What does the next installment have to include?
posted03/30/2010 11:34 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/09/2010 12:33 PM (UTC)
When MK9 comes out, for me, it's going to have to include these two main features:

-Good game play
-Realistic blood and gore (or at least close to it)

That's all I'm asking for. If they fail to deliver on that, then it's not worth my time.

Of course, there are other things I would really like the game to have. Such as, a dark feel, lots of arenas, oriental theme, realistic fighting and so on, which it most likely will include. Though these things just go by the wayside of what matters to me.

I for one, can never understand, why there are people who would not pick up an MK, solely for the fact that it excludes or includes previous characters.

Anyways, what main components just need to be there for you, or you won't bother with it?
03/19/2010 01:52 PM (UTC)
ן want a good storyline!
A deep and intersting story that wil expolre more info about the mk univrse.
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03/19/2010 04:04 PM (UTC)
What has to be in there? Well, I think when you ask that, you have to look at the most bare bones of ideas on what MK must improve on to be a better game. For me...

Gameplay: This is first and foremost. If the story stinks, if the characters are lame and their moves are garbage, a great fighting system can go a long way in saving even the worst parts of a good fighting game.

I want what I've always wanted since MK3, more or less: A system that's easy to pick up and play, but has a lot of depth for those that want to master the characters.

MK has been slowly lurching toward that type of gameplay that can suck in even the most novice of players while giving everyone something to work for. They still had dial a combos in MK vs DC, but they weren't nearly as odd as they were in MKDA or MK3.

There didn't seem to be as many combos like A, X, B, X, L, Y, B, A, L, B, Y. You know, the kind of crap that no one will remember if they go two days without playing the game.

So yeah, I think that a fighting system with intuitive, or at least simplified, but none the less enjoyable combos is a must.

Also, in terms for gameplay: A cure for infinites and more balanced characters.

Honestly, after that? Everything else is secondary or tertiary. I great story would go a long way for me, but as dumb as that "grrr the raaaage!" story for MK vs DC was, I still enjoyed the game.

I'd also like to see fantastic graphics, a return to the tournament, a more asian/forbidden city/foreboding island style of artwork, realistic gory fatalities and a whole other slew of things, but none of those are absolute requirements for my enjoyment. They'd only enhance it.
03/19/2010 06:07 PM (UTC)
BloodHound Wrote:
When MK9 comes out, for me, it's going to have to include these two main features:

-Good game play
-Realistic blood and gore (or at least close to it)

That's all I'm asking for. If they fail to deliver on that, then it's not worth my time.

Of course, there are other things I would really like the game to have. Such as, a dark feel, lots of arenas, oriental theme, realistic fighting and so on, which it most likely will include. Though these things just go by the wayside of what matters to me.

I for one, can never understand, why there are people who would not pick up an MK, solely for the fact that it excludes or includes previous characters.

Anyways, what main components just need to be there for you, or you won't bother with it?

You want what I want. And in terms of gameplay, I want it to be a little more easier. So easy that any button being tapped will make different combos. I'd also want to be able to perform infinites but this time with a little more realism into it and not just juggling an opponent while he's on air. In terms of blood and gore, I'd want to see the anatomy of body parts as they get dismembered and not just a chunk of salsa. I'd definitely be delightful if all characters have nasty fatalities like Kung Lao's "Buzzsaw" fatality from MKSM or something like his "Hat Slice". I want the game to be that nasty.
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03/19/2010 07:28 PM (UTC)
Im probably still gonna go with gameplay similar to MkvsDc, and a great story.

Gimme a 2.5D structure like MkvsDc, I liked the pro-moves, and all the aesthetics that came with it.... a bit more blood would be nice, but i liked how they handled sound effects and so on. Actually, physical damage didn't impress me as much as I thought it would. I mean, I think it should be there to some degree, and i like that they finally tried it out but, i think easing up on the energy it takes to put that kind of thing in the game again is the way to go. Again, I think it should be there, just to a lessor degree. How about physical damage but, nothing actually comes off the character? idk... could still be dramatic and fulfilling.

