What new characters introduced in MK:D do you want to return in MK7?
This is not a character thread for those that had been missing in MK:DA and returning in MK:D (ex. Liu Kang, Tanya, Ermac) but what new characters (ex. Shujinko, Darrius, Dairou, Hotaru) do you want to return next game?

Let's see... I didn't quite like many of Deception's new characters and I don't want Shujinko to return....

Let's see:

Ashrah (I could tolerate her returning as long as her ending is non-canon)

And well I don't care much for the whole Order/Chaos storyline in general...
11/08/2005 08:26 PM (UTC)
Like you, and it seems most other people, I didn't really like most of MKD's new intake.

Havik should definetely return. He has the most potential, and there are too many possibilities for a character out just to cause chaos for him not to make a comeback. I'd like to see him gain the ressurection powers like in his ending.

She badly needs her own moves, but I actually want to see Kira come back. MK badly needed another cool bad girl, and I like the fact that she doesn't need to be half naked (in her first outfit) to be sexy.

Although they were disappointing characters, I'd give both Hotaru and Darrius another shot in a future MK (maybe not MK7, as they need quite a bit of work). Hotaru was badly let down by akward moves that didn't fit him, and although I like Darrius's revolution storyline, he needs more relevance to the main storyline, and more unique moves.

The others can be left to rot forever as far as I'm concerned. Ashrah's a very plain character. After all the hype and build up, Onaga was a real letdown as a final boss, yet another big dumb monster. And Shujinko, Dairou and Kobra are three of the series's worst additions.
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Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/08/2005 08:38 PM (UTC)
Firstly Havik has to come back. He rules. His entire concept and character is brilliant and I love him for it. It'll be interesting to see where he goes and how much further he'll go to ensure chaos prevails.

Ashrah should come back, but she needs more originally moves and more depth to her story. It also needs more involvement with other characters.

Hotaru is another must to come back. His own story is interesting in a way and it'll be good to see how he reacts to the Onagas enemies and how his love for law and order will influence his actions. He needs more specials too.

Lastly, I'd like to see Kira return but she need she rown moves and styles. she also needs a better oufit and a much better story. Hopefully she'll be out of the lame Black Dragon and go her own path. That story seems set to ruin her indefinitely if it continues.

Darrius, Dairou, Kobra, Onaga and Sujinko are all poor characters. Only Onaga has a real future of the lot of the and that's only because of the build up with his story. All of them are dreadful and should die or be forgotten about completely.
11/08/2005 09:04 PM (UTC)
Havik is one of the best characters I've seen in MK. He has much potential, plus I just love how is body contorts!

Lets bring back MK's first female not to dress slutty, Ashrah. She was cool, I would defenitly love to see her come back.

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Go ahead, make my day. R.I.P Trevor Goddard

11/08/2005 09:36 PM (UTC)
None of them, they were all stupid
11/08/2005 10:06 PM (UTC)
i agree that havik should return ( i love the morning star ), he definatley stuck out from the newbies in MKD. dariou is probably my least favorite, i cant stand when he meditates after you beat him. his specials were pointless and made no sence for the character ( is it me or does the mk team always have every newbie to have crap specials).
11/08/2005 11:04 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
Darrius, Dairou, Kobra, Onaga and Sujinko are all poor characters. Only Onaga has a real future of the lot of the and that's only because of the build up with his story. All of them are dreadful and should die or be forgotten about completely.

I don't understand how you can praise Hotaru as a character with tons of story potential, yet turn around and blast Dairou as a character with "no real future". Hotaru's a one note character. Order, justice, that's it. That's Hotaru. That's all there is to him. Dairou though, has such ridiculous potential for possibly one of the best MK stories since Sub-Zero II that he should almost definitely come back.

Others I just want back because I liked them (Kira and Havik).

