What new TYPES of characters would you like to see in the next MK game?
posted03/29/2010 03:07 AM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
So far we've had two Shaolin monks, a thunder god, a ninja (well, about 50 actually lol), a few terrorist/mercenaries, a few special forces fighters, a movie star, a few sorcerers, a few shokans, two tarkatans, a riot cop, a queen, a few cyber ninjas, a vampire, a lizard man, two onis... The list goes on and on.

I guess my question is... From a creative stand point... Where would you like to see the MK team go next? Maybe a Sam Fisher or Solid Snake style stealth assassin? Maybe a different monster race like wolf men or hell demons? Maybe an extremist terrorist? (right, like they could ever get away with that lol). How about a samurai? A wizard? A ghost? A boxer? A professional wrestler? A serial killer? A half man half zebra?

Maybe you want to see a variation on something from before? A different type or style of vampire perhaps? Maybe a new style of Bruce Lee/Champion? Or a new style of oni or hell demon?

The world is your oyster and then some! What new or altered character types would you like to see in the next MK game?
03/02/2010 05:34 PM (UTC)
a big fighter like zangeif. like a grappler.

i wanna see the shadow preist too or grim reaper lookin fighter.
03/02/2010 05:34 PM (UTC)
I got some:

Shadow/Light Priest

That's all I got for right now.
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Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
03/02/2010 06:26 PM (UTC)
I'd like a sorceress. I cannot for a second believe that only men know how to use magic in the MKverse. It's high time a female sorceress came in and made a mark.
I'd also like to see some more elemental fighters that aren't gods. These characters would cover elements not already existing in the game like earth, nature, metals, light etc. There was a good thread some time ago where myself and others put forward ideas for that very type of character.
It'd also be nice to see more truly neutral characters. They should not be in Haviks terrain of causing chaos everywhere and savouring it. They should just exist to purely benefit themselves or observe the goings on in the story whilst meddling here and there.
A psycho would be nice to see. They'd be a more berserk and insane version of Kobra with an unmatched bloodlust.
A samurai and stealth assasin would be nice. My character concept Ryoko was a stealth assasin and used the element of light and so would kill two birds with one stone if she were ever in the game. I see wizards in the same league as sorcerors and therefore unnecessary given those we have already. We have plenty of demons though it'd be nice to stretch the range of them and explore more creative versions and powers. I'd say no to wrestlers as well. Killer Instinct, Tekken and Street Fighter all have them and they're usually a black guy. I'd hate for MK to throw in yet another token black guy and yet again stereotype him. Jax and Darrius are bad enough, thanks.
It would also be interesting to see an Elder God in play for once. Whether they be a boss, sub boss or hidden character. They of all the species and people mentioned in MK are a complete mystery though Onaga's MKD ending seemed to suggest their true form were that of black glowing dragons.
For the Earthrealm characters, it's be interesting to see a normal civilian type character. One who is unsuspectingly dragged into the MK world during some sort of Special Forces battle after being injured by the enemy on the streets. By normal I mean they would have no super powers or projectiles. Their special moves would soley revolve around their natural agility and physical strength. The character could be reluctant to get involved but as previously mentioned, they'd get dragged into the story and then into further conflict.
And no, I would not like to see Zebron or anything like him anytime soon. I saw that sly reference to him lol. wink
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03/02/2010 06:29 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I got some:

Shadow/Light Priest

That's all I got for right now.

Witchdoctor! That's Awesome! Like a voodoo type of character, you mean? I think that would be great!

I'd also really like to see a shadow priest, one of those guys from MK2 that are just floating there. For some reason, the idea of having a character who's face is completely concealed also appeals to me.

Plus, with the Shadowpriests, always got the impression that they were these fanatics that followed Shang Tsung. Having that type of character, similar to what I think Hotaru might be for order, only a lot cooler, would be a fantastic addition to this series, in my opinion.
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03/02/2010 06:33 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
A half man half zebra?

Hell yeah. King Kong ain't got shit on Zebron.

I'll go ahead and jump on the Shadow Priest bandwagon. I'm on the fence whether I'd give him/her a face or not, but the hood and robes definitely. For a totally original character, seems like everything's been done. I guess we could have a martial arts gambling bookie. He would be MK's response to Setzer.

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03/02/2010 06:45 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
I'd like a sorceress. I cannot for a second believe that only men know how to use magic in the MKverse. It's high time a female sorceress came in and made a mark.
I'd also like to see some more elemental fighters that aren't gods. These characters would cover elements not already existing in the game like earth, nature, metals, light etc. There was a good thread some time ago where myself and others put forward ideas for that very type of character.
It'd also be nice to see more truly neutral characters. They should not be in Haviks terrain of causing chaos everywhere and savouring it. they should just exist to purely benefit themselves or observe the goings on in the stiry whilst meddling here and there.
A psycho would be nice to see. They'd be a more berserk and insane version of Kobra with an unmatched bloodlust.
A samurai would be nice. I see wizards in the same league as sorcerors and therefore unnecessary given those we have already. We have plenty of demons though it'd be nice to stretch the range of them and explore more creative versions and powers.
It would also be interesting to see an Elder God in play for once. Whether they be a boss, sub boss or hidden character. They of all the species and people mentioned in MK are a complete mystery though Onaga's MKD ending seemed to suggest their true form were that of black glowing dragons.

Great ideas as well tgrant!

I dig the idea of a sorceress. Maybe she's a shape shifting temptress who creates havoc for another character or two by changing in to another person or maybe she's just someone with powers to really mix up the opponent. I'm thinking someone like Xavier from Eternal Champions.

