What if MKX flops? (sales wise)
posted08/14/2014 01:35 AM (UTC)by
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06/13/2014 09:07 AM (UTC)
Will the series continue down it's current path if MKX proves to be a financial flop for both WB and NRS?

If it fails in delivering a "new generation" of MK to hardcore fans that bought the last game, then I think we may see another reboot sooner than expected. They tried this very thing with SC5 and THAT GAME almost killed it's developer. Keep in mind, Soul Calibur almost rivals MK in fan base size, especially in Japan. They didn't buy SC5.

And I can see the gameplay being an issue too- Variations, Stamina Meters...this thing's clearly being made for EVO pros. The technical crap is what's kept Street Fighter 4, Virtua Fighter etc. out of the hands of casual player and in the dark recesses of the arcade.

Sorry, but I think Boon is getting carried away.
08/12/2014 09:17 PM (UTC)
I hate "what if" scenarios, because all it does it making people worry about something they can't possibly foresee...

If MKX flops, then it flops.
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08/12/2014 09:17 PM (UTC)
Sorry, but I think you're jumping to conclusions.

08/12/2014 09:21 PM (UTC)
People said the same thing about Injustice and MK9. I have nothing but absolute confidence this game is going to sale without issue. I've been told by fans who've been playing MK since the first one released on arcade, that they are beyond excited for MKX.
08/12/2014 09:26 PM (UTC)
It won't. Most people seem to be psyched or, at least, interested.

Goddamn; it's barely been around two months.
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08/12/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
It won't. Most people seem to be psyched or, at least, interested.

Goddamn; it's barely been around two months.

Yup, this. I've been sharing ALL of the news on this game on my social media pages and all of video gamer friends who are not necessarily hardcore MK fans have been reacting VERY positively to the game.
08/12/2014 09:32 PM (UTC)
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/12/2014 09:34 PM (UTC)
Not to mention it's freaking Mortal Kombat! It will always sale. Even turds like Armageddon sold well.

The only MK game that have truly flopped from what I know is Special Forces.

Other than that- MK brings home the bacon every time.
08/12/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)
I imagine if MKX flops, WB would let them finish support for the game then on to the next project. As for the series itself, it would probably be a while before we seen another MK. WB would probably wait for the install base to get bigger on next gen consoles before giving the green light to another MK game.

But if it did flop, it certainly wouldn't be the end. MK is a pop culture icon and has serious staying power. Its been around this long hasn't it?
08/12/2014 09:42 PM (UTC)
It won't.
08/12/2014 10:21 PM (UTC)
MK9 was the biggest selling title in the history of the series and it looks like Ed Boon and his team are doing everything possible to blow that title out of the water and quite possibly surpass those sales with MKX. WB is more than pleased as well and have said that the sales of MK9 covered the entire purchase of Midway studios. Simply put, WB has NRS's back when it comes to resources to make MKX (actually all NRS titles) the best game it can possibly be. The advanced fighting engine, state of the art mo-kap (pun intended) for story mode, professional voice actors, professional script writers, and the pro EVO players being hired to help balance the game, all assure us that the final product will be of top quality. WB is going to advertise the hell out of it too. Being available on PS3, PS4, XBOX360, XBOX1, and Windows definitely doesn't hurt either, so that's another huge advantage in their favor.

I think the more proper question would be "how is this game NOT going to be a huge hit?"
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08/12/2014 10:21 PM (UTC)
Well, to entertain the thought experiment (which was the point of this thread; not sure why everyone is getting so defensive), MKX flopping means we'll probably get MK9 Pt. 2 as the next installment. We're going see exactly what happened with the transition from Third Strike to SF4.

WB already banked on NRS, so even if MKX fails, I think we're going to see the design direction go in reverse. There's too much history and media around MK for WB to shut the doors after one bad game. From what I understand, these guys still have a movie to make and promote as well, so that's a thing.

The difference between MKX and SCV is that MK rides a completely different gimmick. Gore and nostalgia probably accounted for most of MK9 sales, and the former is coming back in a big way. I don't think the game will flop, but it's up in the air whether it's going to hit MK9's numbers. It really could go either way.
EDIT: Also, SCV was rushed to market. The story mode wasn't done, and there were probably a few character cuts. It was also a very different kind of change than what MKX is doing. Namco just said, "new generation of warriors. Lates Seung Mina. Thx. Bai," while MKX is actually a logical follow up to MK9's story.
EDIT 2: and Soul Calibur's fanbase has never really been that substantial compared to other franchise. It's not even in the top 3 for fighting games.
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08/12/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
It won't.

And it begins...
Your sig. < / 3
I'm still in absolute awe.

