What Exactly is Going On With the Lin Kuei?
posted06/22/2014 08:16 PM (UTC)by
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03/21/2011 10:09 AM (UTC)
So with the announcement of MKX, we have seen that our playable version of Sub-Zero appears both human and a proud agent of the Lin Kuei. When last we saw the Lin Kuei, they had fully initiated their Automation campaign, with Cyrax, Sektor, and Sub-Zero, along with many lower ranking members, receiving the Cyborg conversion.

Judging from the Lin Kuei's eagerness to capture and convert both Sub-Zero and Smoke while in Outworld, it would seem that the clan was adamant about the Cyber Initiative. However, now we see MKX's Sub-Zero both human and a loyal clansman.

Does this mean that the Lin Kuei has thought better of the Automation Initiative? Perhaps the clan is under new leadership? If so, how do Sektor and Cyrax fit in to this new Lin Kuei? And what of this "Sea of Sub-Zeros?" Does the clan now have a pool of potential Cryomancer candidates to select from? Have they been scouring Outworld for new members? How important is it to the Lin Kuei to have a Sub-Zero? Could we see more than one active Sub-Zero? Perhaps a squad of Sub-Zeros?

I feel there a lots of interesting questions that the small amount of recieved information warrants. This thread isn't necessarily meant to debate who may or may not be under the current Sub-Zero's mask, but more to consider the clan as a whole and how it could effect the Lin Kuei members that we know.

06/19/2014 07:47 PM (UTC)
The "sea of Sub-Zeros" probably refers to the fact that the name is a family heirloom like their Cryomancer powers are. Bi-Han and Kuai Liang's dad was a Lin Kuei named Sub-Zero, their grandpa was Sub-Zero, etc. going back 5 generations (which makes Kuai Liang Sub the 6th)

At least, according to Mythologies. They could always retcon it.
06/19/2014 07:51 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
The "sea of Sub-Zeros" probably refers to the fact that the name is a family heirloom like their Cryomancer powers are. Bi-Han and Kuai Liang's dad was a Sub-Zero, their grandpa was Sub-Zero, etc. going back 5 generations (which makes Kuai Liang Sub the 6th)

At least, according to Mythologies. They could always retcon it.

Has it been stated that Sub-Zeros MUST be from Kuai Liang's and Bi-Han's specific bloodline? I mean Frost wasn't directly related, was she? I feel like, as easily as Frost was introduced, that the Lin Kuei could find more Cryomancers.
06/19/2014 07:53 PM (UTC)
No, Frost isn't related to the Sub-Zeros, and she certainly could be a babymaker for new Lin Kuei for them to stick the name onto...

But MKX Sub does have the white eyes of a dead guy. I think Boon was swervin' us and it's Bi-Han.
06/19/2014 08:02 PM (UTC)
It's true, we could see a Bi-Han Sub-Zero return.

Does that "Grandmaster" Style Variation have any significance? What if Bi-Han is running the Lin Kuei now?

And now there's a rumor circulating that Sub-Zero and Scorpion are going to eventually work together in MKX against Quan Chi. Would Bi-Han and Hanzo do that? I think they definately could, seeing as they have both been Netherrealm Guinea Pigs for Quan Chi. I know that the Team Up rumor is just that, but a Bi-Han/Scorpion collab could be interesting.

What if Kuai Liang's Automation and death sparks a change in Bi-Han? I could see that definitely giving him motivation to re-take the Lin Kuei for himself and abolish the Automation Initiative. Perhaps we'll see Sektor's Tekunin formed as a result of this.

So much conjecture. haha
06/19/2014 08:04 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
No, Frost isn't related to the Sub-Zeros, and she certainly could be a babymaker for new Lin Kuei for them to stick the name onto...

But MKX Sub does have the white eyes of a dead guy. I think Boon was swervin' us and it's Bi-Han.

That's one of the things I really dislike about Frost. Suddenly, this random girl with ice powers show up out of no where with absolutely no relation to Sub-Zero what so ever except that they are both of Cryomancer heritage... It would mean that several generations of Frost's family would have ice powers as well, right? Being such a unique case, you'd think someone has noticed it before...
06/19/2014 08:04 PM (UTC)
Well based on the Arcade endings Sektor probably took control only to be defeated by the combined efforts of Cyrax, Raiden, and the Shaolin Monks. Sektor didn't die during this meaning he probably retained the medallion.

Sub-Zero, Whoever he is, has or will obtain the Dragon Medallion during the course of the game. Which means he will either on or off screen fight/kill Sektor.

Assuming this Sub-Zero is even from the new time line. As there is still the whole "crossing" and more to "X" than being ten.

Also there is the issue of the canonical elements of Sub-Zero's birth. As deception depicted his decedent as a Sub-Zero, but recent story has depicted the two brothers as being kidnapped, and how or if these two work together.
06/19/2014 09:35 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
That's one of the things I really dislike about Frost. Suddenly, this random girl with ice powers show up out of no where with absolutely no relation to Sub-Zero what so ever except that they are both of Cryomancer heritage... It would mean that several generations of Frost's family would have ice powers as well, right? Being such a unique case, you'd think someone has noticed it before...

