What do you NOT want to see in Mortal Kombat 9?
posted03/02/2009 03:39 AM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
I've read a ton of threads lately all basically asking the wide open question of "what do you want in MK9?" well, I'm asking basically the opposite here. What game modes, what facets of the previous fighting engines, what characters, story ideas, concepts etc are you really hoping they leave out for the upcoming sequel? Be as small or specific as you want, like "I don't think that Sheeva should be in the next game" or "I don't want weapons anymore" or as big and as general as you want like "no more black dragon/red dragon" or "no more minigames."

Your call.

For me:

1) No nonfighting modes, period. That means no kart racing, no test your might, no puzzle fighter or any other mode that's put in to make MK more of a "complete playing experience." I'm a fighting game fan, I buy a fighting game to play a fighting game, not a mediocre action/RPG.

2) No more minigames in fight: The close kombat, air kombat etc were all relatively fun, but they always seemed to be out of place in my mind. Plus they both looked rediculous. Keep the fighting pure. I shouldn't be sucked out of a regular mode and into some other mode where all I can do are four canned animations for a period of time.

3) No more realms: There I said it. No more Edenia, no more Chaosrealm or Orderrealm or even Outworld. Stick to Earth. I don't mind if one or two new realms are brought in for the next game, but all of the other ones from before are either stale or were never good ideas to begin with.

4) No Outworld Investigation Agency: Sorry, never liked the idea. It just seemed like a plot device to lump a whole bunch of nondescript characters together and label them "good guys." If you're going to do the whole military angle again, and I have no problem with that, how about a more shadowy organization. Think Splinter Cell or Metal Gear Solid. Hint: If you start heading towards big ethnic stereotypes with metal arms, you're headed in the wrong direction.

5) No powerup gimmicks: No aggressor meter, no neijins, no rage meter. If you want something like "taking hits builds up a super meter" type of deal, I can kind of get behind that, but even then, I don't like the idea that one fighter ever has an advantage over another. I despise the idea of having to stop and turtle in a fight because all of a sudden the other character takes on attributes that they don't normally have.

6) No more clunky animations: A fighting game is at it's best when the animations flow from one to the next, like in a real fight. If I jump kick you, and you block it, I shouldn't sit in midair for a second or two as if frozen in time. Make the animations flow into one another and make the fighting more fluid.

7) No skimping out on 1p/2p modes!! This is huge for me. In the last few games it seems like there's story, arcade, versus and training. That's IT for the 1p/2p fighting modes. How about tournament style? Survival mode? 2 on 2 tag? 5 on 5 Team battle? Or go crazy and invent your own! How about create a tournament, where the player creates all of the characters and their special moves, picks their fighting styles, gives them stories and then gets play it as it's own game or even post their concepts to the net?

8) No more "standard" move sets: If you took Kano's standard moves and put them on, say, Ashrah, would ANYONE say "hey, that looks weird, those are Kano style moves." No. because all of the standard moves are interchangeable. Give characters some real identity. MK:DA seemed to try at this at least, having two fighting styles that had some throws in there, but to me, it helps the characters have their own identity if they have a fighting style that is unique to them as well as moves within that fighting style that are signature moves. I'm not just talking about one double flip kick either, I'm talking about 30 standard moves that take advantage of a character's style and physical abilities.

9) No more kid gloves: I know why MK vs DC had a T rating, I can respect that, but the last few MK games have really shied away from the violence. It's become comical, and that's basically the way it's been since MK3. Sure, you have Quan Chi's awesome leg rip fatality in MK4, but stuff like Quan Chi's neck stretch? Jax growing big and squashing someone? Give me some real fatalities that will shock and perhaps even gross me out a little. Show me some fear in the losing characters' eyes, some real, almost cinema quality damage being done. MK once shocked the world, it's time to take that crown back.

