What is going on with Scorpion?!
posted05/12/2015 10:02 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/01/2006 11:55 PM (UTC)
Okay. I am very sorry to clutter up the message board with a thread that would be better off not existing but this has been bugging the shit out of me since I watched story mode and took a look at MKX.

So the roster has all these non canon incarnations of characters now for...really no reason at all other than NRS just didn't want to go all the way and bend to the will of the story they made.

So can someone please for the love of the Elder gods(of useless)
clarify just what is going on with Scorpion
I don't read the comics because I don't like being drip fed my stories, well and I also have no idea how to view it. So my knowledge of what goes on in them goes as far as whatever scraps I can gather from the reviews that you guys used to post up. So I am utterly confused.

-Was he all this time just a simple revenant like the rest of the fallen heroes? If so then...god damn it Vogel!

-Is he now simply human? has the name Scorpion now been retconned to being the name he adopted after being brought back by Quan Chi?

-Or does the story from the comics actually coincide with the game and he is indeed still an undead warrior who...hulks out into the Scorpion we have known all this time..wuh?...wtf is going oooonnnn?!!

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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

05/11/2015 11:57 PM (UTC)
I view the comic how i view arcade ladder endings - it's an interesting spin on the story but completely irrelevant, although it DOES contain some facts.

In this case, Scorpion was restored to life at the final battle, along with Jax and Sub-Zero. They dropped the "spectre" label and call him a revenant now. The apparent difference (according to the comic which, again, should be ignored) is that while he is human again, Hanzo can "channel" Scorpion, but he risks losing himself and becoming the vengeful revenant fully again if he does not keep his power in check.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

05/12/2015 12:44 AM (UTC)
He was a revenant but was imbued with hellfire. He was restored back to a human along with Kuai Liang and Jax.
05/12/2015 01:28 AM (UTC)
Thank you for starting this thread, because I am also super confused. So if he was restored, how does he still have all the hellspawn powers???"Is it a non-canon thing? Why go down that road if you're not willing to give up the Scorpion bit and have him be Hanzo, with a new moveset and stuff? Is he only half restored, and if so why? We don't see that affecting Jax and Sub-Zero. You're in good company, OP. I'm super confused too...
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

05/12/2015 01:35 AM (UTC)
phishstix17 Wrote:
Thank you for starting this thread, because I am also super confused. So if he was restored, how does he still have all the hellspawn powers???"Is it a non-canon thing? Why go down that road if you're not willing to give up the Scorpion bit and have him be Hanzo, with a new moveset and stuff? Is he only half restored, and if so why? We don't see that affecting Jax and Sub-Zero. You're in good company, OP. I'm super confused too...

He still does in the comic. Hanzo can switch to a Scorpion persona where he can use hellspawn powers. He is not half restored. He is a human, not an undead anymore.
05/12/2015 01:59 AM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
phishstix17 Wrote:
Thank you for starting this thread, because I am also super confused. So if he was restored, how does he still have all the hellspawn powers???"Is it a non-canon thing? Why go down that road if you're not willing to give up the Scorpion bit and have him be Hanzo, with a new moveset and stuff? Is he only half restored, and if so why? We don't see that affecting Jax and Sub-Zero. You're in good company, OP. I'm super confused too...

He still does in the comic. Hanzo can switch to a Scorpion persona where he can use hellspawn powers. He is not half restored. He is a human, not an undead anymore.

You know I am really starting to think that Kittleson was just trying to make an excuse as to why he still looks like Scorpion in MKX. I guess the ball is in Vogels court now to either take the hand Kittleson is lending him or spit in his face and dig the hole of stupid even deeper....the hell happened to you Vogel...NRS?

phishstix17 Wrote:
Thank you for starting this thread, because I am also super confused. So if he was restored, how does he still have all the hellspawn powers???"Is it a non-canon thing? Why go down that road if you're not willing to give up the Scorpion bit and have him be Hanzo, with a new moveset and stuff? Is he only half restored, and if so why? We don't see that affecting Jax and Sub-Zero. You're in good company, OP. I'm super confused too...

