Who should the staring characters in MK9 be?
posted05/19/2010 11:35 PM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
Obviously we don't know the plot of the next MK game yet, but even without the knowledge of new characters and how they'll fit in, it's pretty obvious to any MK fan that at least SOME of the past MK characters will be returning for another go at it.

But who do you think should have the starring roles? The center plotline? Should Liu Kang return as a non-zombified champion of MK to face off against the big bad evil? Or is it now Kung Lao's time to shine? How about Kai?

Should this be the game that Sub Zero becomes the main hero, taking over for the Shaolin/White Lotus Society? Should this be the game that Kano steps out from behind the coat tails of the powerful and becomes a major antagonist in his own right?

I'm curious to see who you think has the most potential both storywise and gameplay wise (as well as the right look or potential for the right look), to either carry the ball in terms of the main story thread of good vs evil (on either side) or at least greatly expand on what they've been to become a major part of the plot or MK in general.

Maybe you think that Stryker could use another reboot and has the potential for glory? Perhaps you think that it's time Sektor's Tekunin clan becomes a legit threat? Or Rayden finally goes full on evil and becomes the big bad guy? Or that Noob will lead the Netherealm in a revolt against Earthrealm?

Who do you see as having the most potential on either side to be the main characters of the next MK game?
05/17/2010 10:29 PM (UTC)
I'd prefer it if there isn't anything overt...at least first. Something more like MK1 where you just had a bunch of characters and any one of them could be the "star."

Depending on who returns, focal protagonists in each sub-plot would be:
- Sub-Zero
- Kitana
- Shang Tsung or Kung Lao (maybe)
- Mileena
- Ermac or Li Mei
- Sareena
- Scorpion

Might seem a little crowded, but they lead their own sub-plots that, depending on how the overall story goes, eventually converge over a central spine. Some will end up more important or more prominant than others.

Should also take new characters into consideration and allow them room to expand into major roles. Not force them, like they did with Shujinko and Taven. But don't let them get swallowed in the shadows of the established characters.

As for antagonists....again, depending on who returns:
- Raiden
- Hotaru or Sektor (for Sub-Zero)
- Tanya (for Mileena)
- someone for Sareena (Drahmin or Ashrah or Noob Saibot or Nitara)

Anyone else gets new opponents.
Adam Ronin
05/17/2010 11:26 PM (UTC)
Boon's eyebrows should be the protagonist. wink
05/17/2010 11:55 PM (UTC)
I had one very nice interview where they confirmed to me that Sonya was once again playing a lead role like she did in MKvsDC.

As for my personal opinion, the main staring characters in the overall plot should be (and this is assuming they make the final cut):

Scorpion (if improved)
Hotaru or Havik (or maybe even both)
Johnny cage (come on, with that amazing MKA bio he definitely deserves one final shot)
Quan Chi (he is most likely back, so, I hope they do it good)

A bit crowded, but, they can definitely make it work. We don't just need 3 main characters. They did it pretty well in MKvsDC after all.
05/18/2010 12:08 AM (UTC)
1. shinnok - recruiting new fighters to help his schemes.
2. raiden - recruiting new fighters to help earthrealm.
3. quan chi - doing his own thing.
4. fujin - new protector of earthrealm.
5. scorpion - searching for quan chi.
6. reptile - doing his own thing.
7.noob saibot - doing his own thing
8.stryker - being raidens right hand man and leader for earthrealm.
9.sub zero - helping out with earthrealm and doing his own thing.
10 .kitana - leading forces for edania.
11.baraka - doing his own thing.
12 cyrax. - helping the special forces out and becomes the new leader for the special forces.
13. new character - helping earthrealm.
14. new character - evil plan for her own reasons.
15. new character - helping earthrealm.
16. new boss - elmental character that can use all elments.
17. new sub boss - quick female character that has a mysterious past.
18 new hidden character - new female fighter.

the new characters will be the main focus of the series while the main mk fighters support the new fighters to bring what is to come for the franchise of mk. there will be 6 rows of 3 characters to make up the character select screen.

hope you enjoyed and feel free to post your opinons of the characters i selected to come back and the roles i think they should play. just curious what characters the fans want back and for what reasons.
05/18/2010 04:24 PM (UTC)
I'd prefer it to be something like in Soul Calibur series where all characters or at least most of them are equally important and from game to game those more important roles shift between characters so everyone gets their chance to shine.

