Which Character do you want to see in Mortal Kombat: Amargeddon and in which look?!?! (The whole character list inside)
posted12/21/2005 08:09 PM (UTC)by
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06/23/2004 02:00 PM (UTC)

So which Character do you want to see in Mortal Kombat: Amargeddon and in which look?!?!
Like I want Ermac in the next MK Chapter to be in his MK Deception Alternate look

Bo' Rai Cho
Hsu Hao
Johnny Cage
Kung Lao
Li Mei
Lui Kang
Noob Saibot
Quan Chi
Shang Tsung
Shao Kahn
12/15/2005 10:41 AM (UTC)
I always like to see characters with new costumes as their primary costume. But I dont mind alternates ebing classic costumes.

I'd like to see Kitana, Sub Zero and Sareena in the next MK Game most (obviously).

Kitana has to be more royal, perhaps wearing a dress. For her alternates, i dont mind her looking more like she did in MK:DA or MK2. I liked thos costumes best.

Sareena, well I would like to see something completely new for Sareena too. I have some of my own ideas, and would like her to keep the balck/red colours. I'd prefer her to have longer hair as I think it suits her more, but I do like her as she is. Sareena is one fo the few I dont mind dressing slutty, since that was probably part of her job when she served Quan Chi so its fitting in a certain way lol.

Id like to see also Sub Zero in something new again. but his MK:DA alternate is my favoutire costume of his. I didnt like his MK:D alternate at all.
12/15/2005 01:47 PM (UTC)
I really wouldn't mind seeing all the characters in their gear from Shaolin Monks, they all looked excellent in it. Except Sonya. Belly-button piercing my arse. I'm still pissed off with the thong from Deadly Alliance. Ideally I'd want her wearing boxer shorts and a fairly more military issue pair of trousers. But that's just me, Sonya is hot, so they don't need to make her look like a slut.

Speaking of which, Mileena's outfit needs changed too. I think she needs something a lot more like Kitana's, except they both need to be a tad more modest. I mean, they are supposed to be assassins, princesses, female ninjas, whatever, they shouldn't be wearing dental floss and dairylea triangles.

Actually, I think you can just put me down as having a huge problem with all the females in Mortal Kombat. Like, they are attractive enough without having to wear next to nothing like that. I wish Midway would just grow up about the whole "clothing women" issue.

Other than that, there isn't really anyone else I have a problem with. I want Ermac to come back in his usual attire, since I really like him like that, and I want Scorpion in his MKDA attire, since that was the King. And probably Sub-Zero in his MKSM/MKDA attires, since they were the best of the bunch. I really wouldnt mind seeing a Human Smoke again after seeing him in Shaolin Monks too. Everyone else was pretty good, so nothing else to say.

Although I really hope they use MKDA's graphics engine and MKD's combat system, since I though Deadly Alliance looked a lot better, while Deception played a lot better.
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12/15/2005 02:21 PM (UTC)
Remove Mileena's semi-nude dress and replace it with something actually covering her surface, but nothing what goes off from her curves.
the "distract from the face" thing is an interesting argument, but only an idiot would give it in wartime. Besides, that could really apply for civil wear
I guess. here's my idea:

For Sonya..keep the MKDA costume and loose the thong.

Kitana, well...something more regal. The pic shows something, but don;t take it MK wise, it is actually a model how the real Kitana would look as a fighter (shorter, bulkier and less beauty queen like).

12/15/2005 04:01 PM (UTC)
Noob Saibot - In his Default MK4 style outfit

Subzero - In his DA ninja clothes, but without the ice hands, instead add
the ninja arms guards.

Human Smoke - In his Shaolin Monks ninja clothes.

Reptile - In his Shaolin Monks ninja clothes.

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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
12/15/2005 04:08 PM (UTC)
Vasculio Wrote:
Noob Saibot - In his MK4 style outfit

Subzero - In his DA ninja clothes, but without the ice hands, instead add
the ninja arms guards.

Human Smoke - In his Shaolin Monks ninja clothes.

Reptile - In his Shaolin Monks ninja clothes.

I dont think Sub Zero should have something covering his head, he looked strange with the grey hair, i liked him best in MK4
12/15/2005 07:48 PM (UTC)
MKKitana Wrote:
I always like to see characters with new costumes as their primary costume. But I dont mind alternates ebing classic costumes.

I'd like to see Kitana, Sub Zero and Sareena in the next MK Game most (obviously).

Kitana has to be more royal, perhaps wearing a dress. For her alternates, i dont mind her looking more like she did in MK:DA or MK2. I liked thos costumes best.

