Who do you want dressed / half-naked for MK7 ? (MK females thread)
posted11/28/2005 03:02 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/29/2004 04:56 AM (UTC)
Which girl do you want dressed normally and which one do you want half-naked for MK7 ?? Since I don't know who they'll add, I wrote them all !!

Sonya: Dressed like Major Blade (Special Forces outfit).
Kitana: Dressed like a princess or like an assassin.
Jade: Dressed like an amazon (may be half naked grin).
Mileena: Dressed like a whore (hey, Mileena does want to get the attention far from her veil...). AND one costume with no veil !!! Altho I liked her first outfit, I think her alternate costume is too weird.
Sindel: Dressed like a queen (at least... lol).
Sheeva: Wearing a war armor.
Tanya: Dressed like a bitch AND not just wearing yellow...
Sareena: Dressed like a demon, with awesome tribal make-up.
Nitara: Half-naked and remove the wings... I repeat: remove the wings.
Frost: A more complex Lin Kuei outfit, with more details.
LiMei: With bandana and light armor (I LIKED her first outfit !! Altho, I preferred the 2nd player's navy blue to the 1st's purple).
Ashrah: Dressed like a cleric, altho remove the hat...
Kira: Dressed like a thug girl !

*When I say dress like a princess and dressed like a queen.... I'm not thinking of wearing a dress !!!!! tonguetonguetongue
03/09/2005 08:07 PM (UTC)

You see, so far, we only have ONE decent female (Sonya Blade) in the series, while all the others dress half naked, or like “whores” like some like to call them.

I think that some of the “half naked” females actually look good. Great examples are Mileena, Sheeva, Kira, Nitara and Sareena.

They are all faces of evil, but ugliness is camouflaged in their false beauty. Mileena is the best example of all. Looking so “sexy” fits her character perfectly, she is an ugly monster inside, but outside, a beautiful woman TILL you discover her true self (the teeth and story).

But there are others who dress like half naked “whores” (I hate to use that word since it makes no sense in videogames, but since some people use it to describe what they want to say...) like Kitana and Sindel and look terrible.

IMO, both should step aside from that circle and use a more royal outfit. While I do like some of their costumes, it just doesn’t fit their characters at all. It would be awesome to see Sindel actually fight in a dress (somehow) and Kitana wear a more decent outfit, worthy of a princess that represents her realm. Mileena is the antagonist, let her look like a “bitch”.

Nitara, Ashrah, and Jade are some I think should also step aside from the “skanky” look. Nitara looks AMAZINg in MKDA, but I don’t see why a vampire should dress that revealing, of course it fits her character (vampires, for some reason, always tend to be gothic-sexy), but it would be nice to see one costume were she looks decent.

Ashrahs original costume looks great, covers her, but her second outfit practicly screams “look at my underwear!”. She isnt really THAT skanky, infact, she can be considered decent along with Sonya, but her alt in MKD lowers her a bit.

***I don’t think clothes and costumes are such a big deal, its just a videogame!!! But it would be nice to see SOME changes in some females, not all. smile

Like I said, there are those who look great like “skanks”, and those who look awful.
03/09/2005 08:59 PM (UTC)
Great thread... at least some people do agree with me about females in MK.

I 'want' a diverse cast of females... obviously some will be half-naked, that's just life. I can accept that. I would like to have at least *one* female who is properly dressed in ALL alternate attires. I'll go through the list below...

Sonya: No reason for that thong in MK:DA. That through her entire character off in my opinion. The most she should ever show is midriff, and that isn't necessary either.

Mileena: She can remain as she is... her personality fits her clothing, though I still don't like her much and doubt I ever will.

Kitana: Must be dressed, completely. I would like to see one true female assassin in the game... meaning she needs proper cover above AND below the waist.

Tanya: Don't really care, since I hate her. Seems like someone who would wear revealing clothing.

