Which MKDA-MKA characters do you want to return and why?
posted10/02/2014 05:22 PM (UTC)by
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08/13/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)
Title pretty much says it all.

This is for you to share what characters you would like to see (Or would not like to see ) return in MKX that were introduced AFTER MK4 and why.

I apologize if this has been made already and if it has please lock or delete this.

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09/10/2014 04:08 PM (UTC)
Havik : The idea of Chaos itself has so much potential to even make him story wise, to sometimes side with the good guys and the bad guys based on what they are doing.

Bo'Rai'Cho: Even though he was a fart machine in MKDA, the fart thing was removed in MKD(but still the fartality exists which is still funny to me), I guess he can relate to the story since he is an outworlder, maybe he knows a way to make Kotal fall?

Moloch: First glance he is short, just looking at him stand upright makes him the tallest fighter in MK(I think?) and that damn ball which I always hated in MKDA, maybe in MK X Oni will be used instead of Shokans, if Goro was in the story and is against Kotal.

Li Mei: Possibly story wise could be fooled the same way it happened in MKDA, but with more twists to keep her in the good side(although her MKD ending is noncannon but still.)

Well since MK4 chars are part of MKA I wanted to add Kai,Shinnok,Reiko,Tanya and Fugin, but MKA just had Daegon and Taven as new chars but they were pretty generic but still could have had a better story.
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09/10/2014 04:16 PM (UTC)
Sareena because I think she is a interesting character. She is a demon that is trying to be different. Also I would like her getting development and a proper release in a main game in the franchise not including Armageddon. TE gave her some exposure but that was it really.

There are so many things I can think if she is in the game, such as if Bi-Han is Sub-Zero and he meets Sareena. That would be amazing. She could help him reclaim his humanity back. The irony.
09/10/2014 04:29 PM (UTC)
MK:DA: Pretty much all of them, but especially Li Mei, Nitara, the Oni, Bo Rai Cho, Mavado, Hsu Hao, and Mokap. Frost and Blaze would be alright, and Kenshi is imo the least interesting of them, and the most predictable one to bring back, but still a welcome addition.

MKD: Ashrah, Kira (with her own moveset), Havik, Hotaru, Darrius and Dairou. Kobra would be a lot of fun to kill again and has great potential as MK's biggest joke character, but otherwise he's easily the lamest one. Shujinko is the second least interesting, but I'd really love to see his MK:A ending happen partially.

MKA: I liked both Taven and Daegon, but Daegon imo is more interesting. If you ask me which new character from that game that I really want though, then Dehlia. Argus would be okay.

So basically, all of them, but I named them in order, for the most part. All of the female ones except Frost come first, then the freaks such as Drahmin and Havik (save for Blaze, if he counts as one).

To me, they've all got some potential, and most of them have been unfairly rejected by the fanbase. I'm amazed Havik is this popular though, what with him being so odd and all. I wonder why Drahmin wasn't as accepted by the fanbase. Could it have had anything to do with his difficult learning curve, by any chance?
09/10/2014 04:54 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
MK:DA: Pretty much all of them, but especially Li Mei, Nitara, the Oni, Bo Rai Cho, Mavado, Hsu Hao, and Mokap. Frost and Blaze would be alright, and Kenshi is imo the least interesting of them, and the most predictable one to bring back, but still a welcome addition.

MKD: Ashrah, Kira (with her own moveset), Havik, Hotaru, Darrius and Dairou. Kobra would be a lot of fun to kill again and has great potential as MK's biggest joke character, but otherwise he's easily the lamest one. Shujinko is the second least interesting, but I'd really love to see his MK:A ending happen partially.

MKA: I liked both Taven and Daegon, but Daegon imo is more interesting. If you ask me which new character from that game that I really want though, then Dehlia. Argus would be okay.

So basically, all of them, but I named them in order, for the most part. All of the female ones except Frost come first, then the freaks such as Drahmin and Havik (save for Blaze, if he counts as one).

To me, they've all got some potential, and most of them have been unfairly rejected by the fanbase. I'm amazed Havik is this popular though, what with him being so odd and all. I wonder why Drahmin wasn't as accepted by the fanbase. Could it have had anything to do with his difficult learning curve, by any chance?

