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02/13/2015 07:43 PM (UTC)
First off... for DLC I think it's completely LAME to give us characters who have been in 90% of all other MK Games. Sonya, Jax, Johnny Cage, Shang Tsung... That is really boring..

DLC has replaced the "hidden characters" of Mortal Kombat. I don't want to have to pay for a character that has already been free in 8 or 9 of the previous MK games. THAT to me is a slap in the face!

There needs to be a WOW factor! Heres a list of Characters who have hardly appeared or characters who would be changed that I would like to see as DLC

1) Enenra/Human Smoke. Yes he's been around for a while but this would be a drastic change to the character. MK9 was the FIRST time we got to play as human Smoke with his own unique set of moves so he's still new.

2) Blaze. A character with story potential. He was LAME in deadly alliance, but given how awesome NRS has made characters he is definitely one deserving a second chance. Not only does he have story potential, he also has potential for an awesome look/move set/fatalities.

3) Motaro. Yes, game play wise he would be limited BUT that could be what makes him special. I big tough character who is immune to XRay moves would add an extra level of difficulty. He has only been in one game (Armageddon doesn't count) And I have no doubt NRS could make him badass.

4) Kai. Yes of my list he is the most bland.. but I have always thought it was weird how with MK4 it seemed like the MK team was setting him up to be a major character... and then he just seemed to disappear.. I like his look, I like his unique move set... and I think its past time he made his big comeback.

5) Tremmor. YES a lot of people hate him... but its because he was a pallet Swap that appeared in an awful game.. All it would take is the right look, the right moves, and the right story, and he could quickly become a fan favorite. Plus not a lot of people are expecting him. NRS could make something great out of him

6) Firegod Liu Kang. He's been the boring protagonist since MK1.. he has died and come back to the living... what else could they do to make him interesting? Make him the new firegod.. make him the main Antagonist. He was suppose to be the ultimate mortal kombat champion but Raiden ruined things for him.

While many of you might not agree with my list, these are the TYPES of characters that should be DLC... Not normal characters we have played a hundred times before.. They should be new and exciting, they should be unexpected...
02/14/2015 03:48 AM (UTC)
I think FUJIN has a high chance of being a DLC in this game if he is not in the game.
02/14/2015 09:12 AM (UTC)
So it has to be a Classic character, I would think that any of the characters who were featured in the first two Mortal Kombat games would be considered classic.

So far we have

Kung Lao
and Goro

I guess you could consider Ermac but he wasn't a fully realized character until UMK3.

That leaves us with a few characters to choose from.
Liu Kang
Johnny Cage
Shang Tsung
Noob Saibot
Shao Kahn

We can be skeptical about Johnny Cage, Sonya, and Jax being included in this DLC because of that supposed leak where an achievement requires certain characters to fight their parents or something like that. This gives me a strong feeling that these 3 have a high chance of being playable from the start.

Jade is out due to Kitana's mourning style and she was verbally confirmed as not returning for MKX.

Many believe that Liu Kang is going to be the final boss of this game, and I am open to that idea, the developers have always insisted that he is the "Luke Skywalker" of this game and "your mom can learn how to play Mortal Kombat" with a character like Liu Kang. Even in both the old and new timeline he is still the champion so I don't think they are going to reserve him for a post release spot on the roster.

Ermac is confirmed that Shao Kahn's soul is included in him, so that's basically confirming Shao Kahn as being dead and not a playable character in MKX, maybe he'll be included in the WII U version after we find out his second clone was the one who died tongue.

The team is really putting an emphasis to pre-order and have Goro as a download so I don't think the studio would really try and create two Shokans for this game, especially when there are different variations to each character. So I have a feeling it won't be him.

So it narrows down now to

Shang Tsung
Noob Saibot

I have a feeling that these 5 are the most likely to be picked, but something tells me that if Shang Tsung is involved it's going to be a bit tricky to pull of his morph ability, does he mimic the other person's variation? I don't think the game would have enough space to give that one character the option to shape shift and adapt the specific moves associated with each varation. So I feel that might influence Shang Tsung not being the DLC or even being a playable character this go around.

Noob Saibot was tossed in the soulnado and many are very sure that this Sub-Zero is Bi-Han so Noob Saibot may no longer exist in this timeline, but Eventhubs.com has him ranked as the 8th most picked character in MK9. The development team may go with him, but I feel that the team would want to diversify the roster and not include all of the ninjas this go around, I could be wrong with this instinct but I don't think they are going to have Noob Saibot as the DLC unless they wanted to bundle him up with a certain somebody he was paired with before in Deception.

Mileena is featured heavily in the MKX comic as one of the key players in the Outworld civil war, so I feel that this game just might have her already in from the get go.

So if you've followed me this far we can see that through all the deductions it boils down to having Baraka and Smoke as the two characters that most likely will fit the DLC profile. Smoke is reported the third most picked player online and if I were someone hoping to gain revenue off of DLC I would make sure that one of the more popular characters is part of the DLC.

Baraka is considered a classic and iconic character well at least according to the developers because he was picked to represent the Mortal Kombat characters in MK vs DC, his inclusion was that over the likes of Reptile, Cage, and Kung Lao. Many players recognize Baraka as the guy with the blades and I feel that people who casually play video games and aren't as passionate about Mortal Kombat would still recognize him.

And now what do you propose my dear Watsons?

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