What should MK take from Injustice?
posted12/28/2013 12:45 AM (UTC)by
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07/26/2011 01:33 AM (UTC)
Injustice was a great fighting game and I'd love to see MK10 take a couple things from Injustice. Such as:

Chapter Select in Story Mode
Personalized dialogue between certain fighters
Frame Data available through movelists
Stage Transitions (Definitely toned down)
Single Fight option
Everything from Online

What about you guys? What are some things from Injustice that could benefit MK10?
12/03/2013 09:05 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Injustice was a great fighting game and I'd love to see MK10 take a couple things from Injustice. Such as:

Chapter Select in Story Mode
Personalized dialogue between certain fighters
Frame Data available through movelists
Stage Transitions (Definitely toned down)
Single Fight option
Everything from Online

What about you guys? What are some things from Injustice that could benefit MK10?

In terms of gameplay, there are a lot of elements that future MK games could draw from Injustice. Character traits are one of the key elements that I feel should be in MK games, especially to add even more diversity amongst the characters' fighting styles. Aerial attacks should have the kind of feel like they did in Injustice by being able to link into standing normals. In the MK9, it was only with the jump forward/jump back front/back punch, but I like having more options for certain strategies.

I definitely want NRS to continue giving frame data and move descriptions as well as keep the uppercut-type moves as mid-hitting (in the 6-button fighter sense, ex_mid/special mid in the Tekken and Virtua Fighter sense) attacks. I would like to see the return of the different modes like survivor, heroes only, villains only, etc.

Considering the direction the story will likely go, it would make sense to eliminate rounds and do matches like in Injustice with two health bars. Stage transitions and interactive objects should come back for MK if they aren't too prevalent and the damage is balanced.

In other areas, I like the usage of symbols and backgrounds (in the select screen) for the characters to give more of that sense of individuality. Injustice overall had much better voice acting due to a lot of familiar voice actors who reprised their roles from other incarnations of the characters. With MK, there has to be a better sense of knowing who the characters are and how to portray them. I still feel that MK9/MK2011 got things wrong with a number of characters, most notably characters like Mileena and Raiden.

The series is over 20 years old, and by now, the characters' personalities should be well defined. The stories are told is another thing that MK should learn from Injustice. MK9 and some games before it suffered from being centered around idiot plots. At least Injustice's story, despite its flaws, did not center around an idiot plot. Death had meaning and impact, something that MK's mythology, for the most part, does not feature.
12/04/2013 07:52 PM (UTC)
Definitely Character Traits. Since MK has four attack buttons, they can map it to one of the left triggers instead of that useless Stance Switch button that makes the character change which way he's facing for no good reason.

I'd also like to see some way to keep the character-specific dialogue without the Wager part attached.
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12/04/2013 08:09 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
eliminate rounds and do matches like in Injustice with two health bars.


I hated this because matches don't last long enough. In MK i always set to best of 5 rounds, not best of 3. Maybe if there was an option to have 3 health bars, but i strongly dislike even this idea.

Sub-Zero_7th & KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Stage Transitions

YES! this is what MK(9) was seriously lacking, considering the strong tie to MK3. But yes, tone down the damage, up the violence :D

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Character traits are one of the key elements that I feel should be in MK games, especially to add even more diversity amongst the characters' fighting styles.

Yup. Special moves are great, but the traits really helped with the individuality.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
At least Injustice's story, despite its flaws, did not center around an idiot plot. Death had meaning and impact, something that MK's mythology, for the most part, does not feature.

It's hard to make death have meaning in a story when the franchise literally created the Fatality finisher move and we see decapitation and impalement happen to all the characters regularly. That being said, the MK story really did cheapen it since we're now all expecting resurrection of some kind.

KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Frame Data available through movelists
Everything from Online

I could care less about counting frames, but since some people want it, why not? And i have no idea about online. In fact having something less online - enforced oriented would be nice but i doubt it'll ever happen.
12/04/2013 09:31 PM (UTC)
I haven't played Injustice, but seeing some videos of the stage transitions, I'd like to see that return.

I always liked it back during MK3, I kinda enjoyed it with Deception but I greatly dislike that game.

Would be a cool thing to see it come back better than Injustice.
12/05/2013 01:54 PM (UTC)

im so use to using a block button for mortal kombat because thats the only fighting game i play hahaha. i figured the 2 games would be similar button wise since they were made with the same people.

thats all i want, plus the rounds, finishers, all that stuff. they dont need to take much outta injustice for the next MK.
12/05/2013 08:50 PM (UTC)
There's a reason I didn't say Character Traits. I think Injustice did that so they could differentiate from MK. While it does make characters more unique, I don't think it's something MK needs.

irishdude733 Wrote:

They will. It's a staple of MK. Again, I think Injustice did away with the Block button and went with more traditional blocking to be different from MK.
12/06/2013 06:12 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind seeing elements of Tao Feng or this new upcoming game Fighter Within (the fighting styles and cinematics, minus the usage of kinect)


More cinematics and free-flowing in the next MK please
12/06/2013 11:11 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
There's a reason I didn't say Character Traits. I think Injustice did that so they could differentiate from MK. While it does make characters more unique, I don't think it's something MK needs.

MKvsDCU had it for some characters, though. Specifically, Baraka only had three attack buttons and his fourth made his blades extend or retract. Deathstroke had it too, switching between hand-to-hand and sword stance.

And MK already has a history of fighting style/weapon stance changing, in DA thru Armageddon. It would just be cooler if instead of stances for some characters, it activated a superpower, since the truth is, Mortal Kombat characters ARE superheroes and supervillains.
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12/07/2013 03:58 PM (UTC)
Character trait is just a fancy name for special move...I feel we don't need an aditionnal button for it, make it a command like every other special.
12/07/2013 04:19 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
MKvsDCU had it for some characters, though. Specifically, Baraka only had three attack buttons and his fourth made his blades extend or retract. Deathstroke had it too, switching between hand-to-hand and sword stance.

Yeah but they played better without the stances. They didn't flow into each other smoothly.
12/07/2013 07:10 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Yeah but they played better without the stances. They didn't flow into each other smoothly.

Well MK vs DCU's engine wasn't that great. It works fairly smooth in Injustice, though.
12/07/2013 11:28 PM (UTC)
I wonder if they could implement some of the cinematic style from Injustices supermoves into fatalities.
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12/10/2013 01:23 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Injustice was a great fighting game and I'd love to see MK10 take a couple things from Injustice. Such as:

Chapter Select in Story Mode
Personalized dialogue between certain fighters
Frame Data available through movelists
Stage Transitions (Definitely toned down)
Single Fight option
Everything from Online

What about you guys? What are some things from Injustice that could benefit MK10?

Stage Transitions without a doubt, but maybe less over the top and make it look like it hurts being knocked around with maybe some X-Rays.

I'd like the personalized dialogue as it would bring uniqueness about the relationships between the characters.
12/28/2013 12:45 AM (UTC)
Man I might get bashed for this but I say take nothing because the elements in injustice are what makes it unique. Keep Injustice as Injustice & Mk as Mk.

Example: When Capcom had the marvel licenses you didn't see Street Fighter games having air combos or over the top super moves all of a sudden unless it was a crossover (XvsSF, MSHvsSF, MvC, etc. .) so yeah

Unless NRS decided to do more crossovers with DC then you can implement the traits of Injustice into the MK characters like SF did with Marvel, Otherwise just keep the MK9 engine & build from there onward, Same with Injustice should it get a sequel. Just My Opinion.
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