Sareena, well I would like to see something completely new for Sareena too. I have some of my own ideas, and would like her to keep the balck/red colours. I'd prefer her to have longer hair as I think it suits her more, but I do like her as she is. Sareena is one fo the few I dont mind dressing slutty, since that was probably part of her job when she served Quan Chi so its fitting in a certain way lol.

Id like to see also Sub Zero in something new again. but his MK:DA alternate is my favoutire costume of his. I didnt like his MK:D alternate at all.

Agreed, but I want see that all females are dressed decently.
Yes even Sareena........
12/15/2005 08:00 PM (UTC)
Sonya- I love JAX007's concept in the Fan Submission, the sketch of the SWAT like Sonya. Anything from MK4-MKSM she's looked good. I dislike her MK1 gymnastic style get-up and her MK3 street chick thing.

Mileena- Total whore! Oh yeah!! Nah I'm just kidding. I love her MKD outfits though IMO her alternate has to have its colours swapped, should be black leotard with pink lining not the reverse as shown in game. Something that has a combination of skin tight leathers with flowing silk, softness and hardness.

Tanya- I was quite happy wither her MKD outfits though I was unhappy with how manly she looked, I loved her darkened eyes but I miss her pupils, and although the fringe has grown on me, lose it. I love her MKD boots and the skirt!

Sindel- Her MKD costumes were great, especially her primary. Edenians are never to wear trousers! Never! wow

Jade- The Amazonian look they went with mixed with the oriental served very well for Jade, something along those lines would be nice in the future.

Ashrah- Her MKD primary was very nice and I love the hat! But her MKD alternate was fantastic! I love it!! IMO keep her wearing white, covered in one outfit, showing a bit more in another.

12/15/2005 09:14 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
Sindel- Her MKD costumes were great, especially her primary. Edenians are never to wear trousers! Never! wow


I want Sindel to look like....

Of couse the famous one peice from Deception and 3. Make it open a lot, and one color down the center, light purple. the outter part of the one peice be dark purple with long diagnol lines growing out of the purple area, lines be black. Her arms are coverer with long bacl velvet glovestarting barely beneath the shoulder. Underneath her one peice is a skin tight velvet that sops at her choker with a diamond shaped design. Her legs have long velvet black socks attached to the on-peice, and boots similar to Deception. ahir stats the same, but more curls. She wears a huge black cape in her official render.
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Go ahead, make my day. R.I.P Trevor Goddard

12/16/2005 02:22 AM (UTC)
Kitana- Her MKSM costume
Jade- Her MKSM costume
Mileena- Her MKSM costume
Sindel- Primary from MKD, and MK3
Mavado- Primary costume in MKSM
Sonya- The way I drew her(sorry I don't have a scanner, but since she was killed by Kano, she has blood, gashes, scraps, every bloody thing you can imagine, and I kind of put all of her looks from MK1-MKDA, it looks kool.)
Kano-His MKSM costume, MKDA primary costume
Sub-Zero- Primary costume from MKD and Alt. Costume from MKDA
Scorpion- Primary costume from MKD and costume from MK4
Tanya- Primary costume from MKD
Kung Lao- Primary costume from MKDA,costume from MKSM
Shao Kahn-Costume from MKSM
12/16/2005 03:42 AM (UTC)
I dont think Sub Zero should have something covering his head, he looked strange with the grey hair, i liked him best in MK4

Reply: You don't like ninja Subzero? Are you mad!? I don't like Subzero unmasked.
Ninja Subzero all the way!
12/16/2005 06:28 PM (UTC)

I love her MKDA look the best, but I would really like to see her again with the long pony tail and hat, Mk4 style, she looks amazing in that game. Same costume but with improvements so it doesnt look too simple (red better then green, and keep the piercing and thong please).


Her Persian/Arabic look is FANTASTIC, it’s the best thing that has happened to Mileena, I hope they never take that away from her. The mask should still look like a veil.


Please give this queen a dress. While I love her look in the games, it doesn’t fit her anymore (she is not evil!). Make her royal and deadly at the same time.

Johnny Cage:

I was a fan of the Tuxedo or elegant suit, but that should never return. Make Johnny Cage serious, the outfit he had in MKDA was amazing, while I would really like to see him like that, I think they should give him something totally new.
12/17/2005 05:56 AM (UTC)
mk3 Reptile
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12/17/2005 07:55 PM (UTC)
I'd like to see Scorpion come back as Hanzo, since we've never seen him look human.

I'd like to see a new, young Sub-Zero. Maybe an apprentice of the older Sub-Zero.

