Who Would win if sub zero and scorpin came in a sudden death match
posted11/02/2005 01:12 AM (UTC)by
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10/05/2005 09:54 PM (UTC)
I think sub zero because he would literly crush scorpinfuriousfurious
10/07/2005 06:25 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero because Scorpion has died so many times already its sad.

Before Mk1, killed by the older Sub-Zero. (died).

Sent to hell in Mk2 (defeated).
Sent to hell in Mk3 (defeated).
Sent to hell in Mk4 (defeated).

Killed during the first events of MKDA by Quan Chi (dead pool fatality in Tsungs house)

Killed again in MKDA (Moloch and Drahmin) seen as how his ending happened in MKD, his body was destroyed, went to heaven, and now helps the elder gods.
10/07/2005 07:15 PM (UTC)
I feel that Scorpion may win in a fight with Sub-Zero. Scorpion is blessed with new abilities from the Elder Gods. There is many possibilities in a battle between Scorpion and Sub-Zero, to me Scorpion seems like a much more powerful character than Sub-Zero.

Sub-Zero is one of Earth's strongest warriors, but I see him inferior compared to a character who has fighting experience learned from Earthrealm, Netherealm, and The Heavens all under his belt. Scorpion is an undead character so he would enter each battle with no concerns where I feel Sub-Zero would have many things on his mind concerning his life and well being.

I don't feel that Scorpion should enter a battle against Sub-Zero where it would come down to a sudden death. I don't believe both characters would ever reach that point considering the events that are taking place in the story as of now.

Scorpion has duties that he now fufills on behalf of the Elder Gods, a warrior from Earthrealm that has nothing to do with his mission should be the least of his concerns, Scorpion would have bigger fish to fry.

Sub-Zero's head is wanted by many enemies. Sektor being a good example along with the Red Dragon. Sub-Zero must also learn the truth of his brother who is Noob Saibot. Sub-Zero would not deal with Scorpion untill he has dealt with these many threats. You must also consider his new discovery in Outworld when he buried Frost. Sub-Zero is obtaining more power and skill , which I think would make him probably the most powerful warrior in all of Earthrealm that is mortal.

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10/11/2005 02:49 AM (UTC)
not again..........

who ever you like your gonna pick. Your question will never be abswered. Plus sub zero didn't die more than once.
10/11/2005 05:03 AM (UTC)
My vote is Scorpion. After all, its kinda hard to kill someone in a death match who is already dead.

Besides, where has Scorpion been defeated in a honest fight? The only time I can thing of is during MK: Mythologies. I could be wrong...a little brain dead right now. It's been a loooooong day.
10/11/2005 09:48 AM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
Sub-Zero because Scorpion has died so many times already its sad.

Before Mk1, killed by the older Sub-Zero. (died).

Sent to hell in Mk2 (defeated).
Sent to hell in Mk3 (defeated).
Sent to hell in Mk4 (defeated).

Killed during the first events of MKDA by Quan Chi (dead pool fatality in Tsungs house)

Killed again in MKDA (Moloch and Drahmin) seen as how his ending happened in MKD, his body was destroyed, went to heaven, and now helps the elder gods.

Scorpion has only "Died" trice. He was originally a powerless human who was murdered by the Elder Sub-Zero, A man who could defeat Gods.

Scorpion killed the Elder Sub-Zero in a fair fight. And like I said, Someone who could defeat Gods.

In Mortal Kombat 2, Scorpion returned when he heard of Sub-Zero being in the tournament. He realized that it wasn't the original Sub-Zero, And went back to Hell under his own accord.

MK3, Shao Kahn failed in stealing the souls from Hell, And accidently allowed Scorpion to escape. There he remained until MK4.

MK4, Shinnok and Quan Chi rallied Scorpion to join them. Along side them, Scorpion killed Gods. Scorpion then defeated the Younger Sub-Zero. With his plans completed, Quan Chi attempted to send Scorpion into a portal to Hell, But Scorpion dragged Quan Chi with him.

MK5. Quan Chi escaped and Scorpion followed him. Quan Chi cheated in their fight and knocked Scorpion into the Acid Bath. Shang Tsung mentioned himself that Quan Chi could have never defeated Scorpion in any other circumstance. Drahmin & Moloch did indeed throw Scorpion into Heaven.

Anyway, Scorpion has had the same number of power increases as the Younger Sub-Zero, And neither Sub-Zero were able to defeat Scorpion after he became a Spectre. In MK6, Sub-Zero's life was in danger while fighting the Tarkatan hordes and was almost killed by Hotaru. Scorpion echoed his way through the Tarkatan hordes and ripped through Onaga with his bare hands, A creature that not even the combined might of Raiden, Shang Tsung or Quan Chi could best. So Scorpion Wins... Flawless Victory.
10/11/2005 03:09 PM (UTC)
Khameleon, would win.
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10/12/2005 01:48 AM (UTC)
Very good point Gravedigger.

Even without your post i still would've put scorpion, cuz he is already dead, so it wouldn't be a fair "death" match.