Anyway, i liked the way they handled combos in MkvsDc, i just felt really prohibited with that game. So maybe open the system up to alot more possibility. It seemed like it had the beginning of alot of great combos, had the endings set pretty well, but didn't let me create enough of a combo in the middle of a given combo. And then of course, once that was over, there was just those really tough, but really cool opportunities through the pro-moves. So yea, allow more possibility for me to be creative in the midst of a combo sequence, keep pro-moves in there, and it should be better than MkvsDc. They made a pretty decent step forward with that game i thought.


The other thing i would really like is a better story experience. If they can come up with a really good//fun way to make us players a part of the MK experience through this next game that would be awesome. My idea would be to expand the Konquest mode a hell of a lot more. Sure, there could be an offline mode that delivered the story of the game(which is great all by itself-- MKD/MKA style please), but what about utilizing online inter-activity as well somehow? Clan wars and so on, instead of only concentrating on the idea of the coin popping arcade days (which again is great, but there is more to be had than JUST that i think.)?

KAKharacter + Konquest would be interesting to see happen. Then, we might actually be able to become some of the contestants in the tournament. How about then taking that character online and becoming a part of some clan or something? My home-world could be different than your home world...and we go to war for whatever reason....over and over again.

Running around killing things and finding out more about different things going on at the same time is a good way to go i think.

03/19/2010 08:30 PM (UTC)
Hmmm....well, I must ask you this then Baraka. Would you still buy and be happy with an MK game that had all the qualities of game play you mentioned but had unrealistic violence, like how past MK's had (one-hit exploding bodies finishers, blood chunks, etc.)? What if it had no blood?

To me it would be like playing any other previous MK title only with better game play. Or even to the extent of playing Virtua Fighter, Tekken or just about any Japanese fighter out right now (albeit with a lighter, more upbeat feel) if it had no blood. Although, looking at MK's game play track record, it would be hard to say if they would want or can reach the technical feats those games have achieved, game play wise.

I remember when I was younger, I thought playing Mortal Kombat was the greatest thing ever. Now that I'm older, I have become more aware of the nuances that can be pushed into games and am more selective as what appeals to me. For me, this is looking for a fighting game that would simulate reality the closest, if pushed to extremes. With great game play and brutal violence. Without of course it being so real, that your character would die with one of your adversaries moves. Then it might not be as fun and would lose the traditional game play style were used to from 1 on 1 fighting games.

So while I remember Boon once said something like, "No one wants to pay for reality", and this mentality could be part of the reason as to why past Mortal Kombat titles have fake looking violence, I find it funny that it one of his twitter posting, he replies to someone, that the next game won't have exploding bodies like the other games. I don't know if he was being serious or not but before MK vs DC was made, he stated wanting to make the next game look more photo-realistic. Maybe he's been changing his outlook on where he wants to take the franchise, in terms of reality vs fantasy.

And I just wanted to clear up that statement I made earlier about how the next game would possibly contain realistic fighting and tons of arenas. I meant that just for the oriental theme and dark feel the series is known for.
03/19/2010 08:45 PM (UTC)
I want a Multiplayer Online mode.

Select your kombatant and arena and fight in a bloody Battle Royal against other online players!
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/19/2010 09:08 PM (UTC)
The game needs to not play like a broken mess.
03/19/2010 10:45 PM (UTC)
KungLao223 Wrote:
ן want a good storyline!
A deep and intersting story that wil expolre more info about the mk univrse.
r u going 2 b playing the story line wut about good gameplay that should b on top of everybody list without gameplay u have no game.............
03/20/2010 01:49 AM (UTC)
The most important thing to me is replay value. MKvsDCU is over in like two days if you play straight through and you don't even have to know what you're doing or seek anything out, there are no secrets, the only objective that isn't pointless and unrewarding is "beat story mode". That's just ridiculous. A game that costs 60 fucking dollars should give me more to do than that.