He was a warlock, but he had all of these moves to sort of mess with the opponent like messing up their input buttons, changing places with them etc. Obviously they would have to be more creative than that, but a character that has a different style of special moves than the simple fireball, teleport etc.

I also agree about the neutral characters. I'm not nearly as much of a fan of the "group o good" versus "group o evil" as I used to be. It would be nice to have a lot of characters that simply want to win the tournament. Seems logical, right?

As for an Elder God, wasn't Shinnok an Elder God before he fell? I think that there should be a sort of "High Elder" that's above all others and that should be a main villain. Maybe he or she decides that Earth is no longer worth protecting because of how corrupted it's become and that without a true champion, they're no longer able to defend themselves.

But due to all of this, it would be a better gift to the people of Earth to end their suffering, destroy it and remake it once more with more pure hearted warriors to protect a stronger, more capable human race.

It could be the sort of plot where this High Elder, and the rest of the Gods (minus Fujin, who could stand against them) are all self righteous to a fault. Sure, they believe they're doing the right thing and helping a situation that they perceive to be negative and quickly deteriorating, but the cost is billions of lives.

So we know that the High Elder and Rayden and others would be inherently good, making the group that wants to save Earth almost seem inherently bad (I'd love to see a plot like this where Shang Tsung becomes Earth's extremely reluctant Chosen One), so there would be a lot of gray area.

Sure, you can have cut throat thieves like Kano or Kabal, but they'd be fighing side by side with their sworn enemies like Mavado or Sonya. On the flip side, you could have Gods that hate mankind and want to see it wiped out, you can have a god like Rayden who sadly believes that this is the right thing to do, or you can have a god like Fujin who stands against them.

All in all, it would create a variety of unlikely alliances, pairing up characters that wouldn't normally fit together against a big bad monster that's actually not a monster at all.

I could dig that!
03/02/2010 07:00 PM (UTC)
Character desgns:
female cyber ninja
A new moster race like Reptile or Baraka
Champion of the Gods
Fire god
An evil fat guy

Charcter play styles:
A big slow fighter with heavy hits.
A fighter who has a lot of counters
A long range fighter
Maybe a grappler
03/02/2010 07:33 PM (UTC)
1) I'd definitely want a sadistic female or a male to female transexual nympho character who'd "violate" guys and who'd shove sharp objects into guys' intimate parts. Also, her bio would be about her sad history of how guys treated her ever since she was a kid (or ever since she was a guy if she's a transexual). She ended up this insane because there was a guy she fell in love with but ultimately betrayed her so she thinks that all guys are going to mistreat her and kills them as revenge. She was often bullied as a child because of her overweight features and/or because she was a boy back then. However, there is some good personality inside of her and the Earthrealm warriors (or who ever the heroes are) will help her get through those hard times and will give her the love and respect she needs in order for her to be good again. Her ending should also be about her finding the guy she truly loves and the one who'd accept her.
2) A female cyborg.
3) A female centaur.
4) A male vampire.
5) A sorceress
03/02/2010 09:54 PM (UTC)
I'm in a rush, so I haven't read this whole thread yet, but I am glad you made it, Baraka. I'll also give my thoughts on some ideas here later. But here are some character concepts I'd like to see:

Female sorceress
As mentioned, this is probably the most obvious choice for a new character. I think there is so much potential to create a classic character right off the bat with this. I'd like it if she weren't pure evil, either. Maybe give her a youthful appearance (as to me, a female sorceress could be obsessed with beauty, even if she is not, naturally, young), or even make her youthful. Instead of just a "female Shang Tsung/Quan Chi" or "Sindel with magic," I would not mind seeing a young sorceress who isn't neccessarily evil, but definitely has her own agenda -- and is perhaps a bit unaware of how much control she has over the destiny of others.

A serial killer
Not in the traditional sense. Everyone in MK seems to be a killer, but I would not mind a completely sadistic being whose motivations and origins are unknown. When a serial killer is active, it's hard to know anything about them except their MO and such. By masking the character, you can essentially get that feel that you've got "no clue who the fuck that is." Mystery would add to the fear. I like the idea of lifting Baraka's blades for them, as they are essentially the main factor in his popularity, and could be adapted for next gen. without neccessarily bringing Baraka back. They're also perfect for a sadistic killer. Don't make them organic, but have them built-in to his costume. Oh, and give this character some pretty sick Fatalities. Not "Sadistic Freak" sick ( tongue ), but definitely something that could give children nightmares.

As much as I hate to say it, a werewolf
If they bring vampires back, they might as well bring in some sort of werewolf character -- hopefully with same sort of Outworldly twist that they gave Motaro as a "centaur." Look, Mortal Kombat has to make money right now, and vampires and werewolves are huge in pop-culture right now. If you change elements (changing into a human would be shit), and just have it as a sort of "race" with a wacky name, then I think it would be fine. And if the character sucks, you can just Fatality it.

Concepts based on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Not literally, of course. But it seems the best MK characters find their inspiration in something. Why not take these four iconic concepts associated with the end of the world, and apply their traits to new characters? For Death, maybe a name like "Syrshen," the Chinese word for death, as Google informs me. Take some concepts generally associated with death: a scythe ala the Grim Reaper, perhaps a "Death Touch" Fatality. Visually, I imagine something ghostly and cloaked, but in Revelation, Death apparently comes riding a white horse. Maybe give Syrshen a mainly black upper-body, but the cloth mysteriously turns white when it comes to his legs? The ideas need some work, of course, but I think it'd create some interesting visuals and make some "bad-ass" new characters for the series.

