08/15/2014 08:11 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Noob Saibot is a black figure. He doesn't need any revamp. What the fuck?!

Seriously, giving him human skin in MKDeception pissed me the fuck off.

Someone mention a reaper. As long as the mofo is all blacked up, and still has a hood on him, then I'm all in. He could have a skeleton face like they were trying to do in MKDeception. But it STILL needs to be darken to barely make him out.

As much as I hated MK Legacy, but if they made Liu Kang resembling that pissed off Liu Kang in the show. I wouldn't be mad. Liu Kang definitely needs a change now. A few hits to his face knocks the hood off. I feel his character design isn't getting any better. But this could lead to problems as people would see him as a Jin Kazama rip off some how.

So much this.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/15/2014 08:21 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
If in the game?

Quan Chi is in desperate need of a make over. He looks far too much like Kratos retarded brother or Mr.Clean covered in baby powder.

You're saying it as if Kratos came first. No matter what they do to Quan Chi, he's still going to be a pale bald headed dude.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

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08/15/2014 08:34 PM (UTC)
Havik - Double his size and make him the boss if it's not Liu Kang
08/15/2014 08:48 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Noob Saibot is a black figure. He doesn't need any revamp. What the fuck?!

Seriously, giving him human skin in MKDeception pissed me the fuck off.

Someone mention a reaper. As long as the mofo is all blacked up, and still has a hood on him, then I'm all in. He could have a skeleton face like they were trying to do in MKDeception. But it STILL needs to be darken to barely make him out.

As much as I hated MK Legacy, but if they made Liu Kang resembling that pissed off Liu Kang in the show. I wouldn't be mad. Liu Kang definitely needs a change now. A few hits to his face knocks the hood off. I feel his character design isn't getting any better. But this could lead to problems as people would see him as a Jin Kazama rip off some how.

I agree, noob must be all black figure. His human skin was really stupid. I still think he could pull off a badass reaper look. (Yes, he would be all black) at least for an alt.

And @onaga. You and I have two completely different expectations for what reptile should be revamped as. And I wouldn't call the mk9 look a ninja either.
08/15/2014 09:09 PM (UTC)
Well obviously. Nobody is suggesting that Noob Saibot becomes pink or green or anything other than black.

In MK9... Noob appears slightly more grey than black... that's not good.
08/15/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)
I want Noob to be a very, very dark black karakter. Let's be clear on that.

He needs more grandiosity going on, you know? Scorpion has these huge marvelous fires and things... and he looks imposing... whereas Noob is wearing a simple hoodie and flop outfit and posing like a Sailor Moon after a fight. It doesn't work for Noob, in particular.

Noon is a specter kind of karakter, like Scorpion.
Specters should be extremely badass, not just a little bit.
Scorpion has always been my favorite, my favorite color is yellow so I flocked to him in MK1. But he really needs an update right now, he's looking like the most bland out of everyone so far. Fix the mask for one, and change the hood to be less hoody.

As for a character that hasn't been announced, i'm excited to see what NRS is going to so with any of the females that haven't been announced. Like Kitana or Mileena. They could be so so cool if they didn't look like strippers, which was my biggest problem with them in MK9. I can't wait to see how they design them this go around.

As for a male fighter, I'm excited to see what they'll do with Reptile too. They almost got the right amount of humanoid and reptilian in MK9, but some small tweaks and he'll be perfect.
08/15/2014 10:00 PM (UTC)
Noob could also have a new power... he could make black holes.
The black hole could cause the spaghettification of the opponent! The opponent would disappear into the hole.
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08/15/2014 10:04 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Noob could also have a new power... he could make black holes.
The black hole could cause the spaghettification of the opponent! The opponent would disappear into the hole.

Alongside Noob Saibot, the stage, pretty much Outworld and so on.
Headbutting gravitational singularities is not a ticket for a fun day.
08/15/2014 10:15 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Noob could also have a new power... he could make black holes.
The black hole could cause the spaghettification of the opponent! The opponent would disappear into the hole.

