What if MK: Armageddon = MKT2?
posted12/12/2005 10:14 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/14/2004 08:01 PM (UTC)
Mortal kombat arameggedon maybe is a mortal kombat trilogy 2? mk 4, deadly alliance, and deception together?
Please make sure your thread title is clear and understandable. I also editied your post so that people can actually respond to it properly.
12/10/2005 06:29 PM (UTC)
I think this is the 28th time i've seen this thread?
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12/10/2005 06:52 PM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
I think this is the 28th time i've seen this thread?
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
I think this is the 28th time i've seen this threIad?

I think thatas the 28th time I will say that it would suck.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

12/10/2005 07:07 PM (UTC)
I don't think it would suck, not if Ed confirms that it is not MK7,Just a MKT2.
12/10/2005 07:24 PM (UTC)
I'm not asking for much from part 7, I just want MKDA+Deception=Armageddon with everones moves in tacted.
Also Noob Saibot and Smoke as separated characters!
12/10/2005 07:42 PM (UTC)
No! Move the story forwards; a trilogy compilation is a perfect way to stagnate.

I'm replying to a hell of a lot of posts tonight!
12/10/2005 08:36 PM (UTC)
I can safely say I wont get it if its another trilogy, I will just rent it. That might save me some money...glasses

Oh and by the way I love Mortal Kombat more than anyone...glasses
About Me
"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
12/10/2005 09:00 PM (UTC)
If its going to MKT2 there no chance of a speed up in game play or a change in the engine that a lot of people are praying for. Like MT3 it is the same as MK3 except for the Characters and other modes. The engine is the same.

If this is MKT2 it is probably going to be based on the MKD shitty engine. And yes this will suck, we need new game new engine improved gameplay. We need to move back towards the MK4 engine, maybe not as fast but somewhere near there.
12/10/2005 09:57 PM (UTC)
Randy Wrote:
If its going to MKT2 there no chance of a speed up in game play or a change in the engine that a lot of people are praying for. Like MT3 it is the same as MK3 except for the Characters and other modes. The engine is the same.

If this is MKT2 it is probably going to be based on the MKD shitty engine. And yes this will suck, we need new game new engine improved gameplay. We need to move back towards the MK4 engine, maybe not as fast but somewhere near there.

Well, I doubt the fact that you say that they cant improve on the engine at all. It can be enhanced greatly, which means ofcourse it can be improved upon; Well what I'm trying to say is it will be beter than MKD's engine, but not a major change (say from MKDA).

I think we will be pleasently surprised as they work out their techniqual difficultiesglasses
12/10/2005 11:36 PM (UTC)
I like the pace in DA better though. The combo breaker are a pain in butt, i could do without it!
12/11/2005 12:06 AM (UTC)
Vasculio Wrote:
I like the pace in DA better though. The combo breaker are a pain in butt, i could do without it!

yeah its funny you mention that..I was gonna start a thread about it but oh well i'll skip that.

Combo-Breakers should definetly not be in the next game. It really was a bad idea and a pain in the you know whatglasses
12/11/2005 03:11 PM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Vasculio Wrote:
I like the pace in DA better though. The combo breaker are a pain in butt, i could do without it!

yeah its funny you mention that..I was gonna start a thread about it but oh well i'll skip that.

Combo-Breakers should definetly not be in the next game. It really was a bad idea and a pain in the you know whatglasses

right so you would want to have 100% damage taken off in 1 combo and not being able to do anything? kthnxbai
12/11/2005 05:59 PM (UTC)
I never got 100% combo'ed, so i don't know if that means instant death!? I say cut the highiest combo percentige rate down to 50% only knocking off half the life.
12/11/2005 07:52 PM (UTC)
I never got 100% combo'd either. Plus, it adds to the glitchiness if there is combo-breakers. The fighting should be clean.
12/11/2005 08:23 PM (UTC)
MKTrilogy 2 eh? I'd be all for it under a number of conditions.

All MK4 characters that have not returned in MKD or MKDA would have to made in the quality those characters were made. Not stuffing MK4 models with MKDA models.

The story CANNOT be cannon. MKT2 would soley be for the game, not the story. They've done far too much damge to it already, the next cannon installment can repair it. MKT2 should not even attempt to.

ALL CHARACTERS from MK4, MKDA and MKD must be in it. All must have the 3 fighting styles except for Noob-Smoke.

It must include ALL STAGES from MK4-MKDA-MKD.

They MUST spend longer than a year making it. I don't want a half-rushed MK game.

It doesn't have to include puzzle kombat, nor chess nor konquest. They were gimmicky little add ons that I didn't spend much time playing anyway.

They must improve the fighting engine. However much the game was flawed in MKDA, it felt alot more solid than in MKD.

Deathraps should be included in the remakes of old MKDA and MK4 stages.

