who would you like to see permanently die in the mk series?
posted12/04/2005 09:48 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/29/2004 05:56 PM (UTC)
i would personally like lui kang sub zero or scorpian die....*not permanantly but...just to take a LONG break. they should develope more stories and stuff about the new characters, and the nonstalgic ones. ala sareena,khameleon, shinnok ect. what do you think?grin
01/02/2005 09:42 PM (UTC)
by the way, please post WHY you would like them to die permanantly, OR to dissapear for a while..... and you can post HOW they should die or take a break.wowfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious
01/02/2005 10:23 PM (UTC)
I think Tanya should die. I don't think she has any validity in the series. She was an add-on character to replace Kitana and add "fresh blood" to MK4, which they felt didn't have enough new characters (good job with those...). Her story is boring, and there is really nothing original about her. I'm sure someone will try to argue this. Good luck.

Kano, though I like his character, must go. He is killed in every appearance he has, and always comes back with a more twisted and confusing story that doesn't really matter in the first place. The only reason he remains, that I can tell, is so that Sonya can have an arch-nemesis to fight. Boring and played out. If he comes back again, it should be the last time.

I also think the Sonya and Jax and the whole "Outworld Investigation Agency" think should be discarded. I don't think that Jax and Sonya should disappear permanently, but they have been in almost every MK game and have sucked more and more with each one, both in terms of story and playability. They should take a lengthy break and return with a different look and style about them.

I honestly wish that Liu Kang had stayed dead. He served his purpose in the series and would have made a good martyr and motivator for other characters in the series in future games. He was a good fighter in MK:D, but I still wish they hadn't chosen him to be in it.

Stryker, Meat, and Mokap should be removed as well. Why? Because they suck.

Cage, Jax, and SONYA..
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I am awesome.

01/02/2005 10:45 PM (UTC)
Nooobody!!! I hate Mokap, Cage, Stryker, but everyone can comeback and surprise us. Like Ermac did and Tanya. There is a rule in video games: Nobody really dies.
01/03/2005 12:14 AM (UTC)
I wish scorpion would DIE because he's been in too many MK games. DEATH TO SCORPION!furious
01/03/2005 02:05 AM (UTC)
Only one person - Shujinko!furious
Raiden's ending should be true.
01/03/2005 02:38 AM (UTC)
UltimoDragon Wrote:
I wish scorpion would DIE because he's been in too many MK games. DEATH TO SCORPION!furious
I think if scorpion goes, then so should sub-zero.
Scorpion stays furious

Kill off Jax, he's pointless
01/03/2005 02:41 AM (UTC)
17wpermacwp17 Wrote:
Only one person - Shujinko!furious
Raiden's ending should be true.
I LOVE Shujinko. What better character is there then someone who has the combinded moves of Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Liu Kang, Kenshi/Ermac, & (forgot who's move is the kick thing.)
01/03/2005 03:00 AM (UTC)
Liu Kang:

His story is the same thing all the time.I thought it was a great idea when they killed him off in MKDA.
01/03/2005 03:42 AM (UTC)
Liu kang, although he's a cool fighter I think it's time for Kung lao to take a very huge step and becomes the new champion of mk. Shujinko died his first appearance in the game, Rayden is sick. Very smart move Midway.
01/03/2005 04:30 AM (UTC)
I would like to see Jax permanently die in the Mortal Kombat series. I think it would make the story seem more intriguing. I would like to see Kano finish off Jax to spark the rivalry between him and Sonya yet again.

I would like to see Jax die in this way. Jax would be on the hunt for any Red Dragon and Black Dragon clan members. Both Sonya and Jax believe that Kano is once again dead, but the mercenary thug would use this hoax to his advantage. Kano would leave an anonymous tip for Sonya to trace, however things did not go to plan and Jax instead went out on a mission to trace this tip. Kano decieved Jax into believing that the Red Dragon are shipping Earthrealm weapons into Outworld and that was it. Jax wanted to provide evidence so that he could report back to Special Forces and plan a campaign to sabotage the Red Dragon's plans. Unfortunatley Jax was ambushed by Kano and his men and Jax fought hard but his efforts were in vain. Kano himself killed Jax with his trademark bowie knife and left the knife in Jax so that Sonya would know that Kano is back.
01/03/2005 04:43 AM (UTC)
Hsu Tso or however u spell it.

