02/09/2015 02:31 PM (UTC)
Infiltrate someone else's faction, hell yeah smile
02/09/2015 02:36 PM (UTC)
White Lotus.

Kung Lao is no doubt a part of this faction and the background itself is amazing.
02/09/2015 06:00 PM (UTC)
hmm no idea yet, going to have to look into it further.
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Thanks for the sig MINION!

02/09/2015 06:10 PM (UTC)
Brotherhood for sure. If I end up getting a copy for the xbone, I'll go with White Lotus. That background looks awesome.
02/09/2015 06:12 PM (UTC)
I'm settling for Brotherhood Of Shadow.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/09/2015 06:22 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
Man, like half the people online are gonna be Lin Kuei. I just know it.

Which is why I'm surprised there's no Shirai Ryu. That would either split up the Lin Kuei folk, or everyone would just gravitate to Shirai Ryu...so I dunno man, delicate situation lol.

LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
Special Forces, cuz, well...

Unless, by some unfathomable reason, it is fully represented by Cassie Cage. Not diggin' that girl, and I refuse to take orders from her. Gonna cross over to the Brotherhood of Assholes then.

Hey you! Lol @ Brotherhood of Assholes, and still rockin' that signature I see! wink

I'm honestly not 100% sure yet. It'll either be Lin Kuei or White Lotus. I'd like to do Brotherhood, but I just want no association with Quan Chi right now. tongue

Edit - Upon further thought, if Reiko, Ashrah, or Noob make the cut...I might just do the Brotherhood. sleep
02/09/2015 06:36 PM (UTC)
Brotherhood of Shadows

Because Quan Chi has an All Star team around him with the services from Kitana and Kung Lao working for him. Maybe even Shinnok and other deadly kombatants. No competition.
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02/09/2015 06:36 PM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:

From what I understand of it is you pick a faction at the start of the game then everything you do; challenge towers, story mode, online matches give you points which go to a central tally for your chosen faction then at the end of the week a winning faction is announced! There is additional things like factions challenges, invasions etc etc which I don't know much about but it looks like fun and gives you some sort of ownership and a common goal to work together to be the best faction for the week!

I'm REALLY curious how this is going to work. From what I can see, the Lin Kuei and the Brotherhood of Shadows tend to be the overwhelming favorites, at least on twitter and what not.

I mean, what if it breaks down this way:

35% pick Lin Kuei

30% pick Brotherhood of Shadows

15% pick White Lotus

12% pick Black Dragon

8% pick Special Forces

So if everyone is playing and contributing to the weekly totals, doesn't Lin Kuei have a huge advantage over Special Forces? I could see Brotherhood of Shadows overtaking Lin Kuei every now and then, but how would White Lotus, Black Dragon or Special Forces even stand a chance at winning a week with such a small number of players by comparison?

I mean, I'm sure there will be special things that help contribute to a specific faction's totals, but would those things be enough to balance out the differences in people playing certain factions?

Maybe we just need to learn more, or maybe I'm just not understanding this enough yet.

Anyways, I'm choosing White Lotus, most likely. Unless there seems to be a huge advantage in choosing another faction.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

02/09/2015 06:42 PM (UTC)
petrcech Wrote:
Brotherhood of Shadows

Because Quan Chi has an All Star team around him with the services from Kitana and Kung Lao working for him. Maybe even Shinnok and other deadly kombatants. No competition.

What kind of services? Actually second thought, I do not want to know.

I am going to be all of them since there are faction specific rewards but if I had to pick one it would be Brotherhood of Shadows.
02/09/2015 07:00 PM (UTC)
I'm gravitating towards the Brotherhood of Shadow because I like the whole evil cult aesthetic. But if they're only represented by Quan Chi on the roster, I'll be going with Special Forces because I still love Sonya, even though I haven't really touched her in nearly 20 years. o_o;
02/09/2015 07:04 PM (UTC)
Probably Brotherhood of Shadows, but without Noob Saibot or Sareena - and too much Quan Chi -, maybe I will pick up Black Dragon.
02/09/2015 07:07 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:

From what I understand of it is you pick a faction at the start of the game then everything you do; challenge towers, story mode, online matches give you points which go to a central tally for your chosen faction then at the end of the week a winning faction is announced! There is additional things like factions challenges, invasions etc etc which I don't know much about but it looks like fun and gives you some sort of ownership and a common goal to work together to be the best faction for the week!