Ashrah: Should NEVER expose ANYTHING. The storyline completely goes against this, yet the MK team decided to ruin her with a horrid alternate costume.

Li Mei: I liked the concepts in MK:DA's Krypt... with loose fitting, asian-style pants. Li Mei should have went in that direction.

Nitara: The only character I probably like that wears a revealing attire. I could accept something such as the MK:DA costumes, but no more revealing than those.

Frost: One of my favourite female characters... should come back in a full Lin Kuei attire, which would be unrevealing given the Lin Kuei's history.

Khameleon: Another one of my favourite females... mainly because I have no clear picture of her in my head. She has a lot of potential and doesn't need to be ruined by sex appeal.

Kira: Thought she would be a great character, ended MK: Deception hating her with a passion because of her appearance. Someone who was undercover as a man in Afghanistan certainly doesn't appear to conceal her female self very well. Should wear much more clothing to go along with her past life...

Jade: More clothing. I don't see why people in Edenia refuse to wear pants.

Sindel: Again with the pants... this is the Queen of a realm, not a 5th street prostitute

Sheeva: Please stay dead, forever. As for her past, she was far too revealing for a Shokan.


Again, I am willing to accept that some female characters will be half naked or even mostly naked... but that isn't what I want to see in Mortal Kombat, and I don't believe I'm alone in this. Give us at least one female who is willing to dress completely in every attire available.
03/11/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
~Crow~ Wrote:
Great thread... at least some people do agree with me about females in MK.

I 'want' a diverse cast of females... obviously some will be half-naked, that's just life. I can accept that. I would like to have at least *one* female who is properly dressed in ALL alternate attires. I'll go through the list below...

Sonya: No reason for that thong in MK:DA. That through her entire character off in my opinion. The most she should ever show is midriff, and that isn't necessary either.

Mileena: She can remain as she is... her personality fits her clothing, though I still don't like her much and doubt I ever will.

Kitana: Must be dressed, completely. I would like to see one true female assassin in the game... meaning she needs proper cover above AND below the waist.

Tanya: Don't really care, since I hate her. Seems like someone who would wear revealing clothing.

Ashrah: Should NEVER expose ANYTHING. The storyline completely goes against this, yet the MK team decided to ruin her with a horrid alternate costume.

Li Mei: I liked the concepts in MK:DA's Krypt... with loose fitting, asian-style pants. Li Mei should have went in that direction.

Nitara: The only character I probably like that wears a revealing attire. I could accept something such as the MK:DA costumes, but no more revealing than those.

Frost: One of my favourite female characters... should come back in a full Lin Kuei attire, which would be unrevealing given the Lin Kuei's history.

Khameleon: Another one of my favourite females... mainly because I have no clear picture of her in my head. She has a lot of potential and doesn't need to be ruined by sex appeal.

Kira: Thought she would be a great character, ended MK: Deception hating her with a passion because of her appearance. Someone who was undercover as a man in Afghanistan certainly doesn't appear to conceal her female self very well. Should wear much more clothing to go along with her past life...

Jade: More clothing. I don't see why people in Edenia refuse to wear pants.

Sindel: Again with the pants... this is the Queen of a realm, not a 5th street prostitute

Sheeva: Please stay dead, forever. As for her past, she was far too revealing for a Shokan.


Again, I am willing to accept that some female characters will be half naked or even mostly naked... but that isn't what I want to see in Mortal Kombat, and I don't believe I'm alone in this. Give us at least one female who is willing to dress completely in every attire available.

Thats good to know that there is someone else out there who shares the same thoughts, Mk to me is blood and violence, it shouldnt have to have anything to do with a render of Mileena posing with her sai's, who are they tring to impress with what they can do? Mk has stayed away from the who thing up until i believe MK DA, then tisk tisk tisk, well again dont get me wrong half naked chicks, you gotta love them but there are ways to do things and ways not to do things. But i guess as long as it makes Ed Boon happy and rich then it dont matter what a single fan thinks.
03/11/2005 05:25 PM (UTC)
Please refrain from typing messages in all caps.