10) No more VS games: Probably goes without saying, but as a long time MK fan, I was really disappointed with the idea of MK vs DC when I found out about it. The game itself isn't that bad, but it's not what I wanted as an MK fan. I know that Midway is in dire straits at the moment, and they're probably grasping at anything that might bring in new fans to their games, but I can forgive one concept game. Now that I know who'd win in a fight between Rayden and Superman (which I honestly never cared to know before, but oh well), I don't want to find out if Jax can take out TJ Combo or if Sonya can take Chun Li or if Shao Khan would be able to beat Heihachi.

Just give me a new MK game already!

So yeah, alot of that sounds negative, and perhaps that comes from a few frustrations, but hey, no game is perfect and you always tend to be overly critical of that which you enjoy vehemently.

I love MK and I'm really looking forward to the next game, I just hope that Midway might listen to the fans a little and go with a straight up fighting game with a great new story, great new characters and some great ideas for making a great fighting system that players will love.

Anything you hope the MK team will deep six from past games?
01/27/2009 11:41 AM (UTC)
1) No mini game modes...lets keep it to arcade,versus,survival,2 on 2,battle royal,tournament,endurance,ect.

2) No Konquest mode...as I said for the mini games,lets just keep it strictly an all out fighter.

3) No comical or funny characters such as mokap...I could see maybe Bo Rai Cho type funny but not whacky stuff. if I see a cooking with Scorpion costume I would probably get some laughs yes but that is not what we want. We want serious and intense.

4) No non playable boss charcters...I want to be able to play as every character in the game.

5) No kreate a fatality krap...we need classic character specific finishers.

6) No on character weapons...I say no weapons and just have arena type stuff like in MK 4 like throwable skulls and all.

7) No fatality restrictions against the boss characters...it always annoys me when I can not finish off certain boss characters.

8) No multiple fighting styles...I dislike having to switch from style to style than weapon(than fatality which sucks)...each fighter should be original but with one style.

9) No currency or point type unlockables....just beating the game with speciffic characters,using secret codes or performing special tasks is better in my opinion.

10) No art,pictures,or video unlockables...yeah its great to show art of the game and pics of the MK team or whatever but I think that stuff is not fun to unlock so maybe put that stuff in the credits to give me an insentive to actually want to watch the credits. As for videos...if they are going to be there just make and "Extra" option to go into. the only videos I want to unlock are the ending cinematics for the characters. I would hate to go through hours of gameplay just to unlock a simple picture or game test video.
01/28/2009 05:44 AM (UTC)
1. no more old characters if possible.

2. no more old arena's if possible.

3. no more side games.

4. no more cheesy fatality's

5. no more stances.

6. no more lame bios or storys. specially involving revenge or trickery.

7. no more crossovers!!!
01/28/2009 09:08 AM (UTC)
No more old characters? Ummm...No. I fundamentally disagree here.

With respect, the old characters are what make Mortal Kombat what it is. Without them we wouldn't be playing the Mortal Kombat series. They are the hear and soul of the franchise. We haven't stuck with it for 8 straight games because it has the best fighting engine or blood and guts. MK vs Dc somewhat proved that. It wasn't so much the lack of gore that bothered people but the lack of their favorite characters. The fact that the DC side tied up 11 slots of the roster.

If you don't like or are tired of the characters I suggest Street Fighter, Tekken, Virtual Fighter, Soul Calibur, Doa, or some other fighting game series.

I will say that for mk9 I do not want more than 2-3 new characters. I would like the mk team to take the time to develop 2 or 3 really good characters instead of throwing out 5-6 rather bland or cut and paste copies of previous characters.

Examples like Kobra, Dairou, Drahmin, Hsu Hao, Darius, Hotaru, Shujinko.Drahmin, or Daegon, and Taven. Really what did they add to the mythos again? Are there really lots of fans clamoring for their return?

