What ideas do you have for characters stories?
posted11/07/2005 11:17 PM (UTC)by
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The Steel Fan Master

Member Since
10/24/2005 09:20 PM (UTC)
Okay... So... There has been some misunderstanding regarding backgrounds and true stories on my part, but the main point remains... MKVII has to have a coherent set of stories in order to relate to earlier installments of this game...
In my case I want to defend poor Reptile and his never ending quest towards findings his true past and the story of his race... Although Reptile is not my favorite male character (which is Noob - Smoke); he is the only one in the game who has been participating since day one and hasn't been able to accomplish his goal... In order to put and end to his karma I'm thinking Midway should include, as a playable character, Khameleon... She not only represents a member of Reptile's race, therefore allowing him to have a truthful ally, but also would be fun to see her improved in looks, fighting styles and special techniques... She can play a very important part in this quest to unveil Reptile's unknown past, because of her ability to go places without be seen...
With the next story it would be nice to see him or her getting hold of a special amulet, weapon or secret which would open their past and clarify their situation... It's sad to see Reptile, over and over again, working as servant to the avarice of someone else... This time around he should be allowed to have his own business to take care of, and should, nonetheless, enjoy the company of a true ally... Such as Khameleon...
I picked her because of the fact she is totally changeable... Midway can assign her creative and new ways to fight against her enemies, and certainly add another beauty to the repertoire of MK Women... LOL...
Maybe just as Reptile she should be allowed to rebel against the idea of disguising as a human person... She may have the general appearance of a woman (just to maintain a relationship with others like Kitana, Mileena and Jade), but on certain areas of her body she could reflect her true-self with nothing to worry about... After all, she might find out the ultimate TRUTH about her unknown culture, and to show how much she's determined to sacrifice she should come back with a revealing new look... What are your thoughts on other characters????
sad vittorpia sad
11/02/2005 07:40 PM (UTC)
this is a character i made up. still; story to it though

Name: Rey Daix
Look: cyborg look, he is half man half machine in his story you will see why.
he is not like sektor or cyrax, he still have human feeling, his robot half is for what he need to repair himself.

story: Rey Daix lives in the bleak future, some 2 million years after MK:D. it seems that shoa kahn has finnally killed all who stand in his way. now all the realms are merged and under the torture of shao kahns regin. all the earthrealm warrior have died in the attempt of stopping shoa kahn, so have the families of the earthrealm warroir to ensure no great warroirs come about. Rey Daix was horriblly disfigured when shoa kahn led a raid on his sercret underground resistance group.though kahn thought that all where killed, a nomad warrior with the knowlegde of cybernetics help repiar his broken limbs. it turns out that this warrior's famliy dates back to the Lin kuai(subby's clan), so his father taught his son how to use robot parts on human, rembemer the automation process. with Rey Daix rebulit, he looks for a way to defeat kahn. but he realizes that kahn is too powerful in this time to be stopped by anyone. until Rey Daix hears word of an tweaked amulet that create portals through time. he sets out to find on a long quest. turns out the amulet was buried in quan chi's old abandon fortess, hidden deep through a series of trails and traps to get it . once Rey Daix get the amulet he travel back in time some 2 million years back to fight kahn in a weaker state along side the earthrealm heros in hopes to save the future of the realms

more moves and fatalites later or story questions
About Me

The Steel Fan Master

11/02/2005 08:39 PM (UTC)
You are idea sounds great... The fact you are having a circular plot makes it interesting to play... I would consider Rey Daix (Hope I wrote it right) as a character to play with, cuz he would have a fascinating end of the story... You know to see how much it changes after he kills Shao Khan... Would his allegiance be neutral then???
I can't wait to read your fatalities ideas for him... Very cool!
sad vittorpia sad
11/02/2005 11:07 PM (UTC)
I got a couple....... Starting with da best

name- Queen Sindel
age- 20,000
Sex- Female
Realm- Outworld?!?!
Alignment- Evil
Allies- Shao Kahn, Khameleon
Enemies- Kitana, Jade

Story- I was enjoying my day as queen of Edenia as usual since the conflict with Onaga is over. How ever all was going well until i was confronted with my a girl who look just like my daughter attacked me and said "Long live Queen Kitana". and then I was on the floor, until saw a mysterious shadow that looked familiar. That was when I received visions of Kitana impaling me in the back with her fans, and then I wake up to see Shao Kahn over me.