03/11/2005 11:27 PM (UTC)
Surprising how 35 year old people can sound like 14 year old kids sometimes. Go back to your fiddling nerd party. Peace smile

badbil Wrote:
03/12/2005 09:59 AM (UTC)
I completely agree that Kitana and Sindel should wear more clothes! They are the rulers of Edenia, not whores! The vampires Nitara, I kind of like her attire, no changes what so ever. Ashrah's clothes are fine, all but her alternate costume. Someone trying to escape damnation would not be wearing that. And of coarse Mileena, she can dress as revealing as she wants since she needs to keep attention away from that awful tarkata mouth of hers.

Those are the major changes I would like to see. Especially Sindel and Kitana as said before. For MK nestalgia we could have Sindel wear a variation of her MK3 attire then her next outfit would be completely covered up! She would have a royal coat with gold designs and chinese symbols enscripted on it. Kitana would have a More covered up ninja outfit while her alternate would be like everyday princess attire, similare to her mothers but more simplistic.

Im done now, thats I all I want changed female wise in MK 7
03/12/2005 02:11 PM (UTC)
Sonya- I loved all her outfits. They show off her sexiness without the use of wearing a leotard wedge up her ass. Her MKDA look was great and although some may hink the thong didn't suit her I thought it was a nice touch as she always has to be the butch girl.

Kitana- I would prefer something along the lines of her MKMOvie outfit but her MKDA (purple outfit) was'nt too bad either. I never want to see anything like her MK3 outfit again

Mileena- Love the whole slutty look. Suits her perfectly

Sindel- I also liked her movie outfit only if it had some alterations. She's a queen, okay but that doesn't mean she has to wear a big puffy dress. She's from another world so a sexy, yet gothic look suits her perfectly.

(Btw, near skin tight outfits allow for easy movement which would be essential considering what these girls do..)

sheeva: She wears a red napkin....And its perfect. Too much clothing on such a strange creature would definitly take away from her character.

Tanya- I really liked her MKD outfit, the skirt and hair made the outfit sexy without it being whorey. Something like it should follow when she returns

Frost- A traditional Lin Kuei outfit mixed with something more contemporey would suit her

Li Mei- i miss her silk garment from MKDA

Nitara- I like her fangs, I like her gothic look, I even like her wings but what she needs is something with some more style yet something still a little revealing

Kira- She looks like a whore, she acts like a whore, she should dress like a whore

Ashrah- She's a former demon so she should still have a gothic edge but a more lightneded version that shows enough skin to show her beauty but not too much to ruin her character

Edit: Oops. I forgot jade. Her MKD primary costume was perfect. She strikes me as the kind of amazonian warrior. I didn't care for her oriental style alt. It didn't suit her story or her face (coz you couldn't see it) or her skin tone.
03/12/2005 03:07 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
Sonya- I loved all her outfits. They show off her sexiness without the use of wearing a leotard wedge up her ass. Her MKDA look was great and although some may hink the thong didn't suit her I thought it was a nice touch as she always has to be the butch girl.

Agreed. The thong suited Sonya perfectly. Maked her look sexy, but not like a "cheap whore". Besides, the thong is just a sexy touch like the big boobs or ass you see all females have in the game. Not a big deal at all.

I hope Sonya always stays decent, but if she doesnt for 1 game, I guess it wouldnt be a big deal eaither, since she has always dressed properly.
03/13/2005 05:31 PM (UTC)
Aight Midway it's time to keep it real...

Kitana - Kitana to me always was a "sexy" type of character. I loved her MKDA costume, but I hate everything else. Her face was nasty, and her legs were fucked up. Im hoping since MK7 will be on next generation console that this wont be an issue. Big breasts is fine, and give her a decent ass so she doesnt look like a top heavy kinda bitch. I like the amount of clothing they gave her in MKDA. Not too much and not too little.

