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05/12/2015 04:13 AM (UTC)
^ Ok that would make sense because both Hanzo Hasashi and Bi Han WILLING accepted their new identities and FULLY embraced it which explains why Scorpion is referred to as a spectre and Noob Saibot as a wraith.

But then what's the difference between a spectre and a wraith? Are they two different classes? If so, which one is higher rank?
05/12/2015 04:19 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
^ Ok that would make sense because both Hanzo Hasashi and Bi Han WILLING accepted their new identities and FULLY embraced it which explains why Scorpion is referred to as a spectre and Noob Saibot as a wraith.

But then what's the difference between a spectre and a wraith? Are they two different classes? If so, which one is higher rank?

Bi-han seemed to loose his Ice Powers, but other than that I don't know...
05/12/2015 04:24 AM (UTC)
SJWMegatron Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:
But arcade endings aren't always canon, so of those 3 options I'd say the disembodied voice is "wrong".

It's not really a matter of canon, but of semantics: Spectre, Revenant, Ghost, are all just multiple ways of saying the same vague idea.

Here the disimbodied announcer voice is referring to a Revenant as any person who died, went to the netherrealm and regained their body. Just like Noob, Sareena, or Ashrah.

But Scorpion calls himself "Not a revenant" referring to the fact that Scorpy was never mind-controlled by Quan Chi. As in "Quan Chi's Revenants"

That seems fair.
However I don't know shit about Jason, so I can't say what he is.
05/12/2015 04:26 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
^ Ok that would make sense because both Hanzo Hasashi and Bi Han WILLING accepted their new identities and FULLY embraced it which explains why Scorpion is referred to as a spectre and Noob Saibot as a wraith.

But then what's the difference between a spectre and a wraith? Are they two different classes? If so, which one is higher rank?

The devs haven't really given much thought to it either.

I take it those "Brotherhood of Shadow" Noob-looking enemies were Enenra.** And at different times Smoke and Noob were both called "Wraiths". I take it Noob is a full-on Enenra, while Smoke was a living (and later cybernetic) person who though an accident, changed into an Enenra but remained living, as his bio states.

All in all: "Enenra" or "Smoke" or whatever they call him when it's eventually DLC, will use a combination of Noob and Smoke's abilities.
**From Shaolin Monks.
05/12/2015 10:51 AM (UTC)
Alright so...Scorpion is human now, so no more pulling off his face and breathing fire. Yet he has the ability to summon the fires of the Netherrealm along with demons...

And even though John Vogel is just blanketing every undead warrior in the games now as revenant's...in the comics it's established that Scorpion wasn't a revenant....well then why is it he was restored when Quan Chi had his nuts kicked in (uuugh seriously Vogel?)

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05/12/2015 11:28 AM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Alright so...Scorpion is human now, so no more pulling off his face and breathing fire. Yet he has the ability to summon the fires of the Netherrealm along with demons...

And even though John Vogel is just blanketing every undead warrior in the games now as revenant's...in the comics it's established that Scorpion wasn't a revenant....well then why is it he was restored when Quan Chi had his nuts kicked in (uuugh seriously Vogel?)


My guess? Whatever magic Raiden did on Quan Chi's fortress restored every undead in the vicinity.

Scorpion was there, not a revenant but still undead = he was restored.

And according to the comic he can still "become" Scorpion with the firey skull face if he gets angry enough.
05/12/2015 01:59 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Alright so...Scorpion is human now, so no more pulling off his face and breathing fire. Yet he has the ability to summon the fires of the Netherrealm along with demons...

And even though John Vogel is just blanketing every undead warrior in the games now as revenant's...in the comics it's established that Scorpion wasn't a revenant....well then why is it he was restored when Quan Chi had his nuts kicked in (uuugh seriously Vogel?)


Let go of Vogel. There's 4 writers on the team. The comic book was written after the story mode was.