Ashrah I wouldn't mind coming back either. Perhaps, now that she's out of the Netherrealm (maybe), try and make her a little more holy. Perhaps something of an empath and have her attempt to, I don't know, "cleanse" Raiden from whatever she feels is corrupting him.
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11/08/2005 11:07 PM (UTC)
MKDA-MKD already puts mK3-mk4 to shame in terms of character versatility. Not difficult to prove, but MKD charafter seriously need at least as muh of cohenrence as like the DA ones.

let there not be another disaster like trilogy or mk4, character wise, this is the only thing that holds it out of the already suffocating deep water. And if Boon and co. indeed do it again, and cut the line of proper newbies for MK again, that I shall see to that this game gets disrespected everywhere. if it can't put up anything worthwhile, than it is utter failure in subjective storytel-ling too.
11/08/2005 11:15 PM (UTC)
Now now, MK4 came out with Tanya. I we all know that MK has doubled in greatness because my yellow banana girl is here. grin


Darrius: Piss off you suck

Dairou: Piss off you suck

Hotaru: I could probably tolerate but you still suck

Havik: Fantastic! I love Havik! He is an awesome character! So twisted and insanely genius. I'd love Chaosrealm if they could think of a better name for it.

Kobra: Piss off.

Kira: I like the leather mixed with innocence mixed with heroin look. As a character I like character but I hope she comes back completely origianl.

Shujinko: Piss off unless you can lose a decade. His design for his 40s was good but after he ages in that cell in Seido I saw his design just age with it.

Ashrah: I love Ashrah. Slaying others to recieve accension. It's kinda twisted itself. I love her pure white with gold design. I also don't mind the big hat, it grew on me but her alternate costume still kicks ass. As a fighter she is also one of my best.

Onaga: I like Onaga, but he like many other bosses as served his purpose and now it's time to say buh bye.

Have I forgotten anyone?

11/09/2005 12:41 AM (UTC)
Good thread PNF. I will warn you all that this post is kinda long, but anyway, here are my 2 cents:

Shujinko: Shujinko makes for a much different kind of hero in the MK storyline, and I don't agree with Boon calling him the next-generation Liu Kang. Shujinko to me seems like a vain, naive, and careless fool who craved for adventure. Even so, I think his storyline can go in a couple of directions or so. If he were to be successful in destroying Onaga, Shujinko should eventually meet his demise at the hands of Raiden. If the storyline is stretched where Onaga is still alive and the heroes are still fighting, then perhaps Shujinko should return. I would hope to see some interaction between him and characters like Bo' Rai Cho, Liu Kang, Dairou, and even Scorpion.

Ashrah: I think she has a bit of an interesting backstory though I find it weird that if other Netherrealm characters like Noob Saibot, Scorpion, and Sareena can escape the Netherrealm, why can't she? Then again, I guess she may not know any other way out and will just have to slay enough demons to purify herself as a means of escaping. Noob Saibot and perhaps Smoke (depending on how his story goes) should definitely be involved with her story as well as Sareena and maybe characters like Sub-Zero, Ermac, Quan Chi, and Shujinko. I do think she has potential and I would like to see her in MK7.

Kira: She is a character I don't mind seeing in MK7 and I sort of see a bit of potential in her. She makes for a different kind of Black Dragon member with her calculated ruthlessness and cunning tactics. I think a bit more of a backstory on her would be nice to see and it seems she shares Kabal's vision of a world of total anarchy and chaos. Perhaps we can eventually see some conflict with the Special Forces.

Kobra: He is my least favorite newcomer to the series. I think the craving for combat and killing is a bit interesting, but I feel that he was just sort of....thrown in like Stryker was. Although he is chaotic, I think he lacks that sort of disciplined aspect that'll truly make him worthy of being in Kabal's new Black Dragon clan. His lack of discipline also seems to be the cause of his demise at the hands of Kira in her ending. Overall, Kobra isn't a character I really like nor do I want to see him again. I do hope that Kira's ending happens in which she slays him.

Havik: Havik is definitely my favorite newcomer to the series and there is tons of potential for a guy like him. Various characters such as Darrius, Kabal, and Hotaru should revolve around his story like they already did previously. If Onaga is defeated, I think he should help Shao Kahn spread chaos throughout the realms. If Onaga is still around, then Havik should indirectly lead to Onaga's downfall. He already helped a bit by leading the heroes to Onaga's location. Overall, Havik is just plain awesome and he's needed for MK7, imo.