Every game it is the same thing. There are fans who complain about wanting new characters and then when they get them it is "these characters are lame." Then there are (rightly so in my opinion) tons of fans complaining that their favorite characters didn't get in the game because of some lame character like Hsu Hao or Kobra or Dairou who tied up a roster slot.
About Me
01/28/2009 11:02 AM (UTC)
Here is what I want to see:

-Bigger Konquest Mode with alot of HQ cut-scenes. No lame little text messages that tell you 'kobra ran off with his tail between his legs'. and that include Massive playable battles, LOTR style.

-Serious characters with major redesigns.

-No in game-minigames. (test your might etc.)

-Serious story with insanely unheard of plot twists. None of the same old stale 'champion wining mortal kombat' and 'I want revenge!'

-Insanely violent fighting and fatality's.

About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

01/28/2009 02:57 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I've read a ton of threads lately all basically asking the wide open question of "what do you want in MK9?" well, I'm asking basically the opposite here. What game modes, what facets of the previous fighting engines, what characters, story ideas, concepts etc are you really hoping they leave out for the upcoming sequel? Be as small or specific as you want, like "I don't think that Sheeva should be in the next game" or "I don't want weapons anymore" or as big and as general as you want like "no more black dragon/red dragon" or "no more minigames."

Your call.

For me:

1) No nonfighting modes, period. That means no kart racing, no test your might, no puzzle fighter or any other mode that's put in to make MK more of a "complete playing experience." I'm a fighting game fan, I buy a fighting game to play a fighting game, not a mediocre action/RPG.

2) No more minigames in fight: The close kombat, air kombat etc were all relatively fun, but they always seemed to be out of place in my mind. Plus they both looked rediculous. Keep the fighting pure. I shouldn't be sucked out of a regular mode and into some other mode where all I can do are four canned animations for a period of time.

3) No more realms: There I said it. No more Edenia, no more Chaosrealm or Orderrealm or even Outworld. Stick to Earth. I don't mind if one or two new realms are brought in for the next game, but all of the other ones from before are either stale or were never good ideas to begin with.

4) No Outworld Investigation Agency: Sorry, never liked the idea. It just seemed like a plot device to lump a whole bunch of nondescript characters together and label them "good guys." If you're going to do the whole military angle again, and I have no problem with that, how about a more shadowy organization. Think Splinter Cell or Metal Gear Solid. Hint: If you start heading towards big ethnic stereotypes with metal arms, you're headed in the wrong direction.

5) No powerup gimmicks: No aggressor meter, no neijins, no rage meter. If you want something like "taking hits builds up a super meter" type of deal, I can kind of get behind that, but even then, I don't like the idea that one fighter ever has an advantage over another. I despise the idea of having to stop and turtle in a fight because all of a sudden the other character takes on attributes that they don't normally have.

6) No more clunky animations: A fighting game is at it's best when the animations flow from one to the next, like in a real fight. If I jump kick you, and you block it, I shouldn't sit in midair for a second or two as if frozen in time. Make the animations flow into one another and make the fighting more fluid.

7) No skimping out on 1p/2p modes!! This is huge for me. In the last few games it seems like there's story, arcade, versus and training. That's IT for the 1p/2p fighting modes. How about tournament style? Survival mode? 2 on 2 tag? 5 on 5 Team battle? Or go crazy and invent your own! How about create a tournament, where the player creates all of the characters and their special moves, picks their fighting styles, gives them stories and then gets play it as it's own game or even post their concepts to the net?

8) No more "standard" move sets: If you took Kano's standard moves and put them on, say, Ashrah, would ANYONE say "hey, that looks weird, those are Kano style moves." No. because all of the standard moves are interchangeable. Give characters some real identity. MK:DA seemed to try at this at least, having two fighting styles that had some throws in there, but to me, it helps the characters have their own identity if they have a fighting style that is unique to them as well as moves within that fighting style that are signature moves. I'm not just talking about one double flip kick either, I'm talking about 30 standard moves that take advantage of a character's style and physical abilities.

