Which MK karakter needs the biggest makeover (if in MKX)
posted08/18/2014 06:17 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/14/2003 07:47 PM (UTC)
Noob Saibot is a very cool karakter, a great idea... but he never looked badass enough. He needs a darker, more gritty look..

And his MK9 winning pose is a mess. It's very SailorMoon-ish. Which is fine for Sailor Moon, but not Noob.

08/15/2014 04:08 PM (UTC)
hmm I am surprised you went with Noob. I think mk9's Noob was the best one yet. I loved it.

Biggest makeover? hmmm lets see..

I think I would have to go with Lui. Talk a about a boring character design. He is a bad ass fighter but he is real lame in the costume department. If he returns I am expecting an overhaul.
08/15/2014 04:09 PM (UTC)
If Liu returns I would like him to be exactly like in his MK9 ending.
08/15/2014 04:17 PM (UTC)
Yes, Noob needs a DRASTIC change. More so than any other (relevant) karakter.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero are ALWAYS very glorious and badass. Noob looks bland in comparison.

Noob should be on the same level... he's not quite there, yet. Just my opinion.
08/15/2014 04:19 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Yes, Noob needs a DRASTIC change. More so than any other (relevant) karakter.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero are ALWAYS very glorious and badass. Noob looks bland in comparison.

Noob should be on the same level... he's not quite there, yet. Just my opinion.

I think Noob would look badass as a reaper. Long draped hood and such.
08/15/2014 04:19 PM (UTC)
If in the game?

Quan Chi is in desperate need of a make over. He looks far too much like Kratos retarded brother or Mr.Clean covered in baby powder. I truly dislike Quan Chi but I know he has a decent fan base so I wouldn't want him to be left out plus he seems to be an intricate piece in Shinnok's plan if that's the route they go with MKX.
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08/15/2014 04:20 PM (UTC)
If Johnny Cage is in, PLEASE remove that tattoo. Makes him look like so much of a D-bag in which I never took him to be until MK2011.
08/15/2014 04:21 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
If in the game?

Quan Chi is in desperate need of a make over. He looks far too much like Kratos retarded brother or Mr.Clean covered in baby powder. I truly dislike Quan Chi but I know he has a decent fan base so I wouldn't want him to be left out plus he seems to be an intricate piece in Shinnok's plan if that's the route they go with MKX.

Yo good point. He hasnt seen much of a revamp in style really at all.
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08/15/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
If Johnny Cage is in, PLEASE remove that tattoo. Makes him look like so much of a D-bag in which I never took him to be until MK2011.

I think Johnny Cage is supossed to be a cocky, self absorbed person. I think the tattoo fits him perfectly to be honest.
08/15/2014 04:28 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Yes, Noob needs a DRASTIC change. More so than any other (relevant) karakter.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero are ALWAYS very glorious and badass. Noob looks bland in comparison.

Noob should be on the same level... he's not quite there, yet. Just my opinion.

I think Noob would look badass as a reaper. Long draped hood and such.

YES. That would be an improvement. He could even lose the face mask. Tanya doesn't have a mask and it works for her.

08/15/2014 04:29 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
If in the game?

Quan Chi is in desperate need of a make over. He looks far too much like Kratos retarded brother or Mr.Clean covered in baby powder.

I've been coughing all week. So much so, that my lower abdomen hurts. This.....this did not help. LMAO.
08/15/2014 04:35 PM (UTC)
Cage doesn't need a big change, I think.

But that latest tattoo he got is indeed ugly. But it's just a minor detail.
08/15/2014 04:38 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Noob Saibot is a very cool karakter, a great idea... but he never looked badass enough.

Stopped reading after this
08/15/2014 04:38 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi and Liu are flawless!
08/15/2014 04:39 PM (UTC)
nub looks more badass than Scorpy and Subby IMO.
08/15/2014 04:41 PM (UTC)
Stryker needs to be his chubby, curly-haired self from MK3 again, if he returns. And he should start smoking. His roundhouse kick from MK3 would be welcome. I thought it looked hilarious.

I wouldn't mind if Tanya looked like she did in MK4.

I liked Reptile's MK:DA self, and Khameleon needs a more reptilian design, or a human disguise that doesn't make her look like a ninja at all.

