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Second fan of "The Lady in Green...err Turquoise, no Gold?"

09/11/2014 01:32 AM (UTC)
I'm so glad a lot of people want ASHRAH back. I know she's not a huge favorite, but I really think she has something. Thanks for the positive feedback, I really really hope she makes it in.

MK9 I was rooting for Kitana and Mileena to be back, this time it's Ashrah and Sareena. I wouldn't mind if my fave Kitana sits this one out, as long as one of those 2 makes it in. sad
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

09/11/2014 04:40 AM (UTC)

1. Havik

2. Bo Rai Cho

3. Kenshi

4. Kobra's Moves on a Female

5. Le Meh


1. Shinnok

2. Tanya

3. Quan Chi

4. Reiko

5. Fujin
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God of War is Back!

09/11/2014 05:03 AM (UTC)
1. Havik -use to creep me the hell out.
2. Kobra- because he can take ken masters out.
3.Mokap- true mk champion
4. Onaga- Dude in deception opening made me go WTF!
5.Hotaru- I always like him.
09/11/2014 06:22 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Since when are Tanya, Reiko, Shinnok, etc considered MKDA-MKA characters?

they aren't and didn't count. even if some of us mentioned them:)
09/11/2014 08:10 AM (UTC)
Introduced AFTER MK4? OK well that leaves out Tanya and Shinnok who are the two I want to see return the most.

After them, from MK:DA, honestly I could take or leave any of those characters. I felt Drahmin had tons of potential, loved his story but did not particularly enjoy playing as him. I would like to see a new Oni character perhaps.

From MKD, I liked Hotaru's story and his Samurai look which I think would fit in well with MKX. I can imagine how much better those torn flags would look on current gen.

I would also like to see Havik return. IMHO he's just the perfect combo of creepy and quirky to fit in with MKX.

I know he is hated by many, but I would at least like to know what Shujinko is up to on his quest from Damashi as I dont see why Raiden's trip back in time would effect a journey started before MK1 unless it was retconned, in any event I wanna know.

Same goes for Blaze, Taven and Daegon. I dont care either way if they are playable in MKX but I would love to know what happened to them during the new timeline.

Also from MKD I think it would be cool if Onaga somehow found a new body and returned to face off against Kotal Kahn.

Can't say I would hate a revamped kickass Kira, or new female black dragon, as I've wanted to see a female black dragon member since MK2 and Kira was a bit of a letdown. And lastly, I think Sareena should get a better shot than she did in MKA.
09/11/2014 08:20 AM (UTC)
Havik: my favourite character from Deception, the concept of chaosrealm has such great potential and his moveset could look fantastic on next-gen.

Hotaru: cant really have chaos without order. I loved the samurai general look of him, but his moveset would need to be completely redesigned.

Dairou l: again, great design and great story potential, but his moveset needs an overhaul.

Darrius: with the modern world being what it is, i think having a character who is a revolutionary/terrorist (depending on your standpoint) makes for some great potential story beats.

Ashrah: as others have already said, the concept of a demon trying to ascend to goodness is an interesting storyline.

Generally, although i liked MK9s storyline up until "that Sindel scene" i think it was a bit too simplistic in its approach to good vs evil. As you can see from the characters above, i want MKX to have more neutral characters who can take the story in new and unexpected actions with their morally ambiguous actions.
Or perhaps I've just been watching too much game of thrones smile
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09/11/2014 12:10 PM (UTC)
I want Hsu Hao :D I kicked a lot of ass with him!

Also Moloch of course ! Btw do anyone knows why the removed his ball in MK:A ?
09/11/2014 12:12 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
I want Hsu Hao :D I kicked a lot of ass with him!

Also Moloch of course ! Btw do anyone knows why the removed his ball in MK:A ?

He was starting to hump the furniture, so we had to cut the balls.
09/11/2014 01:07 PM (UTC)
Sareena, first and foremost. She is my favourite female character in the series, but has sadly never gotten a proper treatment. She has and interesting desing, moves and story, with ties to Shinnok, Quan Chi and both Sub-zero's. I really hope this will be her chance to truly shine.

off topic:

I'm never sure where to classify Sareena, because even when she was first playable in MKTE, her first appearance was in MKM and that game is so tied to MK4. I sometimes feel she should be classified as an MK4 char.