I'm REALLY curious how this is going to work. From what I can see, the Lin Kuei and the Brotherhood of Shadows tend to be the overwhelming favorites, at least on twitter and what not.

I mean, what if it breaks down this way:

35% pick Lin Kuei

30% pick Brotherhood of Shadows

15% pick White Lotus

12% pick Black Dragon

8% pick Special Forces

So if everyone is playing and contributing to the weekly totals, doesn't Lin Kuei have a huge advantage over Special Forces? I could see Brotherhood of Shadows overtaking Lin Kuei every now and then, but how would White Lotus, Black Dragon or Special Forces even stand a chance at winning a week with such a small number of players by comparison?

I mean, I'm sure there will be special things that help contribute to a specific faction's totals, but would those things be enough to balance out the differences in people playing certain factions?

Maybe we just need to learn more, or maybe I'm just not understanding this enough yet.

Anyways, I'm choosing White Lotus, most likely. Unless there seems to be a huge advantage in choosing another faction.

But if White Lotus/Black Dragon/Special Forces always fight against Lin Kuei/Brotherhood of Shadows, they can balance the numbers.

So isn't enough having better numbers to reign wink
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

02/09/2015 07:23 PM (UTC)
Like I said in the other thread I'm growing a tactical beard and rolling with the SF.
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02/09/2015 07:36 PM (UTC)
Shinomune Wrote:

But if White Lotus/Black Dragon/Special Forces always fight against Lin Kuei/Brotherhood of Shadows, they can balance the numbers.

So isn't enough having better numbers to reign wink

Doesn't that kinda break the system? Isn't everyone supposed to fight everyone? I can see some minor differences not mattering, like if each faction was around 20%, but if one or two factions have so many that the other three can't even fight one another, but have to instead team up? That seems kinda strange.

I see what you're saying though. I'll be curious to see if it'll actually have to come to that, or they have other stuff in mind to balance things out that they haven't told us about yet.

lol I can already picture people getting salty at the idea of a perceived weakest faction winning a week because they had to handed a bunch of stuff that got them points because they'd never win otherwise. Hopefully it doesn't play out like that.
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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

02/09/2015 07:42 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:

From what I understand of it is you pick a faction at the start of the game then everything you do; challenge towers, story mode, online matches give you points which go to a central tally for your chosen faction then at the end of the week a winning faction is announced! There is additional things like factions challenges, invasions etc etc which I don't know much about but it looks like fun and gives you some sort of ownership and a common goal to work together to be the best faction for the week!

I'm REALLY curious how this is going to work. From what I can see, the Lin Kuei and the Brotherhood of Shadows tend to be the overwhelming favorites, at least on twitter and what not.

I mean, what if it breaks down this way:

35% pick Lin Kuei

30% pick Brotherhood of Shadows

15% pick White Lotus

12% pick Black Dragon

8% pick Special Forces

So if everyone is playing and contributing to the weekly totals, doesn't Lin Kuei have a huge advantage over Special Forces? I could see Brotherhood of Shadows overtaking Lin Kuei every now and then, but how would White Lotus, Black Dragon or Special Forces even stand a chance at winning a week with such a small number of players by comparison?

I mean, I'm sure there will be special things that help contribute to a specific faction's totals, but would those things be enough to balance out the differences in people playing certain factions?

Maybe we just need to learn more, or maybe I'm just not understanding this enough yet.

Anyways, I'm choosing White Lotus, most likely. Unless there seems to be a huge advantage in choosing another faction.

They might have already thought of this and have a scoring system in place that adjusts for population.
02/09/2015 07:43 PM (UTC)
The points will be weighted depending on the population of that specific faction.

For example, if Black Dragon has many fewer people than the rest, their points will be weighted higher than Lin Kuei for example, whose points will probably weigh less than the average.
02/09/2015 07:47 PM (UTC)
I really wanna align with Kotal. Like, a lot.