A true pacifist
Kung Lao had hints of being a peace-lover in his story, but when it came time to fight, he had no problem slicing open Baraka. I'm talking about a character who reads poetry, probably writes it, and if he was never given a reason to, would never raise a hand against another being. That quirk seems a little weak, so maybe give them some sort of facial disfigurement, and evoke the same sort of feelings that Beast from X-Men generated? That's not to say he would be a "weak" character, at all. He'd obviously be a martial arts genius; he just wouldn't have that "Hey, you brushed shoulders with me -- let's FIGHT!" mentality that a lot of other characters have. He'd obviously be fighting for some HUGE reason to him. And hell, I can't see why you couldn't have this character be female.

A one-armed fighter
This is something that I'd really like to see. Perhaps a legendary master of the martial arts -- a fabled member of the Outworld army, or something. In my head, they'd probably be introduced via Li Mei, or someone. Give her a plot that roughly follows the journey Luke Skywalker follows in that, and have her Obi-Wan (Bo' Rai Cho) point her in the direction of this Yoda. At first, Li Mei doubts that a one-armed old man has the potential to be this bad-ass, so he proves it to her -- his retirement is by choice. It'd make for some interesting gameplay, and as cheesy as it sounds, some of his specials could involve a "chi arm" being created by him, and punching the opponent across the screen, or something. And then you can reveal eventually (a few games later or so), when a character asks, "How did you lose your arm, Master?" "I ripped it off." ":-O" "I wanted the challenge of fighting one-handed."

A sub-boss based on Cerberus
It's hard to come up with sub-boss ideas, in my opinion, but an easy one is that of Cerberus -- the legendary three-headed dog guarding hell in Greek mythology. With a few MK touches, you can ultimately create a memorable and challenging sub-boss, in my opinion.

A realistic veteran
I would not make this an Earthrealm character, although I could see how it could eventually be done with some build. But perhaps have a guy who is celebrated by his realm as this incredible hero. And then one day, as a new threat threatens his realm -- he surrenders. Why? Because fighting would have been stupid and resulted in countless deaths. Essentially, he would not be "evil," but would just realise that fighting this regime is pointless (it'd work great for a new main villain, in my opinion), so he now serves this threat, as long as his people don't suffer. Give him a worn-down look, perhaps with scars all over his body -- he's been there, done that -- and when some young punk calls him out for betraying his people, he knows that they just have to experience a little more to see the world as he does. A counter-character to him, wanting to make him atone for his "betrayal" would be interesting, too.

Damaged beauty
This is not so much a story idea, as it just would be a fascinating character to me. Take a character -- preferably female -- and make them as beautiful as a video game can make them...except for a big ugly scar down the side of their face. To me, this would create such a fascinating image. It could be used to make statements on how fragile beauty is, and could create a whole bunch of interesting issues for the character. It wouldn't be their whole story, obviously, but I think it'd make such a great, simple design.

Hey, remember the Shokan?
I do. Was never a big fan. I like this twisted sense of honour they have given them as a people, though. I also respect that they are iconically associated with the series. MK has to make money, right? Why not create a new Shokan character, who perhaps looks a fair bit different from Goro, Kintaro and Sheeva, and give them their own agenda and such? Hell, you could even make them an outcast of the Shokan race. I dunno. Not a sub-boss role; completely playable from the start.

"Um, I know she betrayed you an all, Master, but I'm a good student"
This is something you could sort of give to Sareena, I guess, but I like the idea of her being "too strong" for the role. After Frost betrayed Sub-Zero, and kind of fucked herself up, Sub-Zero should be doubting himself as a sifu. He needs redemption on that front. JUST NO ICE POWERS! In fact, I'd stay away from elemental powers at all. We're not re-creating Captain Planet here. Use this character to explore some Lin Kuei techniques, and perhaps give them some more "ninjary" moves. Obviously they would need some sort of projectile or something, but that can be worked out, I am sure.

If Sektor returns
I don't want a whole bunch of cybernetic ninjas running around. I think we can assume that most of them are grunts that would be easily dispatched by most characters in the MK series. But it'd be cool to get maybe one or two out there over a series of games, who can evolve into fascinating characters. One concept I've always liked, is that of a female cybernetic ninja. Explore her past as a human, and actually give her memories of this. You can raise questions as to why Sektor has allowed her to keep her memories and such. Basically fill the relationship between leader and follower with all these bizarre, seemingly illogical intangibles. Give her some cool stealthy moves (maybe make her a black cyber-ninja), and perhaps give her an electro-whip as a weapon. If her gameplay is strong, and her story is the rabbit-hole I imagine, I could see her becoming a pretty strong addition to the series.
03/02/2010 10:29 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I got some:

Shadow/Light Priest

That's all I got for right now.

Witchdoctor! That's Awesome! Like a voodoo type of character, you mean? I think that would be great!

I'd also really like to see a shadow priest, one of those guys from MK2 that are just floating there. For some reason, the idea of having a character who's face is completely concealed also appeals to me.

Plus, with the Shadowpriests, always got the impression that they were these fanatics that followed Shang Tsung. Having that type of character, similar to what I think Hotaru might be for order, only a lot cooler, would be a fantastic addition to this series, in my opinion.

I'm a big fan of Blizzard's game. I cannot wait for Diablo 3 to come out because the witchdoctor seems like a wickedly awesome class. And since they showed us a trailer of some of his/her moves, I got some already. Yes this is somewhat stealing, but it would make great use of a character:

Swarm of locus - Stun move
Poison Bomb - Meh, he/she throws a potion of poison at the opponent
Wall of Zombies - Kind of like a wall to protect the caster for a few seconds but also does some damages.

