Whats your expectations for MK9?
posted02/13/2010 12:49 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/21/2004 08:11 PM (UTC)
Check this out as its my own opinion but I think its a good one.

There is no excuses this time for MK9 to be a sub par game and or at least not on par with the rest of the Fighting games out there on the market.

We understand to a point about the time it took to make MkvsDC and that they Midway at the time wanted the game out fast to make some money or to show a company such as WB that the MK license is still worth something.

I can not as a gamer accept a half ass game again such as MKA.
We can no longer let excuses make it ok for them to keep making below average MK games anymore. The graphics imo for MK9 can not be below those of NGS,Tekken 6,DOA4 or any game when it comes out.Btw I know graphics dont make a good game but theres no excuses for the graphics not to be on par with every other new game out there.

Btw,the fighting imo better be awesome this time around and for the love of god MK team,if there is a infinity combo,for the love of god,there better be a patch this time around to fix that shit cause here in the year 2010 that is no longer acceptable to me and should not be to any other gamer.

What are your expectations for MK9?Am I asking to much?

IMO MK9 is a make or break game,meaning,you either get this shit right this time around or maybe they get new ppl to finally make a new MK game.

last thing,I look at a game like Batman AA and that is one of my favorite games of all time now.Has great graphics and a awesome story and just a great game,now in little over a year or so we are getting a second one. Now if a game company can get a second one out in such a short time and them both turn out to be a awesome game then I am sick of hearing about time issues with the MK team,that they need more time to make a MK game. And considering Batman AA2 is a action game you would think more effort would go into such a game. So again,theres no excuses for MK9 not to be a great MK game this time around, No excuses ED. Or you see the game,Aliens vs Predator,I expect MK9 graphics to be on par with those,cause for $60.00 I as a gamer expect the best and so should the rest of the gaming community.
01/20/2010 07:33 PM (UTC)
Yes you are asking too much, because MK has NEVER been on par with the seriously big fighting games on the market. I don't see how you got into MK at all if that's your requirements. You're talking like they only started making ''bad'' MK games since Deadly Alliance or something.
01/20/2010 07:50 PM (UTC)
I dont think i am asking for to much.

I dont take any game as being serious just when I see someone thing one game I ask myself,why not MK.But anyways,thank you for your response.
01/20/2010 11:30 PM (UTC)
Hard to say:

They claim to be aiming for a hardcore, violent, mature MK game, but after cheesy MKA and kiddy MKDC, I don't know what to believe or expect.

I just hope they stick to their word this time. They said "MK8" was gonna be a fresh start but it turned out to be a Superman joke instead.

So it's quite worrisome, but all we can do is be optimistic. I'm just dying for the first big news on it since we know nothing concrete.

01/20/2010 11:52 PM (UTC)
I just want it to be good. Yet I feel like that's too much to ask.
01/21/2010 12:27 AM (UTC)
hell no u not asking 4 2 much becuase all that bullshit they been putting out they better come out with the best mk of all times with 2days technology with the gaming company theres no excuse this time around. i've been waiting 2 fucking long to get a mk that we all can b proud of so hell no u not asking 4 2 much. because if they fuck it up this time around they have 1 less mk fan that they don't have 2 worry about i'm done
01/21/2010 04:49 AM (UTC)
I expect almost every MK1 and MK2 character. A handful of MK3 characters and maybe one or two from MK4 and beyond.

I expect story regression, rehashing of stale elements, and worn out characters doing the exact same thing they've been doing for the past several years.

I expect rushed gameplay and characters sharing each others' moves.

I expect fans complaining Mortal Kombat isn't like it used to be and demanding they just remake MK1/MK2 over and over again.
01/21/2010 05:59 AM (UTC)
sonicherosfan1 Wrote:
Check this out as its my own opinion but I think its a good one.

There is no excuses this time for MK9 to be a sub par game and or at least not on par with the rest of the Fighting games out there on the market.

We understand to a point about the time it took to make MkvsDC and that they Midway at the time wanted the game out fast to make some money or to show a company such as WB that the MK license is still worth something.

I can not as a gamer accept a half ass game again such as MKA.
We can no longer let excuses make it ok for them to keep making below average MK games anymore. The graphics imo for MK9 can not be below those of NGS,Tekken 6,DOA4 or any game when it comes out.Btw I know graphics dont make a good game but theres no excuses for the graphics not to be on par with every other new game out there.

Btw,the fighting imo better be awesome this time around and for the love of god MK team,if there is a infinity combo,for the love of god,there better be a patch this time around to fix that shit cause here in the year 2010 that is no longer acceptable to me and should not be to any other gamer.

What are your expectations for MK9?Am I asking to much?

IMO MK9 is a make or break game,meaning,you either get this shit right this time around or maybe they get new ppl to finally make a new MK game.

last thing,I look at a game like Batman AA and that is one of my favorite games of all time now.Has great graphics and a awesome story and just a great game,now in little over a year or so we are getting a second one. Now if a game company can get a second one out in such a short time and them both turn out to be a awesome game then I am sick of hearing about time issues with the MK team,that they need more time to make a MK game. And considering Batman AA2 is a action game you would think more effort would go into such a game. So again,theres no excuses for MK9 not to be a great MK game this time around, No excuses ED.

Or you see the game,Aliens vs Predator,I expect MK9 graphics to be on par with those,cause for $60.00 I as a gamer expect the best and so should the rest of the gaming community.

I agree with you that they should have at least patched MKvsDC, and I expect them to patch the next game should a problem arise.