Darrius: Darrius is a character who I'm not really a fan of nor do I dislike. Like Havik, he kind of fills the "grey" area very much. I'm still irked when some compare him to Jax, because the two aren't really that similar. I think he's much better than Jax and Darrius' story can be further developed. I'd like to see some backstory on him and what led him to the realization of the need to rise up against the ways of Seidan government as well as how he came to meet Havik. Perhaps Havik was the one who influenced Darrius to become the man he is today? Havik, Dairou, and Hotaru should of course have roles to play in Darrius' story, but Darrius' story as a whole needs to have some relevance to the main story. I wouldn't mind seeing him in MK7. I just think he needs different unarmed styles and some relevance to the main story as I already stated.

Dairou: I know Dairou is a character not too many like either due to cheapness, weak story, or both, but I like him quite a bit. I like the Chinese warrior look he has going on and he sort of reminds me of Donnie Yen's role as Wong Kei Yung in Iron Monkey in terms of look though I guess it's just with the hairstyle *shrugs*. When it comes to gameplay, yeah, his Tombstone Drop should be toned down and should maybe be more like Jarek's quake move in terms of animation. Wing Chun and Autumn Dao are great fits for him, imo.

Anyway, Dairou's another "grey" character thus why he's neutral like Darrius and Havik. Unlike Darrius and Havik however, Dairou neither chooses order nor chaos and, he probably doesn't really care about either one anyway. I think when it comes down to it, his survival and his purpose are what matters to him. Darrius and Hotaru should of course play roles in his story. With Hotaru in Outworld, following Sub-Zero and Kenshi, I'm sure Dairou is following Hotaru. Although Dairou is assigned to kill Hotaru, I wonder if Dairou actually will. Maybe he will and that Hotaru will reveal that Darrius was behind the death of his family which will enrage Dairou and have him turn against Darrius. Although Dairou was once a Seidan Guardsman, I wonder if he and Hotaru were once friends. I'd like to see a backstory on something like that or just the relationship between Hotaru and Dairou during Dairou's days as a Seidan Guardsman when he believed in the ways of order.

With Dairou most likely in Outworld, I wonder if he and Shujinko will come across each other. There wasn't really much interaction between the two when Dairou freed Shujinko, but maybe some story bits there can be developed. I think there are different things that can come from Dairou. Either way, I hope to see him in MK7.

Hotaru: I like Hotaru's look though I'm not fond of his seemingly arrogant attitude (at least I got that impression from MKD's Konquest). He is definitely quite the order freak and he seems to strongly believe that Onaga will indeed bring peace and order throughout the realms. However, I wonder if Hotaru knows about Onaga's plan to fuse the Kamidogu to shape the realms as he sees fit. If he does, maybe Hotaru thinks that it will be for order, but either way, I think Hotaru fails to see that by serving Onaga, he is bringing about his own destruction as well as the destruction of his people.

He does make for a bit of an interesting character in that he serves such a great evil like Onaga yet sees him as good while people like Sub-Zero are evil to his point of view. I wonder what will become of him. Maybe he'll die at the hands of either Dairou or Kenshi. Maybe Hotaru will learn Onaga's true intentions and realize the mistake he made in siding with him which has him turn against Onaga. Maybe Hotaru will see the hypocrisy of the morals he holds so dearly. Overall, I'm almost sort of split between wanting to see him again or wanting him to go though I might lean more towards wanting to see him again as long as he's done well and has more to him.

Onaga: I think Onaga has a cool look to him, but I felt he was disappointing in some aspects, namely the cheesy things he says and does when you actually fight him in the game. I think it would be a shame to see him get offed so quickly. If only some touches were made to him, he can truly be a kickass boss. There are definitely A LOT of characters who oppose him and that should be played on. It seems odd to me that Onaga is oblivious to the One Being's manipulation yet he seems to know about the One Being when he explains to Shujinko about the significance of the Kamidogu. I wonder if the One Being had been subconciously manipulating Onaga before his death at the hands of Shao Kahn. In Sindel's MKD ending, the hieroglyphs on the walls and such are similar to that of an ancient Edenian language which makes me wonder if Onaga has Edenian roots. I think more backstory on him is greatly needed as well as some stuff regarding his missing armor. So yeah, I'd like to see him again as long as he's done right.
11/09/2005 01:06 AM (UTC)
I loathe Havik, he sucked. Darrius and Dairou were both forgettable characters. Kobra looked like Sonya on crack. Ashrah was decent, wouldn't mind seeing her back if something was made different about her. I think the best new character in MK7 was Hotaru, he was awesome but I would've liked to see something different with his alternate costume.
11/09/2005 08:07 PM (UTC)
Kira. That's it.
11/10/2005 12:16 AM (UTC)
Before having some new MKD characters return to Mk7, I think we need to see the new faces of the MKDA characters that didnt make it in MKD like:


Then I would love to see:

11/10/2005 05:47 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Good thread PNF. I will warn you all that this post is kinda long, but anyway, here are my 2 cents:

Shujinko: Shujinko makes for a much different kind of hero in the MK storyline, and I don't agree with Boon calling him the next-generation Liu Kang. Shujinko to me seems like a vain, naive, and careless fool who craved for adventure. Even so, I think his storyline can go in a couple of directions or so. If he were to be successful in destroying Onaga, Shujinko should eventually meet his demise at the hands of Raiden. If the storyline is stretched where Onaga is still alive and the heroes are still fighting, then perhaps Shujinko should return. I would hope to see some interaction between him and characters like Bo' Rai Cho, Liu Kang, Dairou, and even Scorpion.

Ashrah: I think she has a bit of an interesting backstory though I find it weird that if other Netherrealm characters like Noob Saibot, Scorpion, and Sareena can escape the Netherrealm, why can't she? Then again, I guess she may not know any other way out and will just have to slay enough demons to purify herself as a means of escaping. Noob Saibot and perhaps Smoke (depending on how his story goes) should definitely be involved with her story as well as Sareena and maybe characters like Sub-Zero, Ermac, Quan Chi, and Shujinko. I do think she has potential and I would like to see her in MK7.

Kira: She is a character I don't mind seeing in MK7 and I sort of see a bit of potential in her. She makes for a different kind of Black Dragon member with her calculated ruthlessness and cunning tactics. I think a bit more of a backstory on her would be nice to see and it seems she shares Kabal's vision of a world of total anarchy and chaos. Perhaps we can eventually see some conflict with the Special Forces.

Kobra: He is my least favorite newcomer to the series. I think the craving for combat and killing is a bit interesting, but I feel that he was just sort of....thrown in like Stryker was. Although he is chaotic, I think he lacks that sort of disciplined aspect that'll truly make him worthy of being in Kabal's new Black Dragon clan. His lack of discipline also seems to be the cause of his demise at the hands of Kira in her ending. Overall, Kobra isn't a character I really like nor do I want to see him again. I do hope that Kira's ending happens in which she slays him.

Havik: Havik is definitely my favorite newcomer to the series and there is tons of potential for a guy like him. Various characters such as Darrius, Kabal, and Hotaru should revolve around his story like they already did previously. If Onaga is defeated, I think he should help Shao Kahn spread chaos throughout the realms. If Onaga is still around, then Havik should indirectly lead to Onaga's downfall. He already helped a bit by leading the heroes to Onaga's location. Overall, Havik is just plain awesome and he's needed for MK7, imo.

Darrius: Darrius is a character who I'm not really a fan of nor do I dislike. Like Havik, he kind of fills the "grey" area very much. I'm still irked when some compare him to Jax, because the two aren't really that similar. I think he's much better than Jax and Darrius' story can be further developed. I'd like to see some backstory on him and what led him to the realization of the need to rise up against the ways of Seidan government as well as how he came to meet Havik. Perhaps Havik was the one who influenced Darrius to become the man he is today? Havik, Dairou, and Hotaru should of course have roles to play in Darrius' story, but Darrius' story as a whole needs to have some relevance to the main story. I wouldn't mind seeing him in MK7. I just think he needs different unarmed styles and some relevance to the main story as I already stated.

Dairou: I know Dairou is a character not too many like either due to cheapness, weak story, or both, but I like him quite a bit. I like the Chinese warrior look he has going on and he sort of reminds me of Donnie Yen's role as Wong Kei Yung in Iron Monkey in terms of look though I guess it's just with the hairstyle *shrugs*. When it comes to gameplay, yeah, his Tombstone Drop should be toned down and should maybe be more like Jarek's quake move in terms of animation. Wing Chun and Autumn Dao are great fits for him, imo.