I need more modes, more stuff to unlock. Concept art, hidden characters, another making-of documentary to watch, whatever if fucking takes to get a long game with a lot of stuff in it like MKDA and Deception were.
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New sig on the way
03/20/2010 05:02 AM (UTC)
BloodHound Wrote:

-Realistic blood and gore (or at least close to it)

I'm not saying this shouldn't be in the game, but I just don't value it anymore. Back in the day, I stopped enjoying fatalities after a few weeks of playing the game. These days that's not even true because I see the fatalities before the game even comes out. Not ragging on people who still enjoy the gore, but the thrill is gone for me.

What WOULD get me excited is if they incorporate fatalities into the gameplay. No more fatality durations at the end of the match; make it challenging like Killer Instinct and Soul Calibur did with in-game finishers.

BloodHound Wrote:

I for one, can never understand, why there are people who would not pick up an MK, solely for the fact that it excludes or includes previous characters.

A good character is like a signature you carry around. If I go play SCIV online and I see someone solely picking Voldo, that tells me something about that person. About what gameplay s/he likes, what art style they find appealing, and the like.

If you take away someone's signature character, you basically hammer a nail into the core experience. If someone uses Ryu exclusively in the current Street Fighter, what's going to happen when Ryu is removed from the next game (not like that will happen, but still).

I guess what I'm saying is that character design and gameplay style are the body and soul of the gaming experience. Playing MK without a character you love is just a form of settling.
03/20/2010 08:20 AM (UTC)
for me its simple...the main things are:

i want fatalities with detailed gore and blood...none of that dribble and oozing crap again. watch the new movie Ninja Assassin...i want to see stuff like that.

more secret codes and unlocks in all forms...meaning all unlock should be in different areas of the game. some characters should be unlocked by the traditional way of beating the game with set characters...some should be unlocked through doing a specific task...and a few hidden ones that require codes or game completion. also the minor unlocks like art,videos and photos should be kept in a krypt type system...unlocks should be spread out in the game i think.

a good sized roster of 26-38 with some dlc characters down the road

good online play...i cant stress this enough...i hate lag in fighting games online.
other things in the next game i would really like would be create a character and maybe some new multiplayer modes...perhaps 4 player endurance or co op Konquest if it is to return.

03/20/2010 08:47 AM (UTC)
@ RazorsEdge701: So, would you be happy if they added different fighting modes, like how Tekken does. Story mode, Arcade mode, Time attack, etc.?

I agree with you that replay value is essential to any fighting game. Though, I think we have different viewpoints about what constitutes for the majority of replay value. For me, it is the fighting. Because when given a good fighting system with a host of moves at your disposal, by it's very nature for every match you play, it's supposed to be a new experience each time. Since you have to mix up your moves in order for them not to become predictable to your opponent, because if they believe the same move is coming again, you'll be eating one of their strikes, throws or what have you. Though this usually comes into effect on higher level play. If someone is going to button mash their way through a game, they are not really getting the full experience out of it. Oh, and I'm not lecturing you or anything but just supplying others with some insight on fighting game principals.

So modern fighters aren't really like action games like God of War, where you just figure out the set pattern of moves your enemies perform and then find the best way to defeat them. So if you replay the same enemy again you know exactly how they are going to attack. Where as in fighters, you play mind games.

But yes, it never hurts to add more content (bios, unlockables, etc.) to a fighting game, although I don't think that should be the developers primary focus. But that's me. Do you play any other fighters online or against a live person? Recently, I find every fighting game I have come across boring if I'm just playing it by myself but this happens to a lesser extent if I'm playing against a buddy.

@ TemperaryUserName: Yeah, I would like to see finishing moves put into game play as well. I think one of the ways they should implement this, is on the final round, when your enemy's health bar is close to being depleted all the way, depending on how they are situated (such as being on the ground, crouching and standing) you would use finishing moves as though they were normal move inputs but maybe harder to do? By the way, is this idea anywhere close to what you had in mind?