However, your expectations are way too high, and I think it's silly to expect the best gameplay. They created a new fighting system for the last game, and they might scrap that style for the new game. MK isn't like street fighter or Tekken where they can keep improving there gameplay because there have been so many changes. Which means once they get it right we should have high expectations.

It also bothers me that fans are asking so much for this game to be the best ever. Hey idiots, where lucky to be getting a new MK with Midways financial trouble. They are also making this game M rated as a love letter to the fans. If they wanted to they could make it rated T because MKvsDC made plenty of money, and the main reason it's going to be M is for the fans.

I'm not saying they sould turn out a game with no effort I'm just saying we should lay off being so pushy untill the game comes out.
01/21/2010 12:11 PM (UTC)
Second coming of Jesus.

Nothing less.
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01/21/2010 03:03 PM (UTC)
This is a tough question, because expectations always seem to have a little bit of hope thrown in there as well.

Personally, I EXPECT the next MK to have decent but by no means spectacular graphics. They'll come out with screenshots and art work that will make people really excited initially, but the end graphics of the actual fighting will probably only look marginally better than MK vs DC, if even that.

I HOPE for incredible graphics that look like 3D versions of the old digitized games. That's the level of realism that I'd like to see.

I EXPECT lots of returning characters. I could see a few coming back from the last few games, but I wouldn't bet money on it.

I HOPE to see a lot of new and memorable faces. Characters that have a unique style and a good story to go with their look.

I EXPECT a shallow, somewhat glitchy fighting system with some lame fighting gimmick that they'll try and sell as some new innovation in the fighting genre or at least something that would allow them to assert the fact that they're doing something different when in reality they're just screwing up their own fighting system.

I HOPE to find that they've been working hard on a new fighting system and that this has been their major focus. I want characters with at least 8 to 10 special moves. I'm hoping for a system that's better than blocking/turtling to be put in. I'm hoping for characters that actually have unique fighting styles.

I want to hear Ed say that they've really been listening to the fans and that this game will NOT have any of the following:

-Special moves swapped between characters
-Animations that are blatantly recycled from past games
-Basic moves that are shared by almost all characters (excpet for maybe uppercuts and roundhouses)
-Weapons swapped between characters
-Glitches, infinites etc
-Characters that only have 2 or 3 special moves
-Gimmicks that try to add another layer to the fighting, but only end up interrupting fights

I EXPECT a story that's semi-interesting, if a little bit absurd, about some invading force, but the story won't be nearly fleshed out enough. There will be the same "what-if" endings for each character that they've always had so that they can have the same type of ladder system that they've always had. I'm actually optimistic and think that they'll have video sequences for each ending.

I HOPE that they'll have a story that takes the game back to the tournament format. The big evil has destroyed most of the fighters and now the Shaolin have to rebuild the tournament from the ground up. I hope that the characters are more gray area than simply good and evil.

I hope that the stories are more grown up in content and substance. I hope for alot more mystery, intrigue, double crosses, twists and turns and overall depth. But what I really want is a coherant story that has definitive beginnings and endings for all characters. Most games give you an ending, but MK gives you these "what if" scenarios and MK fans are left trying to piece together what actually happens versus what doesn't.

This method is both sloppy in terms of the holes that it leaves open and it's lazy in that so much more could be done. There are so many ways for characters to lose in the tournament so that there's one winner. Come up with good, believable stories for all of them. It really can't be that hard.

Xiahoudun wrote: "I expect almost every MK1 and MK2 character. A handful of MK3 characters and maybe one or two from MK4 and beyond.

I expect story regression, rehashing of stale elements, and worn out characters doing the exact same thing they've been doing for the past several years.

I expect rushed gameplay and characters sharing each others' moves.

I expect fans complaining Mortal Kombat isn't like it used to be and demanding they just remake MK1/MK2 over and over again."

Sadly... I think that at least 90% of this will happen exactly as you predict.

Still, I'm an MK fan which means that I still hope, even when my expectations aren't nearly as high as they were in the past.

Let's hope we're both wrong!
01/21/2010 03:11 PM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:

It also bothers me that fans are asking so much for this game to be the best ever. Hey idiots, where lucky to be getting a new MK with Midways financial trouble. They are also making this game M rated as a love letter to the fans. If they wanted to they could make it rated T because MKvsDC made plenty of money, and the main reason it's going to be M is for the fans.

I'm not saying they sould turn out a game with no effort I'm just saying we should lay off being so pushy untill the game comes out.

no offence but i would like to point out...watch who you call an idiot when you yourself can't remember its the WB not Midway.
my thoughts on some of the fan base...most are outright crazy to have such demands. i think that most fans of MK have way too high of expectations and its stupid to say "oh if this is not a good game i am done forever"...personally if your demands and standards for gaming were not so friggin high maybe you would let things go and actually enjoy the game instead of bickering over a few flaws. state your problems and issues on a forum or two so the team acknowledges (if they read the forums that is) what the fans like yes but don't demand it. if i were making the game i would make a stinker just to get rid of such fans because its those fans that are making other fans follow them. a lot of it comes from other games that are out...i get it, you like things about the other games but that is what separates them from MK. if you take and make MK have what the others have completely than it will be like the same thing over and over...why do you think the genre almost died?? its because almost every company started doing the same things and the players got bored. so all in all i say stop whining to some people and to the rest that are actually excited and don't care as long as its an MK we were promised...be patient because i have a feeling it will be a while before we get any good solid news.
as for people Not being pushy...pssshhh...yeah right. half the MK fan base are hardcore critics and would demand the disc be made of diamonds or something. it is not like the past games were so horrible as people say...personally MK:A seems to be the major single game that has been being attacked in this sense and i think the game was great and MK vs DC well for the target audience they were going for...that game was good also. there is no compromise or consideration with many MK fans and it saddens me a bit because if the company and fans could do just that (be considerate and compromise) than the game would surely be great. all i can say is...my expectations is that its going to be a rated M MK game that we wanted and were promised before...nothing more or nothing less. whatever extra stuff i could like or not will be a bonus in any case.
01/21/2010 04:06 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
jbthrash Wrote:

It also bothers me that fans are asking so much for this game to be the best ever. Hey idiots, where lucky to be getting a new MK with Midways financial trouble. They are also making this game M rated as a love letter to the fans. If they wanted to they could make it rated T because MKvsDC made plenty of money, and the main reason it's going to be M is for the fans.

I'm not saying they sould turn out a game with no effort I'm just saying we should lay off being so pushy untill the game comes out.

no offence but i would like to point out...watch who you call an idiot when you yourself can't remember its the WB not Midway.
my thoughts on some of the fan base...most are outright crazy to have such demands. i think that most fans of MK have way too high of expectations and its stupid to say "oh if this is not a good game i am done forever"...personally if your demands and standards for gaming were not so friggin high maybe you would let things go and actually enjoy the game instead of bickering over a few flaws. state your problems and issues on a forum or two so the team acknowledges (if they read the forums that is) what the fans like yes but don't demand it. if i were making the game i would make a stinker just to get rid of such fans because its those fans that are making other fans follow them. a lot of it comes from other games that are out...i get it, you like things about the other games but that is what separates them from MK. if you take and make MK have what the others have completely than it will be like the same thing over and over...why do you think the genre almost died?? its because almost every company started doing the same things and the players got bored. so all in all i say stop whining to some people and to the rest that are actually excited and don't care as long as its an MK we were promised...be patient because i have a feeling it will be a while before we get any good solid news.
as for people Not being pushy...pssshhh...yeah right. half the MK fan base are hardcore critics and would demand the disc be made of diamonds or something. it is not like the past games were so horrible as people say...personally MK:A seems to be the major single game that has been being attacked in this sense and i think the game was great and MK vs DC well for the target audience they were going for...that game was good also. there is no compromise or consideration with many MK fans and it saddens me a bit because if the company and fans could do just that (be considerate and compromise) than the game would surely be great. all i can say is...my expectations is that its going to be a rated M MK game that we wanted and were promised before...nothing more or nothing less. whatever extra stuff i could like or not will be a bonus in any case.

I pretty much agree with everything you said on your last post, and the fans who expect a lot need to realize that none of us have any idea of what is going on in the MK studio. They propably have a set release date, and they probably have a set budget which means they propably can't make the best fighter ever. I could be wrong but, this is usually the case with Mortal Kombat.

I would talk more about the financial problems of Midway and I do realize the WB is in charge now, but I want to stick to the topic of this thread.
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01/21/2010 04:24 PM (UTC)
I'll expect:

-Graphics at least MKvsDC level with a darker design and some more detail.

-24+ characters, MKD was awsome for selection.

-unlockables and hidden fights/characters that we will have ot hunt for aka reptile mk1.

-2 fatalities per character+ if the game is online. Id surprisingly like to have a HaraKiri. After playing MKD, when I lose it just feels natural to want to rip one off. Not opposed ot the idea at all. And I really want brutalities.

bare with me.....
TAG battle. If the combo system is well put together, then switching characters can create an amazing fighting atmosphere for good combos and skilled play. But I am not opposed to this mode NOT being included. Just an idea, not an expectation.

-FMV ENDINGS!!!! and renders/bio's for every character. I am sick of there picture endings. Give me a slightly canon fmv.

-one fighting style. Its for the ebst, if weapons are included, make it an MK4 theme or included in close quarters hits like classic MK.

-Classic arenas:
the pit, pit2, pit3, acidbath, cathedral, belltower, living forest, monastary. netherealm. etc..

-stage fatalities in EVERY LEVEL, but the ability to turn them off. Every level needs the option accept maybe one plain level, perhaps the canyon of the battle of armageddon.

-Quan Chi. I feel he needs to be the next focus of a main villain. But not kill him off or ruin his character. He is the wesker of mortal kombat. Blaze should also be forgotten now that his purpose/battle is over.

-Liu Kang needs to STAY DEAD. thats absolutely necessary for many reasons. Unless he is under somebodys control as previously believed.

-Do not materially include the elder gods unless in elemental form. That mystery and higher power needs to remain a picture generated by our thoughts.

and one more very important aspect..

No hero. I feel its good to keep a dark mood, keep everything mysteriouse and neutral in terms of story, only villains, no hero. It just works. Shujinko, taven, liu kang, all ruined characters in my mind. Id rather not see kung lao, scorpion or subzero share that fait, nor see a new pointless character in every single game.

Adam Ronin
01/21/2010 04:42 PM (UTC)
I am one of the few who WANTS a reboot. MK1 storyline, expanded. Old Shang Tsung as a boss. Goro. The pit. Reptile. Hidden Ermac. Some new characters.

The MK storyline as of now has gotten silly. It's time to reboot and go back to where it started and make it fresh.

