Where are Baraka and the Tarkatan Horde?
posted02/09/2015 06:17 PM (UTC)by
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01/27/2015 11:02 PM (UTC)
For everyone who has been reading the comics and following the hype and all the interviews etc has anyone seen anything about Baraka and his tarkatan buddies? I may have missed something but I can't recall seeing or reading anything about them I imagine he and his buddies would have some role to play in the battle for outworld but I don't think there has been any mention yet has anyone seen anything different?
02/09/2015 05:59 AM (UTC)
"Where are Baraka and the Tarkatan Horde?"

Drinking Bo Rai' Cho's awful brew to alleviate losing Mileena to Reiko's sexy demeanor.
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02/09/2015 06:00 AM (UTC)
Baraka will be there. He'll be playable too. R-Right guys?
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02/09/2015 06:09 AM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Baraka will be there. He'll be playable too. R-Right guys?

He'll have a story mode only appearance to die meaningless as cannon fodder in the Outworld Civil War.

I kid.
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Baraka will be there. He'll be playable too. R-Right guys?

He gets a twitter mention every once in awhile...that's all I got man.
02/09/2015 06:37 AM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Baraka will be there. He'll be playable too. R-Right guys?

My money is on Baraka being DLC.
02/09/2015 06:46 AM (UTC)
To be honest, Baraka is a character that I never cared too much for because he always felt like "just one of thousands of tarkatans" with nothing special. It wouldn't surprise me if he is relegated to NPC cannon fodder (though I guess Mileena will need more warriors in the civil war so there is still a possibility I guess).

Goro and Kintaro for example stand tall when compared with generic shokans because they're unique among their race, but Baraka is just a regular tarkatan, even in his MK9 ending we saw a tarkatan squad where everyone had super cool and unique designs... except for regular tarkatan but somehow leader Baraka.

Being a punching bag in story mode doesn't help with this perception, and considering that currently in the comics it's said that Mileena lacks the strength to present a bigger threat, maybe it's implied that Kotal forces decimated the tarkatan horde and Baraka dies in the process.
02/09/2015 06:49 AM (UTC)
KcinTnarg Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Baraka will be there. He'll be playable too. R-Right guys?

My money is on Baraka being DLC.

I agree with this, for some reason I have this feeling he will be one of the klassic characters in the kombat pack I just don't think he will be main roster I think we have got just about enough outworld warriors with kotal, d'vorah, ferra/torr, reptile, Ermac, Goro and Erron black, mileena and reiko as strong possibilities it will be good to move away from some of the old outworld goons and give the newbies a chance to shine!
02/09/2015 06:53 AM (UTC)
According to a magazine, tarkatans sometimes come out of the portal in the refugee camp to attack people, that's pretty much it.
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02/09/2015 07:13 AM (UTC)
Races =/= factions.

I wouldn't mind seeing Baraka return, even though I'm really not a fan of him.
02/09/2015 07:16 AM (UTC)
Someone put forth the idea that Baraka could be the final boss on the gamefaqs message boards... and I replied with the following (edited out the beginning, as it's not relevent to this thread)...


...information on Baraka has been conspicuously sparse. I'm very confused and curious as to why he hasn't been brought up thus far. Seems like he should be front and center in an outworld civil war, as the Tarkatan leader. All the other usual evil minions seem accounted for. Mileena has her team with Goro and Reiko. Kotal has Reptile and the newbies. Tanya is missing, but she wasn't in MK9, so that's not too conspicuous. Same goes for Rain, who again, wasn't in the main game, and is likely just ignored due to lack of importance. Ermac seems to be a nomad now. Motaro is dead, and Kintaro and Sheeva are likely also just being ignored, since they're Shokan underlings who aren't as popular or important as Goro (maybe they'll get a cameo if they're lucky). Kano we've seen off picking a fight with Sub-Zero.

Baraka however, is popular, well known and important enough that he SHOULD need to be accounted for... yet is one of the only important evil minions we don't really know jack-all about at this point, and who we haven't seen play any sort of role yet.

So I am very curious as to his wherabouts. Though I don't see how there's any evidence to suggest he'll bump off Mileena or be the final boss.