Anyway, here's my list:


- Fujin & Kung Lao: Fujin as the official protector of Earthrealm with Kung Lao something like his general

- Nightwolf & Kai: also playing an important role in Earth's protection, but having some issues with Fujin & Kung Lao

- Sub-Zero: doing his own thing, that's why he's so cool (I wouldn't like to see him taking Liu's place, I like him as he is, doing his own stuff)

- Kitana: like Sub-Zero, doing her own thing & becoming more cold blooded, still a good character though

- Ermac: being a thorn in the eyes of the evil guys in Outworld (hopefully they don't change a thing about his MKD primary costume 'cause that was perfection)


- Shinnok: was brilliant in Armageddon, hopefully he comes back and manipulates some more

- Noob Saibot: doing his own stuff and maybe accidentally crossing path with someone else

- Sektor: evolving the Tekunin into a massive force, one that will screw up the plans of everyone else (good or bad)

- Reiko: working his way on emerging as the main force in Outworld in the post-Kahn era


- Ashrah & Nitara: continuing their rivalry

- Raiden: doing his own stuff, being very mysterious

... ... ...

So, that's 14 returning characters, I'd have a few more to return and a maximum of 5-6 new characters (quality over quantity) for a total roster of approximately 25 characters.
05/18/2010 05:25 PM (UTC)
Going with my MK9 story idea. Which I want the icons to comeback, and have the good guys and bad guys join forces to defeat a new invasive force.

Lui Kang(Not a Zomie)
Shang Tsung



Johnny Cage



New Villain
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Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
05/18/2010 05:32 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I'd prefer it if there isn't anything overt...at least first. Something more like MK1 where you just had a bunch of characters and any one of them could be the "star."

I agree with this. It'd be nice to be presented with a small number of returning characters and a larger number of new characters all with a diverse array of story arcs which can then flourish so that everyone is a protagonist in some way.
An obvious protaganist shouldn't be evident until we see the endings but even then it should be anyones call. That way it gives everyone a moment to shine and possible plotlines for later games.
That being said, I'd hate for there to be just one hero. It's time the responsibility got shared a little. We don't need another Liu Kang type as such. The role of protagonist could be shared in the new game or the next and passed on to another character or two thus giving everyone a moments glory.
For antagonists, again, it'd be nice to see more than one threat. Unlike MKDA where Shang and Quan were working together, I'd like two independent bad guys who have differing goals which then forces those who are protagonists and neutral to choose where their path lies. This could be one way to produce more than one overall protagonist in the end.
Possible protagonists could be:
Johnny Cage
Possible antagonists could be:
Noob Saibot
Quan Chi
Shao Kahn
Raiden (as much as I hate to say it)
Another cool thing would be to have an accidental protagonist. I was hoping Mokap could've filled this role before MKA but that wasn't to be. By accidental protagonist, I mean someone who wasn't really involved with anything much suddenly finding themselves the centre of attention, unbeknownst to them. They could hold the key to someones plans suceeding or in turn failing and could trigger something massive or even bring about the climax without realising what they've done. They'd just be the person that's along for the ride and don't really know what the hell is going on. This could be one of the neutral characters perhaps. Heck, it could even happen in reverse giving us an accidental bad guy. Who knows?
05/19/2010 11:35 PM (UTC)

Liu Kang
Johnny Cage
Sonya Blade
Shang Tsung
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