Mileena - She looked great in MKD...costume wise. Otherwise, look at her legs...them shits are disgusting. Mileena should have a similar body to Kitana, being her twin and all. Perhaps slightly smaller breasts and maybe a nicer ass. I liked her costume style in MKD too..stick to something similar.

Jade - Now I'd hate to play the race card here guys(believe in me..im not racists. Most my friends are white and I act whiter than most black people.), but Jade is Black! Now she probably had the best body structure of all the characters, but Jade needs to have a donk! Now for those not familiar with that kind of slang, Jade needs a nice fat ass. Think J-Lo, Trina, Melyssa Ford or Vida Guerra. Give her luscious lips and make her titites a little smaller(seeing has how most black girl's breasts are inferior to white girls in games). I loved her costumes in MKD a lot. Very good job my Midway.

Tanya - Bleh..what a shitty character. Hope she doesn't come back. But if she does, follow what i said about Jade. Her legs were disgusting in MKD.

Sonya - I agree with what Crow and Queve are saying. She's professional. Give her suitable clothing and dont have her thong all showing and shit. A little sex appeal I feel is a neccessity, but make it classy sex appeal. Perhaps her alternate costume could be an evening gown, which I think would be dope. Big breasts and a decent ass. I think Sonya should have the nicest lips..too.

Ashrah - She looked mystical in MKD, and i was kinda feeling that, but she kinda made me think "lesbian" in my head with that attire. Perhaps a little skin wouldnt hurt. I think maybe long hair was the problem. She have nice hair and get rid of that stupid hat.

Kira - Crappy character IMO, but if she came back give her a gothic look with big breats, eyebrow ring,nose ring,etc. I think Midway needs to appeal to every kind of guy. A busty white girl, a fat ass black girl, a nice long haired girl, a gothic kinda chick. I think Kira looks really nice in MKD. I really don't have a problem with her look. Perhaps some more make up to give her a darker appeal. Thong should be visible too.

Li Mei - EXCELLENT JOB MIDWAY! Absolutely perfect job. Her costume was excelelnt in Deception. I cant even explain in words how pleased I was. Don't do anything different.
About Me

03/13/2005 06:35 PM (UTC)
No. No J.Lo and screenplay girl designs. That just doesn't fit an oriental fighter. Besides, Jade is not africvan, but rather indonesian or arabic.

I had enough sex appeal after playning DOA. Give the characters realistic bodies, like worked out, but non muscular bodies. Kiatan and Mileena are assassins, there is no way they can allow a big bob for themselves.

Also, get loose of the whore-like and goth wardrobes.
03/13/2005 08:02 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
No. No J.Lo and screenplay girl designs. That just doesn't fit an oriental fighter. Besides, Jade is not africvan, but rather indonesian or arabic.

I had enough sex appeal after playning DOA. Give the characters realistic bodies, like worked out, but non muscular bodies. Kitana and Mileena are assassins, there is no way they can allow a big bob for themselves.

Also, get loose of the whore-like and goth wardrobes.

Jade arabic? I strongly doubt that, if you can tell me where you got this information from then fine, but most consider Jade to be black. Fighting games these days need sex appeal to sell whether you like it or not. People don't wanna see girls in long dresses and flat chests. Im just fine with the "whore like" and "goth wardrobes" myself as long as its varied like I stated earlier. Kitana had big breasts in MKDA and so did Mileena in MKD. Also look at Taki in SC2. Her breast are bigger than Kitana's and her movement looks believeable and fluid. While I don't agree with your saying, Im glad you mention worked out bodies. I believe Sonya should be slightly toned but not in a nasty kind of way since here field of work requires you to be fit.
03/13/2005 08:20 PM (UTC)
My two cents:

Kitana- IMO, with the exception of her MK3/MKG outfit, Kitana had a good balance. Sexy, but not slutty and I think it should stay that way. She could use some variation from the bathing suit though.

