What do you think the new systems are capable of in the future for MK?
posted05/27/2009 11:33 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/27/2007 07:40 AM (UTC)
This is a subject about what do you think the new systems in the future are going to give MK a better graphical facelift, realistic cloth simulation, and gameplay mechanics. I know i'm thinking ahead about this but it's better to explain it now rather than someone else talking about the same subject later.
05/13/2009 01:10 AM (UTC)
I would like to see real time damage effects on the characters instead of pre-rendered effects(even if they where good in MK vs DC). More realistic blood and gore effects.
05/14/2009 10:08 AM (UTC)
with games like tekken 6 br and soul calibur 4 as well as other games taking advantage of the consoles powers the way they do alot of things should be possible if the mkteam actually get some time to work on them.
05/14/2009 10:41 PM (UTC)
1. pick up and play gameplay.

2. fully interactive inviorments.

3. realistic gore, and blood effects.

4. better character models.

5. multiple attires for characters.

6. great soundtrack.

7. better voice overs.

8. cinamatic gameplay during the intro's and the endings of fighters.

9. more cutscenes.

10. downloadable content.

11. facial and clothing damage

12. alternate bios and endings for characters.

13. alternate weapons for characters.

14. fast and fluid gameplay.

15. alternate times for arena's like graveyard morning, graveyard evening, graveyard night. which changes the detail and brightness of the arena to show off the textures.
05/17/2009 05:26 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
1. pick up and play gameplay.

2. fully interactive inviorments.

3. realistic gore, and blood effects.

4. better character models.

5. multiple attires for characters.

6. great soundtrack.

7. better voice overs.

8. cinamatic gameplay during the intro's and the endings of fighters.

9. more cutscenes.

10. downloadable content.

11. facial and clothing damage

12. alternate bios and endings for characters.

13. alternate weapons for characters.

14. fast and fluid gameplay.

15. alternate times for arena's like graveyard morning, graveyard evening, graveyard night. which changes the detail and brightness of the arena to show off the textures.

brilliant ... especially #15
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05/19/2009 10:15 AM (UTC)
Moving to the Future Forum...

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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

05/20/2009 01:44 AM (UTC)
actually in my mk9 post and my others i already stated about time change, and editing time of day, mornin, noon, sunny, pink skies, night, slightly dark kombat, and i also stated completely destructable environments from top to bottom. Meaning if ur fightin n a building,depending on the strength of the character, if they strike a punch or kik and knock the char into supports holdin the building up, or if they miss the hit becaus the char dodged or sidesteped the building should come tumbling down which could b used as a deathtrap- so if none of the char jump out of the building in time it should fall and kill both players/ similar to the fallin stage from mkdeception/armageddon, however if one jumps out n time the building will fall and kill the remaining char, if they both jump out mayb a piece of fallin glass could kill one of them or a brick from the building
05/20/2009 02:09 AM (UTC)
that is a sweet idea about the destructable environments. maby have some areas be real clustered with breakable stuff. i just wouldnt want them to make anymore minigames though. if you get round houise kicked through a glass window or a brick wall that is awesome just dont make any minigames with it.

i like the idea a lot cuz it adds variety and something different everytime you play. the engine used in star wars the force unleashed did cool stuff w/ destructability
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05/24/2009 11:33 PM (UTC)

Bare Bones.

One of the greatest fight scenes in history to date. Gimme what that fight is showing us we should be able to do, first.

Next, streamline the controls in order for us to be able to control everyone of that videos situations. Next, I think that if the pauses that they take in the vid are minimized a bit, we could be in for some great game play. But pauses in real-time should largely come from us while playing.

Gameplay Aesthetics:

Notice that there doesn't seem to be a huge amount of environmental interaction, but yet, it is there. I don't care one bit for picking things up in the arena either, but what if I get kicked or punched, and my momentum sits me in a chair somewhere in the arena by coincidence?