2 Fatalities per character
1 Hara Kiri (I don't know why people didn't like these, I did)

I probably have more conditions I can't think of right now. I'll be back
12/11/2005 09:06 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
MKTrilogy 2 eh? I'd be all for it under a number of conditions.

All MK4 characters that have not returned in MKD or MKDA would have to made in the quality those characters were made. Not stuffing MK4 models with MKDA models.

The story CANNOT be cannon. MKT2 would soley be for the game, not the story. They've done far too much damge to it already, the next cannon installment can repair it. MKT2 should not even attempt to.

ALL CHARACTERS from MK4, MKDA and MKD must be in it. All must have the 3 fighting styles except for Noob-Smoke.

It must include ALL STAGES from MK4-MKDA-MKD.

They MUST spend longer than a year making it. I don't want a half-rushed MK game.

It doesn't have to include puzzle kombat, nor chess nor konquest. They were gimmicky little add ons that I didn't spend much time playing anyway.

They must improve the fighting engine. However much the game was flawed in MKDA, it felt alot more solid than in MKD.

Deathraps should be included in the remakes of old MKDA and MK4 stages.

2 Fatalities per character
1 Hara Kiri (I don't know why people didn't like these, I did)

I probably have more conditions I can't think of right now. I'll be back

I have to agree with everything except maybe Im neutral on the Hari-karis.

Listen to this guy. He knows what hes talking about. I wouldn't be surprised of the MK team followed youre lead.

Besides, if the story is non-cannon, then they will have more time to write a better story in the future (in 2008) So a trilogy with a great fighting engine and cool characters is what were asking for..
12/11/2005 10:36 PM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Keith Wrote:
MKTrilogy 2 eh? I'd be all for it under a number of conditions.

All MK4 characters that have not returned in MKD or MKDA would have to made in the quality those characters were made. Not stuffing MK4 models with MKDA models.

The story CANNOT be cannon. MKT2 would soley be for the game, not the story. They've done far too much damge to it already, the next cannon installment can repair it. MKT2 should not even attempt to.

ALL CHARACTERS from MK4, MKDA and MKD must be in it. All must have the 3 fighting styles except for Noob-Smoke.

It must include ALL STAGES from MK4-MKDA-MKD.

They MUST spend longer than a year making it. I don't want a half-rushed MK game.

It doesn't have to include puzzle kombat, nor chess nor konquest. They were gimmicky little add ons that I didn't spend much time playing anyway.

They must improve the fighting engine. However much the game was flawed in MKDA, it felt alot more solid than in MKD.

Deathraps should be included in the remakes of old MKDA and MK4 stages.

2 Fatalities per character
1 Hara Kiri (I don't know why people didn't like these, I did)

I probably have more conditions I can't think of right now. I'll be back

I have to agree with everything except maybe Im neutral on the Hari-karis.

Listen to this guy. He knows what hes talking about. I wouldn't be surprised of the MK team followed youre lead.

Besides, if the story is non-cannon, then they will have more time to write a better story in the future (in 2008) So a trilogy with a great fighting engine and cool characters is what were asking for..

Cheers man! wink

Anyway...these are not really conditions but more of wants...

I am completely uncertain as to what console MKT2 should be released on. (I'm not starting a console war just expressing my opinion) Thanks to Microsoft we have been dragged kicking and screaming into the next generation of gaming which we clearly are not ready for. The 3 current consoles (PS2, GC and XB) have plenty of life left in them and since the 360 was announced, Sony and Nintendo have been pressured into creating next gen consoles. I can't decide between current or next gen without a release date or even confirmation but right now I would be going for current gen.

Soundtrack- This may seem trivial to some but I adore the MK soundtrack and was extremely thankful they did not create new tunes for the remakes of classic stages in MKD. If MKDA and MK4 stages return they must have their original music.

Announcer, again I know this might not bother some but I'm not perticularly fond of this announcer. The voice seems to...fake. I loved the dark, menacing voice of MK2/3. Ever since MK4 this voice seems to forced and seems to be trying to hard.

Kontent- When I got MKD, I felt like I had paid more for Konquest than the arcade fighting. I don't want it to be like that. I love Konquest but I don't want an add-on to be the main attraction of the game.

About Me

12/12/2005 10:14 AM (UTC)
I think that if they did it and made it a canon story, it could work out as long as a few things were done:

Not all of the fighters have to be alive. For example, they could add Sheeva, but her bio would be something like:

"This Shokan warrior betrayed Motaro and killed him. She freed Kano and traveled with him to see Shao Kahn. The two plotted to assassinate Shao Kahn, but when they got to him Kano betrayed her. Shao Kahn impaled her with his sword and killed her"

See? Include her in the game, but make her storyline canon. Close all the loose threads and don't destroy the storyline any further, but still include everyone, even the dead characters.
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