What if this next game does not meet your requirements?
posted05/16/2010 09:37 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
I've asked this before, but realized that there are more new users now and I would like to re-ask this question...

There were many users upset with MK vs DC because of various reasons that I do not wish to list because there's that many and everyone knows why they disliked the game... There were users who literally left this site because they hated this game too much, or just left because they just didn't see eye to eye with the game. (Or another reason, not just these two)

I know that people love this game a lot and well... make a big deal about it I'm not going to go much into that because I'm not really interested in starting a commotion or whatever.

But I'm going to ask you all this because I want to know. If this next game doesn't meet the requirements you're expecting to receive in this game, are you going to ditch the series completely? There are people who said, not sure if they were joking or not, but said that they will no longer play any more Mortal Kombat games because something did not meet their requirements.

Requirements such as:

3d/2d: Will you dislike the game because the game is suddenly converted into a 2d game or, dislike it because it's still in 3d?

Characters: Will you dislike the game because a certain character did not make an appearance in the game? Or, will you dislike the game had a brand new freshly baked cast of characters in the roster rather than having some recurring characters in it?

Story: Will you dislike the game if they turned it into a reboot, continued it after Armageddon, or do something completely different?

Gameplay: Will you dislike the game if the gameplay was suddenly different?

Fatalities: Will you dislike the game if there's not enough fatalities featured or if there were brand new alities featured in the game?

Point is, if there's a certain requirement you're expecting to see in this game and it's not there, will you hate the game so much that you refuse to play another Mortal Kombat game, will not get this game at all, or just deal with it?
05/03/2010 08:46 PM (UTC)
I decide to buy games or not on their merit as individual games. I may decide not to buy a game in a series, but it would be lunacy for me to declare i'd never buy any other games in that series.
05/03/2010 08:48 PM (UTC)
To be honest, I care more about gameplay than garnish.

I enjoyed MK:DA, MK:D and MK:Armageddon. But they really were bad fighting games.

MK Vs DCU came along and I was expecting Armageddon with DC guys. But it didn't matter. I quite like DC and I wanted to beat the shit out of Scorpion with Joker. But lo and behold the game play felt like a genuine leap forward. Almost what MK:DA should have felt like to play.

So my requirements are quite simple:

1) No more 2D "sprites" mixed with 3D models. See Kitana's Fans, Sub Zero's Kori Blade and Scorpion's Spear Rope. Fuck me this looked bad in MK:DA let alone MK Vs DCU.

2) Step forward in balancing and basic gameplay. In MK Vs DCU they understood: less (buttons) is more. It can go further again.

3) Unique throws.

4) Simple, quick fatalities. I mean I dont want realistic intestines and livers flopping out of my favourite characters. And this isn't Saw. Its Mortal Kombat.

5) Mostly old school character roster. This isn't "IF MOTHERFUCKING SHEEVA ISNT IN MK9 I WILL GO TO ED BOON AND PROCEED TO SHIT ON HIS LAWN IN DISAPPROVAL" demand. This is a "lets be realistic guys, most of the new MK characters haven't exactly been welcomed with open arms" thing.
1) and 2) are clinchers to me.
05/03/2010 08:58 PM (UTC)
Well, I never bothered to play MKA, because It used the same fighting engine of MKDA-MKD, which i just didnt like. I'm more concerned with the gameplay, which is why I love MK vs DC.
05/03/2010 10:16 PM (UTC)
im not getting the game unless the gameplay is acceptable whether it's 2d or 3d.1.graphics must be up to standards 2.(reboot)story must make sense and be interesting, but concise 3. improved iconic characters and new great fighters 4. violent and bloody hits.5.one redone classic and 2 new fatalities.
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05/03/2010 10:18 PM (UTC)
When MKvsDC was first announced, I was livid. I remember being so angry because now I had to wait for at least two or three years for the next proper installment of my favorite franchise.