Alongside Noob Saibot, the stage, pretty much Outworld and so on.
Headbutting gravitational singularities is not a ticket for a fun day.

LOL That could be his ending, in a future game?
The possibilities are endless.

Somehow, Noob should get a big makeover.
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08/15/2014 10:28 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
If in the game?

Quan Chi is in desperate need of a make over. He looks far too much like Uncle Fester. I truly dislike Quan Chi but I know he has a decent fan base so I wouldn't want him to be left out plus he seems to be an intricate piece in Shinnok's plan if that's the route they go with MKX.
08/15/2014 10:43 PM (UTC)
Definately Shinnok!

He's supposed to be a Fallen Elder God, but he looks more like Bozo the Zombie Clown. He looks absolutely stupid in his rainbow clad outfit... and that hat... Lords, it is just SO ugly!!! He looked cooler in the MK: Annihilation movie than he did in any game!

And his gameplay is probably the worst ever in Mortal Kombat... well, first of all, he doesn't have any in MK4 where he was the final boss! He just copied everyone else, kinda like Shang Tsung's transform, but WITHOUT the transform! And in MKA he could summon skeletal hands which did jerk-off motions... whauw...

For Shinnok to be the intimidating boss-character he's supposed to be, he severely needs a makeover.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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08/16/2014 02:56 AM (UTC)
There are several.

Kitana really needs a complete overhaul to spice things up and give her a personality and edge.

Kira needs a gameplay/special attack overhaul.

Mileena needs a storyline overhaul after they botched that shit in mk9. (And give her long hair!)

Bo rai cho needs a sober makeover.

Khameleon could really benefit from a complete makeover.

Shujinko could be a cool character if reimagined.

All the other characters I don't care for at all or think they are fine the way they are.
08/16/2014 02:40 PM (UTC)
I'll just go with who has a good chance/decent possibility to make the roster in MKX or at least later on as DLC.

- Noob: looked great in MK9, doesn't need big changes. Simple upgrades is all.

- Reptile: looked great in MK9 as well and I think it's the best he's ever looked. I think NRS found the perfect human/reptilian mix for him. Updates to his outfit is all that's needed, just don't turn him in to that awful looking lizard from MKDA.

- Shinnok: needs a huge overhaul. He has never looked good in any MK game, but he has a ton of potential. I'll leave it to the artists to come up with something, but it needs to be fresh. I want to look at him and be reminded why he is a god/former elder god.

Quan Chi: I like his look, but he could use a new outfit.

Liu Kang: he can't return unless he looks radically different because of his fate at the end of MK9. Loved his look in his MK9 ending, but the story in MKX would have to justify him becoming a god in order for him to take on that look. Here's hoping, but I'm not holding my breath. Just no zombie Liu this time.

- Sonya: just dressed more modestly this time.

- Cage: same as Sonya. Doubt he's a movie star any more, so more of a civilian look would make sense.
08/18/2014 02:17 AM (UTC)
I think every character should get a makeover, and most of them do from game to game. Some characters that I think need a LOT of change are:

Reptile: I haven't liked any of his looks since MK2 except maybe His Deadly Alliance primary. He should keep reptilian features, but also have some ninja aspects to him. I didn't like his MK9 tribal breasplate. His alt was a nice attempt but it didn't quite get it right.

Quan Chi: He's had the same outfit since Deadly Alliance. His alt was basic and boring as well. It really seemed like a last minute effort.

Kung Lao: Same as Quan Chi, but not quite as bad. I don't expect to see Kung Lao in MKX, but I do think it's time to change him up some. I do like his Deadly Alliance alt, Armageddon, Shaolin Monks, and MKX primary designs, but for the alt something new needs to be done. Like his Deadly Alliance Primary. His alt in the MK9 could definitely have been better.

Kitana and Jade: Based off their MK9 designs alone. For all I care those could be scrapped completely and reworked from the ground up. The costumes were new, I'll give them that, but not the good kind of new.

Sonya: Part of what was wrong with her MK9 costume was her vest and high heels and part of it was her body proportions and animations.

