What Kind Of New Characters Do You Want To See Come In
posted11/28/2005 03:23 AM (UTC)by
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04/17/2005 06:45 AM (UTC)
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04/21/2005 03:56 AM (UTC)
I'm not sure if you're asking for us to make up characters or simply tell you what kind of characters we want in the next game. I copied four of my characters from my previus thread about what I'd like to see as the plotline for MK7, so their actual stories are in that thread. As for what types of characters:

Another member of the Brotherhood of the Shadow: I'd like to see a follower of Noob or a dissenter of Noob.

A new member of the Red Dragon: I think that the MK team can do alot better than Mavado and Hsu Hao. I'd like a character with Mavado's extendo arm things, but with alot more uses for them.

A Middle Eastern warrior: I'm thinking of someone that doesn't look like a terrorist, I just want to make that clear. Someone who has a gritty look, almost like the Prince of Persia in the sequel to the Sands of Time. But I'd want him or her to be darker. Perhaps with some jewels on his or her outfit.

A Goddess: We've played as Rayden and Fujin, but I would like to be able to play as a wicked but beautiful Goddess. Someone that doesn't share the love of humanity that Fujin and Rayden (not so sure about the latter) have.

A new Vampire: I'd want a scheming, power hungry vampire that backstabs, politics, and is generally strong but smarmy. You might call him the Shang Tsung of vampires, only I'd want him to be worse.

An old man in black: Someone small and hunched over, carrying a small wooden walking stick, This person would wear a black cloak with a hood that drapes over their face. This person would fight with a drunken style and would be wizard like in nature. A good guy who was once powerful but has withered with age and lost battle to Shang Tsung in the past. He'd look wiley and offputting, but he'd be powerful and mysterious. I've always wanted to see a good sorcerer that's powerful and wise but has a past.

Some of the examples below fall into the above categories and some don't, but here are a few examples of characters and moves, and most characters stories should be implied.

They have a lot of special moves, but I just did that so there would be a lot of variety. Besides, hopefully with the new systems, characters will be able to have more moves (if their lack of moves wasn't due to the MK team's laziness before).


Alignment: Neutral
Allies: Quan Chi, Noob, Sareena, Mavado
Enemies: Sub-Zero, Kabal, Kano
Fighting Styles: Ninjitsu and Vo Binh Dihn
Description: I picked ninjitsu because the Brotherhood of the Shadow tend to remain behind the scenes and out of sight. Ninjitsu focuses on spying and I thought it went well with the story. Vo Binh Dihn focuses on defending ones self by using larger enemies advantages against them.
Weapon: Lance
Special moves:

Powder toss: He throws a small bag of white powder at opponent, it hits them in the face and blinds them temporarily. (mid/long range)

Explosive Blow Dart: He pulls out a small reed and blows a dart at the opponent, if its not blocked, the dart sticks, glows red, and explodes, blowing opponent back. (mid/long range)

Invisibility: He turns invisible and remains that way until he is struck by his opponent. (mid/long range)

Teleport throw: He teleports to the enemy and heaves them up into the air. You can teleport again and land in the air and throw them back to the ground, or simply do a combo on them. (long range)

Triple kick: He jump kicks the opponent up into the air before kicking them with the other leg while still in the air. He ends with a third kick that sends the opponent crashing to the ground while he flips backwards and lands on his feet. (close range)

Tag team: Another member from the Brotherhood of the Shadow comes in from behind and throws stars at the opponent before vanishing. (any range)

Meditation Counter: Wraith falls to the floor and meditates for a moment. The opponent cannot strike him or they will be automatically countered. Good move for when an opponent is coming at you from the air. (any range)


Alignment: Good
Allies: Fujin
Enemies: The Elder
Fighting Styles: Sebekkha, Kan Zen Ryu
Description: Sebekkha is an Egyptian martial art, which obviously goes with the fact that this character travels that region. Kan Zen Ryu is an ever evolving form of attack and defense.
Weapon: Shamshir Schimitar
Special Moves:

Move steal: It can only be done in Kan Zen Ryu stance. Hasaan glows red and clenches his fist. A voice chimes in with the special move that he has learned from his opponent. He can now use that move for the duration of the match. Limit one move per match. (any range)