I thought that the graphics looked terrible, the close quarters kombat was awful, the free fall combat was stupid, the rage meter would destrategize the gameplay, the running through buildings button mashing thing looked awkward at best and the complete lack of anything approaching variety in the single player mode beyond the story meant that it could very well be my last MK game.

Or so I thought before I actually played the game.

Well, I'll say this... I still hate close quarters kombat, I still think that free fall kombat is a waste of space and the running through buildings thing still looks silly and like these other parts, needlessly interupts the flow of the fighting and sure, the rage thing is a negative as well.

Having said all of that, the graphics actually turned out relatively well. Not Soul Calibur 4 well, but well enough. The non-extranious gameplay though, the large amount of special moves, the combo structure... The core of the fighting (in other words) was actually a very solid step in the right direction.

That alone has me intrigued for the next game, because it shows me that they're learning from their past mistakes, refining things etc. I'm not saying the next game will be perfect, but I enjoy the series as a whole to never say "I'm done" again.
05/04/2010 12:16 AM (UTC)
if it does not meet my requirements i will wait until its in the bargain bin to get it. i am still a fan of the franchise and i will follow it regardless. i broke down and got MKvsDC so why would i not get MK9. i have a big feeling people are going to be let down and walk away from the series but i see that as a good thing.
i am just hoping that create a character comes back...it would not kill me if it did not but Boon did state it will be something to ponder and has a place in the future if not in MK9. so i have hope a little for that...he could also be bluffing and it could be in MK9 too. never know. that Boon is a sneaky and surprising kinda guy.
05/04/2010 12:33 AM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:i have a big feeling people are going to be let down and walk away from the series but i see that as a good thing.

how is that a good thing?????
05/05/2010 01:23 PM (UTC)
So for those saying that if this game doesn't meet your requirements and are not going to buy the game, why? So it doesn't have a feature that you want in it very badly, you're just not going to buy the game at all? Not even touch the cover?

What if there's another Mortal Kombat game being made after this one? Are you going to consider buying that when the news start to come out? Yeah I might be jumping to conclusions here but I don't get why you would refuse to buy the game just because it lacks a feature.
05/07/2010 12:28 PM (UTC)
I always end up buying every Mortal Kombat game released, so I'm definitely going to buy this one. I will probably be disappointed again, but I'm still going to buy the next one in hopes of improvement.

My requirements in order, although they are really just a formality, since I've already stated I'll buy MK no matter what.

1. Gameplay: It's always been my dream to play an MK using Tekken's engine. However, a suitable replacement maybe on the level of at least Tekken 3, let alone 6 would suffice. Thus far, MK has not lived up.

2. Fatalities: I will not lie. The secondary reason I play this series is because of fatalities. MKvsDC let me down huge here, but I gave it a go anyway because the gameplay was a bit improved over MKA. However, MKvsDC ended up disappointing me in all aspects. Fatalities need to be brutal, visceral, and definitely violent over gory (although excess gore is never frowned upon by me, it just needs to be as violent to suit the goriness). Think GoW3: Helios scene, Heracles, Poseidon for some idea as to the type of violence I'm talking about.

3. Characters: I adore Kitana and Jade. Kitana's confirmed, pretty much, but Jade hasn't been. However, only 1 of them is really required for me. I've played Jade since Deception; she's pretty much exclusively who I played in MKD and MKA, although I'll play Kitana a bunch of times too.

4. Story: I don't mind the story, but it's not a major requirement to have an absolutely perfect story or anything. Something interesting would suffice for me, whether reboot or continuation.

5. 1P vs CPU: This is a necessary mode. There's no reason for this not to be included. The new MK can be the barest of bare in terms of other modes, such as survival or time attack or whatever else that's pretty much always confirmed in other fighting games save MK, but this mode is required for me. Hell, make them fight back in practice mode. MK doesn't even have that! It boggles the mind.

