What should come after MK9???
posted01/23/2010 09:44 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/22/2003 10:48 PM (UTC)
A Mortal Kombat 10 or a reboot with a fresh start???

I hope a reboot gets made after MK9 b/c I would like to see today's graphics and technology used on a remake of the original MK 1and 2 and by the time they make an MK3, they can do it right this time! They shouldn't throw in so many unnecessary new characters and write out Johnny Cage, Rayden and all the ninjas.

So what you do think?

01/21/2010 04:45 AM (UTC)
After MK9, I'd want MK10.

Personally, I have absolutely no interest in a reboot/remake/redux of the old games. Because at the end of the day, it's the same old shit recycled in a shiny new package.
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01/21/2010 03:20 PM (UTC)

I still like MK1 and MK2. Why do I need to play 3D versions or versions with today's technology when I still like the old games exactly as they were? That's not improvement, that's just trying to capitalize on nostalgia and to me it's blatantly unnecessary.

I'm not saying this to attack the original poster, because I know that he's not alone in his thinking. Alot of people want to see a redesigned, modernized version of MK1 or MK2. But I'm not one of them. If they make it? Sure, I'll buy it. But then again, I also bought MK vs DC.

If I had the choice betwee a revamped older MK game, a versus game or proper sequel to MK.... I will ALWAYS take the sequel EVERY TIME.

I really the MK team to find some semblence of a GOOD fighting system in MK9, then continue to build on that in MK10.
01/21/2010 04:05 PM (UTC)
i would be more in thought of the current game being made. MK10 talk already??
a bit jumping the gun don't you think lol...we hardly know about what MK9 is all about.
01/22/2010 12:27 AM (UTC)
we haven't heard nothing bout mk9 while u talking bout mk10 slow down let us get some info on the next mk game b4 u start talking bout mk10 that crazy 2 me u way ahead of yourself.
01/23/2010 09:44 PM (UTC)
Maybe an MK Mythologies game of Kitana.

It should first take place in MK2 when Kitana regains her memories of the past and kills Mileena. Then, the rest of the story should be about Kitana escaping the trial for killing Mileena and tries to free Sindel from Shao Khan's control.

While Kitana is on her mission, allies must help her in certain times and can be playable in a two player fighting mode similar to MKSM's. Foes should also be unlockable in the 2 player mode. Along with that, unlockable modes should include Survival Made, Training Mode, an arcade version of UMK3, and some mini games.
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