Anyways, I'm sure doing this kind of setup you are bound to run into balancing issues and almost certainly would require more work on the dev's part, since you have would have to designate these finishing moves in accordance to what position your enemy is in (I many be wrong here though). But this in no way is a concrete idea of mine, since I've never personally seen it put into practice and don't know what could result from it. I'm curious though. How did Soul Calibur 4 critical finishers work?

So, even though the MK team might have thought of using the very same system I described, there could of been time constraints put on them that hindered them doing this. Or maybe they didn't want to work that hard, just for fatalities. This could be why they decided to use fatalities until your opponents health was completely drained. Also to make them feel more dramatic when it goes dark. Again, I don't know what their situation is. But yeah, maybe you also got bored of the canned fatality animations because many of them always looked the same (exploding bodies, decapitations, separation of the torso). No real personality in my book.

As for characters, you know, like most things in life, it's going to come down to preference and opinion. The way I look at it is, even though there are what is now known to be character staples in fighting game franchises, even these character designs had to start somewhere. So out of MK's long run of titles, some characters that were once seen just as new characters, are now pretty much staples to many. Your views may differ of course. I do understand however the impact a character can have on someone so this isn't to say I totally disregard your outlook. Hell, I used to be obsessed with Ryu from Street Fighter.
03/20/2010 09:54 AM (UTC)
What will be in the game: Scorpion, Sub-zero, Kitana, Sonay.
Bloody Fatalities.

What I want:
Classic Characters
Good Story
Alternate Costumes
Lots of content
About Me

03/20/2010 01:07 PM (UTC)
03/20/2010 03:46 PM (UTC)
jmo1214 Wrote:
KungLao223 Wrote:
ן want a good storyline!
A deep and intersting story that wil expolre more info about the mk univrse.
r u going 2 b playing the story line wut about good gameplay that should b on top of everybody list without gameplay u have no game.............

You do know that people can want something else than gameplay right?


I would like a good story for once. One that's not going to get out of place like the last few stories went through.

I want the new characters that will be in the game to NOT be plain rip off of other characters.

I want good online play.

And... I would like waffles as well.
03/20/2010 05:26 PM (UTC)
BloodHound Wrote:
@ RazorsEdge701: So, would you be happy if they added different fighting modes, like how Tekken does. Story mode, Arcade mode, Time attack, etc.?

I agree with you that replay value is essential to any fighting game. Though, I think we have different viewpoints about what constitutes for the majority of replay value. For me, it is the fighting. Because when given a good fighting system with a host of moves at your disposal, by it's very nature for every match you play, it's supposed to be a new experience each time. Since you have to mix up your moves in order for them not to become predictable to your opponent, because if they believe the same move is coming again, you'll be eating one of their strikes, throws or what have you. Though this usually comes into effect on higher level play. If someone is going to button mash their way through a game, they are not really getting the full experience out of it. Oh, and I'm not lecturing you or anything but just supplying others with some insight on fighting game principals.

So modern fighters aren't really like action games like God of War, where you just figure out the set pattern of moves your enemies perform and then find the best way to defeat them. So if you replay the same enemy again you know exactly how they are going to attack. Where as in fighters, you play mind games.

But yes, it never hurts to add more content (bios, unlockables, etc.) to a fighting game, although I don't think that should be the developers primary focus. But that's me. Do you play any other fighters online or against a live person? Recently, I find every fighting game I have come across boring if I'm just playing it by myself but this happens to a lesser extent if I'm playing against a buddy.

Nah, my friends don't like any fighting games except Smash Bros. and I don't play online because I always seem to run into lag and it kinda ruins it.

So I love Mortal Kombat for the story and characters, but I can't really bring myself to play any fighting game for long just against the CPU, so the addition of an Endurance Mode or something like that wouldn't hold my interest. It's just boring unless I feel like I'm actually accomplishing something, like how in Tekken, you can at least unlock extra pieces of costume or whatever. Soul Calibur does it best, I think. They give you concept art, which I love to look at, but they also give you gameplay-relevant stuff to acquire too, like more weapons.