6. I don't really care whether it's 2D, 2.5D, or 3D if it has the previous requirements. But if they don't, I'd prefer 2.5D or 3D over straight up 2D. I never really got into 2D fighting games as much as 3D ones.
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05/07/2010 02:41 PM (UTC)
Ryukeshen Wrote:
Hell, make them fight back in practice mode. MK doesn't even have that!..

Actually MKvsDC does have that.. go to practice / options and set it to AI.
05/07/2010 03:03 PM (UTC)
MK-DA Wrote:
Ryukeshen Wrote:
Hell, make them fight back in practice mode. MK doesn't even have that!..

Actually MKvsDC does have that.. go to practice / options and set it to AI.

Does it? I forgot; I haven't played MKvsDC in so long. That's a step towards the right direction, at least. I still want the 1PvsCPU mode though.
05/07/2010 10:29 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I've asked this before, but realized that there are more new users now and I would like to re-ask this question...

There were many users upset with MK vs DC because of various reasons that I do not wish to list because there's that many and everyone knows why they disliked the game... There were users who literally left this site because they hated this game too much, or just left because they just didn't see eye to eye with the game. (Or another reason, not just these two)

I know that people love this game a lot and well... make a big deal about it I'm not going to go much into that because I'm not really interested in starting a commotion or whatever.

But I'm going to ask you all this because I want to know. If this next game doesn't meet the requirements you're expecting to receive in this game, are you going to ditch the series completely? There are people who said, not sure if they were joking or not, but said that they will no longer play any more Mortal Kombat games because something did not meet their requirements.

Requirements such as:

3d/2d: Will you dislike the game because the game is suddenly converted into a 2d game or, dislike it because it's still in 3d?

Characters: Will you dislike the game because a certain character did not make an appearance in the game? Or, will you dislike the game had a brand new freshly baked cast of characters in the roster rather than having some recurring characters in it?

Story: Will you dislike the game if they turned it into a reboot, continued it after Armageddon, or do something completely different?

Gameplay: Will you dislike the game if the gameplay was suddenly different?

Fatalities: Will you dislike the game if there's not enough fatalities featured or if there were brand new alities featured in the game?

Point is, if there's a certain requirement you're expecting to see in this game and it's not there, will you hate the game so much that you refuse to play another Mortal Kombat game, will not get this game at all, or just deal with it?

In response to Icebaby's original post, here are my thoughts.
There are some basic requirements I would like (and would have liked) MK to have. There are very few requirements that, if not met, would make me throw in the towel. Here is a breakdown.

2D/3D: This doesn't affect me as much, as long as the gameplay is fast and balanced.

Characters: I have to learn to pretty much live with what is offered. I like most of the MK characters, so chances are VERY slim there will be a roster I completely hate. However, I have come to realize my two favorite characters (Sindel and Tanya, both minor characters at best) will more than likely not be in, and I am ok with that.

Story: I am close to throwing in the towel with this aspect. I didn't even buy MKvsDC because I hated the idea so much. Granted, it is a very well-built game. I realized that after playing it, but I still couldn't get past the fact that Sub-Zero was sharing a roster with....Superman. I hated MKA's storyline, and thought it just messed up the work the MKD put in motion, of which I thought was very well done. And then there was the storyline debacle that was MKSM. Horrible inconsistencies and storytelling really turned me off to that game. So yes, if the trend of inconsistencies and poor storytelling continues, that may be enough for me to throw in the towel.

Gameplay: This is another item in the game that may cause me to throw in the towel. A lot of the glitches are just sloppy development, and the insane number of infinite combos need to disappear. Playtesting, EXTENSIVE playtesting by people who KNOW what to look for, needs to happen. I also believe we are at a point now where patches can be applied online. There is no reason why this cannot be done now to support their games. Those things alone may cause me to leave if they don't shapen up. Other than that, minor aesthetic things that REALLY annoy me (we are WAY past the point of characters sharing throws or winning poses), I can live with if I need to.

That's about it.