EXACTLY! And this extends to the characters who remained revenants. Why even bother designing those mortal/aged costumes if they weren't going to be that way and were going to remain undead?! Why not instead simply design them around that concept in both cosmetics and moves? God damn it NRS! Commit to your decisions!
05/12/2015 02:01 AM (UTC)
In short, he got restored and is a human now, but can still use his spectre powers that he had before.

I am assuming the reason you don't see this with Jax or Sub-Zero is because they didn't gain any special or different powers after dying and becoming revenants, so it wouldn't make sense to begin with.
05/12/2015 02:04 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
In short, he got restored and is a human now, but can still use his spectre powers that he had before.

I am assuming the reason you don't see this with Jax or Sub-Zero is because they didn't gain any special or different powers after dying and becoming revenants, so it wouldn't make sense to begin with.

So in other words...everyone is as unclear and confused about this as I am.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

05/12/2015 02:19 AM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
In short, he got restored and is a human now, but can still use his spectre powers that he had before.

I am assuming the reason you don't see this with Jax or Sub-Zero is because they didn't gain any special or different powers after dying and becoming revenants, so it wouldn't make sense to begin with.

So in other words...everyone is as unclear and confused about this as I am.

From reading the comic, I assumed that the "Incredible Hulk" thing was canon because it actually made since so if it isn't canon and just a "in comic" thing, that's just stupid and in all honesty, Shawn Kittelsen should be the one writing this stuff period.
05/12/2015 02:25 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
In short, he got restored and is a human now, but can still use his spectre powers that he had before.

I am assuming the reason you don't see this with Jax or Sub-Zero is because they didn't gain any special or different powers after dying and becoming revenants, so it wouldn't make sense to begin with.

So in other words...everyone is as unclear and confused about this as I am.

From reading the comic, I assumed that the "Incredible Hulk" thing was canon because it actually made since so if it isn't canon and just a "in comic" thing, that's just stupid and in all honesty, Shawn Kittelsen should be the one writing this stuff period.

God i would be all for that! He actually has writing chops while Vogel, clearly has no business penning a story. Kittelsen respects the MK lore and is an actual fan. Vogel...just seems to be doing whatever the fuck he wants just because and it is so aggravating.

See I wouldn't have this problem with Scorpion right now...if they acknowledged this in the game story mode. Why wouldn't he have "raged" out when he got his hands on Quan Chi? *sigh* God...damn it Vogel.
05/12/2015 02:31 AM (UTC)
Someone asked why Scorpion still has hellfire powers if he was restored and why nothing like this happened to Jax or Sub-Zero. Now its not been directly stated, but I think it is safe to assume its because Jax nor Sub got any special powers after dying and becoming revenants the way Scorpion did.

As for the comics, idk what everyone else thinks, but I saw Boon say the comics are canon, so even if everything doesn't add up 100%, they are canon to me until stated otherwise by someone credible such as Boon or Vogel.
05/12/2015 02:37 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Someone asked why Scorpion still has hellfire powers if he was restored and why nothing like this happened to Jax or Sub-Zero. Now its not been directly stated, but I think it is safe to assume its because Jax nor Sub got any special powers after dying and becoming revenants the way Scorpion did.

As for the comics, idk what everyone else thinks, but I saw Boon say the comics are canon, so even if everything doesn't add up 100%, they are canon to me until stated otherwise by someone credible such as Boon or Vogel.

If the comics weren't canon they would be pretty pointless waste of time for both NRS and WB. But the lack continuity between the comics and game are really jarring and confusing.

So it just fills me with all kind of doubts that certain things established in the comics will be acknowledged by the masterful mind of John Vogel.

Again what sense does it make that Scorpion wouldn't have lost control while confronting Quan Chi or learning the truth from Sub-Zero.

Or Kotal Khan proving that he was just as much of a prick as every other person who sat in that throne before him in the game. Meanwhile in the comic he is a reasonable diplomat.
05/12/2015 02:41 AM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
In short, he got restored and is a human now, but can still use his spectre powers that he had before.

