what grade would u give NRS for revealing stuff from the game
posted11/18/2014 06:37 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/07/2011 07:22 AM (UTC)
I would give them a C,still havent seen anything from goro n still nothing this month. With so many good games coming out or just came out like GTA 5 on next gen,far cry 4,COD,Assassins creed unity,etc.. they should be releasing either another kharacter,a new game mode or the reinstated ality.
11/16/2014 09:45 PM (UTC)
creed200569 Wrote:
I would give them a C,still havent seen anything from goro n still nothing this month. With so many good games coming out or just came out like GTA 5 on next gen,far cry 4,COD,Assassins creed unity,etc.. they should be releasing either another kharacter,a new game mode or the reinstated ality.

I would give you an F for having zero patience
11/16/2014 09:54 PM (UTC)
I would give you an F for having zero patience


It works like a strip tease. You don't want them to reveal everything at once.
11/16/2014 10:02 PM (UTC)
I guess I'd go with a C too. I get what your saying. However I'm not too bothered by the slow rate of reveals since the game is so far away, what bothers me way more are the bullshit troll Boon tweets. They're really frustrating and ten times more frustrating because that's literally all we have to go off of. To me its just total anti hype and fucking annoying. They're corny and often hella nonsensical and even if someone is able to decipher one they often don't mean shit anyway. Not only am I given nothing to look forward to or talk about but i'm trolled for even wanting to. I wish at the very LEAST we would just get the dates that reveals will be posted. I don't need them to show me everything or rush their reveals, just a simple "next reveal on 11/20" or something like that. Just something so I don't have to solely rely on Boon troll bullshit. And no I don't check his twitter but I'm made almost constantly aware of what he posts by other people, and I don't even blame them since thats all the news there is to post.
11/16/2014 10:28 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
creed200569 Wrote:
I would give them a C,still havent seen anything from goro n still nothing this month. With so many good games coming out or just came out like GTA 5 on next gen,far cry 4,COD,Assassins creed unity,etc.. they should be releasing either another kharacter,a new game mode or the reinstated ality.

I would give you an F for having zero patience


To be fair, I've honestly just totally forgotten about MKX at some points. I feel like there was more info for MK9 around at this point when it was in development.

On the other hand, I'm glad they aren't releasing too much too quickly.

I won't give it a grade because I'm conflicted on how they're doing with info.
11/16/2014 11:07 PM (UTC)
Extispex Wrote:
It works like a strip tease. You don't want them to reveal everything at once.

Strippers are for idiots, why go to a place where they shove naked women in front of your face, expect you to hand over all your $1 bills, and at the end you're not even allowed to touch any of them?

It SHOULD work like sex (specifically, like a hooker, since I'm paying for the end product), which means right now we should be in the foreplay stage. With that in mind, I present the following open letter:

Dear NRS,

It ain't gonna suck itself.

- Razor
11/17/2014 12:43 AM (UTC)
Not going to grade anything here. Let them do things how they want, as they are the creators.
Historical Favorite
11/17/2014 12:52 AM (UTC)
Good initial reveal, steady-ish mix of new characters and old favorites, tons of info regarding the style variations. Strong A+. Anything else would be uncivilized.
11/17/2014 01:09 AM (UTC)
E for Excellence!
I'd give them a ¤

Extispex Wrote:
I would give you an F for having zero patience


It works like a strip tease. You don't want them to reveal everything at once.

A patient man waits for the nudes to leak online.
11/17/2014 02:32 AM (UTC)
I have no major problems with the reveals themselves, I just wish they'd keep us updated on the reveal schedule and when to expect something new. I hate the silence, seems like ages since we heard any real news, just silly cryptic rubbish.
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11/17/2014 02:35 AM (UTC)
It's pretty black and white. If I care about the game, they get an A+. If I'm not actively interested in it, they get an F. Maybe give them a C because I think the game's going to be good?

Right now, the hype train is at a standstill. That said, do they have some moral obligation to give us more content before release? Well... no, but that's not what the topic creator said.
Sonya_Cassie Wrote:
Not going to grade anything here. Let them do things how they want, as they are the creators.