As for the looks of any characters: I'd want to see two completely new costumes as primary/secondary costumes for characters, with classic costumes being tertiary. They don't need to change everyone's overall looks (obviously Sonya should have a military look for example) but I think that they should take some chances with characters like they did with Ermac and Mileena in MK:D. Both got really cool new looks for that game. I'd like to see the MK team take chances like that even more.
12/20/2005 05:54 PM (UTC)
I want Shang Tsung back in Mortal Kombat Amargeddon in his MK 3 look.
Man he looked awesome with those long black hair and that costume and he looked so evil. By the way his moves were great too, I think he is gotta be one of my favorites in Mortal Kombat 3..........

here is his mk 3 look:

12/20/2005 07:39 PM (UTC)
$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:
I want Shang Tsung back in Mortal Kombat Amargeddon in his MK 3 look.
Man he looked awesome with those long black hair and that costume and he looked so evil. By the way his moves were great too, I think he is gotta be one of my favorites in Mortal Kombat 3..........

here is his mk 3 look:

I agree. I think his Mk3 look is one of the best. I think Tsung has always looked good EXCEPT in Mk2....God I hated that stupid clown look they gave him.

In Mk1 he looked evil, intimidating, wise and powerful.
In Mk2 he looked stupid, ugly and like a bad joke.
In Mk3 he looked really evil and powerful.
In MkDA he looked fantastic! He had a strange elegance, he also looked wise.
12/20/2005 08:21 PM (UTC)

Johnny Cage should have a practical costume and a more light hearted, nostalgic look.

I am not sure what his practical clothes would be, but I think something a bit more appropriate to weather conditions.
His nostalgia costume just must be the Mk1 Bloodsport look with the plimsoles and shorts with a taper. That would look interesting to see in 3d.
Maybe he could even have a third costume that reflects his Mk2 look. I do like the tux, though. Having a third costume would be pushing it.

Scorpion should maybe have an expansion on his current look for his primary and something more simple for his secondry. Another cool thing would be like Jax007's bare-chested skull Scorpion with the ragged spectre pants. Even though he is a god-champion, I think he retains his hell abilities, but they could even have something reflective of his new role, but I'm not sure how that would work on Scorpion, though.

Sub-Zero will keep the MkD look, as it would be illogical for it to change. A different secondary would be expected though.

Kano, if back(unlikely) should maybe just follow the same themes he always has. I am really not sure when it comes to Kano as I don't think he should appear.

Sonya, I have only this to say; give Kobra back his face, take off the thong and start fighting like a woman again.

Raiden should simply continue the angry deity theme he has at the moment... because it rocks!

Liu Kang has always had simple clothes, but I think it's time for something different; lets dress him in a tutu! Really, I can't think what I'd give this now boring character who must be getting a bit tired himself these days.

since we going off of past costumes for Armegeddon my list goes as following-

Subzero- MkDA secondary
Jax- MkDA- minus the beret and machine gun
Quan Chi- MKDA
Raiden- MKD
Ermac-MKD Secondary
Mileena-MKD secondary
Kung Lao- MKSM
Sonya-(dont laugh) MK4- with some updated alterations
Mileena-MKD secondary
Stryker- Ok im gonna get laughed at for this but i had kinda thought if he had a rework and kinda had a Leon Kennedy type look rom RE4 with his pistol still in its holster. Obviously not the same hair either.
Liu kang-MKDA (before his neck was snapped)
Smoke-MKD secondary
Jade-MKD secondary

12/21/2005 04:38 AM (UTC)
who designed the looks for the characters in mkda and mkd??? well i want nothing from him or her...i mean there were maybe 3 looks i liked..but i think the rest sucked this person ruined mk big time...cyrex was awful...and scorpion...uhh dont get me started..
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
12/21/2005 10:12 AM (UTC)
I think that each Ninja that has featured in either MK1 Mk2 Mk3 UMK3 should have a retro or classic outfit.

Like Scorpions alternate in decpetion, i think Sub Zero should have had this too but he didnt.

Same with Rain and Ermac i would like to play in their classic costumes, not changed at all just in 3D.
12/21/2005 12:29 PM (UTC)
There's no flair or originality in the retro costumes though, they are all just pallette swaps, and I would rather have characters with a new story and original look. I like what they did with Scorpion (in MKDA), Sub-Zero (alternate in MKDA), Ermac and Smoke (MKD), Reptile, Smoke, Jade, Kitana and Mileena (MKSM). I wish they'd do that with the rest of the "ninjas", but the only one that's really left is Rain, and he needs something more regal than a simple ninja costume. Personally I think that the greater diversification of the ninja sprites was just what the doctor ordered; I didn't want to be stuck playing as the same character but in a different colour outfit for the rest of my gaming career.
12/21/2005 08:09 PM (UTC)
Should Reptile have his Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks look?
I am not so sure about that, because we have already great characters like Scorpon and Sub-Zero who have superb ninja look.
and then ofcourse we have females like Kitana, Mileena and Jade.
I think reptile should come in his true form, he is a Zatterian after all.........

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