06/20/2014 07:33 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
That's one of the things I really dislike about Frost. Suddenly, this random girl with ice powers show up out of no where with absolutely no relation to Sub-Zero what so ever except that they are both of Cryomancer heritage... It would mean that several generations of Frost's family would have ice powers as well, right? Being such a unique case, you'd think someone has noticed it before...

That's kind of the POINT of Frost though, the fact that people with ice powers exist who AREN'T blood relations of Sub-Zero is how he was able to come to understand that the Cryomancers are a whole species and not just one family with a mutant power in the bloodline.

Another thing I don't like about her... She's just a plotpoint for Sub-Zero.

Being just a plotpoint for Sonya has worked out pretty well for Kano for the past 20 years.

Granted, the reason he's popular is mainly that people think Australian accents are funny, but still. We could hook Frost up with a funny accent if that's all it takes. How about Swedish? She always struck me as nordic, like her natural hair color would be blonde under that blue ice.

Now you're just being racist... or whatever the equivelant is.
06/20/2014 08:46 AM (UTC)
Racist against who? Australians, Swedes, blondes, or people with ice for hair?
06/20/2014 08:48 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Racist against who? Australians, Swedes, blondes, or people with ice for hair?

All of them.
06/20/2014 08:58 AM (UTC)
Fair enough. Doesn't make it less true. Everyone knows you can't trust those dirty ice-hairs. Turn your back for a second, they'll steal every medallion that isn't nailed down.
06/20/2014 09:43 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
How about Swedish?

I am having flashbacks...hankypanky's influence is obvious!
projectzero00 Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
How about Swedish?

I am having flashbacks...hankypanky's influence is obvious!

No, dont use that hellish name in here, please don't give him more credit than he deserves. lol
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06/20/2014 11:05 AM (UTC)
Whenever I think of swedish platinum blondes, this clown comes to mind:

About Sub,

Is Bushy Brow allergic to giving Subby this idle stance back or what?
06/20/2014 01:38 PM (UTC)
Two things that make me hate Sub-Zero even more:

1) Noob Saibot is purified back into the real Sub-Zero, losing Noob to Sub-Nothing is something I would really hate.

2) Sektor died in a battle with Sub-Zero which would explain why Sub-Zero is in the clan again.

Sektor and Noob are both 2 of my favorite characters, I don't care what happend to Sub-Zero as long as they aren't killed or replaced by him.

Really Sektor survived MK9 just to be slaughtered by Sub-Zero who obviously died by the hands of Sindel? That is insane, then at least have Sektor killed during MK9, not off-screen because the Sub-Zero fans can't live without him.

I hope this new sub-zero is a new one all together, Sektor lost interest in the Lin-clan and started his own clan that turns EVERYONE into killer robots, so that this new Sub-Zero can have his clan back.
Also Noob Saibot should never get purified, ONLY if he is like Venom from Spiderman (like somebody said) that he still lives in his liquid form.

I can see this Noob-liquid character work, look at clayfighter and killer instinct for liquid characters, they are actually rather cool.

06/20/2014 02:45 PM (UTC)
I would be sad with Noob gone... But I would love to see Bi-Han as Sub again... And maybe they can play it out with Noob being someone else or a character on his own from now.

But who knows... This is all speculating as long as we don't know who this Sub is
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/20/2014 03:19 PM (UTC)
Watch them pull a Parrallax and reveal Noob was created by grafting a Netherealm demon onto Bi-Han's soul or something, giving us a reason to have both. :D
06/20/2014 08:37 PM (UTC)
Speaking of Sub-Zero's mask.... Am I the only one who thinks it looks like CSZ's mouthpiece from 2011?
06/20/2014 08:52 PM (UTC)
EvilStarLegacy Wrote:
Speaking of Sub-Zero's mask.... Am I the only one who thinks it looks like CSZ's mouthpiece from 2011?

I did, but you could also say it resembles Noob's as well. One thing that doesn't matter though is the whole dead thing. Kuai and Bi-Han are both dead so the undead eyes could fit either.

In one of the interviews Boon said that Sub-Zero is a legacy name. He then went on to say that we would know which ONE it is in the story. That to me at least implies it's Bi-Han or Kuai, and not a newbie. We could see a new guy, but the main Sub-Zero will be one of the two.

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06/20/2014 10:03 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Two things that make me hate Sub-Zero even more:

1) Noob Saibot is purified back into the real Sub-Zero, losing Noob to Sub-Nothing is something I would really hate.

