What should MK9s plot be?
posted05/10/2010 01:44 AM (UTC)by
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12/22/2003 05:23 PM (UTC)

As some of you know, I'd rather see MK rebooted....but assuming that isn't happening, MK9 would need something epic enough to outdo armageddon. Anything less would be a slap in the face.

I know this contradicts the idea of "Mortal" Kombat, but what if, after Taven beats Blaze, and the armor does nothing to the chosen warriors, the Elder Gods abandon their stance of non-involvement completely and enter the fray? What if MK9 is basically an "Immortal" Kombat, involving the Elder Gods, at least one God from each realm, and the typical main characters?

A lot of ideas I see kicked around just don't cut it for me; people have talked about making Sektor the main boss (blech), or Raiden, or whatever. I think the only way to go from here is to have all the deities fighting over the fate of the realms.

What do you guys want in MK9 storywise?
04/25/2010 04:41 PM (UTC)
This might be stupid, I don't know why I'm thinking this, but I got a story...

Let's say Armageddon happened and everyone was barely left standing after this big huge blast of energy tried to wipe them out. Taven has all the power. Majority of the characters are dead except for a few who were outraged that Taven tried to kill them, even those who are good.

They want to fight to get their powers back so they all race against Taven and destroy him.

But then where do the new characters fit in if any?

Well, simple... These characters were away from where Armageddon took place, but they saw this wave of energy blasting into the skies and they discover what it was. They want to take part in it too.

I also had another story made up for this art project I'm doing for fun. If you look at my Deviantart portfolio, I made a sketch (Despite I can draw better it was more of a rough sketch) of a MK roster of my own. There are some recurring (mostly my favorite characters) some have completely new designs, such as Jax looking like a cyborg, Sonya is evil, and Frost has no memory... A new character summoned this fallen God from the Underworld by accident, and is causing havoc upon the realms. He wants power and lots of it. Traveling through the realms just to get what he wants. Some of the character team up with this God, such as Tanya, Hotaru, and several new characters, but I haven't decided what role he has for several other characters...

Of course this is just a fan art design but, I might go back to this project as soon as my semester is over within the next three weeks.
04/25/2010 05:12 PM (UTC)
My MK9 story would take place right after MKA. The only survivors are the classic iconic characters and maybe Kenshi.I then want all realms except for Earthrealm, Outworld, Edenia, and the Netherealm to be completely ingnored. I hated the new realms of MKD. Then a new invasive force comes to take over all of the realms however they must do battle in Mortal Kombat to decide their fate. Now It's all of the original characters plus some new ones versus this New enemy and his minions. I think it would be really interesting seeing Johnny Cage and Goro, Shang Tsung and Lui Kang, Sonya and Kano, Scorpion and Sub-Zero all teaming up to defeat this new threat even though they hate each other. I realize this idea was in MKvsDC, but I think this is more epic, because instead of them teaming up to figure out what the hell is going on. They are now teaming up because the fate of the realms depend on it. It could also spark some interesting sub-plots such as having Kano or somebody betray the MK warriors and join forces with the new villain. Maybe the bad guys want to defeat the new enemy but they also have a plan to kill the heroes as well. I think this is a good idea, because I want a lot of the originals to come back, and get MKs focus back on those characters while also giving us a new idea that is epic and leaves room for new characters.

This would also make the game cool, because there could be levels from all over the MK universe and it would make sense. Not to mention that each level would feel so epic seeing white lotus fighting an army of minions in the background. Or seeing waves of military battling the minions in a city as building crumble. This idea could also bring back a tag team mode or two vs two. I
04/25/2010 05:35 PM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
My MK9 story would take place right after MKA. The only survivors are the classic iconic characters and maybe Kenshi.

I laughed a little when I saw this part. tongue
04/25/2010 05:38 PM (UTC)
KingofKings97 Wrote:
jbthrash Wrote:
My MK9 story would take place right after MKA. The only survivors are the classic iconic characters and maybe Kenshi.