We should be getting stuff like the candle trick from that video in our games now (action//reaction from the environment), and going into the future. It's fun to see, it's basic entertainment, that's what I want from the bare bones mechanic in the future.

Also, I think that if we have weapons, that they should be a pure aesthetic as a part of what the character does in a combo situation. A sort of reward within the reward of pulling off some super long combo or something. Special powers could be used here too. The idea here, would be to make it feel//look//seem like a real-time brutality happening. That's the "affect", or the "wow factor" to go after if they do something like this.

Gameplay Aesthetics 2:

:: I'm on the fence about all the facial damage and all that now that it's here. I think I like the appeal to "distress", "pain" and "anguish" on the characters face + the appropriate sound FX better. Idk, if they find a way to balance, and emphasis this better that really drives the point home, then I guess I'm all for it.

:: Stuff like water, rocks, glass, jelly, ect....duh. They need to show us they've mastered this stuff like the rest of the industry has.

Blood and Gore fit into this category, along with the things that should be happening to during a fatality scene. Any living things in the arena should die off when the fatality is getting ready to happen, blood and guts or whatever should look real, but be fantastical at the same time. All of this with maybe Ninja Gaiden 2 or Call of Duty (mwf or waw)'s "crispness".


Shoot for a great graphic novel, and get a fantastic video game story. Shoot for a great movie script and great voice actors, and get a fantastic video game script and voice acting.

Story Mode // Konquest Mode:

- First of all, put it in the game. Mk needs to own this category for the genre unquestioned. It shouldn't just be a selling point for Mk fans, it should be understood by the industry as a reason people like MK. Like, I pretty much hate WoW, but I understand why people get addicted to that game.

Now, this mode should let us do whatever we want within it. For one, obviously we should be able to fight in it, and for that, I wanna see something like this. MKSM or MKA gets pretty close already, just needs more "umph". Not really more camera angles, because I know that's tough to get around in a video game, but maybe more flexibility from the mechanic in how many fighting situations we could find ourselves in. More brutality wouldn't hurt a thing either.

So, I don't want those "training sessions" anymore, especially when it comes to learning something about who we're fighting against. I want more intuitive information exchanges that happen as organically as Jet Li had in that video. More "kick your ass and talk shit while I do so", please. Something like a cross between a cutscene and simple voice overs during the fighting.

- Make a great adventure out of the story. "Duh", right? Well, there's millions of ways to get that done. Many places we can go, tons of things we can do. Thousands of things we can encounter or acquire that help this right along. Use cutscenes sparingly.

- Address the GTA4's, Prototypes, WoW's, Mass Effect's, ect.. of today with this mode. Walking, running around, interacting with the AI, and the environments needs to be there in some impressive fashion. It's also a great way to acquire information. Have someone tell us a story about MK past, present, or future without the hassle of sitting there probing the A.I. all day long. Idk, some of those folks might have known who Hanzo was before he was Scorpion...never know.

- Leave it open ended so that when I "beat it", I'm not "done". This allows room to have great secrets in the game, and gives us a good reason to go back and play the game over and over again.

Secrets can be anything, from "situations" like the Endurance mode in MKSM, to time//place sensitive secrets like in MKD, to finding money//treasure//articles of clothes, weapons...ect. A secret can be mere information too. Like a code word, or combination...could even be finding the person that tells us a story that gives us a secret code or location. ha!

- Finally, let me take my Kreate-a-Kharacter through this, maybe even make this mode the little MmOrPg experience within the game. To where I'm playing to find out the story, but I run into other MK fans...ect. The point in taking the KAK through this mode though, is that it allows us to be immersed in the MK world in a unique way. On top of that, it allows us to actually care about what's going on with the character that we're playing with.

What if I can make myself, and become a contestant who is actually IN the MK contest? Remember in the first MK movie, Johnny Cage's friend who got killed by Goro? What if that was "you", playing through the game? Awesome.