You'd understand a lot more actually reading the comic and seeing all the small details instead of hoping people will fill you in properly. Thre's like 19 chapters out.

The concept of Hanzo still having access to Hellfire belong to the comic. In the game he's another dead soul working for Quan Chi(the difference being that he's doing it on purpose, as opposed to being brainwashed into doing it) that gets revived when Raiden tries to stop Cage's death.

In the comic Scorpion's story is expanded. His death(or at least, what Quan Chi makes him believe) is that Sub-Zero ripped his head off and showed him his wife and daughter stuck in ice. He died hoping for the fire in his village to grow bigger to thaw them. While in hell, his hatred and focus on fire while dying made him invulnerable to hellfire, which prompted Quan Chi to give him hellfire powers and turn him into a specter.

The difference here is that Scorpion now owns these powers, as opposed to the revenants just being themselves.

When Scorpion's soul was accidently cleansed by Raiden(because he was still an undead warrior created by Quan Chi), Kenshi helped him control the hellfire inside of him. He can call on it by putting himself in the same state of mind he was during the death of his clan and family but if he uses it too much he'll lose control.

Nothing happened in X that implies he should have used Hellfire. He killed Quan Chi as a human, not his slave.
05/12/2015 03:39 PM (UTC)
Human Scorpion ... best thin that happened in long long long time.
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05/12/2015 06:06 PM (UTC)
Scorpion is a revenant in this timeline. John Vogel confirmed this on Twitter not so long ago.

Revenant. https://t.co/LGzqqoDocZ

— John Vogel (@K0MB4T) April 27, 2015 Also remember that the comic was written after the script for the MKX story was finalised so Kittelsen obiously added things to Scorpion. The comic is canon however. Scorpion events of him being turned into Scorpion are false. It was what Quan Chi wanted him to believe.
05/12/2015 06:34 PM (UTC)
So Scorpion is officially a revenant. There's still the slight difference of him wanting this, unlike the others.
05/12/2015 08:01 PM (UTC)
Shit double post.
05/12/2015 08:03 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
So Scorpion is officially a revenant. There's still the slight difference of him wanting this, unlike the others.

Can we even be sure of that anymore? Every revenant made it pretty convincing that it was indeed them in the drivers seat until Quan Chi lost his hold on them and they were restored then the obvious is revealed and it was Quan Chi's evil talking through them.

At least that's what I am hoping is the case...that dumb shit they are trying to convince us of with the dialogue between Jax and revenant Kitana, which makes absolutely no sense, has me worried.
05/12/2015 08:43 PM (UTC)
I recently asked the writing team about the revenants.

@EvilStarLegacy @bcharred @Jontology @K0MB4T more the latter...

— Dominic Cianciolo (@domcianciolo) May 6, 2015

That's why Revenant Scorpion was so much focused on getting his revenge on Sub-Zero and why the other revenants hate Raiden and the earthrealm warriors. They are corrupted and their main driving force becomes the hatred in their heart. While Liu Kang could have probably work things out with Raiden, or at least run off on his own, he wouldn't act like he did in MKX and neither would Kung Lao and Kitana. They still make their own decision but: they're mentality bent to act in a specific way. This is why Liu Kang and Kitana can still claim dominion over the netherrealm after Shinnok and Quan Chi's death. They can still make decisions to help what they're trying to accomplish.

Getting your soul cleanse makes you take control of your head again but it doesn't remove what you did. Kind of like what hypnotisers do : They tell you to act a certain way and you'll do it forever if need be but when they make you snap out of it you'll remember what you did. But during your state of hypnosis you would tell anyone who asked that you were a dog, in a rollercoaster or hell bent on killing your former mentor.
05/12/2015 10:02 PM (UTC)
We already explained this. What Scorpion only meant was he was never mind-controlled by Quan Chi. Any Netherrealm soul granted a body is called a Revenant.

As for the semantics, there are lots of different undead ghouls and ghasts in the Netherrealm.
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