On topic again:

Havik. Many people consider Kenshi to be the best character of the MKDA/MKA trilogy, but that for me will always be Havik. He is such a wildcard, his moves are grotesque, his fatalities brutal, his design in right on spot. His story makes him an incredibly interesting character and, as Casselman pointed out, because of his chaotic nature, there is really no story he couldn't play a role in. II believe that out of all the characters from that period he is the one with the most chances to show up, and I would be incredibly disappointed if he didn't .

Ashrah: A unique look, an amazing gameplay and an interesting story about a demon trying to become pure by using a sword, that only got better in MKA as more details were revealed. The ties to Quan Chi give her a chance of being a part of the story, and I sure hope they don't miss it. She is a great character.

Those are the 3 I would want the most, and the ones I think would make more sense to have back. But I would also greatly welcome:

Drahmin: Who had the misfortune of having a terrible moveset, but is an incredible concept
Hotaru: A solid concept with an elegant design.
Kira: Who had the misfortune of borrowing too many moves, but had actually a cool design and story.

And as someone above already mentioned, there is no reason to think Shujinko is not still on his quest, so I wouldn't mind seeing again:

Blaze (The small form)

09/11/2014 03:30 PM (UTC)
I completed revamped Shujinko wouldn't be a bad idea!
But he needs his own moves! and be smarter this time!

PS: Obvioulsy the MK4 characters are all amazing (except Jarek), and are much better than every single character introduced in MKDA-MKA..
But this topic is for MKDA-MKA Characters!
09/11/2014 04:15 PM (UTC)

Mavado: Taken from the boot hint 2 with pure speculation, it could be him. Seeing that the black thing could be his trench coat, but, not to certain. Having a Red Dragon member return would be cool. His design was nice, but, lacked on his specials. I think NRS would be able to bring him back to life.

Bo Rai Cho (also in MKD): Since Outworld will be a huge part of the story aligning itself with Netherrealm, I can see Bo returning. Even though he is an Outworlder, he would fight along side of Earthrealm, as he trained kombatants there. One example is Liu Kang. So yeah, he would fit MKX perfectly.

Drahmin/Moloch: Two Oni's that were interesting to a point. Drahmin's design was cool, especially his alt without the mask. His club was cool too. Moloch is a beast with a spiked wrecking ball attached to a chain. Unfortunately he lost it in MKA, but, it doesn't stop him from getting it back. We could use another non-human in MKX.

Nitara: One of the most interesting MKDA characters to debut. She is part human and part vampire. I would like for NRS to expand on her as we know so little about her and her realm. She was the second species to be involved in MK, after Reptile.


Dairou: This guy has so much potential. He has a true mercenary look that can be taken to a new level. He would need clothing that would adapt to the whole mercenary thing, as his past clothing adapted to Orderrealm.
Overall, he is one character that I would be happy with if he returned.

Havik: Just a down right dark character, whom I enjoyed playing as. NRS can do a lot with him and Havik has potential.

Kira or Ashrah: I wouldn't mind if either or both were to return. With Kira, I would like to see how she could be revamped with 3 variations and far from her "copied" move-set from MKD. She is interesting and I can see her becoming a savage type character without having an amazon look.
Ashrah is that character trying her hardest to cleans herself from her inner demon. I would like for her to have her demon look for a variation. Other variations can be Light and something to do with her Kriss.

MKA (includes MK4):

Reiko is one character that should be in MKX and should have the highest priority. He is a cool character and I want those kick-ass shriukens to return! The only thing that I don't want to see is, him wanting to be emperor.

Kai: He should also have top priority to return. I liked him in MK4 and has potential to become the chosen one. I enjoyed playing as him as he had such cool moves. Bring him back NRS!!

Sareena: I'm pretty fond of her. She debuted in MKTE, then only to return in MKA. To me, that isn't really spotlight/debut. She could have fit into MKDA or MKD, but, that wasn't the case. Also having an inner demon, like Ashrah, they both can get behind Quan Chi. Other than that, I would welcome her with open arms.