I almost wanna say try the real actors again. Seems like that'd set the tone really well right off the bat. That would mean that the rest of the game's graphic appeal would almost parallel movie special effects and so on. That's pretty much the way it started out anyway.

The Incredible Hulk movie's graphics come to mind. That last one looks alot like what might have been happening with Smoke, doesn't it?

Just saying...


Essentially, all that should really be on the disc are like the arcade mode and the stock roster, the practice mode, k-a-kharacter hub, and the programing that drives all the online activity (among the obviouse other necessities, of course. like the games general make up and content ect). The disc could just be the key, or gateway to all the stuff we do online. We can save anything associated with the game to our hard drives for the most part.

I expect a progression from MK2-T on all fronts, still. They're still fooling around with trying to meet the norms that every other game has set, instead of using what they created, and making that better.

They used digitized actors first, they had//have the best story for fighting games, they scared the hell out of parents, they made fighting more than just a bunch of combos first. Do it again and use the new tech to make what happened before....better.

It's always the same thing with MK fans; the fighting, the story, the characters, the mood. lol

The fighting was like a martial arts movie, the story was like a graphic novel, the characters were in danger, and the mood was like a bad dream.

haha... I still want the same stuff.
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05/25/2009 02:58 PM (UTC)
Aright, I want to make a point I've been making for a long time

MK needs to be a hybrid action/adventure/fighting game.

If you can use the same engine and controls in both versus mode and conquest mode, you've also solved the problem of more than two players in one fight.

Look at wrestling games. Wrestlemania 2000, No Mercy, Def Jam Vendetta, Fight for NY, etc. They have full 3D movement, the ability to fight multiple opponents, great envirnmental interaction, etc.

MK could benefit from this kind of format.

The same gameplay style can be used for both the fighting game and the adventure game.

Essentially, it will be one big game rather than two small games.

This would also allow you to have a conquest storyline for every playable character, including created characters.

Arenas could be multi-tiered, with the ability to roam them freely.

Parts of the conquest maps can be used as arenas.

New maps and arenas would be available for DLC.

Bored with those arenas? Create your own! (If Tony Hawk can do it, why not MK?)

Wouldn't it be fun to square off with a friend or two against wave after wave of relentless ninjas? (or zombies, or skeletons, or whatever) See who can kill the most in 10 minutes!

Unlock new skills, outfits and weapons for your character as you progress. (for original and created characters alike)

Choose what weapons to use before the match. You will have access to whatever weapons are on your person, your opponent's person or anywhere in the arena.

Unlock new weapons for your character. New nunchaku for Liu, new sword for Scorpion. Playing as Rayden? Hammer or staff?

Unlock new powers and upgrade current ones as you play. My Sub Zero is better than yours.

Play with or against your friends in versus modes, all-out brawls, group versus group battles, co-op story mode with any character of your choice.

Mortal Kombat has begun again.

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05/26/2009 12:49 PM (UTC)
Talk about a silver bullet! That's a great idea TrueNoob.

I remember playing MKSM thinking; "They should just make the whole game like this vs Mode".

Although you know what?, allow me to throw something out there, just to challenge your concept a bit. And that is, what if I like the separation between the two most major mechanics? Arcade and Konquest?

If you'd like to use a single, pretty much universal mechanic for different aspects throughout the game, what would you do to make them different enough from each other, but just as capable as one another? Wouldn't your concept basically boil down to simply offering different options per the mode we're in? arcade//konquest....

Here, the one thing I'm unsure about, is when they start blatantly incorporating other games' ideas into MK(basically ripping them off). So, when you talk about the wrestling games, where's the limit?.....and When you talk about multiple players on screen at once, well that sounds excellent for some online team-like, or story mode- player-mingling or objective mission-type thing. Hell, it even sounds good for allowing 2/2, 4/4 regular fights online. But at the same time, once we subscribe to that thinking, its pretty easy to conceive that a Smash Bros rip off is happening....which is absolutely not would I would want. I also wouldn't want a MK game chalked full of melee situations either. Gets to be a bit Dynasty Warriors after too much melee.