9) No more kid gloves: I know why MK vs DC had a T rating, I can respect that, but the last few MK games have really shied away from the violence. It's become comical, and that's basically the way it's been since MK3. Sure, you have Quan Chi's awesome leg rip fatality in MK4, but stuff like Quan Chi's neck stretch? Jax growing big and squashing someone? Give me some real fatalities that will shock and perhaps even gross me out a little. Show me some fear in the losing characters' eyes, some real, almost cinema quality damage being done. MK once shocked the world, it's time to take that crown back.

10) No more VS games: Probably goes without saying, but as a long time MK fan, I was really disappointed with the idea of MK vs DC when I found out about it. The game itself isn't that bad, but it's not what I wanted as an MK fan. I know that Midway is in dire straits at the moment, and they're probably grasping at anything that might bring in new fans to their games, but I can forgive one concept game. Now that I know who'd win in a fight between Rayden and Superman (which I honestly never cared to know before, but oh well), I don't want to find out if Jax can take out TJ Combo or if Sonya can take Chun Li or if Shao Khan would be able to beat Heihachi.

Just give me a new MK game already!

So yeah, alot of that sounds negative, and perhaps that comes from a few frustrations, but hey, no game is perfect and you always tend to be overly critical of that which you enjoy vehemently.

I love MK and I'm really looking forward to the next game, I just hope that Midway might listen to the fans a little and go with a straight up fighting game with a great new story, great new characters and some great ideas for making a great fighting system that players will love.

Anything you hope the MK team will deep six from past games?

dude, your not thinking about MK as a whole, i see yours as:

1.there have been minigames since MK1, they are a staple of the brand, and usually the best made part of the game.

2.I have no opinion, because i haven't played MK vs. DCU

3.Realms have been around since MK1, if you are refering to Deception Konquest, i think i can understand

4. this makes sense, they should have kept it on the down low, not make it massive.

5.this makes sense, the powerup move in MKDA made no sense.

6. this can be said for every genre of gaming

7. i think of DBZ's Tenka'ichi Budôkai Tournament (called the Worlds Martial Arts Tournament in the American Anime) from the Budokai games when i saw this, and it was in UMK3 (8 player tournament mode), it should be brought back

8. i agree, each person needs a signature style

9. i'm pretty sure that was a one time thing.

10. NO MORE CROSSOVERS!!!!(i agree)
01/28/2009 06:06 PM (UTC)

1.) No more mini-games unless Test Your Might comes back. The Puzzle game was alright in Deception, bu the annoying thing in that game is that Expert mode is a pain in the ass. Mini-Kart was a rip-off of Mario Kart in a gory way, and Chess was just too stupid.

2.) New characters that don't make another return unless they're featured in a triology game somehow. That's just unfair to those characters.

3.) Death traps, they make the fight too short and majority of the traps are just the same thing over and over again. Though Stage Fatalities I'll keep.

4.) Characters that have allies and enemies that don't make sense. Such as Frost being an ally to Sub-Zero, yet in her case, she see's Sub-Zero as an enemy.

5.) The Krypt's pointless unlockables. Yes, we all know the faces of the MK Team, but we don't need to unlock them in the game at al. There's no point.