Anyway, Dairou's another "grey" character thus why he's neutral like Darrius and Havik. Unlike Darrius and Havik however, Dairou neither chooses order nor chaos and, he probably doesn't really care about either one anyway. I think when it comes down to it, his survival and his purpose are what matters to him. Darrius and Hotaru should of course play roles in his story. With Hotaru in Outworld, following Sub-Zero and Kenshi, I'm sure Dairou is following Hotaru. Although Dairou is assigned to kill Hotaru, I wonder if Dairou actually will. Maybe he will and that Hotaru will reveal that Darrius was behind the death of his family which will enrage Dairou and have him turn against Darrius. Although Dairou was once a Seidan Guardsman, I wonder if he and Hotaru were once friends. I'd like to see a backstory on something like that or just the relationship between Hotaru and Dairou during Dairou's days as a Seidan Guardsman when he believed in the ways of order.

With Dairou most likely in Outworld, I wonder if he and Shujinko will come across each other. There wasn't really much interaction between the two when Dairou freed Shujinko, but maybe some story bits there can be developed. I think there are different things that can come from Dairou. Either way, I hope to see him in MK7.

Hotaru: I like Hotaru's look though I'm not fond of his seemingly arrogant attitude (at least I got that impression from MKD's Konquest). He is definitely quite the order freak and he seems to strongly believe that Onaga will indeed bring peace and order throughout the realms. However, I wonder if Hotaru knows about Onaga's plan to fuse the Kamidogu to shape the realms as he sees fit. If he does, maybe Hotaru thinks that it will be for order, but either way, I think Hotaru fails to see that by serving Onaga, he is bringing about his own destruction as well as the destruction of his people.

He does make for a bit of an interesting character in that he serves such a great evil like Onaga yet sees him as good while people like Sub-Zero are evil to his point of view. I wonder what will become of him. Maybe he'll die at the hands of either Dairou or Kenshi. Maybe Hotaru will learn Onaga's true intentions and realize the mistake he made in siding with him which has him turn against Onaga. Maybe Hotaru will see the hypocrisy of the morals he holds so dearly. Overall, I'm almost sort of split between wanting to see him again or wanting him to go though I might lean more towards wanting to see him again as long as he's done well and has more to him.

Onaga: I think Onaga has a cool look to him, but I felt he was disappointing in some aspects, namely the cheesy things he says and does when you actually fight him in the game. I think it would be a shame to see him get offed so quickly. If only some touches were made to him, he can truly be a kickass boss. There are definitely A LOT of characters who oppose him and that should be played on. It seems odd to me that Onaga is oblivious to the One Being's manipulation yet he seems to know about the One Being when he explains to Shujinko about the significance of the Kamidogu. I wonder if the One Being had been subconciously manipulating Onaga before his death at the hands of Shao Kahn. In Sindel's MKD ending, the hieroglyphs on the walls and such are similar to that of an ancient Edenian language which makes me wonder if Onaga has Edenian roots. I think more backstory on him is greatly needed as well as some stuff regarding his missing armor. So yeah, I'd like to see him again as long as he's done right.

my response

I too disagree about him being the next generation liu kang. though he's not really my favorite character,I think that him being in MK7 and him interacting with kung lao and Liu kang would seeal the deal.

would definately like to see her in MK7 and see her in something different now that she is no longer in damnnation. now you mention that she can't escape the neitherrealm and to answer that, Noob Saibot is nothing more then the original sub-zero in a darker, emotionless form, and scorpion is a specter.

should be, That goes without saying.

though you have a good point about him, maybe he could end up leaving the black dragon because of his poor disipline and his tireness of confiding to their rules.

Love the idea for his story.

it would be good to see the three interact and thus the missing pieces finally come together.

you say you wonder if he knows of Onaga's plan and to answer, he doesn't. he's a order freak as you pointed out, so he's under the false pretense that Onaga has come to bring order when he really isn't.
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11/10/2005 06:12 AM (UTC)
11/11/2005 12:18 AM (UTC)
Just a note on the Black Dragon members...