After that someone pointed out to me that Kintaro is supposed to show up in the comics soon, which I admitted I'd forgotten, but I counter-pointed out that I don't think he's very likely to survive the encounter, and like Hsu Hao, will likely just be another cameo from a character not likely to show up in another game. As he's one of the most overall forgotten and seldom used or mentioned characters of the original canon.
02/09/2015 07:18 AM (UTC)
Big Boss Baraka.

I like it
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

02/09/2015 08:23 AM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
I don't think he's very likely to survive the encounter,

Just like Mileena, huh?
02/09/2015 09:05 AM (UTC)
No word on Baraka or his Horde yet

*Plot twist, Mileena favors Reiko, driving Baraka into a frenzy and he and his horde reek havok throughout Outworld
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

02/09/2015 09:20 AM (UTC)
If Baraka turns out to be the big boss I will flip the fuck out, and I mean in a GOOD way. That would so ballsy and unexpected. I've always liked him and felt like the creative team gives him the shaft just as they do with Reptile. It would be great to see an old, but always underappreciated favorite like Baraka get to really shine.

Plus it would be very interesting to see what story and redesign they would come up with to justify him being the final boss. You can't just have normal Baraka as the boss.

Man...this is a really cool idea in a way. Sucks there is almost zero chance of it happening. But something about a character who has spent his entire existence as a goon/lowly henchman becoming the BIG BOSS just really appeals to me.
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02/09/2015 11:04 AM (UTC)
I would first and foremost like Baraka to be playable but if he turns out to be an unplayable boss, I'd at least be very happy to see him in such a position and not the typical servant.
02/09/2015 12:40 PM (UTC)
Baraka....ummmm....he can be done without. Part in story-mode and or DLC would be his best shot I guess. If he was to be a boss, sub-boss status could fit. Him as a main boss, not a chance.
02/09/2015 12:53 PM (UTC)
He could be fought against in story mode amd not be playable. I think he would be easy to make as a fightable npc because his moves are simple but i hipe he isnt in. He needs a break .
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02/09/2015 01:00 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Baraka....ummmm....he can be done without. Part in story-mode and or DLC would be his best shot I guess. If he was to be a boss, sub-boss status could fit. Him as a main boss, not a chance.

Not a chance? I'd say he has a chance, considering a background sprite from MK2 became the final boss of Armageddon. If this game is supposed to center around an Outworld Civil War, it would make total sense for him to be at least a candidate for final boss.
02/09/2015 03:44 PM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Baraka....ummmm....he can be done without. Part in story-mode and or DLC would be his best shot I guess. If he was to be a boss, sub-boss status could fit. Him as a main boss, not a chance.

Not a chance? I'd say he has a chance, considering a background sprite from MK2 became the final boss of Armageddon. If this game is supposed to center around an Outworld Civil War, it would make total sense for him to be at least a candidate for final boss.

I acknowledge what you are saying and sure he can be a candidate, but he wouldn't get no further than sub-boss status.
02/09/2015 03:56 PM (UTC)
I like Baraka. I don't know how good his chances are but I would enjoy seeing him again, and I really hope they do more with him if he returns, like give him some story significance. Even though he has gotten delegated to canon fodder in recent years I still cant help but like the dude, hoping he will be DLC if not main roster.
02/09/2015 04:08 PM (UTC)
It's possible he died fighting Kotal's forces since Kotal says they're practically nonexistent.
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02/09/2015 04:25 PM (UTC)
I feel like he might not show up playable. It's been a really, really long time since he took a break - we're talking Deadly Alliance here. I'm more than aware that isn't really a valid reason to not show, since he's considered a classic character with preference; I just don't see there being much for him to do this time around.
02/09/2015 05:19 PM (UTC)
I really wasn't trying to suggest he'd be the final boss, I was just responding to someone else's theory he might be. I don't think he will. Personally, my money is on Havik.

That said, I do find it rather conspicuous that in an Outworld civil war, we haven't seen or heard one damn thing about Baraka, and do believe there's probably some explanation yet to be heard. And I'm curious to hear it.
02/09/2015 05:28 PM (UTC)
in the comics kotal has pretty much decimated mileenas forces and put her in hiding. whether that is baraka and the horde i dunno. baraka probably survived but he's no longer the general of an army, would be cool if baraka went ronin. reiko is her general and she made an alliance with the shokan and red dragon who are in earthrealm
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