I did like Kombat Chess, though. And if all practice modes worked like MKDA's Konquest, where while it's teaching you combos, it's also telling you storyline info at the same time, that'd be a brilliant way to make it worth doing.
03/20/2010 09:19 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
I want a Multiplayer Online mode.

Select your kombatant and arena and fight in a bloody Battle Royal against other online players!
same here i'm not a street fighter fan but i think the modes that they r coming out with in there super street fighter game would have been a perfect mode 4 the next mk game. here's the link http://bit.ly/cb3lpa
03/20/2010 09:55 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
jmo1214 Wrote:
KungLao223 Wrote:
ן want a good storyline!
A deep and intersting story that wil expolre more info about the mk univrse.
r u going 2 b playing the story line wut about good gameplay that should b on top of everybody list without gameplay u have no game.............

You do know that people can want something else than gameplay right?


I would like a good story for once. One that's not going to get out of place like the last few stories went through.

I want the new characters that will be in the game to NOT be plain rip off of other characters.

I want good online play.

And... I would like waffles as well.
ok but what would b the point ok good story but fucked up gameplay without good gameplay the game is useless. I'm not knocking a storyline but at the end of the day when need good gameplay 4 the game to survive
03/21/2010 03:33 AM (UTC)
jmo1214 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
jmo1214 Wrote:
KungLao223 Wrote:
ן want a good storyline!
A deep and intersting story that wil expolre more info about the mk univrse.
r u going 2 b playing the story line wut about good gameplay that should b on top of everybody list without gameplay u have no game.............

You do know that people can want something else than gameplay right?


I would like a good story for once. One that's not going to get out of place like the last few stories went through.

I want the new characters that will be in the game to NOT be plain rip off of other characters.

I want good online play.

And... I would like waffles as well.
ok but what would b the point ok good story but fucked up gameplay without good gameplay the game is useless. I'm not knocking a storyline but at the end of the day when need good gameplay 4 the game to survive

...This issue is always being brought up someway or the other...

No duh game play is important, but not everyone thinks that it should be the number one thing to include in a game. They could say that game play is important without posting it, or they could. The fact that one didn't want to include it in doesn't mean that they want an entirely shitty game just because they did not say, "I want game play."

It's not like I don't want game play to be important, I think it should, but I don't feel like posting it because I have a hunch that game play will get better with the next game since the creators are always looking for ways to improve the game after each one has been brought out into the public to be played.

Therefore, not everyone needs to state they want game play if they choose not to. I still don't see why this needs to be an issue when people can want to include other things in the game that they want to see.
03/21/2010 12:35 PM (UTC)
1. Good fighting system, a similar one to MKvsDC's would be welcomed, but without free fall kombat and close kombat. If they bring back the one from MKvsDC I hope they improve the AI 'cause I've seen quite a few times Kitana's fan lift special poorly utilized by the AI (just an example).

2. Good story.

3. PLEASE introduce new single-player modes, PLEASE. I never play online (don't like all the glitches and lag) and I only have 2 friends that like fighting games both of whom I see very rarely, so my interest for the game depends a lot on the single-player modes, which were lacking in the last couple of games. Give us endurance, arcade (Tekken-style, where you improve your rank), team mode (maybe with some handicaps optional), tournament mode like in MK4, bring back 2 on 2, maybe give us an option where you can construct your own custom ladder in the arcade and stuff like that. Give us the chance to experiment with the game.
I always liked how football managers come with game editors, where you could edit all sorts of stuff, give us something similar to that in MK.
I don't know if any of you guys ever played Carmageddon on PC. That game came out in 1997 and I'm still playing it nowadays. Why? Because you can edit all sorts of stuff in the data folders and modify the game, so it NEVER GETS OLD.
So basically, what I'm saying is give us the option to customize the game, most of all game modes. I don't need KAK or KAF, but I do need various game modes.

That's what I would like. smile
03/30/2010 11:34 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
I want a Multiplayer Online mode.

Select your kombatant and arena and fight in a bloody Battle Royal against other online players!
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