I am assuming the reason you don't see this with Jax or Sub-Zero is because they didn't gain any special or different powers after dying and becoming revenants, so it wouldn't make sense to begin with.

So in other words...everyone is as unclear and confused about this as I am.

No. Scorpion died and then Quan Chi revived him taught him how to use hellfire, which he couldn't use before. But here's the thing, Scorpion's loyalty was voluntary, so Quan Chi didn't have to make him a "revenant-class" ghost.
I don't know what "class" he was, because he's the only one like that. (Spectre?)

So now Scorpion is just a regular human, but since he learned how to use hellfire he can still use it, but looses a bit of his humanity when he uses it, because that power is of Netherrealm origin. That's why he doesn't use it at all in his story mode.

I don't know for sure if he was called Scorpion before his death, but he doesn't want to be called that now because it reminds him of his service to Quan Chi.
05/12/2015 02:49 AM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Someone asked why Scorpion still has hellfire powers if he was restored and why nothing like this happened to Jax or Sub-Zero. Now its not been directly stated, but I think it is safe to assume its because Jax nor Sub got any special powers after dying and becoming revenants the way Scorpion did.

As for the comics, idk what everyone else thinks, but I saw Boon say the comics are canon, so even if everything doesn't add up 100%, they are canon to me until stated otherwise by someone credible such as Boon or Vogel.

If the comics weren't canon they would be pretty pointless waste of time for both NRS and WB. But the lack continuity between the comics and game are really jarring and confusing.

So it just fills me with all kind of doubts that certain things established in the comics will be acknowledged by the masterful mind of John Vogel.

Again what sense does it make that Scorpion wouldn't have lost control while confronting Quan Chi or learning the truth from Sub-Zero.

Or Kotal Khan proving that he was just as much of a prick as every other person who sat in that throne before him in the game. Meanwhile in the comic he is a reasonable diplomat.

Yeah I know, that was mainly in regards to those who say they aren't for some reason.

As for why he didn't lose control, who knows, maybe he has completely mastered controlling it even in moments off anger.

And yeah I don't like Kotal as much as I did in the comics, I used to think he was cool, now he just seems like a little bitch to me. Losing to a youngster like Jin, then being all puss when he found out Shinnok was back, saying he will appease him and shit lol that was probably the moment where I truly just stopped caring about him, it just sounded weak to me, and I didn't like it lol.

He still looks cool and I love his concept, but he needs a redemption imo, the story mode really didn't do him justice to me.
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05/12/2015 02:52 AM (UTC)
It basically seems like NRS was like hey lets make Scorpion be human and then didn't actually know how to explain it so left it up to the comics. I like the idea of it basically being him "hulking out" to become full on Scorp still. You're right about when he killed Quan though if that's the way it is he should have turned full Scorp.
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05/12/2015 02:54 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Someone asked why Scorpion still has hellfire powers if he was restored and why nothing like this happened to Jax or Sub-Zero. Now its not been directly stated, but I think it is safe to assume its because Jax nor Sub got any special powers after dying and becoming revenants the way Scorpion did.

As for the comics, idk what everyone else thinks, but I saw Boon say the comics are canon, so even if everything doesn't add up 100%, they are canon to me until stated otherwise by someone credible such as Boon or Vogel.

If the comics weren't canon they would be pretty pointless waste of time for both NRS and WB. But the lack continuity between the comics and game are really jarring and confusing.

So it just fills me with all kind of doubts that certain things established in the comics will be acknowledged by the masterful mind of John Vogel.

Again what sense does it make that Scorpion wouldn't have lost control while confronting Quan Chi or learning the truth from Sub-Zero.

Or Kotal Khan proving that he was just as much of a prick as every other person who sat in that throne before him in the game. Meanwhile in the comic he is a reasonable diplomat.

Yeah I know, that was mainly in regards to those who say they aren't for some reason.

As for why he didn't lose control, who knows, maybe he has completely mastered controlling it even in moments off anger.