I liked Drahmin back when I first saw him in MKDA but I had two things I didn't like about him but they are so minor they really don't make a difference lol

1. I didn't like his lack of pants lol pretty much a pair of underwear

2. Ball-O-Flies

Other than those things I thought he was pretty damn cool.
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09/10/2014 05:01 PM (UTC)
2 characters I'm rooting for:

Ashrah, the voodoo queen. I like her modest costume, her being manipulated by her sword, and her ascending demon status. I want more abilities involving her dolls and a fatality(or xray) with them

Sareena, the demon. She needs a proper game to be in. Give her her 5 star kick and a fatality involving her demon form.

If these 2 make it in, well that will be just the bees knees.
09/10/2014 05:05 PM (UTC)
Li Mei: Had the best moveset, fun gameplay, and her storyline can be adapted to the new timeline.

Kenshi: The best post-MK3 character when it comes to concept, looks, etc.
09/10/2014 05:07 PM (UTC)
Sareena, for the same reasons listed above ^^


Kenshi is Kool, but I don't see any reason for him being in the game.
09/10/2014 05:07 PM (UTC)
Ashrah - A character that stood out not only in Deception, but in the MK universe at large. A character that was born of evil but strives to become holy. That's an appealing and not-often used angle. Not to mention that I generally love both holy-themed and magical characters, and Ashrah fits the bill on both. Her aesthetic and her story were a great example of a new character done right!

Li Mei & Bo Rai Cho - I like Li Mei. I'd rather have her in over some characters, but I'm not a huge, huge fan. I'd mainly like her to return because I have a hard time seeing her just sitting by the wayside with her realm in the political upheaval we're told goes on MK X. Bo Rai Cho, as well. He has a link to both Earthrealm and Outworld. And since Shinnok's plan is to eventually capture both, Bo Rai Cho has everything to lose.

Sareena - Making her a knife-thrower was a pretty awesome design choice, IMO. I've liked her aesthetic since MKA. She's always been in the background of the MK lore, and I think bringing her out to play once more would be pretty fun.

So yeah, Li Mei & Bo Rai Cho for story reasons, and Ashrah & Sareena for their general style.
09/10/2014 05:18 PM (UTC)
Not counting Kenshi (if we're counting Kenshi then I include him on the list, after Sareena in priority order but before Reiko) my preferences are:

- Sareena: Reasons listed above by many (I didn't realize there were so many fans wanting her, I hope we can play as her in the game). Her story, her relation with the sub-zero's and the possibility of being a key player on sub-zero returning to his mortal body. Her alternative form we've never seen but that could be used into gameplay with the variations thing, making her a really kool character, the fact that she's my favorite female character ever in the series, that I want tag mode to return so I can play Kuai Liang and Sareena together...

- Reiko: I like him. Big figure both for outworld and netherealm being a leader for both armies on different periods. His story has potential and the character is really kool.

And probably that's it. There are some other characters that I like from that period, others that I don't want to see ever again (like most of the MKD new characters or Frost), but as long as these guys make the cut (plus some from MK1-3) I'm totally fine with the roster.
09/10/2014 05:32 PM (UTC)
Li Mei - As others have said her storyline could easily fit in to MKX and be improved on even more in terms of character development. I've always liked her moveset, and would love to see it expanded upon with an updated design.

Kenshi - Another favourite of mine, he's probably the most likely of the bunch to return. I love telekinesis, plus the blind samurai theme just makes him even more appealing.

Ashrah & Sareena - Lots of potentially interesting story possibilities, and since they are 'sisters' there could be some conflict between them with Ashrah wanting to become good. Design wise I've always found them interesting, but they need some more interesting movesets. I like Ashrah's light theme, and as suggested by others, some voodoo special moves would be great.

Havik - He was the standout MKD character for me, I would love to see him in the new game and have another chance to shine. Great moveset and design possibilities.

Bo Rai Cho - Only if the comic moves are confined to fatalities and he gets a bit of a design overhaul. He just seems fitting for the story and would play well off Kenshi and Li Mei.

