ending she was already becoming calculating and power-hungry, just like her old self.

Thisx10! I've been saying that since the game came out and everybody was like "Oh Mileena is childish how can she rule Outworld???"
07/27/2011 11:57 AM (UTC)
I would love the idea of Mileena running things. Brutally murdering people in a vain attempt to please the Elder Gods and return her daddy.

Then Shinnok is all like: "You know if you join me, I can destroy the Elder Gods somehow and get you back your daddy" Mileena is all like ^_^

Seriously though, I can't help thinking its going to be something they will overlook. Or it will just be Mileena.
07/27/2011 01:01 PM (UTC)
Rain should rule Edenia now that Kitana and Sindel are out of the picture.

Outworld should be Mileena and Baraka. A match made in... well, not heaven.

Reiko, as far as we know, USED to be in Kahn's army. But by MK4 he was dead and part of Shinnok's army... this we know from MK4. So he should not rule a damn thing.
07/27/2011 01:10 PM (UTC)
Personally I'm pulling for Reiko, I've always liked his character and with what they've done to reinvent people in MK9, he's got solid potential for the next few games. They could do a lot with the Reiko is Kahn thing. Maybe Reiko's just fuckin nuts and truly thinks he's Kahn or something? lol What if in a game or two NRS decides they want Kahn back and just makes Reiko a big Kahn copy who claims he is the real Kahn and the Kahn that died was his bodyguard posing as him? Him just being all out insane and obsessed with Kahn could be a good development for him. However I really don't see it happening.

What I could see happening, is Outworld not necessarily being the focus of the next game (netherworld invasion), and Outworld being divided into fractions who see Mileena as heir (the tarkatans) and Reiko (the Shokans).

And personally I'm tired of the main bosses being this big figure, that takes half your life with one hit and your best combo only does like 9% damage. I'd rather see like a normal fighter, but faster (MK4 and DA don't really do what I'm talking about justice). Reiko or Mileena as a key figure somewhere down the new storyline could be a great example of this.

Just please god don't let em bust a Blaze and get all stupidly huge before the final fight.
07/27/2011 01:50 PM (UTC)
Mileena rules Outworld
Rain rules Edenia
"Nobody can stop this deadly alliance"
07/27/2011 02:24 PM (UTC)
Outworld is probably plunged in civil war without a ruler, because there are people contending the throne. Even though Mileena is kahn's heir she hasn't been alive that long, which would be hard for kahn's people to trust her. Quan Chi has probably taken control of Edenia preparing for Shinnok's arrival. Since Kitana and Sindel are under Quan Chi's control, he could be using there souls like puppets to easily gain control of the realm without any suspicion or resistance from the Edenians.
07/27/2011 02:48 PM (UTC)
I think after the invasion from the Netherrealm, Outworld will look something like this:

Emperor: Shinnok
Princess: Mileena
Sorcerer: Quan Chi
07/27/2011 02:54 PM (UTC)
As someone mentioned before, Reiko shouldn't even be considered since, unless they retcon his story, he should be working for Shinnok/The Brotherhood of Shadow at this time. Although....they could work the whole Reiko impersonating Shao Kahn angle and have Shinnok send him to Outworld disguised as the emperor in order to rule the realm....

Most likely it will just be Shao Kahn's hotel-maid-raping-French-lovechild Dominique Strauss-Kahn
07/27/2011 02:56 PM (UTC)
Queen Mileena will take the reigns of her dead father's empire, Reiko is dead and in the Netherrealm. Rain might attempt to seperare Edenia from Outworld, but if not he might cause some trouble.

Mileena has the backing of the Tarkatans, hands down as was noted when the leader of the Tarkatans, Baraka proclaimed "Mileena is his heir, she should rule"

the Shokan were still loyal to Kahn in this timeline, which means they'd probably also go out of their way to fiercely protect the legacy of Kahn. The Centaurs probably too, but since we ddn't get any elaboration on them really, not even for Motaro so it's hard to say, but I'm confident they'll back Mileena as well.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Shang Tsung has been destoryed

and he was one of the few people to speak out against Mileena's rule and one of the only legitimate threats to her becoming ruler.
07/27/2011 03:07 PM (UTC)
Well I'd like it to start off with Mileena having to take control of Outworld.
Seeing as how Outworld is still fragile and under a new ruler, some denizens may not be as zealous for "Empress Mileena".
That's where Reiko would be able to come in.