And yeah I don't like Kotal as much as I did in the comics, I used to think he was cool, now he just seems like a little bitch to me. Losing to a youngster like Jin, then being all puss when he found out Shinnok was back, saying he will appease him and shit lol that was probably the moment where I truly just stopped caring about him, it just sounded weak to me, and I didn't like it lol.

He still looks cool and I love his concept, but he needs a redemption imo, the story mode really didn't do him justice to me.

Yea agreed, from the comic Kotal seemed like such a cool, smart dude. In the game he just seems like a new dumb outworld leader.
05/12/2015 03:02 AM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Someone asked why Scorpion still has hellfire powers if he was restored and why nothing like this happened to Jax or Sub-Zero. Now its not been directly stated, but I think it is safe to assume its because Jax nor Sub got any special powers after dying and becoming revenants the way Scorpion did.

As for the comics, idk what everyone else thinks, but I saw Boon say the comics are canon, so even if everything doesn't add up 100%, they are canon to me until stated otherwise by someone credible such as Boon or Vogel.

If the comics weren't canon they would be pretty pointless waste of time for both NRS and WB. But the lack continuity between the comics and game are really jarring and confusing.

So it just fills me with all kind of doubts that certain things established in the comics will be acknowledged by the masterful mind of John Vogel.

Again what sense does it make that Scorpion wouldn't have lost control while confronting Quan Chi or learning the truth from Sub-Zero.

Or Kotal Khan proving that he was just as much of a prick as every other person who sat in that throne before him in the game. Meanwhile in the comic he is a reasonable diplomat.

Why doesn't he lose control? Because "Scorpion mode" is not triggered by anger. It's triggered by the use of hellfire. Which he didn't use against Sub-Zero because they had no reason to fight anymore and he didn't need to use against Quan Chi because he was weakened, old and beat up at that point.

Also, give Kotal a break, not only did he have good intentions for his actions all the way through and was operating under wrong assumptions (that weren't even his, but of his council) but he also got betrayed by (what seemed like) his most faithful servant. I don't know about you, but I'd be pretty unreasonable after that.

That being said I would have preferred if he allied himself with Earthrealm after Jaqui finally explained what was really going on, but that's beside the point.
I also agree that the comics story is way better than that of the game and it's canon except for a few visual hiccups here and there (like Mileena's mouth, Kotal's color, not using the correct alt costume, etc.)
05/12/2015 03:23 AM (UTC)
Revenant seems to be a catch-all for a soul belonging to the Netherealm, but with a physical body. (That seems to be important. The netherrealm is full of lost souls, but they'd need a real physical body to travel between realms.)

So Noob, Jason, Scorpion, and I guess even Ashrah are Revenants.
05/12/2015 03:29 AM (UTC)
SJWMegatron Wrote:
Revenant seems to be a catch-all for a soul belonging to the Netherealm, but with a physical body. (That seems to be important. The netherrealm is full of lost souls, but they'd need a real physical body to travel between realms.)

So Noob, Jason, Scorpion, and I guess even Ashrah are Revenants.

No, because in the comics Scorpion explicitly states the he was never a revenant.
05/12/2015 03:33 AM (UTC)
phishstix17 Wrote:
Thank you for starting this thread, because I am also super confused. So if he was restored, how does he still have all the hellspawn powers???"Is it a non-canon thing? Why go down that road if you're not willing to give up the Scorpion bit and have him be Hanzo, with a new moveset and stuff? Is he only half restored, and if so why? We don't see that affecting Jax and Sub-Zero. You're in good company, OP. I'm super confused too...

Easy answer is same as how any of the other characters have magic powers, almost all of them can conjuer energy. His soul gained powers from the nether, and then he was given a physical body so he could do Quan Chi's bidding and leave the Netherrealm.

Like how Smoke had Enenra powers. He was imbued them by accident after a neath death experience: Like a metaphysical freak accident. The Netherrealm seems to be a realm made up of recycled souls. It has it's own flora and fauna made from dead souls. Like when you die you could become an Oni, or an Enenra, or a spectre, or a ghost, etc.)