Spine rip. That is all I am saying. Spine rip.
01/21/2010 09:37 PM (UTC)
Great responses thus far,keep them coming.

One thing I agree with one of the above members is about FMV endings.

That really should be a given at this point in time with any video game

When I said about graphics,what I mean is.
I don't want a game that looks like a maxed out version of a xbox 1 or ps2 game.

I also expect a better online lobby system. Those in the last MK games that were online were just bad imo
I personally don't care about the character roster as I am usually happy with who they have on there,but imo if they have 24 characters,I would like half of those to be new ones or at least give us 6 new characters to choose from so we dont feel like we are just playing a updated version of a out MK game.
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01/21/2010 09:53 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
jbthrash Wrote:

It also bothers me that fans are asking so much for this game to be the best ever. Hey idiots, where lucky to be getting a new MK with Midways financial trouble. They are also making this game M rated as a love letter to the fans. If they wanted to they could make it rated T because MKvsDC made plenty of money, and the main reason it's going to be M is for the fans.

I'm not saying they sould turn out a game with no effort I'm just saying we should lay off being so pushy untill the game comes out.

no offence but i would like to point out...watch who you call an idiot when you yourself can't remember its the WB not Midway.
my thoughts on some of the fan base...most are outright crazy to have such demands. i think that most fans of MK have way too high of expectations and its stupid to say "oh if this is not a good game i am done forever"...personally if your demands and standards for gaming were not so friggin high maybe you would let things go and actually enjoy the game instead of bickering over a few flaws. state your problems and issues on a forum or two so the team acknowledges (if they read the forums that is) what the fans like yes but don't demand it. if i were making the game i would make a stinker just to get rid of such fans because its those fans that are making other fans follow them. a lot of it comes from other games that are out...i get it, you like things about the other games but that is what separates them from MK. if you take and make MK have what the others have completely than it will be like the same thing over and over...why do you think the genre almost died?? its because almost every company started doing the same things and the players got bored. so all in all i say stop whining to some people and to the rest that are actually excited and don't care as long as its an MK we were promised...be patient because i have a feeling it will be a while before we get any good solid news.
as for people Not being pushy...pssshhh...yeah right. half the MK fan base are hardcore critics and would demand the disc be made of diamonds or something. it is not like the past games were so horrible as people say...personally MK:A seems to be the major single game that has been being attacked in this sense and i think the game was great and MK vs DC well for the target audience they were going for...that game was good also. there is no compromise or consideration with many MK fans and it saddens me a bit because if the company and fans could do just that (be considerate and compromise) than the game would surely be great. all i can say is...my expectations is that its going to be a rated M MK game that we wanted and were promised before...nothing more or nothing less. whatever extra stuff i could like or not will be a bonus in any case.

I'm sorry, but I'll never understand this mentality. This whole "just be thankful they're making the game idea." As if complaining about the game is going to make the developers take it away from fans like desert from a spoiled child.

Is it just me or does my willingness to spend 60 dollars of my hard earned money pretty much indicate to the developer that I'm grateful for them making the game?

I also don't think that complaining about a series on a message board like this one is a bad thing. To me, it shows that people still care. Show me any other medium, be it music, movies, or heck, buying a car even... Where people demanding quality for the money they spend is something that should be looked down upon...

It kind of goes back to what I was saying before, I don't expect the world from the MK team. Their last few games have been decent, but no fan of the whole genre would ever say that MK:DA, MK:D, MK:A and MK vs DC are at or really even that close to the top of the fighting game heap.

But I think that fans have a right to hope for improvement. And as far as video games go, I don't even think that it's far fetched that gamers should demand improvement over the previous title, otherwise... Why buy it? Because the WB can now slap a dragon logo on a box? C'mon man, really?

I mean yeah, I'll buy any game with an MK logo on it too, but if they made a few garbage games, I'd stop buying them. This line here "so all in all i say stop whining to some people and to the rest that are actually excited and don't care as long as its an MK we were promised...be patient because i have a feeling it will be a while before we get any good solid news"

"actually excited and don't care as long as its an MK?" Are you serious? This is just as bad as people that complain about every little thing! This is worse! You complain about people holding the MK team to too high a standard, but this is holding them to no standard at all!

Of course, I totally agree with you when you're talking about specific demands and the threats. You know, crap like "if Reptile isn't in the next game, that's it, I'm done!"

With that junk, I'm sure it goes in one ear and out the other at Midway/WB. I'm sure they all realize that they'll never please everyone. If they don't put Reptile in the game, I'm sure they know that some people will be happy, some indifferent and some angry. It's just the nature of games, anyone knows that.

But you still have to care about quality. There has to be a middle ground between taking whatever they'll give you and not accepting anything less than perfection.

Let the complainers complain. They might whine about this and that, but it doesn't mean that they're looking forward to the game any less than anyone else on these boards. That's what I was trying to get at before in my post. I expect a decent game, but I'm hoping for something great. Maybe I'll be disappointed, but that's only because I want MK to be great and I want a great game. Why would anyone NOT want that?
01/21/2010 10:01 PM (UTC)
I couldn't agree with you more Baraka407
01/21/2010 10:33 PM (UTC)
My expectations? How about actual updates or screenshots?

Or is that asking too much?
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01/21/2010 11:22 PM (UTC)
sonicherosfan1 Wrote:
I couldn't agree with you more Baraka407

Thanks man! Much appreciated.

My line of logic is this: If this were any series other than MK, would you simply buy it because you were grateful the developers made it?