Alternate story- I realized that Kitana had killed me and took over my throne for that reason. Shao kahn who I figured out was the familiar shadow over me was the only one there for me. Because my realm turned its back on me, I turned on them, I was crowned new queen of Outworld. Our greatest ally is Kahn's new assassin Khameleon, I don't know why she decided to work for him after he killed her race, but what I know is that we have the best three assassin's all in one. with her help we will win the new tornament between Outworld, Earthrealm and Edenia.

name- Princess Kitana
age- 10,000
Sex- Female
Realm- Edenia
Alignment- Good
Allies- Jade
Enemies- Shao Kahn, Khameleon, Queen Sindel, Mileena

Story- As my fellow Edenians and I were celebrating the the defeat of onaga. We discovered that my mother was captured. We sent our bravest warriors to search for her. they returned with the information that my own mother had went to the side of outworld! When Jade and i went to investigate, we were captured the second we stood on Edenian soil, by none other than my evil clone, mileena and soldiers of my army.

Alternate- Trying to convince the men who captured me, that I was the real kitana was no use, my only hope was to remove my mask, and reveal my face to them, but I my hands and legs were bound together. I was thrown in a cell for days because I don't know why, Mileena had never done anything so bad that she would be thrown in jail, just killed by me. At last after days of being trapped, I was released by none other than the Edenian who joined the side of Outworld so many years ago. Rain. Rain pevealed to us that kahn is using Sindel to help him win the tournament. but he had to capture all of the Edenai's best warriors to do so. however, with the three of our powers combined, one of us have the power to reach sindel, and save her from kahns tyranny.

name- Shao Kahn
age- unknown
Sex- male
Realm- Outworld
Alignment- Evil
Allies- Sindel, Khameleon, Goro, Mileena
Enemies- Kitana, jade, Rain

Story- Goro and I had defeated the Dragon King and came up with a plan to rule Outworld and other various realms. Outworld had lost most of it's greatest warriors, So we decided to use the realm that would bring us to victory in defeating Earthrealm to claim the wolrd, Edenia. First, I had to get rid of all their best warriors. I sent mileena into Outworld to make Sindel believe she was being killed my her own daughtwer, until I come and rescue her. Kitana, who's word would definetly overthrow mine, would be captured, along with the leader of the Edenian freedom fighter, jade. Rain, who had refused to work with us, we also thrown in a prison cell. But our greatest key in victory was Mileena.

Alternate Story- Mileena sat at the throne of queen Sindel, posing as Kitana, convincing the realm to ombine with Outworld. It was a success! I was only in need of a servant assassin. I had convinced none other than Khameleon to join our side, making her think that Kitana had killed her race, in order to gain more power. With the combined might of Sindel, Goro, Khameleon, and me, This victory is claimed in the name of outworld.

name- Mileena
age- 10,000
Sex- Female
Realm- Outworld
Alignment- Evil
Allies- Kitana, Jade
Enemies- Shao Kahn, Khameleon, Queen Sindel

Story- Normally, i wouldn't trust the word of Shao Kahn, but he told me that I was able to succeed, I could rule Edenia in kitana's place. i was sent into Edenia by Shao Kahn, I approached the turned around Sindel, and I impaled her in the back as I whispered, what still bothers me to this day, "Long live Queen Kitana." As I left Shao Kahn to "rescue her" I returned to outworld only to have a stranger confront me. She had no motive to kill me, but every move I did on her, she reversed it with Ease. I thought she was Kitana, or Jade becuase she used her moves to, but when she was over me, I looked into her eyes filled with anger, that were the same as reptilian eyes.