What we see in the Story mode isn't exactly a restoration, but that they were cut off from Quan Chi's control and his augmentive magic (which is what gave them their strange appearence.)

What that would also suggest is that Liu Kang and Kitana do not want to return to Earthrealm. Their hatred of Raiden and of the other Realms was sincere.
05/12/2015 03:39 AM (UTC)
DAEGON1 Wrote:

No, because in the comics Scorpion explicitly states the he was never a revenant.

In Jason's ending Omniscient voice guy explicitly states "Jason is a revenant, just like Scorpion." So either the disimbodied voice, or Scorpion, or Vogel, is wrong.
05/12/2015 03:54 AM (UTC)
SJWMegatron Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:

No, because in the comics Scorpion explicitly states the he was never a revenant.

In Jason's ending Omniscient voice guy explicitly states "Jason is a revenant, just like Scorpion." So either the disimbodied voice, or Scorpion, or Vogel, is wrong.

But arcade endings aren't always canon, so of those 3 options I'd say the disembodied voice is "wrong".
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

05/12/2015 03:56 AM (UTC)
SJWMegatron Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:

No, because in the comics Scorpion explicitly states the he was never a revenant.

In Jason's ending Omniscient voice guy explicitly states "Jason is a revenant, just like Scorpion." So either the disimbodied voice, or Scorpion, or Vogel, is wrong.

Oh now things are really getting confusing. I was thinking that Scorpion wasn't referred to as a revenant like the rest because he's Scorpion. There's no need to say "Revenant Scorpion" like there's a need to say "Revenant Sub-Zero" or "Revenant Liu Kang". Even in an exchange between Johnny Cage and Scorpion, Johnny Cage goes "are you revenant Scorpy?" and Scorpion replies "I am what I've always been." Again suggesting that there isn't a need to call him "Revenant Scorpion" because he had been embraced this long ago.

So my question now is are revenants "lost souls with new bodies controlled by Quan Chi" or something different entirely? If it is the former, would this suggest that Jason in the game was being controlled by Quan Chi??

And what's the difference between a revenant and a spectre and how come Scorpion has been referred to as a spectre for so long?
05/12/2015 04:04 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
SJWMegatron Wrote:
DAEGON1 Wrote:

No, because in the comics Scorpion explicitly states the he was never a revenant.

In Jason's ending Omniscient voice guy explicitly states "Jason is a revenant, just like Scorpion." So either the disimbodied voice, or Scorpion, or Vogel, is wrong.

Oh now things are really getting confusing. I was thinking that Scorpion wasn't referred to as a revenant like the rest because he's Scorpion. There's no need to say "Revenant Scorpion" like there's a need to say "Revenant Sub-Zero" or "Revenant Liu Kang". Even in an exchange between Johnny Cage and Scorpion, Johnny Cage goes "are you revenant Scorpy?" and Scorpion replies "I am what I've always been." Again suggesting that there isn't a need to call him "Revenant Scorpion" because he had been embraced this long ago.

So my question now is are revenants "lost souls with new bodies controlled by Quan Chi" or something different entirely? If it is the former, would this suggest that Jason in the game was being controlled by Quan Chi??

And what's the difference between a revenant and a spectre and how come Scorpion has been referred to as a spectre for so long?

I think the only difference is wether or not you get controlled or just convinced by Quan Chi. That seemed to be the implication by that Scorpion line...
05/12/2015 04:10 AM (UTC)
DAEGON1 Wrote:
But arcade endings aren't always canon, so of those 3 options I'd say the disembodied voice is "wrong".

It's not really a matter of canon, but of semantics: Spectre, Revenant, Ghost, are all just multiple ways of saying the same vague idea.

Here the disimbodied announcer voice is referring to a Revenant as any person who died, went to the netherrealm and regained their body. Just like Noob, Sareena, or Ashrah.

But Scorpion calls himself "Not a revenant" referring to the fact that Scorpy was never mind-controlled by Quan Chi. As in "Quan Chi's Revenants"
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