Frankensteiner: Flips forward with legs landing on opponents shoulders. From here there are a few options. Option 1: He slashes them with his sword twice and kicks opponent away from him. Option 2: He spins around so that he is still on opponents shoulders but he's now behind the enemy. He stabs them in the chest with his sword, flips over in front of the enemy and pulls the sword out while they fall to the ground. Option 3: He flips backward throwing opponent behind him. Option 1 can go to option 2 after one sword slash but not two. Sword slashes are entered manually. Option 1 is blockable after the forward flip. Option 3 is not. (mid/close range)

Schimitar projectile: He quickly pulls his sword out and holds it up to his face with both hands. It glows orange, and sends an orange projectile in appearance of his sword hurling end over end at his opponent. If it hits, it stabs them in the chest and discentegrates. (mid/long range)

Flip uppercut: He does a backflip and uppcercuts the opponent into the air with his feet. (close range)

Summersault flip: He does a jumping summersault over opponent. (close/mid range)

Summersault flip kick: He does a jumping summersault but does the splits and kicks opponent in the head as he passes over. (close range)

Backwards summersault kick: He summersaults backwards off of the screen, appears behind the opponent and mule kicks them before summersaulting in mid air back to the other side of the screen. The player can choose to keep him on the same side of the screen instead of summersaulting back to the other side of the screen. (Long range)


Alignment: Evil
Allies: The Elder, Rayden, Ashrah
Enemies: Fujin, Jerrod, Kung Lao
Fighting Styles: Mei Hua Quan (Plum Blossom Fist) and Ta Hao (White Crane)
Description: I figured that both styles sound beautiful enough to match with what I envision this character being. Fluid movements, solid positioning, and movement in waves. Beautiful but strong basically.
Weapon: Golden whip
Special moves:

Whip grab: She whips at her opponent and it wraps around their waist. Option 1: She pulls herself toward them and kicks them in the face. Option 2: She pulls at the opponent and flings them over her head. (long range)

Fire of the Gods: She holds her hand to the sky and it rains fireballs down on opponent. (mid/long range)

Projectile evade: She fades into a whitish ghost look and is invulnerable to projectle attacks for about ten seconds. (any range)

Double punch/Fire: She knocks opponent down with a hard punch and knocks them back up into the air with an uppercut automatically, she then spews fire from her mouth that knocks the opponent further up in the air which makes oponent open for a 3 or 4 hit combo. (close range)

Magic Dust: She puts her hand in a satchel that she has around her waist and flings white, sparkling dust at opponent, turning them into another fighter for a short period of time. (mid/close range)

Golden Bow: She pulls out a golden bow and arrow and shoots it backwards, the arrow comes at enemy from behind. If they duck, the arrow could hit her if she does not duck or dodge it. If the arrow hits the opponent, it explodes, knocking opponent to the ground. (Long range)

God Dash Kick: She dashes toward opponent and kicks them up into the air. This move can be done to juggle the opponet three times. (close/mide range)


Alignment: Evil
Allies: Nitara, Gorbak, Rayden, The Elder
Enemies: Fujin, Shao Khan, Hasaan, Rain
Fighting Styles: Dim Mak and Marma Adi
Description: Dim Mak (death touch) focuses on killing blows and stunning blows as well as pressure points. Marma Adi focuses on nerves. Since I see this character as deceitful and a one who would backstab, I thought that these styles would work well for him.
Weapon: Lantern (A thick chain held in one hand that goes over his neck to the other hand which has a lit, gothic style lantern hanging at the end)
Special moves:

Flying Dive: He takes flight and dive bombs head first toward the enemy. (close/Mid range)

Flying blood spit: He takes flight and spits blood at opponent.

Flying teleport: He takes flight, vanishes, and dive bombs from below the enemy.

Overhead lantern swing: He swings the lantern in a downward motion toward the opponent. It can either hit the opponent or crash to the ground where a large fireball comes up from the ground, splitting in three directions. (Mid Range)

Chain grab high: Throws chain and lantern towards opponents neck, the chain wraps around and he pulls quickly as the opponent spins around, open for a free hit or combo. (Close/Mid/Long range)

Chain grab low: Throws chain at opponents feet, it wraps around and he pulls opponent to the ground where he jumps on them and bites them in the neck (opponent loses some health and he gains it) before flying backward off of them. (Mid/Long range)

Blood Breath: Nitara's blood spit move from MK:DA (Mid/Long range)

Wing Slice: He rotates, throwing one of his wings out and slicing the enemy with its tips. (Close range)

04/21/2005 04:13 PM (UTC)
I my self would like to see an English Man.