Meat should be a bloody skeleton again, or it should be his alt, at least.

08/15/2014 04:42 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Noob Saibot is a very cool karakter, a great idea... but he never looked badass enough.

Stopped reading after this

I really like the koncept of Noob Saibot! Black ninja, dead Sub-Zero zombie kind of thing... I'm just saying... make him more majestic! He is too plain and basic right now. He has potential for much more.
08/15/2014 05:03 PM (UTC)
Ashrah - New updated look and new light attacks
Kira - Great backstory bad moveset. If they revamp her specials she will be good.
Quan Chi - He needs a new costume really bad

Characters like Liu and Cage can die for good for all I care.
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08/15/2014 07:04 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi, we've been looking at that same outfit since MKDA and even his alt was just his MKDA concept art.

Reptile, I think he looked best in MKDA in both anatomy and costume design. He needs to lose the mask and hood. Like why even wear it, he's clearly not human.
08/15/2014 07:40 PM (UTC)
For me both Quan Chi and Tanya should have their MK4 apparences..
And Noob Saibot is perfect in the way he was in MK9..
Doubt that he will make it to MKX though, I think perhaps as a DLC
08/15/2014 07:45 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi most definitely.

This asshole has been wearing the same get up for years now. His Alt in MK9 just had him put on a sleeveless shirt. For god sake give this guy a new look.
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08/15/2014 07:48 PM (UTC)
JadedReign Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
If in the game?

Quan Chi is in desperate need of a make over. He looks far too much like Kratos retarded brother or Mr.Clean covered in baby powder.

I've been coughing all week. So much so, that my lower abdomen hurts. This.....this did not help. LMAO.

LOL! And I agree he definitely needs a makeover. He's looked the same for over 10 years.
Wished they kept Sub-Zero's shredder costume, now he's just Scorpion's blue-brother again.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/15/2014 08:02 PM (UTC)
Noob Saibot is a black figure. He doesn't need any revamp. What the fuck?!

Seriously, giving him human skin in MKDeception pissed me the fuck off.

Someone mention a reaper. As long as the mofo is all blacked up, and still has a hood on him, then I'm all in. He could have a skeleton face like they were trying to do in MKDeception. But it STILL needs to be darken to barely make him out.

As much as I hated MK Legacy, but if they made Liu Kang resembling that pissed off Liu Kang in the show. I wouldn't be mad. Liu Kang definitely needs a change now. A few hits to his face knocks the hood off. I feel his character design isn't getting any better. But this could lead to problems as people would see him as a Jin Kazama rip off some how.
08/15/2014 08:03 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi - That MKDA look has carried on for far too long to the point of it being nonsensical. I`m actually starting to think they are keeping it just because of the similarity between it and Kratos. So lets see him get his more cenobite appearance back.

Kuai Liang - Ditch the fucking predator cyber ninja armor and give him more of a cyber punk man meets machine look.

Reptile – Tired of seeing him as a ninja. There is absolutely no reason for him to resemble one in any way whatsoever anymore since we are no longer constrained by digitised actors. Also as we have seen he makes a rather shit “ninja”
Let’s Reptile it up with this beast.

Havik – Give him a more “chaotic” design or don’t even bother. The people of his world are completely mad and believe in total chaos meanwhile his appearance has a startling amount of order and uniformity to it.

Drahmin – Make him bigger, make him scarier, make him much more hellish instead of a simple humanoid with no skin and a mask. He’s the Oni Tormentor so show it (Not that I will ever see this awesome character again thanks to you all and Ed Boon)

Shinnok – Another character who could do with a massive face lift and a much more imposing appearance. Something fitting of a being who was once a god who is now ruler of all of hell.

Kitana – Make her look more like a bad ass or a wall flower NRS. And less like simple pandering eye candy.

Sheeva – I would like to see a little more Shokan society conveyed in her appearance instead of the simple boring swim suit.

Sektor - *shrugs* something more technologically advanced than the clunky form he had in the last game. That is if he even has the same story in the new time line. In the last game his personality seemed perfectly intact. It didn’t seem like he was a new entity like he was supposed to be in the previous time line which eventually had its wires crossed and started to go mad. So if he still is now an AI bent on the domination it would make sense that it would want to update itself with the newest and best tech.

08/15/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
Liu, Johnny or Noob
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