Meh, that's all really I have. I like witchdoctors, I think they're cool.
03/02/2010 11:52 PM (UTC)
Although it is so overdone i would like to see a Lycan type character in MK, but not with a human brain, not some irrational being.
About Me
03/03/2010 01:27 AM (UTC)
A cyber demon, damn.
03/03/2010 02:22 AM (UTC)
I'm not sure how to use the quote system on here, but this is a reply to You-Know-Who.

I really disagree with having a pacifist type character. I don't think it would work in Mortal Kombat. I didn't like it when Talim had that attitude in Soul Calibur. I loved her fighting style, but when I heard her story and heard about her pacifist attitude, it didn't make sense why she is fighting. I know she was trying to destroy Soul Edge, but I couldn't see her fighting a person just to get to it.

I guess if we were to have a pacifist character on MK, he/she needs a reason to fight and somewhat less pacifist than Talim. But I do like you're ideas for other characters, especially the Flawed Beauty and Sorceress character.

As for what I want to see, besides the two that YKW mentioned, I would also like a new Red Dragon member with more background than Hsu Hao. Now that the Black Dragon has Kabal, Kira, Kobra, Jarek, and Kano fighting, Mavado is kinda lonely(This is under the assumption that Hsu Hao is dead and long gone). He's going to need to recruit more people to fight with him.
03/03/2010 02:47 AM (UTC)
A homosexual male character would be hot. Someone who also looks like Johnny Cage or Taven. Or maybe even having some of the current characters come out of the closet. wink
03/03/2010 06:50 AM (UTC)
BlueDragonClan Wrote:
I'm not sure how to use the quote system on here, but this is a reply to You-Know-Who.

I really disagree with having a pacifist type character. I don't think it would work in Mortal Kombat. I didn't like it when Talim had that attitude in Soul Calibur. I loved her fighting style, but when I heard her story and heard about her pacifist attitude, it didn't make sense why she is fighting. I know she was trying to destroy Soul Edge, but I couldn't see her fighting a person just to get to it.

I guess if we were to have a pacifist character on MK, he/she needs a reason to fight and somewhat less pacifist than Talim. But I do like you're ideas for other characters, especially the Flawed Beauty and Sorceress character.

As for what I want to see, besides the two that YKW mentioned, I would also like a new Red Dragon member with more background than Hsu Hao. Now that the Black Dragon has Kabal, Kira, Kobra, Jarek, and Kano fighting, Mavado is kinda lonely(This is under the assumption that Hsu Hao is dead and long gone). He's going to need to recruit more people to fight with him.

Well, I didn't want to go into full detail about the character, but "pacifist" is only one word to describe him. Basically, I'd make him the "romantic" character of Mortal Kombat. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I think it'd help him stand out from the pack.

Give him a past that connects to the young female sorceress. They can be ex-lovers, or he can just be a victim of that old unrequited love bug. But basically, while essentially being a good character, his blind love for her leads him to fight fiercely to protect her. It might make him sound like a bit of an idiot, but you could establish via particulars in the story that he is more than capable; and it could add to the intrigue if the extent of her feelings are never explained for him. Is she manipulating him? Is she manipulating herself into pretending she doesn't care? It's one of those ideas that I think you'd need to see set into motion.
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03/03/2010 02:47 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
A homosexual male character would be hot. Someone who also looks like Johnny Cage or Taven. Or maybe even having some of the current characters come out of the closet. wink

I have nothing against homsexuals by any means, but have you actually seen video games' treatment of homosexuals in the past? Usually, it's lispy voiced characters that act like the stereotype and I personally don't want any stereotypes, whether it Jax's awful MK:DA alt or anything else for that matter.

Oh, and stop posting crap about trannies violating men with weapons, that garbage is borderline spamming this thread.
Adam Ronin
03/03/2010 06:09 PM (UTC)
I love ninjas. More of those please. And I think it would be fantastic to see a bull blown Samurai in there somewhere.
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03/03/2010 06:17 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
Female sorceress
As mentioned, this is probably the most obvious choice for a new character. I think there is so much potential to create a classic character right off the bat with this. I'd like it if she weren't pure evil, either. Maybe give her a youthful appearance (as to me, a female sorceress could be obsessed with beauty, even if she is not, naturally, young), or even make her youthful. Instead of just a "female Shang Tsung/Quan Chi" or "Sindel with magic," I would not mind seeing a young sorceress who isn't neccessarily evil, but definitely has her own agenda -- and is perhaps a bit unaware of how much control she has over the destiny of others.

I'd like to see a female sorceress in a way... Sort of like a modern day witch. You know, no broom or black cat or silly hat or whatever, but a sorceress with the powers of black magic. I'm thinking something along the lines of an Earthy look like what Poison Ivy had in Arkham Asylum, only not quite as skanky and more ready to fight.

I also like the idea of artificial youth. Maybe when she's defeated, her hair turns gray and her face looks all wrinkled? Or maybe even worse...

You-Know-Who Wrote:

A serial killer
Not in the traditional sense. Everyone in MK seems to be a killer, but I would not mind a completely sadistic being whose motivations and origins are unknown. When a serial killer is active, it's hard to know anything about them except their MO and such. By masking the character, you can essentially get that feel that you've got "no clue who the fuck that is." Mystery would add to the fear. I like the idea of lifting Baraka's blades for them, as they are essentially the main factor in his popularity, and could be adapted for next gen. without neccessarily bringing Baraka back. They're also perfect for a sadistic killer. Don't make them organic, but have them built-in to his costume. Oh, and give this character some pretty sick Fatalities. Not "Sadistic Freak" sick ( tongue ), but definitely something that could give children nightmares.

I'm also a fan of this idea, but it has to be done just right. I'm thinking of a dark and twisted psychopath, not some goofy moron who's made to look all threatening. I like the idea of the mask, but I'm really trying to envision that without giving them an "escaped mental patient" look.