But since he has no Faction I'll probably just stick with the nWo Wolfpac.
02/09/2015 08:03 PM (UTC)
I'm Lin Kuei, because I said so and I want to also play as Scorpion to represent my clan.

Oooh the naughtiness

02/09/2015 08:04 PM (UTC)
I'm still pretty much undecided, but White Lotus is the top candidate as of right now.

All I know for sure is that it won't be Black Dragon.
02/09/2015 08:04 PM (UTC)
Some clarifications:

- You can play AS ANY CHARACTER ON ANY FACTION. It's just a "team tag" and it gives aesthetics stuff like backgrounds and special faction finishers, but you aren't forced into a faction because you play an specific character.

That said I'm picking Lin Kuei because I really like the organization's lore and Sub-Zero, even if it's just a name tag for the team of online players.

- I don't remember where, but I think it has been said that factions are balanced so having less members won't screw you (an intelligent move as everybody would jump into the bigger boat to ensure more wins) and they take the overall help from players on the faction instead of adding all points.

It could even end up meaning that the faction with the more people loses because of many "lazy uncollaborative" members being there, screwing the overal numbers.
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02/09/2015 08:24 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
Special Forces, cuz, well...

Unless, by some unfathomable reason, it is fully represented by Cassie Cage. Not diggin' that girl, and I refuse to take orders from her. Gonna cross over to the Brotherhood of Assholes then.

Hey you! Lol @ Brotherhood of Assholes, and still rockin' that signature I see! wink

That sig is the shit!! I still dearly love the ethereal green shading and the images used; I remember being so hype right before MK9 came out, when she was being showcased. Takes me back. Also, I'm not much impressed with anything I wrote on this forum back when I was very active, but Boot2Ass is an exception.

Baraka407 Wrote:
I mean, I'm sure there will be special things that help contribute to a specific faction's totals, but would those things be enough to balance out the differences in people playing certain factions?

Maybe we just need to learn more, or maybe I'm just not understanding this enough yet.

Anyways, I'm choosing White Lotus, most likely. Unless there seems to be a huge advantage in choosing another faction.

You make a great point, I've been wondering the same thing. How are they going to bring fairness and competitiveness to an online world where every other player and their dad is jumping dick-first into the Lin Kuei? "Sub-Zero, motherfucker, hells yeeeaahhh! The South will rise again!" ... I don't know why I picture your average Sub-Zero fan to have a thick Southern accent and a shotgun with a pet name... but I do, and no one can take that away from me.

Back on topic, I, too, trust they've considered this (it's an obvious would-be flaw, no?), though I'm also pretty sure they haven't said anything on the subject. It would make sense, as a few people have mentioned, to assign accordingly higher point value to players in factions with lower numbers, but I think they're gonna have to get a little more creative, at least with the presentation of that solution--lest we have to deal with the incessant "NOT FAIR, Black Dragon gets more points than us, LIU KUEI FOREVER, SCORPION ROCKS, MY COUSIN IS A GREAT KISSER!" Online will go down fast if certain people have something new to complain about.

Lokheit Wrote:

I hope you're right!

JadedReign Wrote:...I'll be going with Special Forces because I still love Sonya, even though I haven't really touched her in nearly 20 years. o_o;

-_- I've got way too much free time today, it seems...
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-sig by MINION

02/09/2015 08:42 PM (UTC)
If factions really do effect menus and such either White Lotus or Lin Kuei because I like that aesthetic. Or maybe Special Forces since I go hard for Sonya and Jax.
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

02/09/2015 09:33 PM (UTC)
Faction- Special Forces
Why - Sonya

If she ain't in I'll choose White Scrotum.
02/09/2015 09:41 PM (UTC)
Either Black Dragon or Brotherhood of Shadow.

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Get that ass BANNED

02/09/2015 09:51 PM (UTC)
I don't know at this point. I don't care much for Black Dragon. Not a huge fan of the White Lotus. I was thinking brotherhood of shadow but Quan Chi fucked that all up by being there (I fucking hate Quan Chi). Special Forces can suck it. The Lin Bin is bleh. I'm not a fan of Scorpion, but I would have went with the Shirai Ryu if it was an option.

Fuck it, im goin factionless.
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