12/16/2006 11:07 PM (UTC)

What about Tasia?

No one wants to see the only female ninja from Earth return?
12/17/2006 10:37 AM (UTC)

- Sheeva: She is pure awesomeness. No explanation required on why she should return

- Mileena: I would like to see her and Mileena and Kitana to finish Kahn off together (Mileena choosing to side with Kitana ultimately over Kahn in a three way battle). Then, Mileena realizes Kitana has done nothing wrong by living her life, but instead it was Kahn who truly ruined her life. They won't become friends or anything, but they dont hate each other. That way, Mileena can come back with a fresh new storyline related to either a new character or Baraka.

- Tanya: The evil bitch who everyone hates - I can't help but love her. Her personality is just so unforgivably evil, which is why she must stay. She has no remorse for her actions, as long as she benefits it is fine. I see her future being the enemy of the evil boss character, but not with the good guys. She could be more like a threat to the boss, aiming to take control. Perhaps she could even use Mileena as her pawn...

- Kira: Like in XD84's story, I believe she should become the leader of the new "Dragon" clan, with only her, Jarek/Kobra and Mavado. She has the most potential to be a leader out of all of the members of these clans, and she also seems like a sort of remorseless leader. I think her and Kenshi should develop a rivalry as he becomes head of the OIA once Sonya retires.

- Ashrah: I see her having a connection with Sareena, which could ultimately lead into one with Sub Zero and Noob Saibot - it just works out so well that it must happen. Sareena and Subby might hunt down Noob, but Sareena the ever traitorous demon aligns herself with Noob last minute. Then Ashrah, knowing that Sareena is a demon, joins Sub Zero and takes her out. She may also do the same with Noob, earning her ascention. One she is on Earth, she may join the Lin Kuei.

- Li Mei: That evil taint within her gives her huge potential. I have always envisioned her killing Bo Rai Cho, then seeing the error of her ways after that, thinking that she is just as bad as the enemy. Perhaps even one of the other characters allied with Bo (Shujinko perhaps) should go after Li Mei, and again she is forced to kill again. This could lead to an internal battle between her goodness and that evil taint which actually enjoys the killing.

Don't Mind

- Sareena: Her storyline is no doubt going to be related to Subby. Whether they expand it past MKA or if they condense it to one game doesn't worry me. I think she has potential, but it may all be used up by MKA's end. It depends on how the MK team use her.

- Khameleon: I would like to see her in future games, but it is not neccessary. She has an interesting storyline, but it may be retconned seeing as how she is not in MKA. I dunno... she is sort of up in the air.


- Sonya: In MKA, I think she should kill Kano and think that she has defeated the Black Dragon leader. Also, in MKA Konquest she had ties with Taven, so perhaps when/if he kills Daegon, she will also know that the Red Dragon leader is dead. Thinking that these evils have died out (not thinking of Kabal, Kira, Kobra and thinking Jarek is still dead. Hsu Hao can be killed by Jax), she retires into what she thinks is peace. Maybe in MK9 by when Kira has established this Dragon Klan, Sonya may return.

- Kitana: Again, I think she should achieve her purpose and reture. With Sindel's death (which I will get into later...) and Kahn's as well, she takes control of Edenia and stops fighting.


- Jade: Though I would love her to remain, storyline wise it would be infinitely more... good... if she dies. I think Tanya should outwit her and eventually bring her down. Of course, this is done through sly means, which evokes even greater hatred for Tanya. This leads Tanya to being an even more evil bitch then she already is because she killed such an innocent, brave and just plain cool character. This way, this interesting rivalry would be explored and the more interesting outcome would have been achieved. Bye my Emerald jade sad

- Sindel: Dies in battle against Kahn when her, Mileena and Kitana end up teaming together to finally bring him down. Again, this idea is stolen from XD84, so all credit to him. Though I think she is awesome, storyline wise it is just better if she dies and Kitana finally takes her seat as Queen of Edenia.

- Frost: The only female character I dont really like. Her hatred for Sub Zero is shared between many other, more interesting characters, and I see no purpose in her returning. Maybe Sareena can kill her in an attempt to gain Sub Zero's trust, before backstabbing him.

- Nitara: Though I think she is awesome, I think she must go. Now that she got her realm back, I think she should go back to thank Reptile for his help. But he found out somehow that the whole time she was only just playing him. So, he attacks her instead of accepting her thanks. In the process, Nitara goes bye bye...
12/18/2006 10:33 PM (UTC)

So we agree that Sindel has potential. Wonderful.

Now, about her alt costume, yes the crown is the most royal part of it, but you still don't consider the overall costume regal. I don't understand. Would you rather should fight in a dress or something? The costume looks fine, like a warrior queen rather than a sit-on-the-throne-all-day-long kinda queen.

Her recovery time is too slow, you say? "Slow" is associated with speed. She's overall a slow fighter. Trust me, it's not just her Throw., her regular moves give your opponent time to hit you also if you miss.

The Kahn story is great.