I like the idea in theory, but I think that it would be really hard to execute and not make it seem silly. It would be a very fine line to walk. I could see the MK team trying that and ending up with some guy that giggles loudly and wears an untied straight jacket. Eeeh... No thanks to that.

Still though, if they could make a guy that was calmly evil, a bonified psycho killer... I think that it could work out. Not that we need to see the Black Dragon ever again, but I could see him as being a sort of sick "specialist" for an organization like that. An interrogator/torturer?

You-Know-Who Wrote:

As much as I hate to say it, a werewolf

If they bring vampires back, they might as well bring in some sort of werewolf character -- hopefully with same sort of Outworldly twist that they gave Motaro as a "centaur." Look, Mortal Kombat has to make money right now, and vampires and werewolves are huge in pop-culture right now. If you change elements (changing into a human would be shit), and just have it as a sort of "race" with a wacky name, then I think it would be fine. And if the character sucks, you can just Fatality it.

I'm...somewhat in favor of this idea. Can the MK team pull it off and make it look good? Possibly. I think that it would be kind of cool to have a character with two sets of special moves, one as a human and one as a lycan.

I'm not a hundred percent in favor of such a character, but then again, I'm not really a fan of shokans, centaurs, vampires, zatarans etc being in MK either. Still, if we're going to see some sort of character like this that's not Zebron (lol) then I'd rather see a lycan than anything else.

You-Know-Who Wrote:

Concepts based on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Not literally, of course. But it seems the best MK characters find their inspiration in something. Why not take these four iconic concepts associated with the end of the world, and apply their traits to new characters? For Death, maybe a name like "Syrshen," the Chinese word for death, as Google informs me. Take some concepts generally associated with death: a scythe ala the Grim Reaper, perhaps a "Death Touch" Fatality. Visually, I imagine something ghostly and cloaked, but in Revelation, Death apparently comes riding a white horse. Maybe give Syrshen a mainly black upper-body, but the cloth mysteriously turns white when it comes to his legs? The ideas need some work, of course, but I think it'd create some interesting visuals and make some "bad-ass" new characters for the series.

I've always thought that it would be really cool to have a cloaked "death" style of character. For some reason, I envision this character as having sort of an old fashioned black iron lantern on a chain that he carries and uses this to breathe fire from it (revealing a sort of Havik-looking face, but otherwise it's hidden normally), he can swing it around etc.

Trust me, the image in my mind looks alot better than what I'm describing lol.

Oh, and the Death Touch fatality could be really cool if done propertly as well.

You-Know-Who Wrote:

A one-armed fighter

This is something that I'd really like to see. Perhaps a legendary master of the martial arts -- a fabled member of the Outworld army, or something. In my head, they'd probably be introduced via Li Mei, or someone. Give her a plot that roughly follows the journey Luke Skywalker follows in that, and have her Obi-Wan (Bo' Rai Cho) point her in the direction of this Yoda. At first, Li Mei doubts that a one-armed old man has the potential to be this bad-ass, so he proves it to her -- his retirement is by choice. It'd make for some interesting gameplay, and as cheesy as it sounds, some of his specials could involve a "chi arm" being created by him, and punching the opponent across the screen, or something. And then you can reveal eventually (a few games later or so), when a character asks, "How did you lose your arm, Master?" "I ripped it off." ":-O" "I wanted the challenge of fighting one-handed."

I really dig this idea and it's crazy because I actually almost put a one armed fighter in my small list of ideas in the original post of the topic along with samurai etc.

I also really like the idea of him being a master. Maybe you could even cross this idea with the pacifist idea. Perhaps he's someone with a very violent past who has forsaken that violence, but takes on a pupil in order to pass on his teachings before he dies.

You-Know-Who Wrote:

A sub-boss based on Cerberus

It's hard to come up with sub-boss ideas, in my opinion, but an easy one is that of Cerberus -- the legendary three-headed dog guarding hell in Greek mythology. With a few MK touches, you can ultimately create a memorable and challenging sub-boss, in my opinion.

Not much more to say. I completely agree if it can be done right. He'd have to move and feel like a normal character (that was one of my biggest gripes with Motaro, as he made battles feel cumbersome took up so much width on the screen).

You-Know-Who Wrote:

A realistic veteran

I would not make this an Earthrealm character, although I could see how it could eventually be done with some build. But perhaps have a guy who is celebrated by his realm as this incredible hero. And then one day, as a new threat threatens his realm -- he surrenders. Why? Because fighting would have been stupid and resulted in countless deaths. Essentially, he would not be "evil," but would just realise that fighting this regime is pointless (it'd work great for a new main villain, in my opinion), so he now serves this threat, as long as his people don't suffer. Give him a worn-down look, perhaps with scars all over his body -- he's been there, done that -- and when some young punk calls him out for betraying his people, he knows that they just have to experience a little more to see the world as he does. A counter-character to him, wanting to make him atone for his "betrayal" would be interesting, too.

I really like this idea. I like its depth, especially. He's a traitor, but an unwilling traitor. He's trying to help, but he's hated by those that he's trying to protect.

Very cool.

You-Know-Who Wrote:

If Sektor returns

I don't want a whole bunch of cybernetic ninjas running around. I think we can assume that most of them are grunts that would be easily dispatched by most characters in the MK series. But it'd be cool to get maybe one or two out there over a series of games, who can evolve into fascinating characters. One concept I've always liked, is that of a female cybernetic ninja. Explore her past as a human, and actually give her memories of this. You can raise questions as to why Sektor has allowed her to keep her memories and such. Basically fill the relationship between leader and follower with all these bizarre, seemingly illogical intangibles. Give her some cool stealthy moves (maybe make her a black cyber-ninja), and perhaps give her an electro-whip as a weapon. If her gameplay is strong, and her story is the rabbit-hole I imagine, I could see her becoming a pretty strong addition to the series.