Alternate Story- Before who I figured out was Khameleon killed me, she was stopped by one of kitana's army's soldiers! i was surprised that they still believe I was Kitana. They captured khameleon and I ordered them to take her to kahn's castle. We entered his throne room, as he told Khameleon that I wasn't kitana. the guards released her as I went my own way. I made my way back to Edenia to finish my last task, to act as kitana and tell her realm to combine with Outworld, and because Sindel was already there, they had decided to join with Outworld. Kahn then introduced me to a woman named Tanya when I headed to Kahns's tower in the realm of outworld and Edenia combined, he said that Rain had released Kitana and jade, and the three have run off to an unknown destination, it is our job to track down their movtives and bring them to death, by the hands of Queen sindel.
11/03/2005 12:14 AM (UTC)
I would like to see Raiden become so depressed and unsatisfied with how the Elder Gods act towards threats into other realms he would seek to start an apocolypse. The One Being would be Raiden's last hope to end all of the chaos and eternal conflict and battles that the mortals of each realm are damned to be a part of. Raiden would be on a goal to awaken the One Being and many people would be after him. Scorpion being one that is after Raiden's head, while characters such as Liu Kang and Fujin wish to talk sense in Raiden and bring back Earth's protector to his former self.

I would like to see Reptile become an ally for the good guys. Let's say Onaga had lost his possesion over Reptile and the other Earthrealm warriors that fell in battle against the Deadly Alliance. Reptile being a lost soul and confused would have no place to go and he would be so depressed and hopless for the return of his race he thinks of suicide. Kitana would find Reptile just before Reptile commits the act and feels pity for him. Kitana would realize what had Reptile ticking this whole time and would see why Reptile commited all the atrocities he had in the past. She would be the only character that sympathizes with Reptile because she at one time served as an assasin for Shao Kahn. Kitana would be in a dire situation with her sister Mileena impersonating her. Kitana would have almost no allies on her side because Earth's warriors are in a battle with another threat. Kitana would swear to Reptile she would help him if he in return helps her. And together they will work to throw Mileena from the throne of Edenia.
About Me

The Steel Fan Master

11/03/2005 12:32 AM (UTC)
I agree with your idea TOO! Isn't that weird??? LOL... By having Sindel killed by one of Shao Khan's spells we can assume, for certain, the return to the game of Kitana, Jade, Queen Sindel (Evil) and Mileena... Of course by adding helpers to the story we can comfortably include Khameleon as the perpetrator of the killing... Maybe It would be nice to have Sindel watching over her shoulder just before passing out and realizing the fact Kitana has scales???... This way Sindel can have a chance to return to the good side... She would realize her killer was no other than the slimy Khameleon trying to serve Shao Khan in a vague attempt to find the last clue to unveil the secret of her race...
According to Raiden... I also think he should grow bored of being in Heavens as an Elder God... But this time around he should return to Earth without relinquishing his status... I picture a change on his looks since he' still a God... Maybe a more sharp approach to it... He would collect the stolen Kamidogu from a "certain warrior who stole it", and form a new alliance with previously thought enemies... Of course he is not a bad guy... He's just trying to aid all realm in the wakening of the One Being...
Keep in mind guys that he can no longer be the protector and summoner of warriors of Earthrealm... He bestowed such power on Fujin...
By combining our possible character stories we already have a pretty good list for MK Armaggedon...
Kitana, Jade, Mileena, Khameleon, Sindel, Shao Khan, Raiden, Fujin, One Being, and the mysterious warrior (Shujinko).... What do you think????
sad vittorpia sad
11/03/2005 01:18 AM (UTC)