I laughed a little when I saw this part. tongue

It may sound cheesy and coincidental, but I want the icons back. Every character introduced in MKD sucked, and Taven and Daegon suck. Pretty much I want a new idea that still keeps the original impression of the first games.
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04/25/2010 08:18 PM (UTC)
It should be a reboot AND a continuation from MKA:

a.) The end of MKA sees that almost everyone dies.

b.) The ones left over fend for themselves in between MKA & MK9

c.) Shaolin need a new champ, so they hold a tournament.

d.) Bad guys get wind of this tournament, and infiltrate it because the prize is still a great one, granting the victor the same sort of gifts that Liu Kang possessed as "The One"....i.e "Mortal Kombat" because the contestants are all only supposed to be mortal human beings.

e.) One of the bad guys kills somebody (it'd be cool if that someone was one of us.... a created character playing through the story mode in some sort of fashion). Once "we" get killed, the contest takes a violent turn.

f.) Enter.... the big baddie from a distant realm that wants to take over the world....or whatever. We got Shinnok, who could create some sort of plague or something; angry because his plans didn't work out in MKA. --There's maybe Sektor, with his unstoppable Tekkunin; still on the old Lin Kuei kick, and trying to perfect man. Albeit now in his own image. --Quan Chi and Shang Tsung could attend, but I don't believe they're in any shape to be the biggest baddest mofo for a game or two at least. --Shao Kahn is probably dead too (or I think he should be), btw. --Raidens motives don't line up with being the boss character, they'd have to force him into position for it. --And then, there's always creating a new big baddie....

g.) The initial "boss" could be the head Monk of the Shaolin Temples, a "friendly", so to speak. Think about it, a master Shaolin won't kill you, but he'll get damn close....and if you beat him, there's always a great prize of some sort waiting for you, right? That's a boss, it's just not an evil one. But when the big baddie does comes along, they kill him, and now we're fighting not only to save the planet, but also to preserve the rites of a champion for Earth...to someone special from Earth.


All in all there's action, drama, suspense, and thrill in there. There's old, intermediate, and brand new character possibilities. There's room for created character, an exciting arcade, and story mode in there. You can get secret characters, old and new; a central mission//objective, and a great threat to the whole plot in there (not to mention sub-plots and other character specific storyline threads). There's ties to and from MKA, and it starts the whole series over again.

I'd go for 10 old characters, 9 new characters, 4 unlockables, 2-3 secret characters, and 1 slot for our maybe 5 possible created characters(require that we create a code per KAK that we make). 25-26 total +1 for KAK, a fantastic story, and awesome reasons to play the game over and over again!

Just one idea....

04/25/2010 10:05 PM (UTC)
"The term reboot, in media dealing with serial fiction, means to discard much or even all previous continuity in the series and start anew with fresh ideas.[1] Effectively, all established fictive history is declared by the writer(s) to be null and void, or at least irrelevant to the new storyline, and the series starts over as if brand-new.[1]"

A sequel with new characters is not a reboot. A reboot requires starting over from Mortal Kombat 1, with the same characters, but changing things about the story.

The reason this would be a good idea is they could do MK over without all of the death/ resurrection shit. They could make The Black Dragon Sonya's enemy for the first trilogy and the Red Dragon for the second. They could actually redo the story in a way that makes sense, without buckling to fanboys whining.

The story has gotten so screwed up because fans have resisted change every step of the way; Shao Kahn should've died in MK3, but fans begged him back, and we got the horrible "mystical artifact" story. Raiden should've died in MKD...but fans whined, and instead of Fujin getting the character push he deserved, Raiden was resurrected right after dying. Same with Goro; instead of keeping him dead and developing Kintaro in MK4 or MKD, we got Goro back every time.

Shinnok, Onaga, Shujinko, The Red Dragon, Kintaro, have all been screwed over in favor of stale nostalgia characters.

The fact is, The MK team is incapable of creating a full cast of new, original, good characters. I don't want a Liu Kang clone (your so called new Shaolin monk) what's the point?

Go back to the original story, start from scratch and do it right this time...have an ending in view, so that every single character development can add up in a meaningful way.

The gameplay people won't care, as long as the game is good...and the same people who would whine about a reboot are the ones who's whining ruined the MK story in the first place, so I'm not particularly sympathetic to them.