Long live Kitana, can't wait to have her back in MK:7 (hopefully)
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01/03/2005 09:12 AM (UTC)
Blade-Tsung Wrote:

Long live Kitana, can't wait to have her back in MK:7 (hopefully)

hell yeah blade!!!!!!!!

sonya and jinko should be killed off for good!!

some 1 from the 1st game should die!! let it please be sonya..
01/03/2005 10:10 AM (UTC)



Well Quan Chi even though he a sourcecor and with Shang Tsung they have the MK tournament and a great team Yadda Yadda Yadda Quan Chi really is an add-on character , i feel he was brought in so Shang Tsung Wouldnt be the only sourcecor , cuz there is more than one Ninja , More than One ruler , More than One Cop , More than One everything....But if he shouldve go then wouldnt make everything more intereseting.....thats how i feel

Also these bitches should go


[bold]SHUJINKO (YOU SUCK SO MUCH , sorry midway)
Girl Who fought Ermac in the Neitherrealm , I dont like her Period
SINDEL (gone for a game , i think her role been improtant enough)


[size=10]NOW READ THIS [/size]

Striker shouldnt Go , his is a nostalgia character ,
Sonya shouldnt go either , she serves an important role too , If she goes three characters leaves too
Jax should Go ehh for One game

Peace , Holla Back glasses
01/03/2005 10:23 AM (UTC)
Kobra- He played his small role and now should be gone.
Liu Kang- They should of waited to bring him back as a zombie for MK7 to surprise people. Now he should just be gone for good. He's done.
Shujinko- Raiden's ending and the fact that he just have a bunch of other fighter's moves and not his own.
Goro- His body has been cremated for Christ's sake!
Sheeva- See Kobra.
Hsu Hao and Mavado- Time for a new Red Dragon member.
Tanya- I hate her. Worst character ever.
01/03/2005 12:22 PM (UTC)
Sub Zero - I hate this guy and he's been in almost every guy there is nothing more you can do to keep him appealing to users.

Kano - The most boring MK Character ever.

Havik - I hope we never see this guy again.
01/03/2005 12:32 PM (UTC)
I dont want anyone to permanetly die but who should sit out a few are -

Scorpion - So over-rated, or he could sit out then its exciting to see him again in like MK9.

Shujinko - Read all the other posts.

Sonya, Jax, Cyrax, Kenshi - All the fact their story is getting boring. Would hate to see Sonya permanetly die though.

Kung Lao should die but another Shaolin should be introduced. Liu Kang can be at rest aswel.

Darrius - Looks shit, stories shit. Hes shit.

Quan Chi - I perfer Shang.

Hsu Hao, Mavado, Drahmin, Moloch - I dunno i never liked most of Deadly Alliance's new characters.

Thats all i can think of for now.

01/03/2005 12:35 PM (UTC)
I think Sub Zero should go, but go in a dramatic way since he has been in MK for ages. Maybe the intro movie to the next MK should have him die fighting Liu Kang, killing the zombie in the process.

Jax and Sonya should leave for a while, then Sonya should come back with a new image after Jax dies, and with an apprentice who she is training to take revenge on the person who killed Jax (maybe Scorpion).
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01/03/2005 09:39 PM (UTC)
theese are characters who should retire in the further games:

Jax-he was the muscleman of the series and altogether a great guy. God attitude, good moves great playability (I could wreack havoc with him in any MK) but he hasn't got enough motivation for further MKs. Let him retire. he's around 40 damnit. He deserves a rest.

Kitana: i dunno. Infact that she is the girl of MK next to Sonya, I would not cry if she was to be gone. Reinvent her with a new look -more oriental. Damn, I hated her looks after MK2. Only there she had a proper eastern feeling. The others sucked hard, maybe except MKDA.

characters that should be reinvented:

Shujinko: This guy has a lots of problems, but I think a complete makeo-ver and adding original moves to him beside the copycat concept would greatly improve him. Also make him more serious, like: he's getting over the everyone's fool thing, and taking on a more serious and harder look and attitude. A Shujinko recreated dramatically would certainly renew the MK saga. WEe don't have any Pai Mei like old fighters.

-I will post soon a concept of a newer Shujinko in time-

Bo' Rai Cho: same as Shujinko, altough he can have a rest for the MK7 game. Nothing personlally, I love the guy but is him, who needs to be made more serious.