For all we know, the creators WANT to give us more footage, but WB isn't letting them because of contracts with IGN and gaming magazines.
11/17/2014 02:55 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
It's pretty black and white. If I care about the game, they get an A+. If I'm not actively interested in it, they get an F. Maybe give them a C because I think the game's going to be good?

Right now, the hype train is at a standstill. That said, do they have some moral obligation to give us more content before release? Well... no, but that's not what the topic creator said.

Sonya_Cassie Wrote:
Not going to grade anything here. Let them do things how they want, as they are the creators.

For all we know, the creators WANT to give us more footage, but WB isn't letting them because of contracts with IGN and gaming magazines.

All WB has to do is break the contracts and then NRS can give us new footage without IGN and magazines leaking anything because they won't be able to.
11/17/2014 04:41 AM (UTC)
If people really have a hard time with how they release info then get a job at the company and strategize how you'd do it better and I'll see if you made a difference or not.

That's all I have to say.
11/17/2014 04:42 AM (UTC)
Guess that depends on what each individual does and doesn't want revealed. I don't care that much, I admit I like some reveals and always check for MK news, but the second the game was announced I knew I was getting it on launch, regardless of what they do or don't reveal and how.
11/17/2014 06:23 AM (UTC)
I'd give it a C based on the fact alone that my hype going into this game was low, trailer took me into overdrive and since the beginning of October, my hype has dwindled down. The least they could do is throw some nuggets our way; arena reveal, more variation stuff, a few more details about the campaign, a little info on matchmaking, SOMETHING that doesn't necessarily have to be spoiler-ish of roster proportions.

But instead all we get is a very lackluster, mostly gibberish/korny joke (probably from nerves tbh) fueled twitch stream that left a sour taste in my mouth for the fact alone they wouldn't shut up for even 30 seconds and let me take in and enjoy the feel and atmosphere of the game as someone who cannot afford to make it to any events and a ton more possible dead-end troll posts from Ed.

Regardless of whether or not we think we *should* get more info is irrelevant. What we can't deny no matter how hardcore of fans we are is that it's the holiday season, AAA games are releasing left and right like crazy and at the moment the hype for this game is dying down. They need to do something to revive it. most other forums I frequent where this game is discussed went from about 10/11 pages a day to maybe a few posts a week. Not exactly good.
11/17/2014 06:40 AM (UTC)
I swear a thread like this pops up once a month now, where people bitch and complain about nonsense. You guys realize they'll start releasing more character reveals and trailers once 2015 comes around, right?
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11/17/2014 06:52 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
I swear a thread like this pops up once a month now, where people bitch and complain about nonsense. You guys realize they'll start releasing more character reveals and trailers once 2015 comes around, right?

Why is hype in 2015 a substitute for hype now? So many fighting game companies are great about generating hype in the FGC. NRS could be doing way better. Why hold them to a lower standard?

People seem to get mad because they think we're criticizing the development team, but they don't really have anything to do with the marketing. That's WB.
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11/17/2014 08:53 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
I swear a thread like this pops up once a month now, where people bitch and complain about nonsense. You guys realize they'll start releasing more character reveals and trailers once 2015 comes around, right?

Why is hype in 2015 a substitute for hype now? So many fighting game companies are great about generating hype in the FGC. NRS could be doing way better. Why hold them to a lower standard?

People seem to get mad because they think we're criticizing the development team, but they don't really have anything to do with the marketing. That's WB.

Agreed, but honestly at this point I have no hype. I would almost be tempted into pre-ordering, if it was revealed that many classic stages were to modernized and filled with stage fatalities. I associate hype with classic locations, stage fatalities and overall potential. Character reveals alone will not work.