05/07/2010 10:33 PM (UTC)

Well this is MK, and I have come to know it will never be as awesome as I would like it. With that said, I am usually never one to be disappointed with the games I get and franchises I follow as you learn what to expect each year or two, so I am almost always happy with what I get. I reccommend others to just be positive and stop bitching. People online, especially forums, complain way too much.

I believe if you have followed it since the 2D games, and held on this long, any talk of just "giving up" or complaining that it isn't the best fighter out there is just BS trying to fool yourself. Either you love MK or you hate it. I love it for the characters and story etc. and the fighting with specials is my style, so if it doesn't have the most realistic fluid gameplay I don't really care. Fighting games get old a month or two after you buy them anyways, so when I buy them I know what I am paying for. If I wanted a game that lasted for months to years...I have Halo etc. for that.

I've played MK since I was 3 and have found each game to be exciting and fun in it's own right. You never saw me on here bitching and moaning because it didn't have this character, or because it didn't have this gameplay mechanic etc. MK is what it is. They hype it up each year, and people take the bait including myself. The difference is, is that I am a realist and realize that it's only going to be so good so to speak, so I don't fool myself into treating it like it's gonna be god's gift to mankind or something.

I've come here since before the days of MK:DA, and every year it's the same. People get excited, some people complain before they even play it, the game is released, and they bitch some more. People love to be negative and complain. I try to look at the positives in things and it makes my life so much better and happier, some of you should try it sometime.

Afterall...video games are meant to be FUN, not some sort of masterpiece that blow you away. As long as MK games are FUN, I am a happy man.
05/08/2010 12:47 AM (UTC)
What if this next game does not meet your requirements?

Then it's a true MK game after all.
05/09/2010 08:01 AM (UTC)
1.Gameplay.MK vs DC was a step in the right direction.Just dump the gimmicks,i.e. rage,klose kombat,etc.and polish up that engine.Test those damn inf combos!!

2.I too am huge on alities.Many folks didn't like the babalities/friendships.I very much did.In MK2 it was unexpected in such a dark atmosphere and gave it that wow/wtf factor.

3.The lineups never bothered me.I would actually like to see fresh faces than keep rehashing.Even if that means my faves aren't there.Some returns but we don't really need everyone returning over and over.

4.2.5/3D.Either one,i'd like 2d style of gameplay.

5.Lastly.Bring back that dark atmosphere of MK 2!!!!The stages,the music.Everything about that game set the tone perfectly IMO

I want an MK to keep me playing for years like MK2 and UMK have me doing.I,to this day am not tired of playing those.
05/09/2010 09:24 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
LycaniLLusion Wrote:i have a big feeling people are going to be let down and walk away from the series but i see that as a good thing.

how is that a good thing?????

you needed to ask me that question lol? think about it. the ones that are not happy with it would just be weeded out from the people that are. which means a better experience for the ones that enjoy it. it may seem unfair to some people but things change and nothing lasts forever right? i am sure there will be people complaining about things instead of trying to find solutions or give it a chance to grow on you. its a process of elimination that may be needed because i see a lot of gamers stuck in the past...even my friends drive me nuts with oldies. yeah they were great... yeah sure they are still fun but its nice to have new experiences and visuals. the same answer could also be given in the opposite sense...if it was a bad thing for the franchise not meeting requirements for most of the fans...it just means that it opens the door for the other side of the discussion. all in all,it would be nice for a perfect medium to be found to please everyone but that is not always possible. sorry for the ranting and i hope this answers what you asked me...a bit late but i do not check this thread a lot.
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05/10/2010 03:03 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
LycaniLLusion Wrote:i have a big feeling people are going to be let down and walk away from the series but i see that as a good thing.

how is that a good thing?????

you needed to ask me that question lol? think about it. the ones that are not happy with it would just be weeded out from the people that are. which means a better experience for the ones that enjoy it. it may seem unfair to some people but things change and nothing lasts forever right? i am sure there will be people complaining about things instead of trying to find solutions or give it a chance to grow on you. its a process of elimination that may be needed because i see a lot of gamers stuck in the past...even my friends drive me nuts with oldies. yeah they were great... yeah sure they are still fun but its nice to have new experiences and visuals. the same answer could also be given in the opposite sense...if it was a bad thing for the franchise not meeting requirements for most of the fans...it just means that it opens the door for the other side of the discussion. all in all,it would be nice for a perfect medium to be found to please everyone but that is not always possible. sorry for the ranting and i hope this answers what you asked me...a bit late but i do not check this thread a lot.