6.) Fighting Stances, it's too stupid to try to remember al the combos for both stances as well as the weapon stance. I would like how you have to perform a combo in order to grab your weapon out like in MK4, as I've stated, I would like to see the gun that Fujin had to make a return.
01/29/2009 02:00 PM (UTC)
1)do't kill al charcters,just don't let mokap come back
2)stop using scorpion and sub zero as main characters...Kenshi and Ermac deseres this role more than them
3)no "conversion" storyline:if a bad guy is evil..lt him be evil or neutral or whatever.Li mei betrayal was everything except surprising and shocking,Scorpion undefiied role wasn't funny either.
4)bring back classic fatality,no more kreate a fu...ehm a fatality
5)some characters can use a weapon as special move(like sub zero and deathstroke in mk vs dcu):in this way you make happy both guy that don't want weapons as well theones who wants to have a weapon fighting style.
6)scary atmosphere:two or three years ago i brought a FPS called Jericho(from Clive Barker):tha atmosphere and setting of the game should be copied and pasted,literally
7)a scary enemy:Lucifer is a good chooice
8) add a konquest mode only if you are sure to do it well,otherwise a good adventure mode like mk vs dcu is the best alternative
9)no comic relief is a good choice..but neither a "too serious game"....we need at least one joking character...and i'm not rferring to jax,bo rai cho or mokap.A sunglassesed hollywood star which i'm referring MUST return and continue his relationship with Sonya
10)no more ninjas except Ermac,subby and scorpion:reptile must have a monstrous form if he comes back,smoke should be some kind of cyber demon,cyrax totally human....all the rest f ninjas and cyboirg ninjas are not welcomed in next installemnt
11)if you can add to the game a HD version of MKtrilogy,instead of the same old and boring UMK3 which is a great game,but now is just overuse(xbox live,nintendo ds,mk armageddon collectors edition,etc).if you want put mk gold instead of trilogy.
12)add an alternastive attire to everycharacter
13)boss / sub bosses should be "fatalitiable"smile and playable without any online downloading.of course theyalso have the ability to do fatality,instead of shao kahn and dARKSEID IN MK VS DCU
01/29/2009 11:21 PM (UTC)
Thrawn Wrote:
No more old characters? Ummm...No. I fundamentally disagree here.

With respect, the old characters are what make Mortal Kombat what it is. Without them we wouldn't be playing the Mortal Kombat series. They are the hear and soul of the franchise. We haven't stuck with it for 8 straight games because it has the best fighting engine or blood and guts. MK vs Dc somewhat proved that. It wasn't so much the lack of gore that bothered people but the lack of their favorite characters. The fact that the DC side tied up 11 slots of the roster.

If you don't like or are tired of the characters I suggest Street Fighter, Tekken, Virtual Fighter, Soul Calibur, Doa, or some other fighting game series.

I will say that for mk9 I do not want more than 2-3 new characters. I would like the mk team to take the time to develop 2 or 3 really good characters instead of throwing out 5-6 rather bland or cut and paste copies of previous characters.

Examples like Kobra, Dairou, Drahmin, Hsu Hao, Darius, Hotaru, Shujinko.Drahmin, or Daegon, and Taven. Really what did they add to the mythos again? Are there really lots of fans clamoring for their return?

Every game it is the same thing. There are fans who complain about wanting new characters and then when they get them it is "these characters are lame." Then there are (rightly so in my opinion) tons of fans complaining that their favorite characters didn't get in the game because of some lame character like Hsu Hao or Kobra or Dairou who tied up a roster slot.

Finally..someone with some sense. I TOTALLY agree with you man. The old classic characters are who we should stick with because those are the characters that made the series. We have a LOAD of old/classic characters that have potential to create a REALLY good storyline and there is still a lot of classic characters who didn't really get the chance to shine or to develop their storyline.

So yea..we gotta let go of:
Hsu Hao
Bo Rai Cho
Frost (aww and I liked her)

The only new or recent characters that I feel that make sense to leave are: (from MK4-MKA)

Li Mei
Quan Chi

Lets just leave the classics from MK1-MK3 and add a Shadow Priest to the roster!
About Me

"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

01/30/2009 12:58 AM (UTC)
reptile and noob. 100% combos. motor kombat. and kreate a fatality.
01/30/2009 02:21 AM (UTC)
Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Kano, Reptile, Goro, Shang Tsung, Jax, Baraka, Shao Kahn, Nightwolf, Stryker, Sheeva, Cyrax, Kabal, Mimik, Motaro, Shinnok, Jarek, Reiko, Meat, Hsu Hao, Bo' Rai Cho, Moloch, Blaze, Mokap, Darrius, Kobra, Shujinko, Taven, or Daegon.

Story regression.

Mindless nostalgia.

Poorly conceived retcons.