An exception has to be made for guest character reveals. I will not deny that if both my favorite Predator and Jason show up in this game, I would jump for joy, followed by me boarding the hype train
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11/17/2014 08:58 AM (UTC)
I agree with OP.
The Goro reveal alone is still upsetting to me.
Clearly they was not ready to reveal the character, and just tossed him out to the public in attempt to stay relevant that month.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Extispex Wrote:
It works like a strip tease. You don't want them to reveal everything at once.

Strippers are for idiots, why go to a place where they shove naked women in front of your face, expect you to hand over all your $1 bills, and at the end you're not even allowed to touch any of them?

Step 1: Ask the woman for a private dance.
Step 2: Pay the amount of $$ for the ability to touch them.
Step 3:
Step 4: Profit.
11/17/2014 11:07 AM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
I guess I'd go with a C too. I get what your saying. However I'm not too bothered by the slow rate of reveals since the game is so far away, what bothers me way more are the bullshit troll Boon tweets. They're really frustrating and ten times more frustrating because that's literally all we have to go off of. To me its just total anti hype and fucking annoying. They're corny and often hella nonsensical and even if someone is able to decipher one they often don't mean shit anyway. Not only am I given nothing to look forward to or talk about but i'm trolled for even wanting to. I wish at the very LEAST we would just get the dates that reveals will be posted. I don't need them to show me everything or rush their reveals, just a simple "next reveal on 11/20" or something like that. Just something so I don't have to solely rely on Boon troll bullshit. And no I don't check his twitter but I'm made almost constantly aware of what he posts by other people, and I don't even blame them since thats all the news there is to post.

Quoted for truth. I don't think most of us are complaining. I am personally not that bothered, I am just not that hype anymore. I don't visit the site as often, I don't check for news that often. I am still getting the game sooner or later but it's such a dry period atm.
11/17/2014 12:04 PM (UTC)
D. I am not impatient but they are killing hype, at least for me they killed it. They could at least show character variation trailers for existing ones like they did with the new ones with MINOR one sentence story hints. That would keep me going.
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11/17/2014 03:07 PM (UTC)
I'd give them a 6.5 out of 10 and here is why; I am totally fine with the amount of characters revealed so far and as I have stated multiple times, I wouldn't mind if they reveal another five to six max before release and leave about half the characters unrevealed. So, pace is good. After release, they can start promoting the unrevealed characters through Variation specifications, gameplay/story trailers, and the FGC. Just reveal the remaining new characters (about four) and one or two vets up untill April.

However, they need to start revealing more gameplay videos. I mean, there are ten revealed characters with three variations each and yet we haven't seen shit. Noobish gameplay, amateur recordings and what not. Aside from the three reveal trailers we haven't seen anything decent like some combo videos or a stream dedicated to just one character. Goro, where the fuck is Goro? I've been waiting my ass off to see some Goro gameplay. And what is up with no stage reveals? We saw three stages at E3 and ever since then we've only seen the jungle stage. It would have been nice to see a new stage reveal with each character trailer. Also, why the fuck are they so secretive with info regarding online? Give us some info on netcode and this persistent online mode. Their lack of info regarding online worries me into thinking their netcode is going to be garbage again so they don't want to create high expectations this early.

On the bright side, the comics are not far away so I have that to look forward to

11/17/2014 03:23 PM (UTC)
Overall I'd give the marketing a solid B. Pretty good, but could be better.

What they have revealed so far is great. The variation trailers, renders, and Tumblr gifs are all great. I love that MK is spread out across a vast array of mediums. It even has it's own comic coming next year.

However, I feel like every character should've got a variations trailer like Raiden, Kano, and Quan Chi did. Same thing with the Variation renders. I can kind of understand for not having Cassie because they just can't figure out what to do with her taunt but still.

I thought the stream was extremely insightful from a gameplay standpoint. It was cool to see a bit of the variations nobody used or elaborated on in other videos.

I don't think it would hurt to just show some gameplay every now and then. Like just post a random match between Raiden and Scorpion or Kano and Kotal Khan or something. Just so we don't have to get videos from people at events with cameras.
11/17/2014 03:54 PM (UTC)
@kunglaodoesntsuck what is your Sig?
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