Fridge logic. Not even natural selection works that way.

Lower sales would compound fracture Mk and the series will be set aide since it does not sell well. Sure, some people will enjoy it, and it will be the last MK before it seriously bankrupts the studio.
05/10/2010 03:07 PM (UTC)
I totally agree with you. Well said!!

[Shaokahn] Wrote:
1.Gameplay.MK vs DC was a step in the right direction.Just dump the gimmicks,i.e. rage,klose kombat,etc.and polish up that engine.Test those damn inf combos!!

2.I too am huge on alities.Many folks didn't like the babalities/friendships.I very much did.In MK2 it was unexpected in such a dark atmosphere and gave it that wow/wtf factor.

3.The lineups never bothered me.I would actually like to see fresh faces than keep rehashing.Even if that means my faves aren't there.Some returns but we don't really need everyone returning over and over.

4.2.5/3D.Either one,i'd like 2d style of gameplay.

5.Lastly.Bring back that dark atmosphere of MK 2!!!!The stages,the music.Everything about that game set the tone perfectly IMO

I want an MK to keep me playing for years like MK2 and UMK have me doing.I,to this day am not tired of playing those.
05/10/2010 04:19 PM (UTC)
_JRF_ Wrote:
I totally agree with you. Well said!!

[Shaokahn] Wrote:
1.Gameplay.MK vs DC was a step in the right direction.Just dump the gimmicks,i.e. rage,klose kombat,etc.and polish up that engine.Test those damn inf combos!!

2.I too am huge on alities.Many folks didn't like the babalities/friendships.I very much did.In MK2 it was unexpected in such a dark atmosphere and gave it that wow/wtf factor.

3.The lineups never bothered me.I would actually like to see fresh faces than keep rehashing.Even if that means my faves aren't there.Some returns but we don't really need everyone returning over and over.

4.2.5/3D.Either one,i'd like 2d style of gameplay.

5.Lastly.Bring back that dark atmosphere of MK 2!!!!The stages,the music.Everything about that game set the tone perfectly IMO

I want an MK to keep me playing for years like MK2 and UMK have me doing.I,to this day am not tired of playing those.

nuff said!!!
05/10/2010 10:12 PM (UTC)
Im hoping for a 2D fighter. I know ill be disapointed
05/11/2010 12:23 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
LycaniLLusion Wrote:i have a big feeling people are going to be let down and walk away from the series but i see that as a good thing.

how is that a good thing?????

you needed to ask me that question lol? think about it. the ones that are not happy with it would just be weeded out from the people that are. which means a better experience for the ones that enjoy it. it may seem unfair to some people but things change and nothing lasts forever right? i am sure there will be people complaining about things instead of trying to find solutions or give it a chance to grow on you. its a process of elimination that may be needed because i see a lot of gamers stuck in the past...even my friends drive me nuts with oldies. yeah they were great... yeah sure they are still fun but its nice to have new experiences and visuals. the same answer could also be given in the opposite sense...if it was a bad thing for the franchise not meeting requirements for most of the fans...it just means that it opens the door for the other side of the discussion. all in all,it would be nice for a perfect medium to be found to please everyone but that is not always possible. sorry for the ranting and i hope this answers what you asked me...a bit late but i do not check this thread a lot.

Fridge logic. Not even natural selection works that way.