I would not object to Frost, Nitara or Hotaru either, but I'm not really bothered either way. I see a lot of the DA-D characters as unfinished and have potential where a bit of work could make them really cool.
09/10/2014 05:32 PM (UTC)

I would welcome Mavado, Drahmin and Frost. Mavado and Drahmin are very interesting characters. With the variation system, these two would be cool to have in MKX. To most people, Frost is just a clone and others see a lot of potential in making her different from Sub-Zero. That could easily be done in MKX.


Havik: From the Chaos Realm,very dark and an interesting character all around. Who wouldn't him? He would fit perfectly in MKX..

Ashrah: A devious and mysterious character whom is part demon. She uses the power of light. I'd like for her to have her Kriss as well. She can reflect light off of it to blind her opponent as a stun move.

Hotaru/Dairou: Either of the two would be a good inclusion. Not sure why, but, I just liked them.

MKA: Since MK4 is out of question for this thread, I'm going to name two characters that made their debuts in that game.

Reiko: certainly deserves a second chance (apart from MKA). He should definitely return in MKX. Demise his wanting to be emperor thing and make him his own character. Lots of potential here...and I want those damn shriukens back!

Kai: Have him be the chosen one and have him feud with Liu Kang, if Liu was to be on the bad side.

Delia and Argus: I think both would be very interesting to play as. Delia can become a Sorceress that we never had. We do want a sorceress, don't we?

Characters like Tanya, Bo Rai Cho and Li Mei had their second 'bouts. The rest I can care less about.
09/10/2014 06:16 PM (UTC)
-edit- posted at end of thread.
09/10/2014 06:45 PM (UTC)
All I really want are MK4 characters.
09/10/2014 07:15 PM (UTC)
Sareena please! She had a nice design and a sweet move-set in MKA. With a little revamping and additional move-sets (varitations), she would be a pleaser.

09/10/2014 07:25 PM (UTC)
Tanya and Reiko. ^^
I know they started in MK4, but they were also in those games.

Otherwise I'd like to see Sareena, Kenshi, Havik, Hotaru and Nitara.
Possibly Taven and Ashrah as well, but they are low priority.
09/10/2014 07:30 PM (UTC)
Frost - Fan girl-ism and because I've stated various times on how she can easily be worked into the story. (Despite that many others could be reworked as well) She also can be created in a different way so that she and Sub-Zero play differently. (Even though they've played differently since the beginning).

Bo Rai' Cho - I see him as a very important character that gets taken less seriously than he should be. I mean he did train Liu Kang. He should be coming into the story by helping the forces of good triumph over Kotal's plans on whatever he intends on doing in Outworld.

Nitara - I feel that she deserves a second chance and get reworked into the way she was destined to be. Granted that her story, in my opinion, was a little on the bore side, they could easily do some rewriting for her and have her story become more of an interesting one.

Ashrah + Sareena - These two characters should still be working with Quan Chi, and both should have their demon forms be shown for once. They could easily do some pretty niffty work by being side by side with Quan Chi (since I'm fairly certain he's going to have more show time in this game), the assassins should also make an appearance with these two being the leads.

Hotaru - I definitely wouldn't mind seeing him return. I thought he was one of the cooler new characters in Deception. He was pretty much working for Onaga since he saw order coming from him, maybe he can see that with Kotal?

I'd also say Drahmin but since he's already been said that he's got no chance of returning for this... But I would like to see him return because he wasn't that bad of a character.
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09/10/2014 07:44 PM (UTC)
MKDA - Nitara, she deserves a second chance. Plus we need to learn more about her realm through her.

MKD - Ashrah, Hotaru, and Havik.
09/10/2014 07:51 PM (UTC)

I can't remember the ending in MKDA completely.. I think she helped Cyrax to go through the Portal, right? Let's try this:


For this betrayal she gets her wings removed from the Queen of her realm and get banned. No she is searching for Cyrax. The only comrade she has.


Finally she found him and lead him to a secret place. They got surrounded by the Queen's Guards. They won't let Cyrax go and torture him to know the weaknesses of earthrealm and plan their invasion. Nitara completed her task and see her wings grown again.

