What happens if all our requirements do not meet for this next game?
posted01/06/2010 02:51 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
When the news about MK being a crossover when the latest game came out, a heck of a lot of users here started to rant about how poorly this game was going to become... And some even said that they officially stopped playing Mortal Kombat because the game literally turned into a crossover after many were wrong about it from hearing rumors, that was actual news, from one user here...

To be honest, I thought the game was quite decent, despite the fact that people could easily spam and cost a fight to go down the drain.

Though still, in my opinion, I thought that the latest game was basically one of the most decent MK games that they produced.

But, it comes down to this... What happens if this "next" game turned out to not have met several requirements that you wanted to see in this game. Would you officially stop playing Mortal Kombat altogether even if they agreed to make more games after this "next" one.

When I mean, requirements, I meant what we expect to see fixed in this game. Such as the characters that will be introduced in the game. Will we be seeing a brand new cast of characters with no one coming back, some new some old, or will it just be a re-booting game? And what about its story? Would we see the actual tournament come back, will it be something totally different? Something new? Something old? Game play? Modes? Basically anything that we would want to see changed in the game, what happened if these just did not meet our standards?

To me, I find it a tad bit silly to just lose all hope with a video game series just because a few of the games were not all that great as the hype made it. Stil, I'm not in control of you guys and I don't want to be but I would like to know, would you guys officially stop playing the MK series if this "next" game just did not quite make it to your standards?
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01/02/2010 07:38 AM (UTC)
We will be seeing old characters return and as for new ones I would not mind(four at the least)I'll just pray for a kick ass fighting engine and decent blood and guts.Will I ever stop playing MK if part 9 bombs?Yes but certainly not the classics online...
01/02/2010 07:53 AM (UTC)
I'm perfectly aware that Sub-Zero and Scorpion are the only two characters actually confirmed into the next game... Despite the fact that they are, I'm ignoring the fact that they're returning and talking about the other old characters that could or could not return for the game.
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01/02/2010 07:56 AM (UTC)
Remember Ed confirmed voice auditions for the characters er....unless they were unplayable characters(konquest).
01/02/2010 07:57 AM (UTC)
OrangatangKang Wrote:
Remember Ed confirmed voice auditions for the characters er....unless they were unplayable characters(konquest).

And your point...?
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01/02/2010 08:05 AM (UTC)
You said Subby and Scorpy are the only confirmed?There are acouple people confirmed. Jax,Sektor,Jade,Cyrax,and I forget who else but I dont know if u meant playable or watchable as in konquest or whatever the crazy baboon has up his sleeve...
01/02/2010 08:13 AM (UTC)
If my standards are not met I just wont play that current game. I won't give up on the franchise just because it is not to my liking. I will just keep playing the older titles until something good comes. Which also leads me to saying that I really wish that they would bring MK:Trilogy to the PSN and Live stores and give it online support like they did with MK2...that would make me very very happy. EDIT: I believe Raiden will probably be a given character that will at least make an appearance...you have to realize many characters actually have a big role in the franchise like it or not...so I think a good portion of original characters will return. I myself am just hoping they choose wisely because we all know some characters just plain suck. The removal of Chameleon I thought was well thought out and probably a good choice. Characters like Hsu Hao,Mokap,and Dairou (amongst questionable others like Hotaru,Darrius,Shujinko,Kobra,Meat and Kira) need to either be re-imagined and given new move sets or removed in my honest opinion. Even iconic characters like Scorpion need some freshness implied to them...whether its new special moves,a new catch line to replace ones like "GET OVER HERE!!",maybe dramatic changes to alternate costumes like people post in fan submission. Changes can be good as long as the changes are made in the right areas.
01/02/2010 09:19 AM (UTC)
The question: What happens if all our requirements do not meet for this next game?

My Answer: Nothing much. People will buy it because it has the MK name on it. I mean MK:DA didn't meet all of my requirements but I enjoyed it regardless. Same for Deception and Armageddon and Vs DCU.
01/02/2010 12:14 PM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
The question: What happens if all our requirements do not meet for this next game?

My Answer: Nothing much. People will buy it because it has the MK name on it. I mean MK:DA didn't meet all of my requirements but I enjoyed it regardless. Same for Deception and Armageddon and Vs DCU.

I did not buy or play MK:SF...but clearly you were speaking about MK in the sense of the fighter genre not action/adventure like MK:SM or Mythologies. Anyway,even if people don't buy it they will at least rent it first or play at a friends house. I for one hope they start releasing demos of the MK series like they do with other games. Playing demos before a games release plays a role in some of my purchases because in certain genres the controls and game play have to fit my liking or I won't enjoy the game as much as I would like.
01/02/2010 10:10 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
The question: What happens if all our requirements do not meet for this next game?

My Answer: Nothing much. People will buy it because it has the MK name on it. I mean MK:DA didn't meet all of my requirements but I enjoyed it regardless. Same for Deception and Armageddon and Vs DCU.

I did not buy or play MK:SF...but clearly you were speaking about MK in the sense of the fighter genre not action/adventure like MK:SM or Mythologies. Anyway,even if people don't buy it they will at least rent it first or play at a friends house. I for one hope they start releasing demos of the MK series like they do with other games. Playing demos before a games release plays a role in some of my purchases because in certain genres the controls and game play have to fit my liking or I won't enjoy the game as much as I would like.

We do need to see a demo first or rent it before we make up our minds.
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Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

01/02/2010 11:14 PM (UTC)
OrangatangKang Wrote:
You said Subby and Scorpy are the only confirmed?There are acouple people confirmed. Jax,Sektor,Jade,Cyrax,and I forget who else but I dont know if u meant playable or watchable as in konquest or whatever the crazy baboon has up his sleeve...

01/03/2010 01:01 AM (UTC)
OrangatangKang Wrote:
You said Subby and Scorpy are the only confirmed?There are acouple people confirmed. Jax,Sektor,Jade,Cyrax,and I forget who else but I dont know if u meant playable or watchable as in konquest or whatever the crazy baboon has up his sleeve...

If you got a valuable source, I'll believe you. But, since right now you're not stating where, I'm not believing one bit.
01/03/2010 01:49 AM (UTC)
Jironobou Wrote:
OrangatangKang Wrote:
You said Subby and Scorpy are the only confirmed?There are acouple people confirmed. Jax,Sektor,Jade,Cyrax,and I forget who else but I dont know if u meant playable or watchable as in konquest or whatever the crazy baboon has up his sleeve...


Here's one source but I don't know if it's accurate.


01/03/2010 11:22 AM (UTC)
I think chances are there about the characters but I don't think that the info itself is reliable...its youtube lol. The original poster still needs to show a direct source that is not a line of BS for me to be sure if its truth.
01/06/2010 02:51 AM (UTC)
I am assuming that since there's not a reliable source, since the site that the Youtube poster posted is still not enough to actually confirm this is real, I can only assume that the only two characters that will make it into the game so far is Sub-Zero and Scorpion.
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