Okay, so here's the thing: One of the many reasons why I want MK games to be the best that they can be is so that many other people will buy them as well. Not only do I want to play against my friends and share my enthusiasm for the series with people that I see in my day to day life more than I do now, but I also want MK games to be popular with critics and gamers as a whole.

Why? Because that means that A) More games will get made and perhaps we'll see more brand extensions ala Shaolin Monks, which I really enjoyed. B) More revenue would presumably mean a bigger budget for the MK team which means more people on the team (again, presumably) and the probably of an even better product increases.

You with me so far?

Conversly, if the MK team puts out a middle of the road product, and say... You're a gamer, but you have no allegiance to any series. You're searching IGN, Gamespot, Metacritic...Whatever, to try and find a good fighting game. Maybe you're not familiar with the genre and now you're looking to dive in.

In other words, you're a casual fan. Are you going to buy MK, a game that averages scores in the low to mid 8's or are you going to buy a game like Tekken, VF, SC or SF4, which all get high 8's to low/mid 9's? You look at some screen shots, the graphics in Soul Caliber and Tekken look a bit better than MK sooooooo...

Do you see where I'm going with this? Now you might ask "why do I care what a casual fan thinks of MK?" Well, I'm not just talking about casual fans, I'm also talking about fighting game fans, hardcore games, gamers that might not have liked MK in the past, gamers that aren't familiar with MK... Basically EVERYONE that doesn't check a Mortal Kombat message board.

If the MK team makes middle of the road games, the people that fall under that "EVERYONE" designation won't simply shut up and be "grateful" that the MK team put out an MK game. Why would they?

And if they get the game and they don't like it, they just won't buy another one. Maybe they'll tell their friends that the latest MK game stunk. See, this is what I'm talking about...

I want a great game because I DON'T want to see negative press, I don't want to see a drop in sales numbers. To me, simply being grateful for a new MK game implies that at some point, there might not be a new MK game. The series could die at some point like most video game series do at one point or another.

Do you know what the best way to prevent this is? That's right, by making good games!

So you see, complaining about Reptile not being in the game is one thing. That's fanboy garbage. But wanting a better fighting system, wanting FMV endings, wanting more, wanting improvements, wanting the series to be better... That's not stuff that should be looked down upon and people that want the world for MK, people that expect better... They shouldn't be chastised for it, because they want MK just as much as you do!

Apparently, they just want MK to be a bit better than you? I doubt that, of course, but c'mon man, expecting more doesn't mean that people are bagging on the series. Most people just want a great game. I see nothing wrong with that.
01/22/2010 12:17 AM (UTC)
baraka407 very well said agree with u a 110% lets just hope 4 the best the mk team can do it cross our fingers.
01/22/2010 12:31 AM (UTC)
you misread my post in a few ways...perhaps i worded things wrong or something. let me tighten things up here.

I'm sorry, but I'll never understand this mentality. This whole "just be thankful they're making the game idea." As if complaining about the game is going to make the developers take it away from fans like desert from a spoiled child.

I have no idea where you got this idea from but i did not want to state anything like that. explain to me where it seems i am sending this vibe in my words please.

"actually excited and don't care as long as its an MK?" Are you serious? This is just as bad as people that complain about every little thing! This is worse! You complain about people holding the MK team to too high a standard, but this is holding them to no standard at all!

in some way i am complaining but not about the games...thats what i am getting at. you had me right but you analyzing my words too much.I did not state i did not care as long as its an MK game...I said in short the game we were originally promised. i did not go into extreme details as to story or characters ranting about every little flaw....that is what i meant. as for complainers...i do let them complain until they bring up stupid stuff that is either obvious or clearly a failed risk on the game makers.
I should have been more specific as to what i was aiming at i guess because a lot of people analyse every word said. Some people are just overly obsessed instead of just looking for the best band for the dollar and good product and so on.

its obviously clear you misunderstood what i said or took it wrong...or i did not say things right. either way you have seen and agreed with my wants and ideas...we are actually on the same page in many terms. its just crazy that people don't consider a lot of facts and they get way carried away into wants and expectations. i have some hopes for the game myself but im not psychotic over it lol.
there are boundries though...anyways i have no clue as to why you become defensive in terms but understand how you got things confused. you asked for a way to prevent it and said the answer is make good games. i think the games are already good but they keep changing things instead of working with a setup and sticking with it. i dunno...another good idea would be an official forum for complaints,issues and bugs but there isnt even an official MK forum so that leaves us to complain crazily on unofficial forums like this. so i guess in that sense i can understand getting hostile but do it in one thread...perhaps a mod can make a sticky for such. i dunno...i would elaborate more but i have a room filled with drunks and driving me nuts right now to think straight so i would like you to point out what you find wrong of me to think or say lol.

Edit:also...do not assume i surf sites like ign because i am a noob...i play casual,family and hardcore games alike.i surf sites to stay up to date with game news. i've been playing games since Atari man lol...i was playing video games in diapers. you talk like i have no idea but i do...games like street fighter and tekken sure where classics to a lot of people but to me they were mediocre at best. but that is my opinion. they are games that just set peoples standards and opened doorways to better games i think. personally i would rather play the original SF2 instead of SF4. I was never a big fan of tekkens style of contact in gameplay but it was ok...i actually was a big time fatal fury nut in my day...also art of fighting and samurai showdown. those were the days. so yeah...if i seem like i don't know what i am saying its because i am wording things wrong. i can't always explain myself right.
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01/22/2010 03:01 PM (UTC)
Oh no Lycani, I never in a million years wanted to give you the impression that I thought you were a noob or anything. Not at all.