I think it could work for her.. Give her a second Chance, NRS! :D
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09/10/2014 09:10 PM (UTC)
He is too much of a wildcard to not be considered for every game. His motives aren't really what I would call personal and he doesn't align himself with any cause other than Chaos. He could help "bad guys" invade or cause chaos. He could help the nearly-defeated good guys to get back in the fight. When all is said and done, he could do something completely random literally to just stir shit up.

I fucking love Havik. He needs to be in MKX.

Counterpart to Havik. Orderrealm is extremely interesting and that entire mentality just works so well with Chaosrealm at the opposite end. "Order" doesn't necessarily mean he is a good guy. Many acts of good moral can be considered chaotic.

Hotaru is one of the best characters to ever be passed over by many MK fans. Absolutely fantastic and simple.

I initially skimmed over him but after reading Razor's explanation of Drahmin and all is working parts, I find myself extremely desiring his return. He is on par with Noob Saibot as "most evil motherfucker ever".

Yep. Sign me up.

I loved everything about Ashrah from day-1. Her appearance, moves, voodoo and demonic background combined with her goals.

Keep her.

We need a Red Dragon and I feel he has some seriously wasted potential alongside Daegonovich

Bo Rai Cho:
Another character that aside some of the execution, I feel was very solid. I found that I liked MKD because it tried to give more background to some regular fighters rather than everybody being extremely unique with insane powers. Kira, Kobra, Dairou, Darrius, Bo Rai Cho, Li Mei and Mavado fit right into this. Although a lot of them didnt pan out the way they could have due to lacking plot, I really enjoyed the effort.

Of all the MKD newcomers aside Shujinko, Dairou was my hands down favourite. I just like everything about him.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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09/10/2014 09:35 PM (UTC)
Sareena and Ashrah
Bo Rai Cho and Li Mei
Havik and Drahmin (oni potential)
Kira and Hotaru
09/10/2014 09:51 PM (UTC)
Ashrah - Loved her light powers and voodoo doll. One of my fav post-MK3 characters. Really hoping we see her back.

Nitara - I loved Nitara! I loved that they included a vampire in the game but her moveset left a lot to be desired. I am gonna quote my post from another thread about how I would want her in the game:

projectzero00 Wrote:

So before the cheesy vampire love-stories came out, vampires were considered creatures with a bunch of powers in their arsenal. However now it's all about drinking blood and sadly that's how they treated Nitara in MKDA. She could have a bunch of new specials that would fit her race. So let's see..

Improved senses - In this variation Nitara possesses senses much greater than the human. She is a bit quicker, has faster startups and has the ability of divination, through which she can predict some attacks (in this case chip damage coz otherwise this would be overpowered) and not get damaged by them. ->Rushdown variation

Vampiric - In this variation she will be able to launch and bite the opponent and drink his blood. Each biting attack will have a different result, like restore some of Nitara's health, or draining some of the opponent's health bar, meter bar, or stamina bar. She can also hypnotize the opponent with her eyes (CLASSIC vampire power) and confuse them for a few seconds allowing for a free hit. ->This variation will heavily rely on specials

Aerial stance - In this variation Nitara can grow her vampire wings and stay airborne for several seconds. She can perform attacks from the air (similar to Hawkgirl) or even create soundwaves that deafen the opponent, allowing for a free hit. ->Keepaway variation
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09/10/2014 10:04 PM (UTC)
I Really want Kenshi and Havik.

Kenshi was fun in MK9 and I think it would would be cool to see a new interpretation of his and Ermacs interactions, it would be nice to see how differently it plays out, if at all.

Havik is just such a fun character and it would be cool to see his play style brought to the 2D plane, It really want his x-ray to finish with him snapping his own neck just for the giggles.

I would all accept (but am currently not excited for) Hotaru, Deagon, Sareena and Nitara.
09/10/2014 10:12 PM (UTC)
Always enjoyed Kenshi.The sword never runs out of bullets.I hope to see Moloch as well.Thought he was very menacing
09/11/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)
Since when are Tanya, Reiko, Shinnok, etc considered MKDA-MKA characters?
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