who thinks in the next mortal kombat they should go back to the origanal fighting platform and back to the origanal story
posted11/19/2005 06:06 AM (UTC)by
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06/30/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
u know i love shoulin monks but mk needs to go back aways you know what i mean
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10/25/2005 07:45 PM (UTC)
No, the future generation will not be interested in 2D fighters, since 3D is nothing hard to pull off. It's more realistic, less confusing, more flashy and natural. MK needs to leave the 2D completely, and focus on making a 3D game worthy of being a good fighter without gimmicks and cheesefests.

About the general thing: yes, MK needs a bit of the old, tournament style back with a more traditional kung fu film setting, but with an elaborate plotline. Crouching Tiger Hodden dragon with dark fantasy gore? Perhaps.

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"I have heard it said that it is better to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Do you know what I mean?"

10/25/2005 08:22 PM (UTC)
I prefer the changes that were made starting with MK3. Before then Mortal Kombat followed rules via tournaments which was kinda boring. The no holds barred style that the storyline has taken (Starting with the illegal way Shao Kahn tries to take over earth) gives the series more options in terms of character development, environments, and the like.
10/25/2005 10:30 PM (UTC)
Well the cheese gimmicks thing is up for debate, i mean i play Deception online for the xbox and different players have different interpretations of cheesy, some think that if you use a special move 4 times in one match that thats considered cheesy so to speak which is not cheesy in reality.

Now glitches are another story, glitches that can be abused are beyod cheesy, they're unfair, because a lot of them you can't get out of depending on the character and the glitch.(Infinites)

Cheesy to some is a word to hide behind whenever they lose it seems to me.

I mean, if you play Tekken, SC, VF, DOA they too have moves that you can do over and over and over again.Are they cheesy?No, annoying yes, but hey if it's part of the game and 100% blockable there's no need for excuses if you should lose.

Remember SFII, Ryu's Hadoken over and over and over again.Cheesy?

I mean UMK3 for example i used to play and live there in the arcades and when i would beat someone, they would mumble to themselves oohhh man that shits cheesy.Meanwhile i'm doing the clone a lot or Kabals spin and i'm getting accussed of cheating/cheesy.No thats not cheesy thats part of the game.

I play online all the time i hear all kinds of dumb things that they think are considered "Cheesy" You sweeped me 5 times, you threw me 4 times thats cheesy, no thats part of the game, if it's too much for them they shouldn't play period.

Thats how i see it. Now as for the question, i believe that MK should advance but at the same time remain MKish, you know darkest fighter, gory, bloodier, more brutal and make the fatalities/Hara Karis look as authentic as possible.
10/26/2005 12:14 AM (UTC)
Video gamers like you suck. I hate when someone repeats the same moves over and over. Have some creativity, originality, something that doesn't send the message that you're intentionally trying to piss the other player off. It's cheesy. smile
If MK had more options game play wise ( a lot more moves), he wouldn't have to repeat moves (as often).

Still though, even if you have a ton of moves, you always end up having to repeat some of them. It's just how the games work. If a move is useful, you use it more often than one which is not as useful.

So if you have more moves, probably more of them will be useful.

If someone is really trying to win a match, they aren't always going to be doing all kinds of different moves to make the match look more entertaining.

It's like in a real boxing match, someone who does a lot of jabs and blocking is going to connect a lot more than a guy who is going for knock out punches.

The guy doing the wild punches is more fun to watch, but the guy doing the jabs over and over usually wins.
10/26/2005 02:44 AM (UTC)
If you mean reverting back to the 2D versions of MK, the answer is I like you're idea, but no.
3D is just too flash and appealing. I think the fans agree with me that they want to see some awesome graphics.

As for the storyline....I agree. I mean, think about it, bringing back Shang Tsung, Sonya, and even Quan Chi and Shinnokz (even though he has been bannished to the Netherrealm forever after his loss in MK4) would be a great way of retelling old storylines in the new content and theme of things.

As far as pure storyline is concerned, they could always make future MKSM style games in the future, especially covering characters in MK3 and MK4.smile
10/26/2005 04:01 PM (UTC)
what you think about a mix of 2d and 3d? like you got digital chars like in Mk 1,2 and 3 but with next generation power? the classic MK ́s(1,2,3) are unique because they ́re realistic and brutal. Midway should think about this and go back oldschool wink i can ́t imagine ultra realistic and gory, like fans love. Think about it, why did you play Mk back in the days? its easy: it was the only game where you could finish your enemy ánd see blood squirting around
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10/26/2005 07:12 PM (UTC)
Usiong duigitized actors is obsolete, and the concept of bloody brutal game again? Weak. MK is by no mean the goriest and darkest fighting game out there, but it could be hopefully.