My memory of the ordeal is vague. I can remember Onaga ordering me to bring him the head of the Queen of Edenia. He feared she would find away to reunite him with his intended vessel. Under the Dragon King's control, I did as I was instructed. When I entered the realm of Edenia I noticed it was quite empty...the Tarkatan hordes had slain everyone. That was when I had my first free thought. Anger towards Onaga. I was beginning to break free from his command. I made my way towards to Edenian Royal Palace. It wasn't very heavily gaurded. I think I may have killed whatever gaurds where on duty. For that I am forever sorry. When I entered the Queen's room I felt a jolt from behind me. My old ally, Liu Kang, had guided the warrior Ermac to Edenia and had informed Sindel of our defeat by the Deadly Alliance, our ressurrection by Onaga and why her daughter, Kitana, had turned on her. Together, Ermac and Sindel cast a spell over me which removed the already fragile hold Onaga had over my conscience. I was weak and tired, but relieved to be among allies. Onaga was aware that the spell he had over me had broken. That is why he sent the one warrior he thought I would never assault to kill me.

I have become tired of the endless fighting, to save the Earthrealm. Raiden has gone rampant throughout the realms, killing petty thiefs and adulterers. Any criminal he sees as a potential threat to Earth. He has gone insane. But I have lost interest. He let me die. I am now just a reanimated corpse. Condemned to wander. I have lost everything. When Sindel killed the Dragon King, the spell over my former allies did not die with him. Johnny Cage and Kung Lao are still evil. Kitana has taken over both Seido and Chaosrealm with her armies and Jax' blood is on my hands. Although I am lonely, the Queen Sindel has been most generous. I am currently resident in Edenia now. Where there is peace since Onaga's defeat. I need to be here, if the legends are true.

It is rumoured that the fallen Eldor God Shinnok has resurfaced. He has always desired to rule the sirene land of Edenia. And merge it with the Netherealm. He was betrayed by his own sorcerer when he last attempted it but this time he is backed by Sindel's daughter, Kitana. Her armies are stronger than ever and it is now known the Kitana has slain the Tarkatan warrior Baraka is battle. Ashrah, Ermac, Jade, Sindel & I wil fight for Edenia. But I fear neither Sindel, nor Jade will be able to fight Kitana should the need arise. But I know that if Kitana shall threaten the lives of any of my friends she will pay with her life.


Shinnok and Kitana had fought their way into Edenia where the warriors lay waiting. Edenia had lost many of its warriors in the battle against the Tarkatans but some still remained. Ashrah and Ermac, who had set aside their differences, led a small platoon onto an overlooking cliff where their warriors fired down upon Kitana's army.

(shot of Ermac and Ashrah firing energy bolts down with arrows flying down from the army behind them)

Jade & Sindel had created an explosion not far away. As hoped Kitana sent troops to find out what was going on. Almost have her army.

The army was considerably thinned out now and Sonya began her attack. The others dealt with the remaining soldiers and the Eldor God himself while Sonya charged on Kitana.

As the two fought, the veil the princess was wearing came off her face. Revealing Tarkatan like teeth. Sonya was stunned. It was Mileena all along. That made killing her easier.

Sindel began an incantation that would send Shinnok back to the Netherealm. But the spell didn't hit Shinnok.

It hit Mileena and Sonya who were too engaged in battle to notice. The two warriors where sent to the Netherealm where I know not of their fate.
About Me

11/03/2005 10:15 AM (UTC)
Just peek into my thread.
11/03/2005 03:20 PM (UTC)
thank you for the feedback...

rey diax was inspired by that whole back to the future movie. going back in the past to change the future. he will be in the allience of the good guys, since they are in direct confrontation to fight shoa khan.

since he will has mechanical limbs, his specials and fatalies will be sort of like a cross between jax and sekter.

his weapon

Ion charged Barb-Wired Whip- a futureistic whip with a barbed wire type. it has an internal heating mechinisim that makes it possiable to slice through flesh like butter.

if that is to girly, i will change it to a futuristic bat with spikes and nails in it.