I'm not really a fan of the cyber ninjas. I liked Sektor for his flame, his teleport uppercut etc, but then hated him because of the whole Tekunin plot/army of robot ninjas. I always kinda thought that these ideas went together about as well as vampirates or space llamas.

So yeah, I'm not really a fan of a female cyber ninja. To me, it just sounds like a "female lin kuei ninja." I just don't know if the MK team can pull that off and do it well.

If they brought a cyber ninja back, I'd want it to be Sektor, but I'd want his story to start off with him regaining his soul and becoming human. I'd change his entire look. Normal face and hair, normal clothes, but with some of his abilities from his past.

Of course, when you beat him up, he'd look all terminator with the metal and places and what not. I'd have him struggle to regain his humanity while at the same time trying to gain power and influence.

I like to think of it as an evil Cyrax done correctly.

Great ideas man! I liked them all, but these were the ones I wanted to talk about the most.

03/03/2010 07:03 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
A homosexual male character would be hot. Someone who also looks like Johnny Cage or Taven. Or maybe even having some of the current characters come out of the closet. wink

I have nothing against homsexuals by any means, but have you actually seen video games' treatment of homosexuals in the past? Usually, it's lispy voiced characters that act like the stereotype and I personally don't want any stereotypes, whether it Jax's awful MK:DA alt or anything else for that matter.

Oh, and stop posting crap about trannies violating men with weapons, that garbage is borderline spamming this thread.

Ok, I'll stop talking about the trannies and I kind of do see what you mean about video games vs homosexual.

Any how, the serial killer character should be a female who's like Sharon Stone's character from Basic Instincts. As I said before, the girl should have some kind of hatred towards men because of how guys treated her. One outfit can have her look like as if she came from an asylum and the other outfits can be sexy and stealthy. She kills guys based on stealth, torture technique, and just simple seduction. But in her bio, there should be some good inside of her and a guy will fall in love with her and help her move on with her life and she can even become one of Earthrealms heroes. glasses
03/03/2010 11:08 PM (UTC)
i have tons of character ideas that i have posted over time on the fantasy character threads...i will post them here aswell to make it easier not having to search through threads.

1) A power crazed illusionist/magician named Armond. He wears an opened up high collar (warlock type) trench coat with a symbol on it. Shirtless underneath the coat and wearing black leather pants.Keeps his hair long and free to blow in the wind (he pretty much resembles Criss Angel with a Vegeta type personality). You will never know what this character could pull from his sleeves ;)

Special Moves:
Teleport Slam- he vanishes in a cloud of smoke appearing next to the opponent and grabbing them by the arm and judo slamming them to the ground

Card Trick- Simply just shoots razor sharp cards from his sleeves

Levitate- Simply just levitating (similar to Sindel)

Levitate w/Card Trick- Self explanatory

White Dove Missle- white dove(s) released from opening his coat,they explode on impact

Vanishing Act- Armond looks to the viewers showing them a silk blanket. He then covers or hides the dizzy opponent for a second or two and presto! Tossing the blanket aside as he bows down...he reveals the opponent with no skin and half the flesh removed with bone showing. The opponent collapses to the ground...Armond Wins...Fatality!

Hat Trick- Armond pulls out a top hat and tosses it to the ground. He stands over it as he raises his arms as a scimitar sword levitates out from inside the hat. The sword is fully revealed and telepathically thrown at the opponent...the sword impales the opponents chest coming out the other side with spraying blood. The opponent staggers and falls...Fatality!

Mind Over Matter- Armond lays the opponent levitating them in the air...as the opponent floats higher above Armonds head...a spike rises from the ground. Armond stops and than drops the opponent face first into the spike. Small squirts of blood flying everywhere as the opponents body squirms and twitches Armond bows...Fatality!

2) A young adult goth girl from earth realm named Hexandra. Born with gifts of telepathy and voodoo hexes. Viewed as a freak she runs away from home seeking a true meaning for life so she searches for her father Nightwolf.
Special Moves:
Telepathic Pull- Works similar to Scorpions spear but with nothing there to see but a gesture of hands to grab the opponent and bring them toward the attacker

Shrunken Head Projectiles- just as stated,magical shrunken head projectiles lol.

Hex Trap- she summons a glowing cirlcle that appears on the ground and if walked or stepped on the opponent gets trapped in that spot temporarily.

Psychic Air Slam- she uses telepathy to grab the opponent from the air and slam them down.

Voodoo Doll- She pulls out a voodoo doll and shows it to the victim. The opponent staggers a bit screaming as she starts ripping out the gutting of the doll watching the opponent fall to there knees as guts fall to the ground.

Telepathic Explosion- she lifts her legs sitting in indian style hovering in the air as she starts chanting.The opponent starts coughing up blood and moaning. The opponents body suddenly bursts in half and the head explodes at the same time. The upper torso with arms and the waist and legs falls to the ground in a splatterfest of blood.Fatality!

3) Vermin,an acrobatic thief and humanoid rat from a distant realm. Along side acrobatic skills this rodent has the ability of temporary invisibility and moves at incredible speed.
Special Moves:
Power Scurry- he crawls on the ground at a fast pace charging,tripping and knocking down the opponent.(effects similar to Mileena's roll on the ground move)

Tail Throw- pretty much like Sindel's Hair throw but with his rat tail.