Mileena- She should remain half naked. Mileena's one of the few where skankiness actually fits her character so I think she should stay that way. It'd be out of character for her to dress decently.

Sonya- Just make sure her mid-driff shows, cause that's her trademark.

Sindel- I'd like to see Sindel wearing something less dominatrix and more regal, or Queen-like. But she should keep the dark witch theme. I like that she's a Queen and a good guy but she looks evil.
Something like this maybe: Sindel Concept

Sareena- All goth. Black, belts, buckles and fishnets. Personally, I'd rather they don't make her too skanky though.
Something like this is what I had in mind: Sareena Concept

Ashrah- Keep her all covered and all white. But I think they should make her outfit sleaker and more elegant looking. I didn't like in Deception she looked like she was wearing pajamas.

I have no real opinions on the others. Guess it depends on the character.
03/13/2005 09:41 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
My two cents:

Kitana- IMO, with the exception of her MK3/MKG outfit, Kitana had a good balance. Sexy, but not slutty and I think it should stay that way. She could use some variation from the bathing suit though.

Mileena- She should remain half naked. Mileena's one of the few where skankiness actually fits her character so I think she should stay that way. It'd be out of character for her to dress decently.

Sonya- Just make sure her mid-driff shows, cause that's her trademark.

Sindel- I'd like to see Sindel wearing something less dominatrix and more regal, or Queen-like. But she should keep the dark witch theme. I like that she's a Queen and a good guy but she looks evil.
Something like this maybe: Sindel Concept

Sareena- All goth. Black, belts, buckles and fishnets. Personally, I'd rather they don't make her too skanky though.
This is an old pic, but this is what I had in mind: Sareena Concept

Ashrah- Keep her all covered and all white. But I think they should make her outfit sleaker and more elegant looking. I didn't like in Deception she looked like she was wearing pajamas.

I have no real opinions on the others. Guess it depends on the character.

I loved the concepts. The Sindel one is very good, I love the cape, but I dont like that her mid-driff is showing. Doesnt fit her IMO.

She needs something more royal that covers her up. Like I said before, I would love to see her fight in a dress............somehow.
03/17/2005 07:17 AM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
I think that some of the “half naked” females actually look good. Great examples are Mileena, Sheeva, Kira, Nitara and Sareena.

Someone here has good taste aside from me, lol. But anyway:

Sheeva: Her outfit in MK3 is really the only thing i can really see her wearing. They should play a twist on that when they bring her back. But she should definitely wear armor, Though nothing hiding her exquisite figure. Hopefully they'll make her face as attractive as it was in MK3... Just look what they did to poor Sonya in MK:DA!

Jade: I thought her outfits in MK:D were like her old costumes, But mixed with an Amazon feel. I thought it worked very well for her and they should work with that in future games.

Mileena: Sexy is the only look she can really have. Though i've always liked her fashion sense, Her alternate costume in MK:D is breathtaking!!! She just has such an incredible body, She should show it off.

Sindel: Sindel is a Queen and should look the role. She can still be sexy, But should still have an upper-class appeal to it. Her alternate costume in MK:D showed that... Though it was far too S&M/Gothic for someone who rules a world of artists and poets. That look for her has gone out the window now that she divorced Shao Kahn.

Sonya: Her alternate costume in MK:DA spoke a thousand words. She showed her rank and class. But at the same time, She was very sexy and just goes to show that more equals less.

Kitana:Her costumes have always stayed somewhat along the same track of assassin and tease since MK2. I personally always thought the costume they gave her in "Mortal Kombat: The Movie" was the best she has ever had. It was a free-moving outfit a reserved female warrior would wear, In my opinion.

Ashrah: I loved both of her costumes in MK:D. The first was very traditional, And the second was very classy. The white and gold scheme pushed the idea of being "Pure".