Most people think cuz it showed scorp gettin' his ass whuped in mksm means that he is no longer the ninja he once was. The way i see it, everybody has their ups and downs. But now that Scorpion is now almost a god, and sub did have trouble defeating tarkatan warriors, scorpion would melt subzero, no doubt about it, but like the other dude said, why would he even waist his time dealing with an insignifacant pest like subby? Scorpion is the best after Deception, no doubt about it, if his ending does come true, he's even better than shujink*ho*cough*.

hmmm, new slang, ninganster. shuper cool.grin
10/12/2005 03:27 AM (UTC)
i have to say sub zero he have more power now and scorpion is"the champion of the elder gods"I dont think that we dont now if that ending is true,but to remember sub zero win do you imagine sub zero sitting in a throne in a palace or somethin like because the way boon is dressing him it look like it will be sooner or later tha sub zero becomes ruler of
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10/12/2005 03:41 AM (UTC)
I don't remember a Scorpin, so probably Sub Zero.
10/12/2005 04:11 PM (UTC)
it wpould be a close one. but i have3 to say sub-zerofurious
10/12/2005 04:33 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero will win.
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10/18/2005 02:16 AM (UTC)
Scorpion would win cause he has betten Sub-Zero before and hotaru almost killed sub if it were Scorpion he would have betten and killed hotaru
10/19/2005 11:33 AM (UTC)
i would say scorpion, since he is most probobly the CHAMPION of the elder gods, and thus the most powerful warrior alive. he does anything to reach a goal, with nothing holding him back, while subby here has friends and his newfound heritige to worry about. it would be quick and painless.
but, he wouldnt kill him since (im suprised nobody brought this up) he vowed to protect him after giving him his scar in mk2.
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10/20/2005 12:59 AM (UTC)
Rain would beat Noob Saibot
10/28/2005 04:29 PM (UTC)
Scorpion and sub-zero would draw because scorpion is the champion of the elder gods and he has all this rage inside him until he kills quan chi (amen) and Sub-zero is Lin kuei grand master with his medallion and he gets stronger when he discovers his true heritage and his ninja clothes talk to him and he could be something big in mortal kombat 7

so its a draw
10/28/2005 04:44 PM (UTC)
This message is for sonic ....................no man! Pay attention to the ending... Hotaru used a suprise attack to blind sub-zero temporarily. if sub-zero saw him coming he would rip his spine out and eat hotaru for christmas(just an expression) or just beat the shit out of that non worthy piece of shit. Hotaru is just a puddle of molten shit.
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10/28/2005 07:00 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero battled Hotaru twice if Kenshi's ending is canon. So what you just said is yet hypothethical.

Kenshi encountered a batle damaged and charred Sub-Zero. Hotaru can be a match for Sub-Zero in any situation IMO (thanks for the flag-man Mid-way). other than that, who cares about that? Like if Sub-Zero were a stra-ightforward fighter, haha yes sure..assassins always step out front.

Anyways, if my hypothesis is well calculated than Scorpion isn't much ahead of the whole roster, even as a champion. If Quan Chi and Shang Tsung can hold (not necessarily win unless with combined might) against Raiden, than it is well possible that Sub-Zero and Hotaru (who is a war hero if you read the 3rd person bio's) aren't much behind.

Aside from that, in real combat, learned stuff is nothing, only situation and condition counts. i have personal experience of that during my field trai-ning.
11/01/2005 03:58 AM (UTC)
scorpion would win hands down because hes my favorite character and that would make him win because that would make him super duper cool and stuff!!!!!!

I think he would win because of the fact that he is already dead, and has much more experience than many of the other kombatants do. Not to mention his newly acquired status as the champion of the elder gods. Noone can hold a candle to scorpion except the gods themselves.
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11/01/2005 09:00 AM (UTC)
supertim1 Wrote:
scorpion would win hands down because hes my favorite character and that would make him win because that would make him super duper cool and stuff!!!!!!

I think he would win because of the fact that he is already dead, and has much more experience than many of the other kombatants do. Not to mention his newly acquired status as the champion of the elder gods. Noone can hold a candle to scorpion except the gods themselves.

Heh-heh, that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Scorpion alive and dead like for 40 years? Goro is 2000 years old. Shang Tsung has existed long before Liu kang and Kung Lao were ever planned by their parents. We don't know anything about the lifespan of seidans, chaosrealmers, Edeni-ans live waaayy too long, ...point is, Scorpions and Sub-Zeros experience pales in comparison to most fighters.

Another thing, being champion of the elder gods doesn't necessarily mean he is enpowered by them. Who thought that up? Scorpion is rebuilt yes, but not that much stronger (and why make a liability out of Scorpion).

Scorpion can be ass handled by anyone. Every single being, even a rock has the potential to kill, and Scorpion is already prone to fail.

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11/02/2005 01:12 AM (UTC)
I pick SCORPIN cuz he died so many times but he is IMMORTAL not a live, SUB-ZERO is like a human and can only die once, just a figer of speech there sence he died many times too, NO ONE WILL WIN A SUDDEN DEATH MATCH.
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