I could hear Boon now trying to sell that: "This game is really about allowing people to play together as much as possible".... Then, when we get the game it'd feel like the only way to play it is with "100 people on screen at once" That's an exaggeration, but I'm sure you can see my point.

The point is, I enjoy the 1player vs 1player, and simply believe that it needs to be intensified at times. That could be one arena//situation...or it could be something random that intensifies things no matter where we are in the game, but that stays out of the way most of the time.

I also enjoy the break that the konquest mech- gives me from the arcade mode, with its separate rules of operation. Speaks to the weight and worth of the game when we're learning more about the game, while playing the same game in different ways. When the Konquest mode is juust enough different from the arcade mode, the whole game is better.

Other online activities should inherit one of the two types of mechanics that the game offers. Any tournaments, mini-games, or team-situations...ect. That way you feel like you've gotten your moneys worth, because you're always being challenged intuitively. Depth in each mechanic should be enough because it challenges you to remember "how to play this part" over and over.

I don't so much see the "refresh button" in my mind being pressed with just the one streamlined mechanic. That's how I got bored with MkvsDc so quickly. "Not enough to do"....or, you hear people talking about "Not enough content"..

I think two relative, but very appropriate mechanics is good. One for fighting, and one for "sandbox//melee//fps//rts//mmorpg" gameplay situations.

The fighting mechanic should deliver the theme for the games premise extremely well. While the Konquest mechanic should open up to the notion of a possible "universal gameplay mechanic", and give us a good helping of any possible situation our character finds themself in.

I think that as they perfect this sort of thing, the fighting should get more entertaining to watch happen, rather than continually difficult to control. As well as from the Konquest mech- , we should get more and more options, things to do, and the presentation and execution of the story should get more complex.

I'm still like your idea alot though because it solves alot of the problems, and the style of a system like that is widely liked already.
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"There is no knowledge that is not power."

05/27/2009 11:33 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the feedback, Predator.

I understand your fear of perhaps there not being enough to do, the worst thing that can happen with any game is running out of stuff to do.

I guess what this really boils down to is whether the player prefers the traditional approach to fighting games, or whether they prefer the Def Jam/WWF approach.

I can definitely see how this would fail if the designers did not know what they were doing. But if they brought someone like AKI on board, who actually designed the fighting engine for the N64 wrestling games and Def Jam Vendetta/Fight for NY, they would have a hell of a product on their hands.

In the end, I think what would sell this product is versitility and infinite possibilities. Also it would need to have that fast, visceral, brutal aggressiveness that was present in MK3-4. You can definitely see MKSM's versus mode as a preview to that attraction. Now think of that, only WAAAY more in depth, with more of a feeling of weight, and more closeness to the action. Also, a bit less arcadey, concerning power ups and such, instead replacing that with more realism.

Basically, I would want a Kung Fu movie toybox, where any situation you can think of can be lived out.

Also, when you consider the benefits of one game running on one engine, rather than two separate games, the most important thing that comes to my mind, (something which was promised but never delivered in MKA) is the ability to play through Konquest with your created character, or any other character for that matter.

This would also allow for endless co-op opportunities, and the way co-op gameplay is undergoing a vast resurgence, to neglect this marketing opportunity would be foolhardy on Midway's and WB's part.

So, instead of having two underdeveloped games that you would become bored with eventually, you have one massive undertaking, a living, breathing compilation of all things MK.

Seriously, I think this would make the difference of MK just putting out another lackluster, mediocre fighting game or coming back in style. You have to take risks to survive in this industry, and just lagging behind, trying to play everyone else's game is not going to cut it.

MK has to be different to survive.

Oh, and if we can get John Tobias back and somehow even Todd McFarlane (yeah, I know) for the art direction, this would be a guaranteed success.

And if we could somehow get some good writers on board, that would be great, too.

I just hate watching a franchise that has so much potential fall flat on its face again and again.
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