04/18/2015 01:28 PM (UTC)
I didn'T played her yet.

My question though... is... If Jax was "dead" by the end on MK9 and Jacqui is around her 20's... how can he be her father? Was she born before Mk9?
04/18/2015 01:30 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Aside from her gameplay which looks fun, weakest of new characters in almost every aspect, nothing stands out about her, plain look, personality, fighting style, no strong motivation aside from just being there. They could have made her so much interesting, similar case with Ferra/Tor, imo.

Pretty much what I was going to say. She's fun to play with but that's about it. I think they could have done so much more with her story and appearance. At least give her a decent alt.
04/18/2015 01:32 PM (UTC)
She's great, Her alternate costume = Best looking female in game
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04/18/2015 05:38 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Knew she would slay and she did. Her gameplay is great and fun and her personality is great. She's sassy and hilarious and the Tumblr crowd seems to love her. She's awesome.

I really enjoyed her until you mentioned she's a tumblr favorite. Now I gotta stop. Thanks for that
About Me

04/18/2015 06:03 PM (UTC)
Ahhhhhh damn!!! Jacqui's pretty awesome. Haven't had the time to lab with her (spent on Mileena right now) but I'm looking forward to it. Only regret is lack of Story mode flashback scene and only 2 costumes. Hopefully there's more skins a'coming.
04/18/2015 06:19 PM (UTC)
Tukisimavi Wrote:
I didn'T played her yet.

My question though... is... If Jax was "dead" by the end on MK9 and Jacqui is around her 20's... how can he be her father? Was she born before Mk9?
If we assume that Jax had sex with his wife ( or were to be wife ) right after he became human again, jacqui is around 20.
04/18/2015 09:40 PM (UTC)
While there are certainly more "unique" characters introduced in MKX, like D'Vorah and Kotal Kahn, I have to say I think Jacqui is my personal favorite of the bunch, just on the ground that she's really fun to play as, is EASILY the best-looking female character in the game, her X-ray is awesome, I think her and Takeda are cute, and she's got lots of fun daddy issues.

... But I also think that, yes, she has a real serious problem "standing on her own". She's largely defined by OTHERS rather than being self-standing. She best known as Jax's daughter, Cassie's best friend, and Takeda's girlfriend... which is a similar problem that characters like Jade had as "Kitana's best friend" and not much else.

She needs some proper "drive", which I hope she gets at some point. As it stands, she's pretty well-off compared to everyone else.
I think her appearance is just fine when it's not GREYGREYGREY all over.
04/18/2015 10:50 PM (UTC)
Love her. She and Mileena are my mains this game. She's tons of fun to play and her taunts and voice acting are adorable.

I agree she needs a more personal storyline beyond being Cassie's second-in-command -- it was weird that she didn't get a flashback like Takeda and Kung Jin did. If she doesn't get a story of her own, she'll be trapped as the BFF like Jade was for Kitana, and we've all seen how that worked out for Jade. But I think claims that she's 'boring' are absurd, and there's no reason at all that of the four new kids she's taking an especial amount of heat.

I think the power gauntlets are a good way to reference Jax without just copying him (they did a good job w/Cassie doing the same thing, imo). That said, I'd like to see more emphasis on her kickboxing background in the next game.

It's also cool to see a black woman in a game with natural hair. Her design may be 'boring' to some people but that alone made her really stand out to me. Would like to see another alt costume with a bit more color and 'pop', though -- something like what Takeda has going on, with his sleek suit.
04/18/2015 11:11 PM (UTC)
I just saw one of her intros with Kung Lao

J : I'm not afraid of you.
KL : How might I change your mind ?
J : "Change your name to Liu Kang"

Hilarious :D
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