Kira - Personally, I don't exactly see why Kira is deserving of the praise she is getting. She felt more like a bastard child of Sonya and Kano than anything resembling an original character, much like Jarek except with breasts which is probably why MK fans can forgive this. Not to mention, regarding characters in tier ranking, Kira was useless. Possibly the worst of the new characters in that sense. And how exactly is she cunning and calculating? By supposedly killing Kobra during her trails? So, not dying is cunning now? Sadly, Midway will probably end up keeping her. She'll only end up carrying on the generic conflict between the Special Forces and the Black Dragon, which is just old hat at this stage. She needs to be dropped like a bad habit.

Kobra - I know this is not going to be a popular opinion, but I somewhat wish that Kira's ending is not canon. Kobra is simply the better Black Dragon inductee. In the world of semi-mortal demons and near invincible warriors, Kobra is a breath of fresh air, slightly psychopathic and hungry for kombat. Thanks to his unpredictable nature, you wouldn't be able to properly track Kobra's thinking patterns. In the upcoming MK, he could possibly betray the Black Dragon and become an advocate of Chaos on the run. Granted, he needs a slight revamp in his character model to be less like Ken Masters, but at least he maintains some originality throughout his highly functional moveset unlike the overrated Kira. But, the character has too much potential both storyline and gameplay-wise. A keeper.
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11/11/2005 04:09 AM (UTC)
Ashrah & Havik.
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11/11/2005 06:10 AM (UTC)
I'm kind of biased when it comes to the MK:D characters, as I absolutely despised the whole "order versus chaos" subplot. I thought that it was boring, I didn't like the realms (from concept, to appearance), but mostly I hated the very idea of putting an actual plot based on what the MK games have basically been about since the beginning into a game. It would be like having Madden 07 come out next year, and there's a minigame where you get to play football. I know, kind of a stretch for an anology, but you get the idea. Still, overall I thought the MK:D crew was filled with some of the weakest new characters this series has ever had. That said, there were a few bright spots, albeit those spots need a good dusting off or fixing before they can shine.

Havik: Arguably the coolest looking MK character ever. Yeah, I'll go that far. But his moves were unbelievably stupid. Honestly, if the MK team can't come up with new moves, then they need to farm that out to people with good, new ideas. How would you like it if some grim reaper lookin dude came up to you spun around? You'd probably laugh first, then point out that Goro had almost the exact same move in MK Trilogy. Then you'd laugh some more at the crazy legs. Lame. But, even though the whole chaos realm idea was dumb, I like that he, himself wants to bring chaos. It makes him a wildcard and adds an element of unpredicability to future games.

Kira: Like Havik, I definitely dug her look. She was sexy in her first outfit without having to look skanky. Again, the MK team, who's imaginations must have been running on empty, completely blew it with her move set. That said, I'll cut to it. She has potential and could do alot to revitalize the stagnant Black Dragon plotline. I'd like to see her involved in any of these ideas: A love triangle involving Kabal and a returning Kano, a plot that forces her to betray the Black Dragon (hey if the new game involves Armageddon, maybe the Black Dragon take a side that she doesn't feel will be advantageous to herself...or the human race perhaps?) Anyways, I like her, and I think that she could be a mainstay female in the MK series that grows over time like Kitana did.

Ashrah: I liked her plot, I thought her look was interesting, though not anything overly special, and...hey! Her moves stunk. If she gets redeemed, and I'd like to see that, I'd be interested to see where the MK team takes her next. Perhaps she could be a part of the apocalypse/armageddon storyline where she, under the misguided belief that she's helping the world, seeks to cleanse it by bringing about the destruction of the human race. Just a possibility.