Name: James Goodright
Origin: EarthRealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Jonny Cage
Foes: ?
Fighting Style 1: Boxing
Fighting Style 2: some form of wrestling
Weapon: Claws
Look: He would have slicked black hair and a Freddy Mercury mustache. His outfit would be bare chested with his hands wraped and a pair of boxing shorts on and boots.

Bio : James Goodright was born in 1812 and at a very young age was attack by a wolf like monster and came down with lycanthropy. The virus that cuases the lycanthropy also keeps him young. Living as long as James has, James has mastered his lycanthropy so he can shift at will and is no longer a slave to the moon. He has amassed a great amount of money in his long life and is one of Jonny Cages biggest backers. Becoming bored with his life as it is he has paid Jonny cage a large sum of money to take him on his next advencher.
04/22/2005 05:09 AM (UTC)
The Undertaker:

His 1999 Ministry look and his late 90's dark lord look
04/22/2005 05:10 AM (UTC)
Also his fatalities would be to have the ground swallow up the victim, rip their spine out of their throat, and steal their sould like that guy from chronicles of riddick
04/23/2005 02:14 AM (UTC)
I want to see a cyclops character make its way into Mortal Kombat.
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It's offical. you Suck!

04/23/2005 02:30 AM (UTC)
I would like to see a sourceress, either as a sub-boss or a playable end boss.
04/23/2005 03:12 AM (UTC)
Here are mine:

Hair:long brown hair
Allies: raiden, Ashrah.
Foes: Onaga, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi.

Weapons: Snake Sword
Style:Snake Fist, Dragon Claw, snake Sword(Weapon)

Special moves: Super punch, ???, ???...

Fatality One: He take his oppent arm off and eat it and then eat his oppent head.

Fatality Two:He stab his weapon(Sword) behind his oppen back and then his oppent fell on the ground and grab his weapon and cut his head and eat it.

Bio: As long time ago. it about 5,000 years ago, that the ancient rune curse had been broken and he been awaken in the rune called "Snake cave".The curse never going to get it fix and if he was awaken he will rule the world.
11/28/2005 01:18 AM (UTC)
My character will be:
NAME: rattlesnake has a bad guy and then turns into a good guy name snake, but no one knows that snake is good and bad only he does

BORN: living forest in mksm
LOOKS: ninja form colors is dark real dark green with a mask that is all black and shows only his glowing eyes with two razor teeth showing out of mask thats when he is a bad guy, but when good he is with a mask that covers only mouth so he wont show his razor teeth and has the same ninja clothes but in white. Has green long hair.

FOES: none,reptile,himself so no one knows about it
ALLIES: good and bad guys/girls

GOAL: trick everyone and become the leader/boss of MORTAL KOMBAT
WEAPON(S): dont need weapons (only his real friends the snakes)
POWER: transform from bad to good or good to bad without nobody knowing.And his snake power to poison ECT.

No, no more information about this guy's going to come around in here.
11/28/2005 03:23 AM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Netherealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Noob Saibot
Foes: Earth Realm Warriors
Gender: Female

Like Subzero the 6th, Iallyria was once a human assassin from earthrealm.
But her latiest target would be her undoing, condeming
her to the netherealm.
During the time she spent there, she eventally become a wraith.
Free from human compassion.
Without a purpose, she would soon find a friend, in a fellow wraith.


Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Skarlett
Foes: Havik
Gender: Male

Train in the art of the samurai, this young swordsman's life would change when the chaos cleric Havik offered to resurrect his wife, in exchange for obtaining a scroll thats guarded by powerful magic. The swordsman blindly trust the chaos cleric and obtain it for him. But Havik did not have any intention of honoring the agreement. Outrage, the swordsman became and attack him. He eventally lost. Left for dead, a women in red materized and aided the wounded man. She told him to seek out the one name Shujinko. He can lead you to the chaos cleric. Before she could walk away, the swordsman ask the woman's name. She the replied, Skarlett and vanished.

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