So my idea is either do a battle with the elder Gods, or a complete reboot...but no "Mr. Pib" versions of famous characters.
04/25/2010 10:50 PM (UTC)
maybe the elder gods would reboot the realms and start over again, like the archeitect did in the matrix...... remember???? neo was like the 7th "one" or something like that..... so we would get a new "liu kang"(number 2). hmmmm idk it could work if DONE RIGHT.......
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04/25/2010 11:11 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I'm with anyone that believes the next MK story should start where Armageddon left off, killing most of the original kombatants and returning the MK tournament to the Shaolin in order to find a new champion of Earthrealm.

Like JB said, I'd do away with all of the other realms. I'd simply say that the Gods were able to seal the portals. Of course, this will have to leave one or two characters from another realm trapped on Earth, but I'd want this game to have human looking characters only.

I'd want the main villain to come from within the Shaolin tournament. Perhaps one of the masters that oversee the tournament isn't who they say they are.

I'd write more, but my brain needs sleep. Will write more later perhaps.

04/26/2010 07:14 PM (UTC)
ErmacMk5 Wrote:
"The term reboot, in media dealing with serial fiction, means to discard much or even all previous continuity in the series and start anew with fresh ideas.[1] Effectively, all established fictive history is declared by the writer(s) to be null and void, or at least irrelevant to the new storyline, and the series starts over as if brand-new.[1]"

A sequel with new characters is not a reboot. A reboot requires starting over from Mortal Kombat 1, with the same characters, but changing things about the story.

The reason this would be a good idea is they could do MK over without all of the death/ resurrection shit. They could make The Black Dragon Sonya's enemy for the first trilogy and the Red Dragon for the second. They could actually redo the story in a way that makes sense, without buckling to fanboys whining.

The story has gotten so screwed up because fans have resisted change every step of the way; Shao Kahn should've died in MK3, but fans begged him back, and we got the horrible "mystical artifact" story. Raiden should've died in MKD...but fans whined, and instead of Fujin getting the character push he deserved, Raiden was resurrected right after dying. Same with Goro; instead of keeping him dead and developing Kintaro in MK4 or MKD, we got Goro back every time.

Shinnok, Onaga, Shujinko, The Red Dragon, Kintaro, have all been screwed over in favor of stale nostalgia characters.

The fact is, The MK team is incapable of creating a full cast of new, original, good characters. I don't want a Liu Kang clone (your so called new Shaolin monk) what's the point?

Go back to the original story, start from scratch and do it right this time...have an ending in view, so that every single character development can add up in a meaningful way.

The gameplay people won't care, as long as the game is good...and the same people who would whine about a reboot are the ones who's whining ruined the MK story in the first place, so I'm not particularly sympathetic to them.

So my idea is either do a battle with the elder Gods, or a complete reboot...but no "Mr. Pib" versions of famous characters.

i understand where your coming from, because they have screwed up a lot of things. My problem with the reboot is that we don't know how this series ended. We are still on a cliff hanger from the next game. So I want to see what happens next. Also my idea gives a lot of lead way to start fresh again and keep worthless characters dead forever.
04/27/2010 01:29 AM (UTC)
I'd introduce a new character to be the boss. I know that much. I cannot think of an existing character that is worthy enough to kick-start a new era as the big bad, to be honest. We've got plenty of black hats, and that is fine, but I think we could use some sort of new threat.

I like the concept of a female sorceress. I also like the idea of her seeming to be young, naive and desireable; yet effortlessly powerful. Address her as being more powerful than Shang Tsung and Quan Chi combined, even in her inexperience. My ideal concept for her is that she's come from a distant realm; or even a parallel one (which makes the Elder Gods realise that perhaps they are just pawns in an even bigger game, too). But I've not thought too much about origins. I just find it difficult creating a new boss character to just rise up through the ashes of Armageddon.

Anyway, this sorceress comes, and perhaps she doesn't seem evil. Not purely evil, anyway. Her motives are suspicious, but she seems honourable enough to at least conduct things seemingly in the open. She holds a tournament, with the winner becoming the new Mortal Kombat Champion, and their will being supported by her magicks throughout the realms.