Kira: Her look should always be very whorish. Not slutty... Just whorish... And evil.

Nitara: I thought her costumes in MK:DA were unecessarily complicated for a thong and bra. I loved the white face paint and huge armored boots on her alternate costume.

Li Mei: She should definitely keep with the armored warrior look. And once again, More equals less. As she was still sexy with a bra.

Tanya: I'd like to see her in something along the lines of a coffin...
03/17/2005 03:37 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
Kira- She looks like a whore, she acts like a whore, she should dress like a whore

When did she act like a whore? Admittedly, I don't pay as much attention to the storyline as most, but I'm pretty sure I never saw the part of MKD where Kira flipped out and decided to fuck all the male characters.

03/17/2005 06:42 PM (UTC)
Mileena- Like people have said, having her reveal so much flesh is part of who she is. Mileena uses her perfect body to take attantion away from her mutant face. I think this is a great idea, and very original.

Nitara- Vampires have always kinda had this whole seductive image. I think her 2nd outfit is on the right lines for her, and revealing outfits fit Nitara well.

Kitana- Used to be my favourite MK female, and I still really like her. Nice to see that in MKDA they finally got a good balance of good looking, without looking slutty like UMK3.

Kira- Sexy without having to resort to yet another skimpy leotard style costume. I loved the first outfit, the tight leather really adds to the bad girl image. Not bothered about her 2nd outfit though.

Sonya- She's military, so it fits that she wouldn't turn up half naked. I'm not a big fan of Sonya, but her outfits suit her whole image perfectly.

Li Mei- Boon admitted she was made to be "the sexy one", but I think she looks best in the loose, Oriental kung fu style outfits like in MKDA. I did like the MKD bikini and thigh boots too though, but preffered the Chinese costumes for her..

Jade- I loved her MKD redesign. She probably has the coolest and sexiest version of the "ninja girl" outfits. Since she was chosen for that stupid "sexiest game babes" thing, it makes sense for her to flash flesh.

Frost- Another MK girl who doesn't need to be half naked to look good. She looks more convincingly like a ninja than the typical "ninja women", plus she's not really a sex appeal character (though I quite like her myself).

Ashrah- Since she's a reformed Netherrealm demon, it makes sense to have her fully dressed and in white. But the outfit's too plain, and the hat needs to go. They should try a cross between her 1st and 2nd outfits.

Sindel- Didn't like her in MK3/MKT (the actress is good looking, but the Sindel look did her no favours, imo). She looks better in MKD, but she really doesn't look like a queen. Not a big fan of her.

Tanya- Don't like or care about this one. Blah blah, next...

Sareena- This is where we got to see the Sindel actress looking her best. Sareena's a netherrealm demon disguised in human form. Makes sense to try and keep make that form as attractive as possible, and if showing some skin helps...

Sheeva- Ugly, but there's not much else you can have her wear. Like Goro and Kintaro, more clothing just doesn't seem right on these monsters.

Khameleon- Uhh...

03/17/2005 10:22 PM (UTC)
DrCube Wrote:
Keith Wrote:
Kira- She looks like a whore, she acts like a whore, she should dress like a whore

When did she act like a whore? Admittedly, I don't pay as much attention to the storyline as most, but I'm pretty sure I never saw the part of MKD where Kira flipped out and decided to fuck all the male characters.


lol...Its just the way she gets up and the way she looks and the poses in promo pics. lol...wink wait......No one likes Tanya.....wha?...why?.....no!.....Wahhhh!!!!!!!!! (*Runs away screaming!!!!!!*) P.s tanya rules
03/17/2005 10:45 PM (UTC)
i know!! in like, all of those comments, They all dont care about tanya, Tanya rules!
03/17/2005 11:18 PM (UTC)
To GraveDigger: good ideas. plus...LMAO about Tanya!