Delia: Not playable in MKA, but, just part of Konquest Mode. Yet, I would like for her to become playable as a sorceress. She obviously would be dawned as a new comer.

09/11/2014 04:23 PM (UTC)
Master Bo Rai Cho, Li Mei, and Havik.

Why? Because they are great characters. Arguably the best from the 3D era. Well, Kenshi is also there, but he was in MK9, so...
09/11/2014 04:32 PM (UTC)
Honestly I think I want zero character's returning from MKDA-MKA era.

This is a new timeline and NRS can right the wrongs midway created. Bring on new character's and keep the classics.

If I had to choose: Kenshi, Havik and Hotaru
09/11/2014 04:41 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Honestly I think I want zero character's returning from MKDA-MKA era.

This is a new timeline and NRS can right the wrongs midway created. Bring on new character's and keep the classics.

If I had to choose: Kenshi, Havik and Hotaru

I'm in a similar boat.

Other than maybe Havik or Drahmin, I didn't really take a huge liking to a lot of the characters introduced in the MKDA-MKA era. I don't dislike them, im just not a huge fan of most of them.
09/11/2014 05:03 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
Master Bo Rai Cho, Li Mei, and Havik.

Why? Because they are great characters. Arguably the best from the 3D era. Well, Kenshi is also there, but he was in MK9, so...

There's no such thing as "arguably the best". People have different opinions about whether a character is good so that is totally subjective. Especially for characters like Li Mei.
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Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of a war drum

09/11/2014 05:38 PM (UTC)
I'm really rooting for Nitara to make a comeback. With all the diversity it seems NRS are pushing with the new characters for MKX, I think she'd fit in perfectly. She was my favorite introduced in MKDA alongside Kenshi, whom I think should also return.

Havik, to me, is a no brainer. The possibilities with him are endless and I love the fact that you'll never know what he's going to do aside from fucking shit up.
09/11/2014 05:40 PM (UTC)
Does Boon/NRS know Havik is one of the 3D-era characters with the biggest fanbase?
09/11/2014 07:56 PM (UTC)
Havik was one of the few post-MK3 characters to appear in an MK9 arcade ending (others were Fujin, Bo' Rai Cho, and while Hotaru wasn't mentioned, Seido was), so I think NRS does like him or is aware that he has fans sorta like how they brought back Kenshi because they knew he was the most popular.
There's also the Pit background cameos: Daegon, Sareena, Frost, Tanya, and Reiko...and Tanya was also considered for MK9 DLC in one of Boon's twitter polls. if that means anything...
09/11/2014 10:07 PM (UTC)
Pretty much any of these females...



Li Mei

Why? The first six should be priority because they were only in one game, if that.

Delia, because she would be introduced as a new character and could become something great (sorceress, witch doctor).

Tanya and Li Mei both returned in MKD from their original debut's, MK4 and MKDA. So they had a second chance, but, they are most likely the two to return in MKX.
09/11/2014 10:26 PM (UTC)
Tanya and Li Mei are the best female characters post MK3, hence their appearances in MKD.
09/11/2014 10:32 PM (UTC)
Why is it that the word 'potential' gets thrown around left and right but no one actually elaborates WHY such character has this 'potential'?

If you believe a character has potential, explain what it is about them that makes you believe that. Don't just say it to hear yourself say it.

Also, don't confuse a character having a potentially good storyline with having a vague enough storyline that they can pretty much fit anywhere.
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We share blood, we are not brothers

09/11/2014 11:13 PM (UTC)
Havik and Hotaru are awesome characters and can play any role in MKX's story: one will go with the good guys and the other with the bad ones (depends on how "chaotic" the villain is).

I also really liked Sareena, Darrius, Dairou, Drahmin (deconfirmed), Bo Rai Cho, Li Mei and Frost.

Don't really care for the rest though.

PS: I didn't mention Kenshi due to him being in MK9, but I would welcome his as well.
1. Kenshi

No brainer why, he's been the most well-recieved and to not have him come back after being DLC for 9 would be really silly. With ShangDel dead he doesn't have much of a purpose but Raiden could always recruit him if he's on the lookout for new warriors.