It needs a lot of work, but to break it down, I think it comes down to several common elements that I think people have mentioned:

1) That we get a new boss.

2) We got back to a more structured plotline of a tournament, and not an all-out war (just yet).

Also, while I have enjoyed most games in the MK series, I found that the ones best received critically were set in Outworld. Edenia as a setting seemed to encourage the most criticism. Coincidence? I don't think Outworld would be a bad setting for the events of MK9 to take place.
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04/27/2010 04:02 AM (UTC)
MKA resolved nothing. It gave no sense of concrete finality whatsoever, especially if Taven's ending is to be believed.I like the notion of returning it to a basic Shaolin tournament, but I think closure from MKA is necessary before that happens. I vote for one more round with the realms open, but with a lot of very important or threatening people dead or permanently incapacitated.

I'd want most superfluous and stale characters gone, from wastes of space like Chameleon and Darrius, to stale icons like Sonya and Kano, and especially Shao Kahn (That guy bites the curb every other Tuesday - I can't take him seriously as ruler of Outworld anymore. I don't care if it's Onaga, Kitana, Mileena, Shang Tsung, Goro, or Raiden that does it, but it needs to happen. He's lost so much credibility it's insane). I think I'd be satisfied with a roster of fifteen or so characters. Ditch a lot of the dreck, centralize the plot closely around the survivors, perhaps some manifested elder gods. Ideally I'd have at least one representative from each realm, god or otherwise (and yes, if Darrius is dead, to me that means Havik), some of which have united to focus on the game's big threat...and here's where you throw tomatoes at me:

An uber-powered form of Scorpion as the final or a secret boss. He's really been building up to it for a good long while now - I'm not saying this out of any particular love for the character - I just think it's a natural progression for him, far less forced than someone like Sektor. He's got the reasons to do it.

The Elder Gods have had this policy of non-involvement for so damn long, then they go make Scorpion their champion in MKD, and reward him for his efforts by bringing back the Shirai Ryu as hellspawned demons like himself. For someone as permanently pissed off as he is, that's got to be the straw that broke the camel's back. He's always been this big one-dimensional character with revenge as his only motive, and I buy that he might just be willing to snap, take over the Netherrealm from Shinnok with the help of his clan, and go after the elder gods himself, maybe even succeeding where Shinnok failed. I see him trying to remake the universe into what would be in his view a universe fair and just - this could open the doors for a true reboot, a proper one, where we could focus on a new Shaolin tournament.
04/27/2010 02:02 PM (UTC)
Alright, this is not really what it should be, but I find it intriguing that Scorpion has tension with the Elder Gods, and Sub-Zero is close to becoming a threat to them with his "Ice God" status. Raiden is also a bit of a loose cannot these days. Since those three are more than likely returning, based on iconic status alone -- it seems interesting that they almost seem to...tie together? It's a bit of a stretch, but you also have Rain in a sort of "Perseus" role, too. It's cheesy as all hell, but I could imagine the MK Team forming a "ninja squad" to take down the Elder Gods.

But seriously, Shadaloo, I agree with you. Armageddon solved nothing. We need some closure there, and I pretty much do agree that a lot needs to be resolved. A lot of meaningless characters can be culled, and I think a few of the returning character's bios could explain the departure of others (eg. I can see Jax's telling us why Sektor is not around anymore). As for Shao Kahn -- as a big bad I think he is more than done (as he was after MK3), but I am not entirely opposed to seeing him survive Armageddon. I mean, canonically he is not dead yet, and we have not learned much about his origins at all. If he does return, I would love him to be his own protagonist, trying to regain power. There would just be something so charismatic about it.

And that leads me to this suggestion: I am not opposed to the theme of the next Mortal Kombat being some icons and left-over characters trying to find their place in a post-Armageddon world. What is Shao Kahn to do when he does not have his throne? What is Raiden to do in regards to humanity when so many humans are now dead? What is Kitana to do without a realm to lead? What is Noob Saibot to do if hell is still in possession of Shinnok? What is Baraka to do if the Tarkata are all wiped out? What is Li Mei to do without a master? What are the Shokan to do without a leader?