I look at those three characters and I see ideas for how they can grow in the future. They trigger my imagination a bit. That doesn't happen for Kobra, Dairou, Onaga, and especially Shujinko. I could see Darrius growing into somewhat of a badass, but the order/choas thing has got to go. No more realms please. Stick with Earth. Maybe Outworld. Oh, and if you do bring back Darrius, leave the afro out. Afro's in videogames haven't been cool since Ready 2 Rumble boxing and even then...
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11/11/2005 06:35 AM (UTC)
Hotaru and Havik. They are both too important to the MK Universe. They introduced us to new realms, new enimies, new allies, and new storylines. They both have to return.
11/11/2005 08:27 AM (UTC)
RUFIX Wrote:
Hotaru and Havik. They are both too important to the MK Universe. They introduced us to new realms, new enimies, new allies, and new storylines. They both have to return.

Agreed, there are essentially the main products of Seido and Chaosrealm. More so than Havik, Hotaru is simply central to many conflicts, too much to be simply discarded. Even so, Havik is now recongnised as the driving force behind the Black Dragon. The character designs of both are spot on and have great potential to evolve further.

Basically, it's my opinion that the latest installment of MK has brought about a nice crop of newcomers. Mind you, I don't cater to either Kira, Shujinko, or Darrius. Those characters seem quite shallow but in Darrius's defense, at least he was a popular choice gameplay wise.
11/12/2005 05:36 PM (UTC)
Cheshire-Crow Wrote:
Just a note on the Black Dragon members...

Kira - Personally, I don't exactly see why Kira is deserving of the praise she is getting. She felt more like a bastard child of Sonya and Kano than anything resembling an original character, much like Jarek except with breasts which is probably why MK fans can forgive this. Not to mention, regarding characters in tier ranking, Kira was useless. Possibly the worst of the new characters in that sense. And how exactly is she cunning and calculating? By supposedly killing Kobra during her trails? So, not dying is cunning now? Sadly, Midway will probably end up keeping her. She'll only end up carrying on the generic conflict between the Special Forces and the Black Dragon, which is just old hat at this stage. She needs to be dropped like a bad habit.

Kobra - I know this is not going to be a popular opinion, but I somewhat wish that Kira's ending is not canon. Kobra is simply the better Black Dragon inductee. In the world of semi-mortal demons and near invincible warriors, Kobra is a breath of fresh air, slightly psychopathic and hungry for kombat. Thanks to his unpredictable nature, you wouldn't be able to properly track Kobra's thinking patterns. In the upcoming MK, he could possibly betray the Black Dragon and become an advocate of Chaos on the run. Granted, he needs a slight revamp in his character model to be less like Ken Masters, but at least he maintains some originality throughout his highly functional moveset unlike the overrated Kira. But, the character has too much potential both storyline and gameplay-wise. A keeper.

I agree.

Kobra is not awesome, yet he has potential and he is very underrated.
Kira is not awesome, yet she has potential but she is very overrated.
11/12/2005 06:36 PM (UTC)
Definitely want Havik back. He looks awesome and the I'm glad Mortal Kombat finally has a crazy guy who causes trouble for the sake of causing trouble.

I liked Ashrah, even though her story was a little too close to Sareena's than I liked it to have been. Nevertheless, Ii'd be interested in learning more about Ashrah and any connection she might share with Sareena. Then they could have a little rivalry, then team up.

I liked Kira, although she very much needs her own moves. And, IMO, a better rendered face. But aside from that, she seemed cool and I'd like to see where she goes.

I actually didn't mind Kobra. I kind of liked his character, a psycho martial artist. Just didn't care for his "evil Ken" appearence. I may be a minority, but I actually woundn't mind him back as long as they fixed that.

The Seido guys
Meh. Zero interest in Seido or the goings on. Hotaru's alt. looked cool and he plays good, but he has the charisma of a cardboard box, IMO. Dairou looked bland and just seemed very bland. And Darrius pretty much falls in the same boat. Not that I don't like him, I just don't care. I'm sure the Seido story can be improved, but I just don't care and would rather it fade away.

My main reason for hating Shujinko was because he was a total nimrod in Deception's Konquest. But after playing Shaolin Monks and how all those characters were total nimrods, I realize it's more the fault of terrible writing than the character himself so I've eased up on him. Thats said, if Shujinko comes back he needs his own moves, styles and please, do not be the new "main hero."

So to sum up:
Keep Ashrah, Havik, and maybe Kira.
Don't care about Kobra.
No interest in Hotaru, Dairou, Darrius, or Shujinko.
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