To Keith and Vampyre: No offense, but I despise Tanya and I agree with GraveDigger's idea for her. tongue
03/17/2005 11:41 PM (UTC)
I dont really give a shyt seriosuly i would wanna see something SO different all they have to do is stay with there colors like mileena pink kitana blue etc. i just like being creative or seein sumthin creative i just wanna see sumthin different now, i liked bein surprised...
03/18/2005 01:47 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
To GraveDigger: good ideas. plus...LMAO about Tanya!

To Keith and Vampyre: No offense, but I despise Tanya and I agree with GraveDigger's idea for her. tongue

Well you know me, I always try to make others happy when i can, lol.
03/21/2005 03:37 AM (UTC)

Yeah, I definitely agree with the "less skin" sentiment. You can make someone sexy without having them show a lot of chest or ass -- sometimes, less is more.

Let's start from the beginning with Sonya. I really don't know which way to go with her -- she's almost forty by this point, so we need something age appropriate, yet also sexy. I'm thinking something along the lines of an open black leather jacket, white t-shirt, and blue jeans. (Not biker or anything, though.) Also, make her hair a bit longer and less severe than it was in MK: Deception. A sexy look without showing off too much skin.

Kitana needs something simple and elegant -- think Xianghua in Soul Calibur II. Something in a pale blue or aqua-colour, silk, with gold embroidery. She is a princess, after all, she needs to act like it. Maybe a top with an Oriental collar, short sleeves, and black pants or even a short black skirt to contrast -- just give her the legs to pull it off. I kind of want her to go shorter with the hair, maybe around the length of her MK2 look. And she needs a tiara or something -- something small, nothing gaudy. If done correctly, she could even do a white kimono with dark blue as an accent.

Mileena gets free license to be as slutty as she likes -- she's already showed up in Playboy, so she's basically got nothing to lose. However, she went a bit overboard in her MKD alternate outfit -- it can be sexy to have a backless outfit, but a *frontless* costume is pushing it in a big way. She needs to keep her femme fatale appeal, so long, bouncy, Veronica Lake kind of hair disguising one eye, a gauzy red veil, and a low-cut translucent scarlet gown, knee-length, with a slit up the thigh. Not sure what footwear I'd put with that, though.

There's a definite dark appeal to Sindel, a.k.a. the ultimate MILF. She's a very unique, very appealing character, but she is queen of Edenia. She needs to be sexy and dark while also being classy and respectable. More than anything else, I just want to give her something with *sleeves*. Maybe long sleeved top, purple velvet with a cleavage-cutout similar to the one in her MKD outfit. Black capri plant couple with thigh-high leather boots should round the look out.

I just don't understand all of the Tanya hate. One thing that MKD needs to do is to ditch the colour-coded women, and we can start with Tanya. She doesn't need to wear yellow all of the time. She strikes me as a very prideful character, so I think she should have her hair swept up on top of her head. For her clothes, I'm imagining a very deconstructed look -- lots torn up material, flowing fabrics, ties, etc. It's tough to convey what I'm thinking -- I'll post a concept later. A dark blue or dark purple tank top, a whole bunch of chain belts, tight black pants, and stiletto boots.

Continuing the trend of ditching the damn colours, can we please get rid of the purple for Li Mei? She was introduced to the series late enough that it's not really associated with her or anything. Definitely a very Asian look for her -- flowing silks, flower prints, very Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon kind of apparel. She needs to look classy and delicate.

I'm also thinking longer hair for Frost as well. I have to say, I rather liked her feminine interpretation on the Lin Kuei outfit, only -- I know, I know -- I feel like she actually could have been sexier. Maybe a bit more femininity would help her look out.

Ashrah is a very unique and interesting character, and she definitely needs to stay covered up. I'm not particularly crazy, though, over her look in MKD. Again, I'm thinking long, modest skirts in light colours -- pale yellows and gold, not all white. Keep the hat and veil, since it's very indicative of her character. Either keep the hair tied up in a bun or make it very long and almost-waist length.