As far as the whole grateful idea... I was more directing that at jbthrash, since he said outright that "hey idiots, we're LUCKY to be getting a new MK." Tell me, how could I possibly misinterpret that statement?

But also, and you can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here, but your post more or less echoed his sentiments, even if you didn't come out and say his exact words. The vibe that people shouldn't complain and have such high expectations. To me, that (along with your statement about restricting complainers to one thread) implies that people should just shut up and accept whatever the MK team gives them.

You think that complaining should be "stickied in one thread" or that if you were making the game you'd "put out a stinker to drive away the complainers."

But here's the thing... The people that care enough to come on to a board like this and post 5,000 times or whatever? Those people won't be driven off by one bad game. They probably won't be driven off by 5 bad games. They're the hardcore fan base. They'll buy the game no matter what, but if they don't like something, what's wrong with being vocal about it?

In a recent thread about how MK9 should be a sequel to MK3 (the 3 x 3 = 9 thread or whatever it's called). I basically said that while I don't hate MK3, I ranted about everything that hated about that game from the stupid dial a combos that they blatantly ripped off of Killer Instinct to the graphics, the art style etc.

Does that make me a complainer? Should the MK team make a stinker of a game in order to try and get rid of me? I've been a fan since MK1 came out in arcades. I'm from Chicago, so I was able to play their test arcade units. Which I did. Alot. I remember Noob being on the select screen in MK4 in the arcade. But does my complaining cancel all of that out?

Like I said, game developers will never please everyone. For every new idea the MK team puts in to a game, you'll have people that like it, people that are indifferent to it and people that will moan, cry and poop their pants because they think the team is destroying the series that they love.

That's just the nature of games, and I don't say that to imply that you don't get it. As you said, you've been playing games since Atari (as have I), and while I couldn't have possibly known that before you told me, I still assumed that you knew what you were talking about. I always have.

But my feeling about the complainers is that if they care enough to be disappointed, they should be able to rant about it whenever and wherever they want. If people don't agree with them? The reply button is only a click away. I see nothing wrong with discussions in that regard. To me, it's part of what a board like this is for.

So no, I don't think that complaining shouldn't be restricted to one thread. I also don't think that people should be bagged on for having such high expectations. Sure, feel free to point out when someone doesn't have REALISTIC expectations. The thread starter clearly doesn't.

But you imply (and again, correct me if I'm wrong here, please!) that's almost a bad thing to have such high expectations. You said "...personally if your demands and standards for gaming were not so friggin high maybe you would let things go and actually enjoy the game instead of bickering over a few flaws."

Again, you're not even implying... You're SAYING that if people's standards weren't so high, we could just let the little flaws go and enjoy the game more. What's wrong with having high standards? What's wrong with wanting MK to be better than other games? Yeah, it lets people down and people complain about stuff, but you're basically saying that people should lower their standards in order to enjoy something.

Lower standards, lowered expectations... Why should fans have to compromise like this? Again, it's implying that we should just take what's given to us and not complain about it.

If that's not what you meant, and I'm misinterpreting you, then I apologize, but between your post and the post that you quoted, and believe me, I've seen many other posts like JB's where people say that we should just be thankful that the MK team is putting out games, I was just getting this feeling like having high standards, high expectations etc for the next game is some sort of insult to the developers.

To me, wanting a better game just means that you want a game to be great and no one should be looked down upon for that. Really, that's all I was trying to say (though I probably could've said it in fewer words lol).
01/22/2010 05:55 PM (UTC)
Baraka said..."As far as the whole grateful idea... I was more directing that at jbthrash, since he said outright that "hey idiots, we're LUCKY to be getting a new MK." Tell me, how could I possibly misinterpret that statement?

But also, and you can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here, but your post more or less echoed his sentiments, even if you didn't come out and say his exact words. The vibe that people shouldn't complain and have such high expectations. To me, that (along with your statement about restricting complainers to one thread) implies that people should just shut up and accept whatever the MK team gives them.

You think that complaining should be "stickied in one thread" or that if you were making the game you'd "put out a stinker to drive away the complainers."

But here's the thing... The people that care enough to come on to a board like this and post 5,000 times or whatever? Those people won't be driven off by one bad game. They probably won't be driven off by 5 bad games. They're the hardcore fan base. They'll buy the game no matter what, but if they don't like something, what's wrong with being vocal about it?"
i actually do agree to a small portion of his sentiments...if you think about it we are lucky they even desided to keep the franchise going after the WB takeover. that is what i mean by that. i bet a lot of other Midway games will never see the light of day again. And for my sticky idea,i stand on that yes because there is a fine line between complaining and discussion...complaining on boards like this makes sense to a point and i feel people have that right yes...but it litters the boards after awhile and ruins other discussions. a sticky for such complaints,issues,bugs,infinates,patch requests and all that should be made available from the game devs themselves honestly but i guess the fans do it here because they have no other options besides call the company and its not like they will say ok hold we will get Boon for ya. i totally understand what your saying and i agree the fan base needs to have that voice out there but it needs to be focused in one place so its easier for the devs or others to relate and maybe even petition.
Baraka said..."In a recent thread about how MK9 should be a sequel to MK3 (the 3 x 3 = 9 thread or whatever it's called). I basically said that while I don't hate MK3, I ranted about everything that hated about that game from the stupid dial a combos that they blatantly ripped off of Killer Instinct to the graphics, the art style etc.