For the record, almost every character could have looked better in their costumes if they were given proper body proportions and animations along with it.

And here are some characters I DON'T think need a lot of change. That doesn't mean I want anything done with them, it just doesn't need to be super drastic.

Noob Saibot: He should still be all black, shadowy, and keep the hood he got in MK9. That was my favorite look for him out of any game I think.

Liu Kang: I've always thought his red and black was just fine. It got spiced up in MK9 by replacing the red stripes on his pants with those leg... things. I would say definitely do something with the hair though. Either trim it short like MK1 or 2 or make it flowing like Robin Shou's or MKvsDC, or some of the art in MK9 showed. All my other complaints have to do with his proportions and animation. He should be a lot thinner and have a more mobile fighting stance. Keep the red and black theme for sure. Oh, and I never ever EVER want to see that golden dragon logo belt from MK vs DC again. I much prefer his MK9 one if it has to incorporate the logo somehow.

Jax: I think MK9 got him just right. Some people might miss the colored striped pants, but I think his plain military pants look juuuust fine.

Ermac: MK Deception made Ermac look cool. MK9 took that look and perfected it. His alt was awesome too. I need not say more.
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08/18/2014 09:39 AM (UTC)
Quan Chi. This time actually make him look like the necro sorcerer he's supposed to be.
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08/18/2014 03:56 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Definately Shinnok!

He's supposed to be a Fallen Elder God, but he looks more like Bozo the Zombie Clown. He looks absolutely stupid in his rainbow clad outfit... and that hat... Lords, it is just SO ugly!!! He looked cooler in the MK: Annihilation movie than he did in any game!

And his gameplay is probably the worst ever in Mortal Kombat... well, first of all, he doesn't have any in MK4 where he was the final boss! He just copied everyone else, kinda like Shang Tsung's transform, but WITHOUT the transform! And in MKA he could summon skeletal hands which did jerk-off motions... whauw...

For Shinnok to be the intimidating boss-character he's supposed to be, he severely needs a makeover.

Thank you!

I keep seeing stuff about how some characters are a little too bland while somehow ignoring the fact that this fallen Elder God looks like a cross between a bellhop from the 1940's and a TGI Friday's waiter.

They need to scrap his look and moves completely and start over from scratch. He's the king of hell. He should have moves that put Noob's, Scorpion's and Quan Chi's to shame.

Other characters can be freshened up. He's the biggest project facing NRS if they decide to bring him back.
08/18/2014 05:11 PM (UTC)

The reason people like him is because of his potential.
His MK:SF version IS NOT COOL, just a Jax that throws rocks.

He is needs the biggest makeover over all the characters.

If we're talking about ones from the fightan games, I'd say Fujin

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Noob Saibot is absolutely perfect. Especially his winpose, best one in MK9
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/18/2014 06:17 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Definately Shinnok!

He's supposed to be a Fallen Elder God, but he looks more like Bozo the Zombie Clown. He looks absolutely stupid in his rainbow clad outfit... and that hat... Lords, it is just SO ugly!!! He looked cooler in the MK: Annihilation movie than he did in any game!

And his gameplay is probably the worst ever in Mortal Kombat... well, first of all, he doesn't have any in MK4 where he was the final boss! He just copied everyone else, kinda like Shang Tsung's transform, but WITHOUT the transform! And in MKA he could summon skeletal hands which did jerk-off motions... whauw...

For Shinnok to be the intimidating boss-character he's supposed to be, he severely needs a makeover.

Thank you!

I keep seeing stuff about how some characters are a little too bland while somehow ignoring the fact that this fallen Elder God looks like a cross between a bellhop from the 1940's and a TGI Friday's waiter.

They need to scrap his look and moves completely and start over from scratch. He's the king of hell. He should have moves that put Noob's, Scorpion's and Quan Chi's to shame.

Other characters can be freshened up. He's the biggest project facing NRS if they decide to bring him back.

All of this. However I do think his MKA moves were a step in the right direction.
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