Tumble Slam- he jumps at an opponent that is also jumping and grabs and flips a few times while falling into a slam(similar to scorpions old air throw but adding flips without letting go)

Invisoport- basically this move is a invisible teleport that make him appear on the other side of the opponent

Tail spin Cannonball-just like Kano's move but with tail hits intead of one power hit.

Infestation-he pauses and then lets out a hair raising screach that summons a swarm of rats as they crawl and pile up all over the opponent eating him alive as he screams...the rats scurry away and bones fall...a close up over the skull reveals one last rat exiting through the eye hole. fatality!

Face feast- he scurries creepy like to the opponent and jumps on them(similar to how Nitara jumps on people to bite)forcing them to fall to the ground...he than screaches and literally bites the face off his opponent and pulls out the remaining brains flinging it backwards as he back flips to his feet and bows.Fatality!

4) Cardigan,a super spy sent from a secret gov. agency to follow the special forces and the other combatants of earth realm to discover the technologies of the cyborgs and find the source of all the fighters powers so that earths leaders can wield it.

5) Other Ideas....A) Goro or Kintaro comes back as re-animated corpses or cyborgs
B) A character possesed by Lui Kangs ghost
C) One of the original male characters gets bitten by Nitara and becomes a vampire
D) Cyber Ninja/Cryomancer/Dragon mutant mix
E) like stated before...a Lycan/Werewolf type character would be cool
F) an alien...yeah i know it sounds silly at first but it could be made dark and gritty to be like aliens similar to movies like signs,fire in the sky and district 9.
G) more movie type characters that resemble famed personalities like Tarzan,Crocodile Dundee,Rambo,Zorro or Indiana Jones.
H) cryptid type characters like maybe a Yeti,Succubi,or Gargoyle...there are tons of cryptids to go from...or even mythological creatures in general.
03/04/2010 01:51 AM (UTC)
I really really loved that post Lycan. Amazing ideas, i think the magician one is my favorite.
03/04/2010 03:56 AM (UTC)
I still stick with the idea of having a sadistic female nympho. Besides her, here are my other ideas.

1) A she-wolf would be awesome!!! Her name should be Loba and she should have a fatality where she eats up her opponent from between the legs and up to the face with the inestines and other organs being exposed from her victims. Her other fatality should be about her ripping the opponent apart with her bare hands just to show how stong wolves like her are. (I watched a Filipino drama series based on a she-wolf so that's where I got the idea). She should also be a beautiful woman who would turn into a wolf.

2) The sorceress should have a magical staff and should be able to summon creatures and use black magic. Her appearance should be dark and gothic-like. Her fatalities should involve her summoning creatures that would devour her foe and also she should have a fatality where she'd use elemental magic.

3) There should be some kind of nun who uses white magic with a white staff as well. Her abiltities should be based on healing and having certain immunities against certain attacks. Holy projectiles are good ideas too. This character should wear a white dress with a white hood that a nun would usually wear. She should replace Ashrah. Her fatality should involve her making the entire screen be just a white light and when the light disappears, the next thing people should notice is the tombstome of the opponent which says "R.I.P." Her other fatality should have her shoot a ball of light from her staff which would make the victim explode.

4) Like what someone else mentioned, Nitara should bite a male character to become a vampire. In my case, it should be Mavado. Why, because he already has this dark vampire appearance and his color scheme is almost the same as Nitara's. Black and Red. Plus, his cape makes him really look wat a vampire should look like. Besides making him a vampire, he should lose the hookswords and give those to Kabal. His weapon should be a new set of dual swords. (Maybe something similar to what Cervantes uses in Soul Calibur.

03/04/2010 06:05 AM (UTC)
Some of those ideas are not half-bad, Sadistic. When you are not talking about violating people and that sort of stuff, you've got some good ideas. I think the idea of an abused girl in Mortal Kombat is a bit much, though. I don't mind some of the themes, but I think a lot of the emphasis you wish to place on them could be seen as insensitive and exploitation.

I think some issues such of this could be explored in Kira and Sonya's characters. I've always sensed that Kira had something against most men, and Sonya's relationship with her father would have been interesting -- just because a lot of girls who enter the military after their fathers is to get some sort of attention. I don't think a new character is needed there.

As for the nympho, or a character that uses her sexuality -- I don't mind it, truthfully. Many want to keep sex and Mortal Kombat as far away from each other as possible, and I can understand that; but it would make sense for some character to use their sexuality to get ahead. To be honest, I've sensed that in Tanya's character -- manipulating Liu Kang and wanting to become the bride of Onaga; and even Mileena. I'm not sure if it's ever been explained what Mileena thinks of her face; but she keeps it covered for a reason to this day (to disguise herself, perhaps). But if she was presented stereotypical beauty, it'd be interesting to see if her character would take it. If so, I imagine that she'd probably use sex as a form of validation. It's not something that needs to be focused on, but I think it could become part of the character.

03/04/2010 06:35 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:

I'd like to see a female sorceress in a way... Sort of like a modern day witch. You know, no broom or black cat or silly hat or whatever, but a sorceress with the powers of black magic. I'm thinking something along the lines of an Earthy look like what Poison Ivy had in Arkham Asylum, only not quite as skanky and more ready to fight.

I also like the idea of artificial youth. Maybe when she's defeated, her hair turns gray and her face looks all wrinkled? Or maybe even worse...