Does that make me a complainer? Should the MK team make a stinker of a game in order to try and get rid of me? I've been a fan since MK1 came out in arcades. I'm from Chicago, so I was able to play their test arcade units. Which I did. Alot. I remember Noob being on the select screen in MK4 in the arcade. But does my complaining cancel all of that out?"
i honestly have not read that thread before typing this so i am a bit flying blind on it but what you said a bit about the combos and stuff being ripped off is kinda a complaint and i myself complain about game rip offs a little. so in a sense we all have some sort of complaints and as for my statement for making a stinker...that was just a far fetched statement i threw in to be sarcastic about it and to show my frustration towards the ones being hostile about it instead of being civil to discuss like we are now.
Baraka said....But you imply (and again, correct me if I'm wrong here, please!) that's almost a bad thing to have such high expectations. You said "...personally if your demands and standards for gaming were not so friggin high maybe you would let things go and actually enjoy the game instead of bickering over a few flaws."

Again, you're not even implying... You're SAYING that if people's standards weren't so high, we could just let the little flaws go and enjoy the game more. What's wrong with having high standards? What's wrong with wanting MK to be better than other games? Yeah, it lets people down and people complain about stuff, but you're basically saying that people should lower their standards in order to enjoy something.

Lower standards, lowered expectations... Why should fans have to compromise like this? Again, it's implying that we should just take what's given to us and not complain about it.

If that's not what you meant, and I'm misinterpreting you, then I apologize, but between your post and the post that you quoted, and believe me, I've seen many other posts like JB's where people say that we should just be thankful that the MK team is putting out games, I was just getting this feeling like having high standards, high expectations etc for the next game is some sort of insult to the developers.
You read right...i do think SOME people really do have too high of standards and i am in some way saying they should lower standards to enjoy it. fans should compromise like that because in a sense it is not our game to make...its the creators. that is why compromise is needed because the fans and the creators have many different visions and if they compromise they get the best of most worlds. like you said...not everyone will be satisfied but a lot more will be than usual in this sense. as for your stating that with such stuff i am saying to be an insult to the game devs...its no where near an insult...it is a challenge. in any case it is the devs fault for the fans to have these expectations...its all on how they present the game and what they promise the fan base. the devs are setting these themselves.

for your last statement...we all want a better game. it is just the fact that our voice can't be heard or taken in consideration if we are over cluttering the boards or flaming all the time (that is if the devs even come here). the devs will be either overwhelmed or just think screw them they are being rude about it. that is what i am saying. they are human beings and not robots that can make magic happen overnight lol.
it is a lot more work than most think to make a game and it can be taxing on the final product too. back to the complaining thing...i am 100% sure that even if a sticky were made for such things there would still be flamers out there yes but for respectable complaints that the devs could relate and understand with should be placed in one spot for their best attention. this site is not an official site for the series though and such a sticky should be on the new WB site...that my friend is a reasonable complaint i think. and i am nowhere near being hostile about it nor am i expecting anything. it is just an honest suggestion. and you also said something about pointing out to people when they are unrealistic and going overboard...i try to until i start getting flamed or put down. some fans become obsessed with things so i just simply back down and ignore it,just shake my head and move on. and thanks for laying it out in portions for me lol...i can be on track minded as i have stated many times. also i am currently writing short stories based for a possible indie game company so my mind is swamped...also being on meds like xanax does not help lol. if there is anything i missed to explain feel free to point it out.

01/22/2010 06:57 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
jbthrash Wrote:

It also bothers me that fans are asking so much for this game to be the best ever. Hey idiots, where lucky to be getting a new MK with Midways financial trouble. They are also making this game M rated as a love letter to the fans. If they wanted to they could make it rated T because MKvsDC made plenty of money, and the main reason it's going to be M is for the fans.

I'm not saying they sould turn out a game with no effort I'm just saying we should lay off being so pushy untill the game comes out.

no offence but i would like to point out...watch who you call an idiot when you yourself can't remember its the WB not Midway.
my thoughts on some of the fan base...most are outright crazy to have such demands. i think that most fans of MK have way too high of expectations and its stupid to say "oh if this is not a good game i am done forever"...personally if your demands and standards for gaming were not so friggin high maybe you would let things go and actually enjoy the game instead of bickering over a few flaws. state your problems and issues on a forum or two so the team acknowledges (if they read the forums that is) what the fans like yes but don't demand it. if i were making the game i would make a stinker just to get rid of such fans because its those fans that are making other fans follow them. a lot of it comes from other games that are out...i get it, you like things about the other games but that is what separates them from MK. if you take and make MK have what the others have completely than it will be like the same thing over and over...why do you think the genre almost died?? its because almost every company started doing the same things and the players got bored. so all in all i say stop whining to some people and to the rest that are actually excited and don't care as long as its an MK we were promised...be patient because i have a feeling it will be a while before we get any good solid news.
as for people Not being pushy...pssshhh...yeah right. half the MK fan base are hardcore critics and would demand the disc be made of diamonds or something. it is not like the past games were so horrible as people say...personally MK:A seems to be the major single game that has been being attacked in this sense and i think the game was great and MK vs DC well for the target audience they were going for...that game was good also. there is no compromise or consideration with many MK fans and it saddens me a bit because if the company and fans could do just that (be considerate and compromise) than the game would surely be great. all i can say is...my expectations is that its going to be a rated M MK game that we wanted and were promised before...nothing more or nothing less. whatever extra stuff i could like or not will be a bonus in any case.