Half-assed characters or gameplay.
01/31/2009 01:49 PM (UTC)
No Shang Tsung? No Shao Kahn? Seriously XiahouDun84? They're like the Bowser or Skeletor of Mortal Kombat. Shao Kahn, Quan Chi, and Shang Tsung are the arch villains of the series. One or two of them miss a game here or there but you have to have at least one in each game. They are as much a part of the series as Sub Zero, Scorpion, or Raiden. They are mk icons.
I agree with scrapping the lame new characters introduced from MKDA and on. Frost though I would keep. I never liked Shinnok give me Shang Tsung. I like the idea of Outworld. It gives balance to the whole thing. The realms do need to be cut back as they arent important. No more DC characters please or any other franchise characters. A lot of good points were made already, I agree with a lot of it.

I would continue on with what I would like in MK9 but unfortunately for the past 9 years I have been spilling my ideas and they dont get the game anywhere. Midway and the MKTeam will never truely listen to the fans. They are going to make another MKvsDC and try to squeeze more money out of the concept. They are in reality a bunch of talentless greedy people (compared to Namco or Capcom) and lost the spirit of Mortal Kombat when Tobias left. I find myself still playing MK1, 2, UMK3, and MK Gold (the only good 3D MK) over any of the new MK's. I traded MKDA, MKD, and MKA a long time ago. I have MKvsDC but I never play MKvsDC. Its really unfortunate.
01/31/2009 04:24 PM (UTC)
agree with thrown and edenian ninja.
and about xiandhou84,i respect everyone's opinion...i don't just disagree with him...my idea of what mk9 should be is the total opposite of xian's one.
but still respect him.his choice hoeverver is almost mindless
01/31/2009 04:45 PM (UTC)
So, aside from disagreeing with the characters he listed as not coming back, you also want to see story regression, mindless nostalgia, poorly concieved retcons, and half-assed characters and gameplay? Because that's what you're saying when you want "the total opposite" of his ideas.
01/31/2009 05:08 PM (UTC)
I also would prefer not to see Smoke, Jade, Kintaro, Sindel, Rain, Khameleon, Quan Chi, Frost, Mavado, or Onaga.
But I'd be a ittle more forgiving of their returning, depending on what was done with them.

Thrawn Wrote:
Shao Kahn, Quan Chi, and Shang Tsung are the arch villains of the series.

And that's why they should go. Even if they were to come back, they couldn't stay the arch-villains anymore. They would have to move on because who the fuck wants to see Shao Kahn or Shang Tsung as the main boss AGAIN?

Thrawn Wrote:
They are as much a part of the series as Sub Zero, Scorpion, or Raiden. They are mk icons.


As far as keeping "icons" around simply for the sake of icons in order to maintain a familiarity, you only need five...maybe six...characters. We already got three. I can grant Shang Tsung, but aside from that, I'd lean more towards Kitana, Mileena, or possibly Reptile.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
but still respect him.his choice hoeverver is almost mindless

Care to explain how my choices are "mindless?"
01/31/2009 08:31 PM (UTC)
I don't want to see the following:

-broken, super glitchy fighting system

Mortal Kombat STILL needs to step up as a 3D fighting game. They are somewhat heading in the right direction in the sense that they've now had wake up attacks, parries, and throw escapes. However, they need to make sure to have all of that in the MK games from now and to be done well. I don't want to see stiff, clunky animations and a rigid feel. Fighting should be smooth and fluid.

-too many characters

I think an appropriately sized roster should consist of 20-25 characters. They can slowly build up from there with further installments.

-too many characters from the previous saga to return

I think that only about 25 or so characters should return throughout the next-gen series but not all in one game. MK needs to get rid of characters like Moloch, Blaze, Meat, Chameleon, and many others.

-too many characters to be killed off

On the flipside, I don't like the other extreme of having too many characters killed off. There is still potential with some of the relatively new characters such as Nitara, Ashrah, Li Mei, Havik, Hotaru, etc.