Scorpion needs a little more explanation. He was really mysterious and cloudy in MKD. Nothing has been explained truly about him. Sub-Zero also needs to be explained. His story realy got screwed up in MKD.

Dairou is the same. A samurai loko alike character: better looks, better evolved story, better special moves. Altogether okay, but needs some extra edge, should hebe in the next MK.

characters who should stay dead:

Liu Kang just got boring. The zombie idea was good to bing him back as the last unlockable character, but living again is simply annoying. We had enough of turkey-jet-kicks and gobble-rapid-bycicle kicks.

Darrius should be in the next MK to get killed by Dairou. That would be awesome.

Tanya, and characters from MK3/trilogy/MK4 should be left to rot. Except Quan Chi, who would make a super character again. But please, expand his specials list. Shang Tsung should come back, but with a different story than vengeance and immortaility gaining, powerthirst, world domination. He has one of the best potentials in the MK saga.

01/03/2005 10:12 PM (UTC)
Stop hatin on Scorpion He is the best in the game I think that Sonya, Jax, Shang Tsung, and Quan Chi should die because they are no very popular and they can't fighttongue
01/03/2005 10:41 PM (UTC)
Lol well it would probably be easier asking me who I would keep...If I was ever in charge of MK, then there would be a major culling lol. Well, if it were up to me, I'd Kill off:

Sonya, Scorpion, Kano, Jax, and Cyrax. Purely because I think their stories are too repetitive and boring and I personally dont like them.

I would also kill off Raiden. He has been around too long and this whole evil thing is just lame.

Baraka....again for storyline reasons. He hasnt changed much at all since he appeared in MK2. Plus I want Kitana to stick around and keep her rivalry with Mileena (but Mileena story needs a drastci makeover and not just 'I hate Kitana' all the time) and I think Mileena or Kitana should kill him.

Noob Saibot. One of the worst character ever IMO. he has had no real reason to be here and now he is Sub Zero all of a sudden. NOt sure how that would pan out, but he has so far been a rip off of Scorpion and then in MK:D a rip off of Reiko...who should be back btw lol.

I would also keep Liu Kang dead.

Hotaru didnt impress me in MK:D so he should go too,.

Kira because she is jsut a clone made up of Sonya and Kano...both of whom I dont like, and Kobra was a bit overhyped so he needs to go too.

If they dont give Quan Chi a make over, then he needs to go too. I know all the bosses etc want to take over earth etc, but I think QuanCHi needs something else to focus on in his story. If not, Kill him too.

Goro.........how many times has he supposedly died now.

Also, Mavado and Jarek shouldnt come back. I dont like them as Jarek was a Kano rip off, and the Black Dragon/Red Dragon thing doesnt go down well with me either. People keep killing off the last remaining members, yet new ones keep coming out of the woodwork. Bit boring and repetitive. One should just take over and that end the whole saga.

I told u Id be a bit brutal. (Hmmmmmm, now, how to kill them. Painfully I think!!!!)
11/29/2005 01:00 AM (UTC)
djwoodford said: Kung Lao should die but another Shaolin should be introduced. Liu Kang can be at rest aswel.

kai from mk 4 can return, he was shoalin monk

and for someone to permanently die.....Bo Rai Cho and Li mei
Please refrain from bumping threads of this age.

11/29/2005 01:31 AM (UTC)
11/29/2005 08:44 AM (UTC)
Heres my list

1. Liu Kang - Shoulve stayed dead, Its makes the Deadly Aliance Intro feel meaning less.

2. Stryker - Sorry, but he shouldve died at the end of Mortal Kombat 3

3. Mokap

4. Kai - He should die!
Kai: I don't want to be a monk anymore, i want be a whiny little girl and run home to mommy. Why the hell did Raiden give this loser his Lighting Staff?

5. Fujin - The WHOLE time the deadly alliance was active, he did nothing!!! Even in Deception, Raiden had to fight the Deadly Alliance alone. Last hope my @$$! Fujin should die for this!

6. Sheeva - I have nothing against her! Its just, that she is sooo butt ugly!

7. Hsu Hao

8. Jarek - To think he could replace Kano! He sux!

9. Shinnok - He was retard in MK4

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