Fatality#1- rey takes out his whip and swings it at his enemy in such a way that it wraps around their whole body in a spiral from head toe. he heats the whip while it is on the opponets flesh making it sear on tight. they he pulls the whip back to him, causing it the shred the enemy's skin from head to toe in a spiraling motion. after the enemy is nothing more then i blood meat corpse.

i will think of more, thanks for the feed. all the idea are great.
11/03/2005 10:11 PM (UTC)
vittorpia Wrote:
I agree with your idea TOO! Isn't that weird??? LOL... By having Sindel killed by one of Shao Khan's spells we can assume, for certain, the return to the game of Kitana, Jade, Queen Sindel (Evil) and Mileena... Of course by adding helpers to the story we can comfortably include Khameleon as the perpetrator of the killing... Maybe It would be nice to have Sindel watching over her shoulder just before passing out and realizing the fact Kitana has scales???... This way Sindel can have a chance to return to the good side... She would realize her killer was no other than the slimy Khameleon trying to serve Shao Khan in a vague attempt to find the last clue to unveil the secret of her race...
sad vittorpia sad

Well actually, it was mileena who tried to kill Sindel, because she looks most like sindel. Khameleon looks like a comination of the three female assassins. But sadly, and I pray that I won't be executed for saying this by my fellow Sindelians, but I think that Sindel should die at the end of the game risking her life for her realm, so she can die with pride. Yes thats right, myQueenSindel just said that he wants Sindel to die at the end of MK7 read all about it. But she dies with pride, and I never said she wouldn't come back heh heh heh. well anyway. mileena is also apart of a hate triangle between Baraka and kitana, she has to deal with both of them for betraying baraka and stealing kitana's army. As for Sindel in MK7, she has to be given more new powers as a gift from Kahn, because if she dies, then the unsuspecting Edenians who are joining outworld will go crazy after they find out their queen died. Thats also why Kahn locked up Sindel's most trusted warriors. well thats about all for today.
11/03/2005 10:58 PM (UTC)

I have done it! I have suceeded! I have taken control of the Princess' armies. Baraka could have been my ally but I know he would have tried to take total control. He would have betrayed me. That's why I betrayed him first. I'm sure the beetles enjoyed their feast. Once I had control of Kitana's forces I instructed them to invade Seido. Only one questioned my order, Bo' Rai Cho. He was a fool. He didn't taste very well but a meal is a meal. Chaosrealm welcomed our armies and put up quite a struggle. They didn't seem happy though when we imprisoned most of their inhabitants. The realm of Seido was easily conquered. Many of the Seidan Gaurdsmen had converted to the ways of Chaos and very few remained. I was enjoying myself.

He didn't recognise me at first but Shinnok was amazed to see how well things had turned out for me. Shinnok was a powerful god but still quite weakened since his invasion on Edenia. He proposed a deal. To use the armies and my disguise to fool Sindel into allowing us into Edenia. Sindel would have been overjoyed to see her daughter. Too bad for her. Kitana was delicious. The tables have turned. Shinnok is no longer my lord. I am now the one giving orders. I control two realms and an entire legion at my disposal. I am a goddess!

One Earthrealm warrior is said to have been converted to good since Onaga's invasion. Sonya Blade, I remember her well. She defeated me years ago in Outworld. I shall have my revenge. But I must find out her motives. I know what is like to die and come back. It changes you. Your mind. You think differently. Sonya may not be the noble warrior she once was. If I find any hint of evil in her I shall do anything in my power to convert her. An ally like Sonya could be very useful, until my stomach rumbles....
11/05/2005 02:04 AM (UTC)

I remained hidden during Shao Kahn's invasion of the Earthrealm over a decade ago. I had one objective. Find the warrior Reptile, the only other existing of my race. I come from the realm of Zaterra. It was beautiful, a paradise greater than Earth or Edenia, until Shao Kahn defeated us in ten consecutive Mortal Kombat tournaments. He merged the realm with Outworld and it became a hideous nightmare, a shadow of a once majestic kingdom. I had to fiercely restrain myself from killing Shao Kahn but I could not let anyone know of my presence. Not until I found Reptile. But unfortunatley, I didn't.