These are all questions that I think could drive some pretty powerful character motivations in the future games. I'm not saying that they should do all of these, but they are things to consider.
04/27/2010 03:52 PM (UTC)
i think i new boss should come interfer between Taven's decision it would make better since than the god coming in and wiping the slate clean or Taven absorbing all ther powers we just have a forth Chameleon character (enough with those already). Let somebody new come in for a chance i'm tired of Shao Kahn or Shang Tsung i mean doesn't that get boring after a while.
04/27/2010 07:51 PM (UTC)
Big tournament.

People fight for their own goals.

Job done.
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04/27/2010 10:52 PM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
Big tournament.

People fight for their own goals.

Job done.

Honestly, I like this idea, assuming that the goals are all serious and there are no joke characters. I know this won't be the case, but it would leave the MK Team more time to spend on the game itself.

I hate to beat a dead horse here, but take Street Fighter for example. Absolutely terrible stories for the most part, but good, balanced fighting.

Like I said, as long as the stories were taken serious for every character, I'd be down for this idea.
04/27/2010 11:43 PM (UTC)
I think it's a bad idea to try to escalate from Armageddon.

For starters, it's redundant.
First came the Deadly Alliance and that was bad. But then came Onaga and that was really bad! And Onaga made way for Armageddon and that's really, really bad! And now Armageddon leads into something really, really, REALLY bad!!

What is this, Dragonball Z now? It's also a very bad idea to establish that unless all the realms everywhere are on the verge total destruction the story either doesn't matter or has no drama.

I say use Armageddon to lead into a sense of relative calm. The next game takes place x years after, the survivors have either moved on or are still reeling from the aftermath.

And in this, along comes a new tournament. I would like the story to return to an actual tournament format...at least for a game or two. Start things off seemingly simple, give each character a distinct motivation and purpose for being involved, but also establish that there are deeper workings in effect and that this tournament...for whatever reason...is only a front.
Create mystery and build up to the next big bad...be it someone brand new or even Raiden.

Keep the good vs. evil themes, but we don't need it the story to constantly be "If we don't stop this, the realms are FUCKED!" all the time.
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04/28/2010 12:41 AM (UTC)
I like the idea from the Twisted Metal franchise. I understand that you they can't steal the exact idea, though.

Many different people enter a competition, or in the case of Mortal Kombat, a tournament, in order to seek the prize of whatever it is their heart desires, given to them by the "host" of the tournament.

I know that this is all just wishful thinking, because I know that there will probably be a really deep story to MK9. I'm just hoping that it doesn't follow Armageddon too much, and that it doesn't make the gameplay suffer.
04/28/2010 01:52 AM (UTC)
It's almost 20 years since Mortal Kombat made its debut. I think it's time for another official Tournament held by the Elder Gods with Liu Kang as the defending champion. It would be cool to have a good guy as the final boss in this game.
04/28/2010 05:41 AM (UTC)
a Martial Arts Competition. Not a battle of gods.

I can see something like a FEW (2?) old characters getting an invitation to a new tournament. Say Sub Zero is one of those few. He is long since jaded of the blast-o-ramas of recent and decides that he will enter only to challenge his martial arts prowess and lays aside the bulk of his powers, as do any other returning characters. A tournament of punches and kicks... refreshing.

Or just kill everyone off and start over. I dont need Klosure. I need Kombat.

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04/28/2010 11:45 PM (UTC)
You know, I think that if they're able to dedicate someone, or a small team of actual writers to the objective of writing a great story we'll be fine. What's been common is for one or more of the programmers, animators, or ect to have been responsible for doing their obvious job, and then also come up with the storyline stuff. Which honestly, is//was cheap of the company to do that. Or, maybe a little too ambitious after a while, considering how big Mortal Kombat became.

I think that once maybe...MK Sub-Zero: Mythologies came and past, it was pretty evident that there needed to be, or should have been a little more specificity going on as far as the job descriptions there. Not a cheap-shot at Midway, or the MKTeam if it was them as a unit who decided to do things that way.....I'm just sayin.