As for MKX, a flop is near-impossible. With previous releases, NRS has managed to draw in many other people, besides the MK fans. Closer to release, the exposure/hype level will be through the roof.
08/12/2014 11:06 PM (UTC)
I doubt it's going to be a commercial flop. MK 2011 got a pretty good following. It did cater to the tournament crowds, but the casual players were all over it.

The new fighters are hit-and-miss for me, but I'm still probably gonna buy it when it comes out. And I'm a big fan of the characters and they're the main reason I like the series. People who don't care as much about the characters will probably see Scorpion and Sub-Zero and be just fine with it.

Variations are great for the tournament players, but it's not too complicated for casual players. It's not like it's asking us to customize every one of our moves. Casuals will probably just pick the variations that are easiest to use.
08/12/2014 11:11 PM (UTC)
Hard core fans won't be what makes or breaks this game from a sales stand point. MK brought in a large new generation of gamers into the mix; it wasn't the best selling mk game for any other reason.. Those numbers won't be going away especially with the improvements we are seeing with mkx. My prediction is mkx will outsell mk9.

If crusty old mk fans are scared of change then they can rot for all I care. Let's say mkx DOES flop. We won't be getting a reboot soon and we won't be getting an MK soon. We would have to wait a lot longer than 4 years..
08/12/2014 11:19 PM (UTC)
johnny1up Wrote:
Variations are great for the tournament players, but it's not too complicated for casual players. It's not like it's asking us to customize every one of our moves. Casuals will probably just pick the variations that are easiest to use.


More options and greater customization is rarely a bad thing (it can be overdone, and thus be overwhelming, but this isn't the norm).

Variations are merely additional options, and I'm glad to see them in. Casuals will not be turned off by them.

If anything, casuals will like the added gameplay value that variations bring to the table, even if they don't grasp the strategic value of them.

In short, MKX is poised to win, and win BIG. grin
08/12/2014 11:43 PM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
Will the series continue down it's current path if MKX proves to be a financial flop for both WB and NRS?

If it fails in delivering a "new generation" of MK to hardcore fans that bought the last game, then I think we may see another reboot sooner than expected. They tried this very thing with SC5 and THAT GAME almost killed it's developer. Keep in mind, Soul Calibur almost rivals MK in fan base size, especially in Japan. They didn't buy SC5.

And I can see the gameplay being an issue too- Variations, Stamina Meters...this thing's clearly being made for EVO pros. The technical crap is what's kept Street Fighter 4, Virtua Fighter etc. out of the hands of casual player and in the dark recesses of the arcade.

Sorry, but I think Boon is getting carried away.

1. Stop pretending that SC5's sales were because of its roster. The game had a ridiculous sales projection.

2. Street Fighter 4 sold over 3 million copies.

3. Stop pretending casual gamers are brain damaged.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

08/13/2014 12:00 AM (UTC)
I really can not envisage MKX flopping unless Warner Bros has stupidly high expectations like Square Enix did. The first trailer has something over 11 million views and when the trailer was released it was trending on Twitter. The overall impression I get is extremely positive with comments such as from the Kano trailer:

"This game is a Day 1 for me, last MK game I played was Mortal Kombat 3 on Sega 16 lol"

Anyway IF the game did flop then I expect a more conservative route taken with the next game and a more similar game mechanically to Mortal Kombat 9 after the haitus from the franchise with Injustice. MKX seems to be a really ambitious title with what has been shown so far but in a good way. It seems to be building on the success of Mortal Kombat 9.

So far there is nothing shown so far that makes me concerned with MKX flopping. The information about the game has been fantastic and the response on web-sites has been very enthusiastic. I think we as Mortal Kombat forum members are the most critical and we as a whole have been incredibly impressed with the game so far proven with people waxing lyrical about Kano even though at first they were never interested in him.
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08/13/2014 12:10 AM (UTC)
If it flops, then it flops. Oh well. Nothing you can do about it.
08/13/2014 02:07 AM (UTC)
MK can't flop. Last time I checked games are disk- based, not fish-based.
08/13/2014 02:25 AM (UTC)
MacyG88 Wrote:
MK can't flop. Last time I checked games are disk- based, not fish-based.

Gurl, you never heard about floppy disks?!

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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

08/13/2014 02:35 AM (UTC)
In the USA flopping is when a football player just falls over for no reason, basically diving.

08/13/2014 02:36 AM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
In the USA flopping is when a football player just falls over for no reason, basically diving.

You mean a soccer player. ;3
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

08/13/2014 02:49 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
In the USA flopping is when a football player just falls over for no reason, basically diving.

You mean a soccer player. ;3

Yes, it is called soccer in the USA but the correct name for the sport is football.
08/13/2014 02:59 AM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
In the USA flopping is when a football player just falls over for no reason, basically diving.

You mean a soccer player. ;3

Yes, it is called soccer in the USA but the correct name for the sport is football.

The correct name for the sport is soccer. Football is a totally different sport...here. wink
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