I always thought it would be cool to have some kind of civil war going on in Outworld, between Mileena, the heir to the throne who plans on continuing Kahn's rule, and Reiko, who believes that Kahn's way of ruling(or at least Mileena's) is obsolete and Outworld needs a new ruler.

So basically old power vs. new power. The ones who are loyal to Kahn side with Mileena while those who side with whoever is "stronger" side with Reiko.

Perhaps Reiko, being part of the Brotherhood of Shadow(right?) would actually claim Outworld but then surrender it to the Netherrealm.

As a side note, I think it would be cool that if Reiko were to gain control of Outworld, Rain would be a general, and he would make a deal that if he helped Mileena regain control that she'd free Edenia from Outworld. She might have more knowledge on how to do that than Reiko would, seeing as how Kahn did it and she's like his daughter..

Although both Outworld & Earthrealm are both fragile at the moment, I would be highly against any sort of alliance between the two. It's just too cliche.
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07/27/2011 06:28 PM (UTC)
Queen Mileena.

It just makes sense. Sure, she's a newborn in retkon kombat 9, but that doesn't mean she's stupid. I am sure she will be back to her intelligent, scheming, power-hungry self that we all love. Plus, since Kitana's no longer in the picture, we won't have to deal with that cliche sibling rivalry anymore!
She will have the unanimous support from the Tarkatan goon squad, and the Shokan will pledge their loyalty to her, since they were still loyal to Kahn and she is the rightful heir.

Seriously, anybody else ruling Outworld would be utterly ridiculous. (Watch, when MK10 comes out, they'll throw all that shit out of the window and Queen Mileena will just be some retard goon TT__TT)
07/27/2011 06:30 PM (UTC)
I REALLY don' think they will make Rain the King or ruler of Edenia. They didn't even like him enough to put him in the original game and now people think he is going to be one of the major players? I don't think so. I think Outworld will be in civil war with many different people fighting over the throne (as they were briefly in this game).
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07/27/2011 06:45 PM (UTC)
AcCooper20 Wrote:
I REALLY don' think they will make Rain the King or ruler of Edenia. They didn't even like him enough to put him in the original game and now people think he is going to be one of the major players? I don't think so. I think Outworld will be in civil war with many different people fighting over the throne (as they were briefly in this game).

I doubt they will make Rain ruler of Edenia,too, but I think he'll play a major role in it... unless they remember that he betrayed their asses. XD

Outworld probably will be in civil war, but I'm sure QUEEN MILEENA
will slap shit and end it. ^_____^
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07/27/2011 06:52 PM (UTC)
I'm hoping Outworld will cease to exist and Edenia will be freed.

But if someone must rise up to become Empress of Outworld, I think it should be Skarlet or Mileena.
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07/27/2011 06:55 PM (UTC)
ZenOboe Wrote:
I'm hoping Outworld will cease to exist and Edenia will be freed.

But if someone must rise up to become Empress of Outworld, I think it should be Skarlet or Mileena.

Well, in the last couple of games, Edenia was freed and Outworld still existed. So, no, Outworld will be Outworld, just... smaller.

Mileena/Skarlet... I like.
07/28/2011 08:28 PM (UTC)
I'd much prefer if Mileena just had Skarlet killed... Or, you know, ate her. Because fuck Skarlet. grin
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Thanks to xB$INx for the Kick-Ass Sig.

08/12/2011 03:17 PM (UTC)
He didn't make the original roster because his story isn't really important and will not impact anything in MK9... and yes he will be a main character in MK10, because he will be more involved this time around...
08/12/2011 09:01 PM (UTC)
Krayzie_Killin_Joker Wrote:
He didn't make the original roster because his story isn't really important and will not impact anything in MK9... and yes he will be a main character in MK10, because he will be more involved this time around...

And Hopefully he will come back with a cooler Design.
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08/13/2011 12:12 AM (UTC)
Rain isn't a UMK3 character, he's from MKT. The only reason he was added ebcause of fans thinking he should be in......


Mileena will probably rule Outworld. I can see the Shokan, Centaur and Tarkatans trying to gain her favor and end up weakening the realm more....
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