I think they should move away from the classic witghout-mind type of fighter game concept as much as possible, Soul Calibur 3 and Tekken own MK in every aspect, save or character design.
10/27/2005 09:59 PM (UTC)
Rokker Rocks dude, sorry can't remember your name, no offense man but thats a whiny attutude, sounds like a sore loser type to me man.If you can't hang with the how fighters are played, then don't play man.So, what if i do three sweeps in a row man?I'm not cheating.

Now, chrome, your statement about SC and Tekken owning MK is a matter of opinion.I have won matches in SC by mere button mashing, it's easy man.And Tekken has a sweet fighting engine, but what else?There's more to a fighting game then just the engine imo.Characters, story, variety of modes, online play etc.

At least MK has the chain combos that require some memorization, i mean i know some players hate that, but hey it's a challenge.

And MK is the darkest fighter, i have played all the fighters, nothing touches it.SC=seems like it's wants to be similiar to DOA in some aspects, DOA and SC are way lighter games, so is SF and Tekken.

If anything i would say that Killer Instinct is second to MK from a dark point of view then the other fighters.Considering that it took a few pointers from MK and SF as well.

Also, i believe every single one of these fighting games have something good to bring to the table, only MK and SF are legendary fighters and always will be!
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10/27/2005 10:28 PM (UTC)
"Now, chrome, your statement about SC and Tekken owning MK is a matter of opinion."

It's not. How long you'll keep up with this?


"I have won matches in SC by mere button mashing, it's easy man. And Tekken has a sweet fighting engine, but what else?There's more to a fighting game then just the engine imo.Characters, story, variety of modes, online play etc."

Unobjective and completely useless experience. Every fighter has a chance to win by button smashing. I can cancel any, I repeat ANY smasher attack in SC2 even if I play it only umm...2 months. Story, play modes and online play is IRRELEVANT if the GAME FAILS at core and BASIC levels. It's like watching Uwe Boil's movies, and watching an upgraded edition of Uwe;s movies. Better coverage to the same shit butchery of direcors work.


"At least MK has the chain combos that require some memorization, I mean I know some players hate that, but hey it's a challenge."

memorization is another bad part, even with KI the combo chains were criticised and were already an obsolete thing. Strings are alot better. And MK has by no means a challenging gameplay, OR anything hard to memo-rise. Anyone can remember a sequence with 4 different buttons no matter the lenght if it's under 10 cm's of length as a line.


"And MK is the darkest fighter, i have played all the fighters, nothing touches it. SC=seems like it's wants to be similiar to DOA in some aspects, DOA and SC are way lighter games, so is SF and Tekken."

Your opinion is worthless in a debate. it's completely subjective based on personal experiences and feedback. Nothing even close to a material proof.


If anything I would say that Killer Instinct is second to MK from a dark point of view then the other fighters. Considering that it took a few pointers from MK and SF as well."

Long Life, Bio Freaks, Thrill Kill, unproduced Pop Scars own MK and KI in darkness. Especially Thrill Kill where you don't have cheezefest characters and dumb executions. It is not subjective in this case, becouse the visuals can be easily proved with rusticismal deconstructional analysis.


"Also, i believe every single one of these fighting games have something good to bring to the table, only MK and SF are legendary fighters and always will be!"

MK is nowhere legendary, it is a known name in the US, but the Japanese resented it becouse of it's ethic and meaningless violence. Come to think of it, MK was never ment to be more than that during MK1 and MK2.
10/30/2005 08:48 PM (UTC)
no! i dont mean going back to 2d i mean go back to defending earth from shang tsung or shao kahnsleep
11/03/2005 04:30 PM (UTC)
you know like the origanal games have it go back to arcadessleepedit; what do you guys think
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11/05/2005 02:22 AM (UTC)
What he means is, he wants to continue the story from where they ended it when Onaga died. Not like in Shaolin Monks where the story was about MK2.