When the emperor had been defeated, I imagined that my realm would be seperated from Outworld but I was wrong. The merger held. I learned that a fallen Elder God had returned from the Netherealm to invade the realm of Edenia. I prayed that this would buy me some time to figure out a way to free Zaterra. During my travels in the Outworld I learned of magical orbs, orbs that served as symbols of the mergers. For every realm warped into this desolate place there was a glass orb filled with magic that held them together. I set off to find these orbs when I was ambushed by a vampire.

Nitara and I made a deal. We both wanted to free our realms and so we traded information. I told Nitara of the orbs themselves where she told me of a possible location. I couldn't help but ask Nitara whether she had seen another of my race, I wanted to know had she seen Reptile. I did not expect her to say yes. She told me, before I should go find him, that she had a plan. She had also already spied a strange metallic warrior from Earthrealm wandering the wastelands. If the orbs were where Nitara thought them to be, we would not be able to retrieve them ourselves. The cyber-ninja Cyrax would be the only one capable of getting it.

I was to hold back, and Nitara would talk to Reptile. After she had finished talking to him he set of to the wastelands where we followed in secret. When we got there we found Cyrax who had been injured but not severly by Reptile. Reptile was nowhere to be seen and this made me anxious. But still, I followed the plan. We made our way to the underground shrine were the orbs where meant to be. I was amazed Cyrax' armour could stand the heat. A short time later, he arrived back holdin one orb. Nitara took it from him. quickly sent Cyrax back to Earth and smashed the orb. I lost conscienceness at that point but when I awoke Nitara was gone. Infuriated I set to leave when I heard someone enter the chamber behind me. Reptile who was still searching for Nitara and Cyrax. He didn't move when he saw me and I was too stunned to say anything. That's when Reptile began to mutate.

The Dragon King!! Onaga has been slain and what became of Reptile I do not know. I have tried to find his body but I fear Sindel may have destroyed it after defeating Onaga. I am alone know. I know my race shall die with me and my realm shall never be freed. Unless...I have heard talk that some of the strongest sorcerers in the Netherealm can ressurect the dead. If so I must journey there immeaditaly. The sorcerer and alchemist Quan Chi ruled an order known as the brotherhood of Shadow. The order is still recovering after the massacre Ashrah caused but someone in the order may still be able to help me...
About Me

The Steel Fan Master

11/07/2005 04:04 AM (UTC)
I like the fact you have connected the stories taking place between Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance and Mortal Kombat Deception... Khameleon should definitely form an alliance with Nitara... Something like a side story while she was looking for the Dragon Egg...
You should post a new thread talking about your characters ideas... They are great and full of coherence...
The only thing I would change would be Reptile... Instead of remaining hidden somewhere he should come back to the next game with his ultimate form revealed... This ability, passed to him through the found Kamidogu from Zaterra, allows him to challenge Shao Khan and Goro in their attempts to regain the power of Outworld... Also he should challenge Shinnok (a new Sub Boss) because of his betrayal in MKIV when he refused to give Reptile clues about his past....
What I'm trying to say is... Reptile should have a chance to redeem himself and finally get what he has been looking for... Khameleon, meanwhile, should acquire some new powers given by the activation of the Kamidogu representing her race... That way we can expect and new look for her... And an advanced set of moves... What do you think????
sad vittorpia sad
11/07/2005 06:28 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:

I remained hidden during Shao Kahn's invasion of the Earthrealm over a decade ago. I had one objective. Find the warrior Reptile, the only other existing of my race. I come from the realm of Zaterra. It was beautiful, a paradise greater than Earth or Edenia, until Shao Kahn defeated us in ten consecutive Mortal Kombat tournaments. He merged the realm with Outworld and it became a hideous nightmare, a shadow of a once majestic kingdom. I had to fiercely restrain myself from killing Shao Kahn but I could not let anyone know of my presence. Not until I found Reptile. But unfortunatley, I didn't.