That's kind of the POINT of Frost though, the fact that people with ice powers exist who AREN'T blood relations of Sub-Zero is how he was able to come to understand that the Cryomancers are a whole species and not just one family with a mutant power in the bloodline.

SweetPea Wrote:
but recent story has depicted the two brothers as being kidnapped, and how or if these two work together.

That's not necessarily contradictory. Mythologies says Sub's dad abducted the kids from their mom.
06/19/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
That's one of the things I really dislike about Frost. Suddenly, this random girl with ice powers show up out of no where with absolutely no relation to Sub-Zero what so ever except that they are both of Cryomancer heritage... It would mean that several generations of Frost's family would have ice powers as well, right? Being such a unique case, you'd think someone has noticed it before...

That's kind of the POINT of Frost though, the fact that people with ice powers exist who AREN'T blood relations of Sub-Zero is how he was able to come to understand that the Cryomancers are a whole species and not just one family with a mutant power in the bloodline.

Another thing I don't like about her... She's just a plotpoint for Sub-Zero.
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06/19/2014 09:42 PM (UTC)
I don't know about anybody else, but I'm getting a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure vibe with all these Sub-Zero's popping up, trying to conquer one Scorpion.

Jojo = Sub-Zero

Dio = Scorpion
06/19/2014 09:45 PM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
I don't know about anybody else, but I'm getting a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure vibe with all these Sub-Zero's popping up, trying to conquer one Scorpion.

Jojo = Sub-Zero

Dio = Scorpion

Just ALOT less fabulous. ;P
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06/19/2014 11:02 PM (UTC)
I really would rather see Sektor die than form the Tekunin. There is a point where you want your favourite character to go out at the right time. This is the right time. Sektor likely gets control of the Lin Kuei and will lose it to whichever Subzero this is. Hopefully this is Bi-Han.

I expect Cyrax with either stay true to his MK9 ending or join the OIA.
06/20/2014 01:23 AM (UTC)
See, this is where I get pissed at the story.

This may very well be Bi-Han especially because of the dialogue. However, he has no reason to become grandmaster. He didn't even care about Kuai enough to get revenge.

So, they not only pissed all over Kuai by turning him cyber, they are now also going to hand his story to his asshole brother. While they most likely recycled Scorpion's MK:D storyline to bring his ass back anyway. This shit just has suck written all over it.
06/20/2014 01:54 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
See, this is where I get pissed at the story.

However, he has no reason to become grandmaster. He didn't even care about Kuai enough to get revenge.

Get revenge for what?
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

06/20/2014 02:05 AM (UTC)
There are a couple of things I can see happening from this. Sub-Zero is a new character that we never heard of and NRS decides to stick with Noob and Cyber Zero.

Or they bring back either brother from death, more than likely Mr. Lang.

For the rest I foresee a discontinuation of their last storyline and seeing something out of the ordinary.

Maybe, Smoke and Noob join forces again due to their deaths and run amok in the Nether Realm. Smoke a full blown demon and Noob a wraith. Would probably make me foam from the mouth.

As for Cyrax and Sektor they completely take over the Lin Kuei and Mr. Lang makes a comeback to restore the honor of the clan or he just fails outright to be hunted by his old clan.

As anti-climatic as it is this how I see it. grin
06/20/2014 02:11 AM (UTC)
If Sub-Zero in MKX is Bi-Han, it would mean no more Noob. Maybe that's why they gave Scorpion those demonic minions in his Inferno Variation, because Noob won't return and have a Variation where he uses his shadow minions.
By the way, am I the only one who thinks Sub-Zero's mask looks really ugly?
06/20/2014 02:36 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
See, this is where I get pissed at the story.

However, he has no reason to become grandmaster. He didn't even care about Kuai enough to get revenge.

Get revenge for what?

Revenge for turning Kuai into a refrigerator.

@ Jaded-Raven

Nah, the mask is kinda ugly. It's like some Mr.Freeze shit. I get the feeling they're trying to copy Legacy a bit too much...
06/20/2014 03:05 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
If Sub-Zero in MKX is Bi-Han, it would mean no more Noob. Maybe that's why they gave Scorpion those demonic minions in his Inferno Variation, because Noob won't return and have a Variation where he uses his shadow minions.

By the way, am I the only one who thinks Sub-Zero's mask looks really ugly?

No, I'm really not a fan of it either JR. Sub's my favorite so it looks like I'll be spending a lot of time with the ice mask style.
06/20/2014 03:22 AM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
If Sub-Zero in MKX is Bi-Han, it would mean no more Noob. Maybe that's why they gave Scorpion those demonic minions in his Inferno Variation, because Noob won't return and have a Variation where he uses his shadow minions.