-too many classics (MK1-MK3 era) to return

Aside from the likes of Sub-Zero, Raiden, Ermac, and some others, they need to get rid of a large fraction of the classics from the MK1-MK3 era. I don't want to see the likes of Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Jax, Kano, Sheeva, Shang Tsung, Reptile, and various others return. And to be really conserative, I'd even get rid of the likes of Scorpion, Jade, and Sindel if they can't do anything good with them. I'm sick of seeing Scorpion, and even though I like Jade and Sindel, they might as well be killed off if their potential isn't explored.

-terrible story

I don't want to see plotholes, bad retcons, and bad story directions. MK has had a bit of a bad streak so far with MK: Shaolin Monks, MK: Armageddon, and MK vs. DC Universe. I could go more into detail here, but it would get into what I want as opposed to what I don't want.

-rehashed finishers

For example, I don't want to see Kitana's fan decapitation for the 20th time. They need to think of new and refreshing ideas for fatalities.

-babalities, animalities, friendships

I could do without these.

-cartoony graphics

I'd appreciate it if the human and human-type characters looked more photo-realistic. I hate the blood effects from MKDA-MKA due to them being so chunky.

-low replay value

-crappy new characters

I don't want to see characters that have the quality level of characters like Chameleon.


I'll probably come back if there is anything else.
About Me

Life is a journey. Enjoy it.

02/01/2009 02:21 AM (UTC)
For MK 9 I don't want to see:

- A rushed game

- Online infinites and semi-infinites

- No mimic, and no shoto-clone characters

- No more resurrections or reanimations of dead characters

- A story loaded with bad retcons, plotholes, etc

- Lol no more exploding boses. Onaga, Blaze, Dark Khan. Bing, boom, blamo! There are more interesting and dramatic ways for the end boss to meet their doom, and they should be explored.

- No lame decaps for fatalities. Take off head and hold it in the air. Punch head off and pose for the camera. These are not very creative nor exciting for me anymore since I've seen them a million times. Time for gritter more disturbing approach to the fatality move.

- Bosses that resemble lava or molten rock

- Weak endings like Armageddons kata endings.

- Small arenas with cheap death traps.

- Lack of unlockables and hidden content

- Superheros

- Multiple fighting stances

- A dull and uninspired soundtrack

All I can think of for now
About Me
02/01/2009 03:44 AM (UTC)
No more klose Kombat

No superheros or cross over of any kind

No more roid rage
02/01/2009 01:59 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84, with all due respect I still feel you are missing the concept of an arch villain. They are always (or at least one or two should) going to be in each game as villains. They don't have to be the main villains. I can agree with you there. But to say you are tired of seeing them and they shouldn't ever return is wrong.

I thought Onaga was a nice side track from Shao Kahn. I feel he could have been handled a little better. Shinnok likewise in mk4.

Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, and Shao Kahn are awesome villains though. They are an integral part of the mk universe. I liked how for instance Shao Kahn was in mk vs dc but he wasn't the main villain. That worked for me.

The iconic characters such as Sub Zero, Scorpion, and Raiden are what make mk what it is. They add the flavor, style, and personality to the game. They are iconic for a reason. They are fun to use and are interesting and poplular characters. Fans don't keep asking for them to return because they make nice window dressing. It isn't about familiarity specifically.

We just fundamentally disagree here man. The new mk characters introduced in mkda and mkd were mostly pretty lame. I don't want more lame new characters just to fill a new character quota. I don't want them there just to add a "newness" to the game. I would rather the established characters get more fleshed out and let new rivalry's and stories be developed for the old characters that we do like.

I dont' mind new characters, but just introduce 2 or 3 and concentrate on making them very original and unique.

A perfect example of what I am talking about. Noob Saibot. After mkt a certain portion of the fans were complaining that he was not interesting and was nothing more than a palette swap. They didn't want him back ever. Thankfully midway brought him back in mkd and the little twist in his ending was one of the coolest character developments to come out of mkda, mkd, and mka. Exploring the established characters is better in my opinion because we already care about them.