I'm sorry, but I'll never understand this mentality. This whole "just be thankful they're making the game idea." As if complaining about the game is going to make the developers take it away from fans like desert from a spoiled child.

Is it just me or does my willingness to spend 60 dollars of my hard earned money pretty much indicate to the developer that I'm grateful for them making the game?

I also don't think that complaining about a series on a message board like this one is a bad thing. To me, it shows that people still care. Show me any other medium, be it music, movies, or heck, buying a car even... Where people demanding quality for the money they spend is something that should be looked down upon...

It kind of goes back to what I was saying before, I don't expect the world from the MK team. Their last few games have been decent, but no fan of the whole genre would ever say that MK:DA, MK:D, MK:A and MK vs DC are at or really even that close to the top of the fighting game heap.

But I think that fans have a right to hope for improvement. And as far as video games go, I don't even think that it's far fetched that gamers should demand improvement over the previous title, otherwise... Why buy it? Because the WB can now slap a dragon logo on a box? C'mon man, really?

I mean yeah, I'll buy any game with an MK logo on it too, but if they made a few garbage games, I'd stop buying them. This line here "so all in all i say stop whining to some people and to the rest that are actually excited and don't care as long as its an MK we were promised...be patient because i have a feeling it will be a while before we get any good solid news"

"actually excited and don't care as long as its an MK?" Are you serious? This is just as bad as people that complain about every little thing! This is worse! You complain about people holding the MK team to too high a standard, but this is holding them to no standard at all!

Of course, I totally agree with you when you're talking about specific demands and the threats. You know, crap like "if Reptile isn't in the next game, that's it, I'm done!"

With that junk, I'm sure it goes in one ear and out the other at Midway/WB. I'm sure they all realize that they'll never please everyone. If they don't put Reptile in the game, I'm sure they know that some people will be happy, some indifferent and some angry. It's just the nature of games, anyone knows that.

But you still have to care about quality. There has to be a middle ground between taking whatever they'll give you and not accepting anything less than perfection.

Let the complainers complain. They might whine about this and that, but it doesn't mean that they're looking forward to the game any less than anyone else on these boards. That's what I was trying to get at before in my post. I expect a decent game, but I'm hoping for something great. Maybe I'll be disappointed, but that's only because I want MK to be great and I want a great game. Why would anyone NOT want that?

Let me start by saying that I do think for 60 dollars it better be worth it, and that the MK team should put effort into their games. However, it seems like the people asking for so much, and expecting the best, haven't looked at all sides of the issue.

For one thing Midway was doing really bad last year, and they finally gave up the rights to Warner bros, and we where lucky that Warner continued production on MK9. Secondly, there where a lot of complaints about the combat in MKvsDC so for all we know they may have to create a new fighting system, and that takes a long time to create. We also don't know how much time they are given or how much money they have to continue the process of making the game better.

To me it just seems like the people with high expectations think that the MK team is lazy, and they just chose not to make MKvsDC better. When in reality they did put a lot of effort, but there where other factors that stopped them from making it better. It also seems like they don't understand that another company could have bought the franchise, and not even used the MK liscense. I think where fortunate to be getting an MK game period.

The last thing to look at is the fact that other fighting games have had fighting systems that fans have liked so it's easy to build on top of that, and make it better. MK has had fighting systems change a lot, and we should have high expectations once they make a game that fans will generally like.

01/22/2010 07:09 PM (UTC)
I don't think my expectations are to high,maybe their just not as talented as other developers in the gaming world to get the job done. I mean,when I personally look at other fighting games that are getting great reviews and just get so many things right I ask myself."Why can't the MK team do this?" and Why not?

Its funny though cause one of the last awesome MK games that came out wasn't even really made by the MK team at all and that was the MKSM game. Makes you wonder if another team altogether should take over and just have input here and there from the previous team. Not a bad idea imo even though it might upset a lot of fans just cause their so stuck on Ed and the rest of the MK team.

I feel as a fan since the very start of MK that I have every right to share my input and complaints on here or anywhere else cause I feel the MK is just as important to me as it is to the ones who made it in the first place. If it wasn't for the fans who got on board and stayed there through the rough ride MK may not be here today but again,that doesn't mean we the fans should just settle for w.e they give us and accept it just cause they made it. I just feel its really not just their game anymore,its our game to.

The next MK game doesn't have to be perfect cause many games aren't. I just want them to focus on things that matter and not bs clothes getting ripped
and or little stupid gimmicks anymore that wear off just as fast. If they have to add little gimmicks to make up for a bad or just decent controls then maybe another team should have a crack at making a new MK game. I have seen in past MK games that they seem to focus on things that don't really matter in the main game or stuff that just shouldn't be there or they half ass it or they make it out to be more then what it turns out to be in the final game.

Its like,they don't seem to understand the term,if it isn't broke,don't fix it.
But w,e when they seem to go to fix things stuff just seems to get more messed up in the process.

Btw,if it seems like I don't like the past MK games,you're wrong cause I do mainly cause its MK but in all honesty I have't truly enjoyed a MK game since UMK3 even though at times still I do have fun playing MKvsDC but it just feels half ass to me.

I guess what I am say is this. I really wanna see that a lot of effort went into making the next MK game as if they truly care about us,and the franchise in a whole. So I am not trying to upset anyone with my comments I just wanna express my opinions and how I feel and hopefully we all can respect one anothers even if we disagree here and there. Bring the run button back lol
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