I know there's a few I jumped over -- Jade, Sareena, Nitara, Kira, etc. -- but the point stands that I think the MK women in general need to be a bit more elegant than they are now, which is kind of trashy.
03/21/2005 09:40 AM (UTC)
Quack-Wabbit Wrote:

Mileena gets free license to be as slutty as she likes -- she's already showed up in Playboy, so she's basically got nothing to lose. However, she went a bit overboard in her MKD alternate outfit -- it can be sexy to have a backless outfit, but a *frontless* costume is pushing it in a big way. She needs to keep her femme fatale appeal, so long, bouncy, Veronica Lake kind of hair disguising one eye, a gauzy red veil, and a low-cut translucent scarlet gown, knee-length, with a slit up the thigh. Not sure what footwear I'd put with that, though.

Yeah, it goes well with her. She could pretty much be the skanky one of the whole series. tongue

There's a definite dark appeal to Sindel, a.k.a. the ultimate MILF.

Hell yeah!!!! tongue grin Amen to that my friend! wink glasses

I just don't understand all of the Tanya hate. One thing that MKD needs to do is to ditch the colour-coded women, and we can start with Tanya. She doesn't need to wear yellow all of the time. She strikes me as a very prideful character, so I think she should have her hair swept up on top of her head. For her clothes, I'm imagining a very deconstructed look -- lots torn up material, flowing fabrics, ties, etc. It's tough to convey what I'm thinking -- I'll post a concept later. A dark blue or dark purple tank top, a whole bunch of chain belts, tight black pants, and stiletto boots.

Well...let's see..*takes out giant list of reasons why I hate Tanya* tongue

I don't like her look. She got uglier in MKD with the bangs, banana suit, face, and eyes. Her storyline sucks. She's a lot like Kano in that they both change sides in order to survive. I just ultimately found her to be rather pointless and annoying and I know there was signifance with her MKD storyline by helping Onaga. However, that's just not enough for me. For me to actually find Tanya to be at least half-way decent will take a lot. I look forward to that concept of yours.

Continuing the trend of ditching the damn colours, can we please get rid of the purple for Li Mei? She was introduced to the series late enough that it's not really associated with her or anything. Definitely a very Asian look for her -- flowing silks, flower prints, very Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon kind of apparel. She needs to look classy and delicate.

Yeah, I see what you mean. That would be fitting for her though to me, pink and purple were good colors for her costumes.

I'm also thinking longer hair for Frost as well. I have to say, I rather liked her feminine interpretation on the Lin Kuei outfit, only -- I know, I know -- I feel like she actually could have been sexier. Maybe a bit more femininity would help her look out.

Perhaps...I personally thought her hair style was fine. It's just that the look of her face seemed rather inconsistent. The same can be said for Kira. I think she could go for a kind of vixenous (is that even a word? confused) look with her face, know what I mean?
03/23/2005 08:46 AM (UTC)
Kitana- I like what Midway did with her outfits in DA and all... but PLEASE, enough with the one-piece swimsuits already!! sad At least a vamped up bikini or something.. Since she's a princess I can see her with like a tiara or something (kind of like SIndel and her crown)

Jade- I like the Amazon look they gave her in Deception for her 1st costume, and a classic look for her 2nd costume.

Mileena- I agree with everyone else.. she's looks damn good dressed like a whore.

Sheeva- Shokans look horrid when they're covered up in clothing (for example, Goro's alt.) She should stay semi-nude and show off that butch, manly, buff, nipple-less body of hers! tongue

Nitara- The wings don't really work with the fact that she's a vampire.. confused she seems more of a Succubi to me. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE her alt. in DA!

Ashra- She needs to keep her mushroom hat because she just looks funky without it. If they can incorporate her hat into some kind of slutty ensemble I think she would alright.

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