Well, MK7 IS going to continue the story from after the death of Onaga.
11/05/2005 02:52 AM (UTC)
I don't think Onaga's death has been prooven yet...smile
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11/05/2005 05:42 AM (UTC)
Chrome wrote:

"No, the future generation will not be interested in 2D fighters, since 3D is nothing hard to pull off. It's more realistic, less confusing, more flashy and natural. MK needs to leave the 2D completely, and focus on making a 3D game worthy of being a good fighter without gimmicks and cheesefests.

About the general thing: yes, MK needs a bit of the old, tournament style back with a more traditional kung fu film setting, but with an elaborate plotline. Crouching Tiger Hodden dragon with dark fantasy gore? Perhaps."

I couldn't have said it better myself. Although I'd go for something along the lines of Enter the Dragon, but I know that's where MK started for MK1 basically. The 2D era is over. Except for some high quality Castlevania games on DS etc, there are very few 2D games left. Even in the fighting game arena, you have 2D fighters, but they're either compilations, remakes, or other such things that make the games feel dated.

I have said in the past and still believe now that MK can be done well in a 3D setting, special moves, backgrounds, gore etc included. The MK team just hasn't done it quite right yet. They need to make the characters deeper and more unique to one another. Those two things would go a long way in reducing "cheese." Reducing glitches is another huge task the MK team REALLY needs to work at this time around. I would also argue for better graphics, but we'll see what they can do on the next gen platforms. Hopefully the plastic look will be gone forever.

As far as cheese goes, if you can do a move, and a person blocks it, then it's not cheese. If I can get a ringout on you with Cervantes in about a million different ways and that's what how I feel like playing, then that's what I'll do. If I see that a player doesn't know how to time their block on a move, then I'll use it a few times in a row to keep them disoriented. Yeah, I get the "cheese comment" as well sometimes, but to me it's part of strategy and winning. Sometimes I try to frustrate people, sometimes I try to be "cheap" in order to get under their skin. Other times I play it straight and simply try to out maneuver, block and think one step ahead. Sometimes it's both at the same time. It's about winning, and since no one likes losing, 70% of the time the loser, if he/she cares at all, will always come up with some excuse as to why they should've won or why you're not as good as the previous match would lead someone to believe. So by that logic, I'll add some cheese every now and then to keep people off guard if I can, if not, I use other strategies. Since alot of times they'll complain either way, I might as well give them a gripe that they can actually believe is legitimate, even if it's not. grin
11/05/2005 02:29 PM (UTC)
I don't know if anyone has noticed this but if you look back to Mk4/Gold excluding the PS, PC & N64 versions, I'm talking arcade and Dreamcast the character models are very impressive especially for their age. When making the characters for MK4/Gold they used real people, actors, took photographs and mapped them on to their 3d models. The Result: Fairly life-like characters. No wonky facial expressions like in MKDA & MKD. No plastic-like skin. The textures kept the utra-photorealistic look MK was famous for. Now if they could do that nowadays with modern technology the characters could look awesome. If you look at Mk4 on the PC, PS & N64 the fighters look crap but with improved 3d models AND realistic texture maps they look fantastic! The only problem with MK4 was it's animation. That is were next gen MK has excelled. It's animation is much more realistic, movements are far better than MK4. I don't think MK should go back to 2D, but it should look back over it's history for reference to make it better, particularly MKG. E.G: MKGOLD: MKDA: Yes the renders are very simplistic in MKGold, but at least they look a hell of lot less cartoony. The quality of textures has improved but they still don't seem as believable. It's mainly the faces and skin that don't look right in MKDA & MKD. Anyway this is just my opinion. I know many probably won't agree with me.
11/05/2005 06:50 PM (UTC)
listen im saying to bring mk back into arcades it can still be on home systems when i go into my local pizza resteraunt i see mk3 wouldnt you love to see mk7 in your resterauntconfused
11/13/2005 09:24 PM (UTC)
ehh anyone come on mk7 in arcades my dream how about you guys
11/19/2005 01:48 AM (UTC)
ok i guess you dont like it but i do i have a dream and if you dont like it get out of my thread tonguefuriouswowconfusedgrinwinksmilesleepglassessad
11/19/2005 04:47 AM (UTC)
Keith that model of the mk4 character looks awesome. I think that they might even be able to make it better than that and that would produce a great looking game. Holy crap and as you have pointed out it would also add the animations mk4 was lacking and that would look so good. And it would give me a little of a feel of the old games with the digitization that was going on on the first 4 mk's.
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11/19/2005 06:06 AM (UTC)
You bumped your thread too many times, coltess. You just never seem to learn... If I see you do this again, I'm just going to ban you.
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