Your thoughts on the female sorceress concept are really interesting. The idea of her appearing old after round one, or even with each passing blow (it'd be like her costume damage, I guess), it'd be very, very cool.
Believe it or not, the Poison Ivy thing is pretty much exactly how I imagined her character, only with more of an elegant style of clothing choice (if not elegantly worn). I envisioned the same sort of buttoned at the top, opening at the bottom thing, and the green colour-scheme is what I pictured, as well. Not a bright green, but a duller sea-green, with gold trimmings on it. Give her some bright-coloured rings (sapphires and rubies), and a big gold staff with an orb or something at the top, which can perhaps change colours.
In my story concept for her, I'd have her serve as the main boss, and as a contrast to Shang Tsung in MK1. You have an old-man sorcerer in the first game, and you have a young female sorcerer in the first game of the new series. In the story for MK9, her staff can be destroyed, and this could cost her a lot of power, which can explain how she becomes a playable character in MK10.
Instead of making her pure evil (although it seems like it could be cool in itself), I don't mind the idea of just making her this "teenage bitch" of a sorcerer, who could be serving a new master, but is all a bit naive about it. She's sort of intoxicated by her own purpose. As the games go on, I like the idea of either taking away that purpose from her, with her realising what she has done and "growing up" to atone for it; or her actually having more of a clue than what we suspect, and she is playing everyone. Evil bitch.
Baraka407 Wrote:

I'm also a fan of this idea, but it has to be done just right. I'm thinking of a dark and twisted psychopath, not some goofy moron who's made to look all threatening. I like the idea of the mask, but I'm really trying to envision that without giving them an "escaped mental patient" look.

I like the idea in theory, but I think that it would be really hard to execute and not make it seem silly. It would be a very fine line to walk. I could see the MK team trying that and ending up with some guy that giggles loudly and wears an untied straight jacket. Eeeh... No thanks to that.

Still though, if they could make a guy that was calmly evil, a bonified psycho killer... I think that it could work out. Not that we need to see the Black Dragon ever again, but I could see him as being a sort of sick "specialist" for an organization like that. An interrogator/torturer?

I agree with you completely. I don't want a guy who acts like a hyena from The Lion King. I'd like a dark, silent, brooding type of killer. Your ideas of making him an enforcer for one of the clans is interesting. I haven't really worked out the full details yet, but I envision him coming from a different realm, and actually wearing armour or something, so that his covered face doesn't seem so "random." Why armour? I dunno, you wouldn't really know much about the character on surface-level to find out. Maybe give it some gold designs.
Or if you feel that armour is a bit much for you, then I could imagine him being clothed in a similar way to Ermac from Deception. Obviously not the exact same way, but that style of costume lends itself to mystery, I feel.
Baraka407 Wrote:
I've always thought that it would be really cool to have a cloaked "death" style of character. For some reason, I envision this character as having sort of an old fashioned black iron lantern on a chain that he carries and uses this to breathe fire from it (revealing a sort of Havik-looking face, but otherwise it's hidden normally), he can swing it around etc.

Trust me, the image in my mind looks alot better than what I'm describing lol.

Oh, and the Death Touch fatality could be really cool if done propertly as well.

Don't worry, I can imagine exactly what you are thinking. I like it a lot. I'll talk about the werewolf concept here, too: I think it has potential, as long as they put their own twist on it. That's what they've done in the past. Maybe even instead of a wolf, he becomes something else. Something furry, obviously inspired by a werewolf, but not quite what we expect.
I'm glad you liked the cerberus idea, and the one-armed idea. Those sort of characters instantly stand out, which I think is good for the series. You could also give a one-armed guy a really good story and a long history.
Baraka407 Wrote:
I'm not really a fan of the cyber ninjas. I liked Sektor for his flame, his teleport uppercut etc, but then hated him because of the whole Tekunin plot/army of robot ninjas. I always kinda thought that these ideas went together about as well as vampirates or space llamas.

So yeah, I'm not really a fan of a female cyber ninja. To me, it just sounds like a "female lin kuei ninja." I just don't know if the MK team can pull that off and do it well.

If they brought a cyber ninja back, I'd want it to be Sektor, but I'd want his story to start off with him regaining his soul and becoming human. I'd change his entire look. Normal face and hair, normal clothes, but with some of his abilities from his past.

Of course, when you beat him up, he'd look all terminator with the metal and places and what not. I'd have him struggle to regain his humanity while at the same time trying to gain power and influence.

I like to think of it as an evil Cyrax done correctly.

Great ideas man! I liked them all, but these were the ones I wanted to talk about the most.

I can understand why you are not a fan. I don't like the idea of any new cybernetic ninjas that are "blank slates." It makes them pawns, gives you nothing to connect to, and ultimately that is worthless when whatever gameplay concepts you give them can be provided to another new character in different ways -- AND give them a good story.

The only way I'd want to see this cybernetic ninja is if they explored her a little bit. And I think that could be interesting in just the questions it asks. What if she is the only female Tekunin that appears to be female? What if Sektor allows her to keep what is essentially her humanity under the surface, whereas all other Tekunin are not allowed to do so. Her first question would be "Why?" What if Sektor doesn't answer? Maybe Sektor is doing it as an experiment? Maybe there is something in her past that "attracts" Sektor to her, for whatever reason? Perhaps this cybernetic ninja actually hates the Tekunin, but feels compelled to serve them in a bizarre twist on "Stockholm syndrome" with Sektor? Perhaps she hates them, but her programming forces her to complete her objectives? Perhaps Sektor is just so obsessed with his own humanity that she lets her keep her's either as a gift, or to torture her? Perhaps he lets her keep her humanity so she is essentially a "human hostage" while she is doing the things she does? Hell, maybe it is just a glitch, and if she informs Sektor, she will be automated completely, and she does not want that?

It'd be such a bizarre relationship to me that I think it could be done very interestingly. It would need to be done well, though. I must say, I like the way you envision Sektor as being obsessed with his humanity. He seems like the one who most embraces his cybernetic nature, but I could definitely get into a Sektor who wishes he was human.
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