When the emperor had been defeated, I imagined that my realm would be seperated from Outworld but I was wrong. The merger held. I learned that a fallen Elder God had returned from the Netherealm to invade the realm of Edenia. I prayed that this would buy me some time to figure out a way to free Zaterra. During my travels in the Outworld I learned of magical orbs, orbs that served as symbols of the mergers. For every realm warped into this desolate place there was a glass orb filled with magic that held them together. I set off to find these orbs when I was ambushed by a vampire.

Nitara and I made a deal. We both wanted to free our realms and so we traded information. I told Nitara of the orbs themselves where she told me of a possible location. I couldn't help but ask Nitara whether she had seen another of my race, I wanted to know had she seen Reptile. I did not expect her to say yes. She told me, before I should go find him, that she had a plan. She had also already spied a strange metallic warrior from Earthrealm wandering the wastelands. If the orbs were where Nitara thought them to be, we would not be able to retrieve them ourselves. The cyber-ninja Cyrax would be the only one capable of getting it.

I was to hold back, and Nitara would talk to Reptile. After she had finished talking to him he set of to the wastelands where we followed in secret. When we got there we found Cyrax who had been injured but not severly by Reptile. Reptile was nowhere to be seen and this made me anxious. But still, I followed the plan. We made our way to the underground shrine were the orbs where meant to be. I was amazed Cyrax' armour could stand the heat. A short time later, he arrived back holdin one orb. Nitara took it from him. quickly sent Cyrax back to Earth and smashed the orb. I lost conscienceness at that point but when I awoke Nitara was gone. Infuriated I set to leave when I heard someone enter the chamber behind me. Reptile who was still searching for Nitara and Cyrax. He didn't move when he saw me and I was too stunned to say anything. That's when Reptile began to mutate.

The Dragon King!! Onaga has been slain and what became of Reptile I do not know. I have tried to find his body but I fear Sindel may have destroyed it after defeating Onaga. I am alone know. I know my race shall die with me and my realm shall never be freed. Unless...I have heard talk that some of the strongest sorcerers in the Netherealm can ressurect the dead. If so I must journey there immeaditaly. The sorcerer and alchemist Quan Chi ruled an order known as the brotherhood of Shadow. The order is still recovering after the massacre Ashrah caused but someone in the order may still be able to help me...

^VERY good, I like it a lot.^ But you should try to connect your story of khameleon with mine because I can't think fo a good story for her

11/07/2005 06:29 PM (UTC)
That's a good idea! If theres one race in MK thats been screwed over its the Zaterrian Reptillians and they (the whole 2 of them) should get some decent backstory and should advance on in the next game.

Many people disagree with this but I loved Reptile's look in MK4. Both masked and unmasked. And I would love for Khameleon to have generally the same look but her own style mixed with trademark silver.
About Me

The Steel Fan Master

11/07/2005 11:17 PM (UTC)
If those guys in Midway want to create an out of this world MK they should include more than one costume per character (trying to maintain a relation with previous MK games)... For instance, we now know, thanks to MK Shaolin Monks that Reptile's looks were those of an actual lizard... The problem with old console was in the level of detail they could add to each character... With these new technologies there should be no problem in trying to enhance old and never seen before in 3D characters, from previous games, to fit the standards from MK Deadly Alliance and Deception...
Reptile definitely should have his many transformation available for us to choose... Maybe a story connecting them would help us understand why he has changed so much over the course of the Tournaments... In Khameleon's case I want to see her totally awesome silver costume combine with new 3D effects... The fact she's also from Reptile's background gives us the opportunity to see a female and a male, sole survivors of an forgotten race, trying to re-build what is theirs...
(And this cannot sound so silly since Mileena in MK Deception had her own backstory where we could see her relation with the Tarkatan Race)... Not to mention the fact she continues to pursue her goal of becoming someone everyone respects... After all she was a creation of Shang Tsung and was later returned to life by Shinnok...
So, if every character is having a chance to have his/her goals come true, we should give the same chance to Reptile and Khameleon... Here we have two very interesting stories unexplored waiting to be revealed... Don't you think????
sad vittorpia sad
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