And i also hope she doesn't die in armageddon. at least she should return with stories with kitana and jade if she's not playable ever again (fuck Ed boon).
12/18/2006 11:25 PM (UTC)
matthewhaddad Wrote:

- Sheeva: She is pure awesomeness. No explanation required on why she should return

I honestly don't see what's so great about her. What can really be done with her story if she were to be in the next-gen games?

matthewhaddad Wrote:

-Ashrah: I see her having a connection with Sareena, which could ultimately lead into one with Sub Zero and Noob Saibot - it just works out so well that it must happen. Sareena and Subby might hunt down Noob, but Sareena the ever traitorous demon aligns herself with Noob last minute. Then Ashrah, knowing that Sareena is a demon, joins Sub Zero and takes her out. She may also do the same with Noob, earning her ascention. One she is on Earth, she may join the Lin Kuei.

Sareena, the ever-traitorous demon? Eh, I don't think that's the case with her story. It seems pretty clear to me that she's simply a character who wants to live her life, free from the Netherrealm. She doesn't seem like she'd betray Sub-Zero and just join Noob Saibot, especially since Noob Saibot wants to rule the Netherrealm, the very place the Sareena had longed to escape from. Also, don't you think it'd greatly weaken Sareena's story if she simply betrays Sub-Zero and becomes evil again?

matthewhaddad Wrote:

- Nitara: Though I think she is awesome, I think she must go. Now that she got her realm back, I think she should go back to thank Reptile for his help. But he found out somehow that the whole time she was only just playing him. So, he attacks her instead of accepting her thanks. In the process, Nitara goes bye bye...

Why would she thank Reptile? She's supposed to be a cunning, tactical, and manipulative character. Reptile is already mad at Nitara. I think Nitara has potential, and to me, the Vampire race needs to be explored a bit. Killing off Nitara would be a waste, imo.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:

So we agree that Sindel has potential. Wonderful.

Now, about her alt costume, yes the crown is the most royal part of it, but you still don't consider the overall costume regal. I don't understand. Would you rather should fight in a dress or something? The costume looks fine, like a warrior queen rather than a sit-on-the-throne-all-day-long kinda queen.

Her recovery time is too slow, you say? "Slow" is associated with speed. She's overall a slow fighter. Trust me, it's not just her Throw., her regular moves give your opponent time to hit you also if you miss.

The Kahn story is great.

And i also hope she doesn't die in armageddon. at least she should return with stories with kitana and jade if she's not playable ever again (fuck Ed boon).

It's just that her alternate costume gives more of a dominatrix feel. I wouldn't want her to fight in a dress but instead fight in some kind of royal battle armor or something along those lines. Either way, I like her alternate costume look.

Regarding her recovery time, I was referring to the recovery time of her throw. Her throw is the worst in the game and since throws play an important part of MKD's and MKA's gameplay, she suffers greatly. The simple solution is to either fix the recovery time for it or give a different, better throw.

She's not necessarily slow. It's just that she's not that safe of a character and doesn't have many useful tools to work with.

I'm glad you like my storyline concept with Shao Kahn.

I think Kitana becoming Queen of Edenia sounds a bit too easy and soon. I'd rather give Kitana a different route. I just don't have any concrete ideas at the moment.
12/18/2006 11:35 PM (UTC)
I personaly would like Sindel to come back, but they must work on her to balance her better:
Give her new weapon,
No Sliding Foot Grab give her back something else more specific for her(Levitate or double Star Screamer). And her Banshee Scream could return back projectiles because thats strong sonic force.
12/19/2006 08:10 AM (UTC)
These Females I want to see Return:


Wouldn't Mind Bring Back:


These Females I want to see Dead:

12/31/2006 11:25 AM (UTC)
I would think that it depends on how well the new scriptwriters try to flesh everything out for the plots and stories for the characters. All the girls had some potential at least but some a lot more than others. It would also depend on if they are restarting MK from the beginning (which would kinda suck) as hinted in a certain sorcerer's ending.
I'd say to the MK design team to take a page from Dead or Alive's story mode and have at least 3 pivotal battles that each character must fight for their storyline - that way, each character's story can be developed at it's own pace. Not all of them HAVE to get to the 'evil warlord' at the end because many of them don't really care about it. Some final bosses should be Quan Chi,others it should be Shang Tsung, and so on.

I'd like to see these characters retired from the fighting roster and/or put in as cameos in other characters' storylines:

Kitana (enjoy your reign as Queen)
Sindel (just get a husband for your daughter and call in the day)
Sonya (start training up the new gen)
Tanya (....no idea)

For a starting line-up:

Li Mei

For unlockable/hidden status

Frost (after you clear with Sub and/or Sareena)
Ashrah (character-specific mid/special boss)

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01/02/2007 07:28 PM (UTC)
There's supposed to be new people in MK8. No one is supposed to return.
01/02/2007 08:40 PM (UTC)
Arctic Wrote:
There's supposed to be new people in MK8. No one is supposed to return.

Oh if only I had your faith. Mortal Kombat: Decatology will rule

What females should return?

Personally I wouldn't be unhappy if they all returned really. They are all quite unique. With the possible exception of Kira who is pretty much Evil Sonya.

I do think Kitana and Mileena will definatley return. Because they still have issues.
01/02/2007 09:17 PM (UTC)
Arctic Wrote:
There's supposed to be new people in MK8. No one is supposed to return.

Nope. Scorpion and Sub-Zero are already coming back. I wouldn't be surprised if more do, too.
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