02/02/2009 01:49 AM (UTC)
I don't wanna see close combat...I like big showy throws better!

Death traps...I do like stage fatalities though....after a match of course.

A version of Shang Tsung other than the old guy in a robe...bring him back!

Shao Kahn...he's getting boring....

"A new hero", like Shujinko or Taven, make someone we know a hero!


A theme song other than the awesome theme from the movies!

Create a fatality...although maybe you could give several options...like ripping off someone's head, then showing it to the camera, or spiking it like a football. Or freezing someone's entire body, then choosing where to kick, like head or torso.


Stances, although I think they know that by now

Things I do want:

A Shaolin Monks type konquest mode...I effin' loved that game!

Friendships....oh come on why not?!

Cinematic endings...bonus if they make sense!
02/02/2009 02:07 AM (UTC)
RoninDrake Wrote:
So, aside from disagreeing with the characters he listed as not coming back, you also want to see story regression, mindless nostalgia, poorly concieved retcons, and half-assed characters and gameplay? Because that's what you're saying when you want "the total opposite" of his ideas.

don't laugh...basically yes.
because what he consider "story regression" equival to my "story improving","mindless nostalgia" to my "emotional gaming","poorly conceived retcons" to my"funny and comic storyline which made great game mk1,2 and 3","half assed characters" to my "great and lovely characters(sonya,cage,kitana,kenshi,quan chi and others)" and "half-assed gameplay" to my "incomplete gameplay that feel funn when you can use both hand to hand and weapon kombat".

yes i like MK he way it is,if someone i stired of old characters and gameplay should focus more on ther fighting game
02/02/2009 02:15 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
but still respect him.his choice hoeverver is almost mindless

Care to explain how my choices are "mindless?"

just for one reason:ever heard tht tekken and DoA are going to kill 90% of their roster?...NO,and are billionaire franchises.
i think you're comparing mk to other fighting games...you like them more,nothing worng with it,play them but don't try to change MK,because all the CLASSIC things that you hate or dislike lke johnny cage,sonya,or "hlf-assed" gameplay(which is far away better and funnier than atop selling franchise like Soul calibur) made MK GREAT and legendary back in the time and still have potential nowadays.
your coice is mindless in my opinion because a MK like "yours" would be an instant hara-kiri for the series and if mediocre games like Mk Armageddon and Mk vs DCU sold over 2 million of copies is just merit of classic elements in both gameplay and roster of characters.
that's my opinion.
We don't need change,we need iprovements(no political ds intendd with this :) )

PS:Mindless is not intended as offensive,but as non-sense.
02/02/2009 02:33 AM (UTC)
Please,! you're out of your mind if you think MK game play is better
than Soul Caliber. As far as I am concerned game play is where
MK has failed at for 3 friggin titles. Tekken, Soul Caliber, & Dead or
Alive are far superior to MK in that respect. Hopefully MK8 will prove
me wrong. But so far, there's nothing topping those games in the
smooth fluid, realistic movements of their combat system.
02/02/2009 02:35 AM (UTC)
LOL at this thread...hehe. No, not because it's a bad thread Baraka407, haha, but because the truly important things you, I and others are asking from the Mortal Kombat team (the realistic blood and fatalities, fluid and varied animations, deep gameplay) I believe will not be put into the next games. I mean, if the things we wanted were achievable with the 3d iterations (or even the 2d ones to an extent), then why weren't they implemented? I honestly believe it is because what we want to see in one of their games isn't part of their vision. If it was, they would have done this a long time ago.

Hey, but don't worry, I am currently teaching myself 3ds Max (a 3d modeling/animation program) in order to design the game you and I want to play on the Xbox 360 using the XNA framework, along with some programmers I know to help me with the game. I want to make it look professional so it may take a couple years to complete.

By the way man, I enjoy hearing what you have to say as we both seem to be on the same wavelength and you are actually one of the few intellectuals on here.
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