2) Sektor died in a battle with Sub-Zero which would explain why Sub-Zero is in the clan again.

Sektor and Noob are both 2 of my favorite characters, I don't care what happend to Sub-Zero as long as they aren't killed or replaced by him.

Really Sektor survived MK9 just to be slaughtered by Sub-Zero who obviously died by the hands of Sindel? That is insane, then at least have Sektor killed during MK9, not off-screen because the Sub-Zero fans can't live without him.

I hope this new sub-zero is a new one all together, Sektor lost interest in the Lin-clan and started his own clan that turns EVERYONE into killer robots, so that this new Sub-Zero can have his clan back.
Also Noob Saibot should never get purified, ONLY if he is like Venom from Spiderman (like somebody said) that he still lives in his liquid form.

I can see this Noob-liquid character work, look at clayfighter and killer instinct for liquid characters, they are actually rather cool.

Willing to bet Sektor's death is shown 100%, if he dies.
06/20/2014 11:50 PM (UTC)
I dont think Sektor is going to get the axe. I wanna see him become a cyber monstrosity, barely human at all. Just a BIG, evil cyborg wrecking ball with excess appendages and huge lasers and the whole deal. Completely abandon his humanity.
06/21/2014 12:58 AM (UTC)
Who knows, maybe a third Sub will be in MKX and make the Lin Kuei even more of a clusterfuck than it already is.
06/21/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)
You know, I threw this story of mine out in the other Sub-Zero thread, I don't mind throwing it out here for Frost.

I can totally see her being already a Lin Kuei student, rather than having her be in Sub-Zero's newly formed Lin Kuei. And this is where Sektor and the Automation Program can also fit in as well. She'd be someone who's trying to escape from the program, we could see like Sektor and several other cyborgs chasing after the students that don't want to become cyborgs. They could show us all of this, having Lin Kuei students not wanting to be apart of this program, some that want to, have part of the story focus on this.

It's something to throw out there, and I've been wanting to make a comic (but random new ideas for other stories and job hunts are currently distracting) who knows when I'll get around designing a comic for it. However, I just want to see something like this happen where we get more focus on this clan and the Automation Program. I've always liked this story since the third.
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
06/21/2014 05:30 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I dont think Sektor is going to get the axe. I wanna see him become a cyber monstrosity, barely human at all. Just a BIG, evil cyborg wrecking ball with excess appendages and huge lasers and the whole deal. Completely abandon his humanity.

At the very least, to see Sektor after twenty-five years of physical, mental and technological deterioration would be absolutely fantastic.
06/21/2014 05:46 AM (UTC)
I'm telling you guys, the best thing for Sektor is to meet Hotaru. Seido is all about order and so is Hotaru. What better way to make people follow orders than to FORCE them to follow orders? That's what the cyber initiative is all about. Forcing the lin kuei to follow orders.

Why form the tekunin when you could have a whole realm to yourself. That would make Sektor a huge threat on his own.
06/21/2014 09:12 AM (UTC)
If Sub-Zero kills Sektor in a cinematic i'm pissed also.

Sub-Zero died, Sektor didn't die in MK9 so Ed Boon would be wise to keep it that way and not kill Sektor off just in favor of that ice horror.
06/22/2014 06:06 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
If Sub-Zero kills Sektor in a cinematic i'm pissed also.

Sub-Zero died, Sektor didn't die in MK9 so Ed Boon would be wise to keep it that way and not kill Sektor off just in favor of that ice horror.

"That ice horror" lolz okay bro.
06/22/2014 06:41 AM (UTC)
I hope that Kuai Liang Sub-Zero kills Sektor and becomes the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. ^^
06/22/2014 10:43 AM (UTC)
I just want to know why they can rarely give an amazing Sub-Zero costume.
06/22/2014 11:26 AM (UTC)
Sektor has so much more value to me than Sub-Zero can ever have.

I hope Sektor kills Sub-Zero 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and all other future sub-clones.
06/22/2014 11:56 AM (UTC)
You're either a troll or just a serial Sub-Zero hater. Ehh.
06/22/2014 12:07 PM (UTC)
RoyalChakra Wrote:
You're either a troll or just a serial Sub-Zero hater. Ehh.

Lol, so if you don't like someone, you're a troll?

Well Jaded is also a troll, he wants Sektor to die on Sub-Zero's hands.

Same as I did.
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