By the way, am I the only one who thinks Sub-Zero's mask looks really ugly?

No, I'm really not a fan of it either JR. Sub's my favorite so it looks like I'll be spending a lot of time with the ice mask style.

Here's hoping for a cool-looking alternate outfit! :D
06/20/2014 03:52 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
If Sub-Zero in MKX is Bi-Han, it would mean no more Noob. Maybe that's why they gave Scorpion those demonic minions in his Inferno Variation, because Noob won't return and have a Variation where he uses his shadow minions.

By the way, am I the only one who thinks Sub-Zero's mask looks really ugly?

No, I'm really not a fan of it either JR. Sub's my favorite so it looks like I'll be spending a lot of time with the ice mask style.

Here's hoping for a cool-looking alternate outfit! :D

Yeah i also hate the mask. Loved his mask from mk9 ( hes had it for so longi think its his best mask)

Having bi han as Sub-Zero and losing Noob sounds pretty bad to me, Noob is a great character it would be pretty lame to lose him. Also Jaded im not sure you can correct me if im wrong, but they never specifically stated if Frost wasn't related. Could it be she's the brothers younger sister? Iam surprised i could've sworn you were a Frost fan :P. I think she has some potential, butthen again that could be said about a lot of characters.
06/20/2014 03:53 AM (UTC)
His new mask is awesome IMO. Alt -0's costume would be Kuai Liang/other person ala MK9 ?
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
06/20/2014 04:22 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
If Sub-Zero in MKX is Bi-Han, it would mean no more Noob. Maybe that's why they gave Scorpion those demonic minions in his Inferno Variation, because Noob won't return and have a Variation where he uses his shadow minions.

By the way, am I the only one who thinks Sub-Zero's mask looks really ugly?

I believe quite the opposite. What if the Soulando ripped the "noob" right out of Bi-Han? What if the essence of Noob Saibot is now an entity of it's own? I know it wouldn't exactly make sense. I always assumed it was mostly Bi-Han's personal being that caused his transformation.

For some reason, lately, I find that I view Noob saibot like Venom from spiderman. A chocolate coating rather than a being. The MKA ending and the whole us of the word "wraith".

Not sure but I would love to see Noob become something of it's own. Perhaps even to infect/infest other characters? Jarek-Saibot? hahahaha okay. too far.
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06/20/2014 06:13 AM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
If Sub-Zero in MKX is Bi-Han, it would mean no more Noob. Maybe that's why they gave Scorpion those demonic minions in his Inferno Variation, because Noob won't return and have a Variation where he uses his shadow minions.

By the way, am I the only one who thinks Sub-Zero's mask looks really ugly?

I believe quite the opposite. What if the Soulando ripped the "noob" right out of Bi-Han? What if the essence of Noob Saibot is now an entity of it's own? I know it wouldn't exactly make sense. I always assumed it was mostly Bi-Han's personal being that caused his transformation.

For some reason, lately, I find that I view Noob saibot like Venom from spiderman. A chocolate coating rather than a being. The MKA ending and the whole us of the word "wraith".

Not sure but I would love to see Noob become something of it's own. Perhaps even to infect/infest other characters? Jarek-Saibot? hahahaha okay. too far.

Or Kano
06/20/2014 06:56 AM (UTC)
What made Noob relevant was that he was Bi-Han. You can jump in and say Nuh-uh! He was cool already, but that's a lie. Noob Saibot was reptile with less popularity before they revealed he was The older Sub-Zero (aka Bi-Han). (meaning he had no story).

NRS will simultaneously make two characters irrelevant by changing Sub-Zero to Bi-Han. Noob Saibot and Kuai Liang (cyber subz was for the most part disliked). So, goodbye guys. It was nice knowing ya I guess. That's why I hate this whole idea. You can have two really cool characters or one character who only serves to make Sub-Zero remain Scorpion's rival (and bitch) for the rest of this storyline.

It irritates me to no end seeing people want Bi-Han as Sub-Zero because it literally kills two fanbases characters just in order for them to have their character.
06/20/2014 07:16 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
That's one of the things I really dislike about Frost. Suddenly, this random girl with ice powers show up out of no where with absolutely no relation to Sub-Zero what so ever except that they are both of Cryomancer heritage... It would mean that several generations of Frost's family would have ice powers as well, right? Being such a unique case, you'd think someone has noticed it before...

That's kind of the POINT of Frost though, the fact that people with ice powers exist who AREN'T blood relations of Sub-Zero is how he was able to come to understand that the Cryomancers are a whole species and not just one family with a mutant power in the bloodline.

Another thing I don't like about her... She's just a plotpoint for Sub-Zero.

Being just a plotpoint for Sonya has worked out pretty well for Kano for the past 20 years.

Granted, the reason he's popular is mainly that people think Australian accents are funny, but still. We could hook Frost up with a funny accent if that's all it takes. How about Swedish? She always struck me as nordic, like her natural hair color would be blonde under that blue ice.
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