2. Bo' Rai Cho
Having an old master character would be fun. Just tone down the farting and vomiting and play up the drunken master as being actually kind of drunk.


A demon sorceror and the King of hell leading an army of demons. C'mon Ashrah would jump at any chance to slay them.
I liked her reserved holy look (maybe not the hat) only problem was that her moveset was really lacking. But you can easily give her Voodoo attacks, Kriss Sword attacks (The general animations for the swords in the PS2 era were very stylish) and Heavenly Light that can blind the enemy like Kratos could in 9. And who's to say she'd be a permanent ally with that Sword giving her direction..

4. Havik
Havik is awesome. He was the Kenshi of Deception. He could be a fun Voldo/Zafina type character only done in a more bone-cracking, head-snapping torso-twisting lovable MK goofiness way. His generic fireball had him bend his knees backward for crying out loud.

5. Sareena counts right?

Raiden does acknowledges Mythologies in MK9. And if anyone could help out the souls under Quan-Chi's control or at least try it'd be her. She could probably play a role in the Sub-Zero/Scorpion/Noob/Quan-Chi thing.

I'd like Jataaka and Kia to join her for at least a variation. Not like Noob Saibot/Inferno Scorpion but more like Combo assisting like Noob-Smoke or MK9's Tag System. Add the Pentagram kick and maybe give her some Kamas/Sickles to throw? Oh and there's also her Demonic form but that could always be a variation or better yet a fatality/alternate costume.

Daegon...bleh. But if they fix him or give us a Red Dragon member that doesn't suck then I'd be satisfied with it. Don't want him but wouldn't be opposed to it.

There are other characters I think deserve a fair shot (Lookin at you Dairou) but they can wait until another game.

So yeah just Five for X.

It might not be much but that's because I want Fujin, Kai, and Tanya in addition to Quan-Chi and Shinnok. In addition to the MK9 underdogs: Sheeva, Baraka, Reptile, Mileena and Skarlet.

So that's the tallest of orders tongue
09/12/2014 05:10 AM (UTC)
I think that for the Deadly Alliance characters we should bring back Bo'Rai'Cho, Kenshi, and Frost, they were easily the more favorable characters from that roster and they both have more potential fitting in with the story over the other characters such as Li-Mei who basically turned out to be a pawn, Hsu-Hao a completely one dimensional character who served only as an antagonist against Jax and added to the ranks of the Red Dragon and, also Mavado who's presence in the game would have to feature the Red Dragon clan and that arc was silly. There's also Nitara who was interesting and opened up the possibility of an Outworld vampire race, but when you have completely original races such as the Tarkatan mutants of Outword and Reptile's forgotten race that could be further explored, do we really need to see vampire's again? And do we really need vampires in Mortal Kombat when there's creatures who can purely consume your actual soul rather than your blood?

For the Deception characters, the only two I feel have a decent story and interesting arc are the polar opposite characters Hotaru and Havik. Havik most definitely needs a revamped look, but the idea of a character completely absorbed with chaos and acting zealous about it is intriguing. Also, Hotaru was mainly hunting down and treating some of our favorite characters like prey, and as a villain he did act with noble intentions, he was interesting to see with his motives. He would be a welcome addition and return.

As for Taven, Daegon, and Blaze? I felt that the whole Armaggedon storyline made the Mortal Kombat universe seem a bit too campy, almost space age comic bookish. The whole idea that two twins served as the savior of all the realms completely defeats the purpose of having a Mortal Kombat tournament. If this so called prophecy was in place since way before the Mortal Kombat tournaments, then why did the Elder Gods even permit a tournament? Their inclusion would bring back that whacky story arc and I feel that the rich mythology of Mortal Kombat's vast realms, races, and characters could do so much better than the direction the Armageddon plot dared to go.
09/12/2014 05:54 AM (UTC)
Characters from MKDA to MKA?


Lack of creativity in the characters department during that time period.

Well..ok. Mayyyyybe it'll be cool to see: Kenshi or Li Mei. Now...if you include MK4 in this department, I'd like to see Reiko, Tanya and Shinnok.
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