Lower sales would compound fracture Mk and the series will be set aide since it does not sell well. Sure, some people will enjoy it, and it will be the last MK before it seriously bankrupts the studio.

i am not familiar with the term "fridge logic" but what i said was just a hypothesis of opinion or thought of a possible scenario. dunno if it is the same as i just stated but i look at the singular term of logic as close to being fact...clearly my statement is not fact nor is yours. i have seen tons of games get bad reviews and than still come back with sequels so i don't think it will destroy the studio at all. besides we are talking about the WB...a large,well respected company...i highly doubt it will go bankrupt. it may close or start developing a new franchise with it though if it failed horribly. Just think, if it does fail and they do kill the franchise...it will be the fans that are the reason.
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MK vs DC = Shitiest MK Game Ever! Special Forces is a 10/10 in comparison! Jesus Christ you this site is lame as hell with all the injustice pimping.....

05/13/2010 03:28 AM (UTC)
If it has any more DC or non MK characters in it I will be done. I am STILL not over that they made the first next gen MK game with lame ass DC characters in it. Its the first and only MK game I have actually hated with a passion. (I even found special forces tp be ok, barely)
05/13/2010 07:42 AM (UTC)
scorpion11 Wrote:
If it has any more DC or non MK characters in it I will be done. I am STILL not over that they made the first next gen MK game with lame ass DC characters in it. Its the first and only MK game I have actually hated with a passion. (I even found special forces to be ok, barely)

I highly doubt guest characters will be in the game on purpose. The only way it would happen is if create a character mode returns and people make them or maybe DLC. Otherwise the only way that may happen is if they make a sequel or a crossover with another franchise...which I unfortunately think is actually possible. With the big rage going on over the new MvC3 it is possible that maybe MK would step up to the plate and try to rival the crossover series. Man even just saying what I just said.. I already want to slap myself for saying so but it is possible. Edit: It is kinda funny that when I was younger I use to imagine all the types of crossover games that could be awesome...back than I probably would have been giddy like a school girl over MK vs DC. Now the thought is only mediocre. It is not even that I hate the game...it lacks what a dream match scenario is made of. There should have been more characters,the rating should have stayed at M,there should have been alternate outfits and having a non canon story is pointless so why even bother to have a story...they should have just used a bunch of trash talking between matches and a general tournament style/best of the best approach to arcade mode and leave story mode out. The thought of any crossover should not even have a story really. The pure idea of having a crossover is to see dream fights between characters that would make an epic and intense fighting experience and to get an idea of who would win in a fight if it were possible. Kinda like when people question a UFC fighter to a WWE wrestler. there is no story really to any of that...its just all about who is better than who and the competition. In my honest opinion fighting games in general should be like that period but a lot of people need something to keep bringing them back to the franchise to keep interest besides the competition. In which I understand because I get my @ss handed to me online a lot and it gets frustrating to play so I play arcade and story offline...or whatever other modes are there. I know there are other factors also...like some fans get bored of the same stuff after awhile so they indulge in the game through the story and that is fine but if the story is not on a set path with what if endings it leaves the players wanting to know what really happens. than people start picking favorites and following only certain characters and a mess of arguments and all that goes on. anyways,the real question is not "What if this next game does not meet your requirements?" it should be: What if they don't fix issues in the past games for future ones? you might think to say it is basically the same question but it really is not but they both have the same answers. Each fan has their own requirements and some are the same but others are way different and the question is basically fixing to pull a lot of negativity out of many posters. there is logically only a few answers one can give to this question...you either buy it anyway,don't buy it or you get it used or out of the bargain bin just to play on a rainy day. you should make a poll rather than just ask such a question. anyways wow! i ranted up a storm and i need to stop typing now heh.tongue
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05/13/2010 02:59 PM (UTC)
I'm too big an MK fan not to play the game. WB should help turn this around though. They have the money to get a good game going.

I believe it will be after Armageddon but it will still be considered a reboot.
A lot of Characters will finally die.
I like 3d but it hasn't been done to near perfection yet and I don't think Boon can do it.
If it's gory and more realistic I should be happy enough. I like what the team has said about the game so far.
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