Get a team of....hell, idk 4-5 writers who respect the processes of game development, but that really are only concerned and knowledgeable with creating a fantastic storyline for MK and it's characters. Maybe divide however many characters there are by two, and have that many writers there. Two characters per writer for whatever coming game. 24-25 characters? 12 writers and a lead. idk...

Whatever the case, I'd like to know that the writers for MK were obsessive sponges about approaching the project first. Everything from the history of MK's story stuff (the main plot, individual character story lines, and any sub-plots..ect) as well as considering what us fans' obsession is with these characters and the game as a whole. It'd be nice not only to hear that they take in the developers original intent for the characters and overall plots of MK throughout the last almost two decades, but also to be impressed by knowing they read through stuff like XiahouDun84's Storyline Analysis.

Now let's not get crazy on me here, of course I'm not demanding this sort of thing, I just think of it as an awesome length to go to in order to prove they're taking things seriously. A matter of consideration really. Because I think that sort of ambition, dedication, and enthusiasm is what it's gonna take to make the thing phenomenal.


To be honest, I think a testament to the writers really putting their foot in this project is the quality of the forefront end result. i.e. The main story and the characters' involvement in whatever ways the thing goes. But I also think that if we end up getting good quality additional content to find and at least read through, that's the mark of how impressive the effort will have been.

So, if I see anything like a digital graphic novel// another really good comic like with MkvsDC associated with MK in the near future, I know that it's something to be appreciated, and I'd probably buy the thing just on that merit alone. lol. If I see a combination of small things in addition to the main story stuff...... like bios, aNd profiles, aaAND little tid-bits of info hidden through out the game...we're fucking golden d00d. If there is great...no, adequate//sufficient or better detail to what's going on, and things make sense according to whatever the concept of the game is....Score!

There's all sorts of ways to deliver the story so, I want to see the writers' muscles flex a little bit here. I think that if they're reading some of these posts, it should become apparent that it's not simply about writing a great story, or delivering that story in inventive ways....no.... They have a little bit of faith restoration to work in there too. lol

So basically, lemme see whatcha got, next-gen MK. Show me somn'.

04/29/2010 06:18 PM (UTC)
I think the story should continue from MKA without having anything to do with Blaze or Taven.

The point of MKA was to help the story start anew. Essentially, I would like a new generation of warriors to rise up years after Armageddon took place and begin a story that is irrelevant to anything done before.

Surviving heroes of course would step in, using their experience and wisdom to aid the new younger heroes (prevent history from repeating itself, perhaps), and surviving villains would come out and either assist the new villains or go on their own crusade.

Also, I'd love to see major changes in some characters. Armageddon should have a huge psychological impact on some of them. Shao Kahn, Kitana, and Mileena come to mind. I'd like to see them and others show signs of mental or emotional change induced by mka.

But definitely I think this should focus on a new generation of warriors. So literally it should take place after a hiatus of realm-realm battle. And to these new warriors, the old warriors (Shang Tsung, Goro, Raiden, etc.) should be legends or myths. Perhaps legends/myths that emerge as true to their astonishment later on...
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05/10/2010 01:44 AM (UTC)
1) After Armageddon most get killed by Taven after killing Blaze. Only thosemore or less from MK 1 and 2 survive, mostly sub-zero, scorpion, Kahn, ect.

2) Nothing big happens for a while.

3) About 50 years later, Outworld declares Mortal Komabt on Earthrealm again.

-Possibly, Kahn considers the last tournament as a ride off because of all the events the proceeded it (event though they were largely due to himself) and win invade Earthrealm if he wins

- or, the game picks off from 900 years later and Outworld have won 9 stright victories

4) Only immortal characters and descendants of old warriors fight in a rebooted franchise. Ie, Scorpian, Raiden and Kahn are still kickin' it. Sub-zero's descendant takes up his father's mantal. Other possable related characters fight, ie, kano's descendant , sonya's descendant

New Characters fight - hopefully they put effort into thier character designs but perhaps that is asking too much.

Tada, more a less a reboot that follows on from the current continuity. It probably won't happen, but hey.
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