what do u think of a mortal kombat mmo?
posted03/09/2008 05:12 AM (UTC)by
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02/27/2008 03:58 AM (UTC)
Im just throwing this out there. what are your opinions? do you think it would be a good thing or a bad thing for the franchise? I really love the MK fighting games and adventure games, but I was just thinking what MK would be like as an mmorpg.
02/27/2008 06:31 PM (UTC)
The only right way for MK 8 to exist is to be an MMORPG.
02/28/2008 01:44 AM (UTC)
sphinx2087 Wrote:
Im just throwing this out there. what are your opinions? do you think it would be a good thing or a bad thing for the franchise? I really love the MK fighting games and adventure games, but I was just thinking what MK would be like as an mmorpg.

Oye, there's too many of these questions that wants to know what MK would be like if it was an MMORPG and it's simple...

02/28/2008 08:10 PM (UTC)
just asking. i didnt say that they should make one. i didnt know their were posts similar to this one.
02/28/2008 10:56 PM (UTC)
sphinx2087 Wrote:
just asking. i didnt say that they should make one. i didnt know their were posts similar to this one.

Welcome. And I know that you didn't say that Midway should make one, but I was stating what I've been stating with the other posts.
03/06/2008 05:04 PM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
sphinx2087 Wrote:
just asking. i didnt say that they should make one. i didnt know their were posts similar to this one.

Welcome. And I know that you didn't say that Midway should make one, but I was stating what I've been stating with the other posts.

Don't listen to this guy, sphinx2087, I think that that would be a great idea. Also I would seriously love that to come out on the consoles if they made one.
03/07/2008 12:41 AM (UTC)
Vapor Wrote:
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
sphinx2087 Wrote:
just asking. i didnt say that they should make one. i didnt know their were posts similar to this one.

Welcome. And I know that you didn't say that Midway should make one, but I was stating what I've been stating with the other posts.

Don't listen to this guy, sphinx2087, I think that that would be a great idea. Also I would seriously love that to come out on the consoles if they made one.

Ha, ha... dude I'm a girl..

Not to mention, if MK actually did go into the whole MMO era... do you know how many riots will start at their headquarters? Not to mention that their entire headquarters is not too far from where I live since they're in Chicago.

So technically you'll have people that will never touch the game ever again.

Secondly, how can MK be MMO? How would you have the entire thing start off? Who will be the major character, not to mention is has to be something everyone likes. Not that many people on this site are too friendly with this kind of topic.

So basically you're going to have a lot of angry folks that will riot becuase of a change in genre.

But yet this is just me talking, not to mention that it will NEVER happen, and no it's not cool.

CHEERS for LAME!grin
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03/07/2008 09:32 AM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Secondly, how can MK be MMO?

There's ample potential there. As a matter of fact, there's almost too much potential. There hasn't been alot of MKs' story, character, or realm elements that have been fleshed out. They've gotten away with skimming the surface, and retconning alot in the series. An MmOrPg could very well take care of all of this.

Not to mention all the different factions, clans, and different alignments of the characters already in the game. Worlds, time in history or future, and then, specifically "where" on each realm at what time in all of this.

A MmOrPg is more than highly possible for MK.

Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
How would you have the entire thing start off?

"A civilization provoked into a contest"....

"Before the realms where created, the elder gods....."

"Creation of the realms..."

"Creation of the gods of Earth, Edenia ect ect....."

"When Onaga was ruler....."

"Shao Kahn, the conquerer of realms went __ first, then__, then __,....."

ect ect.... There's too much stuff you can do with 6-8 games of un-exploited data. You could go through a characters life...How many times have you heard people talk about Hanzo Hassashi and the Shirai Ryu(Scorpion).
Kitana's 10 thousand+ years old, what exactly has she done with all that time.....
Raiden and Shao Kahn are immortal, so who the hell came first? and What were they doing with all their time?

Dot dot dot

Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Who will be the major character, not to mention is has to be something everyone likes.

Well, for starters, any one of these clans, past present or future..(Note how popular that thread is, in a pretty much otherwise dead section of this site...people would be interested so long as it looks, and plays well. I'm sure):

Black Dragon
Lin Kuei
Brotherhood of the Shadow
Shirai Ryu
Red Dragon
Special Forces(Outer World Investigation Agency)
White Lotus Society
Shaolin Order
Edenian Freedom Force
Onaga's Followers
Shang Tsung's Masked Guards
Shao Kahn's Assassins
Tarkatan Hordes
Netherrealm Oni
Seidan Guardsmen
Clerics of Chaos
Order of Light

Then, you'd have to consider the leaders, and origins of those clans, whether good or evil. Then there's Shinnok, the rest of the Elder Gods, and the regular gods AND the factions within other realms, like Vampires or Reptilian races.

We have too much for "just console games", but on the flip side of that, these current consoles can support adequate MMO's now. See the coming "Tom Clancys: End War". Everything moving on the battlefield can be a person playing at home. Any assault vehicle you see whether in the air or on the ground, any drone or unmanned mechanism, snipers, infantrymen...literally anything. Oh, AND you can control the general who is moving things around on that table too. It's a RtS essentially, but has First person shooter, and third person commander options...

Now, I'm not soliciting an MK MMORPG as a great idea or anything....but I'm just saying, What the hell else should they do with all the "stuff" there? Throw it out completely? or Make some money off of it?

You gotta think bigger.
03/07/2008 09:51 PM (UTC)
Pred, you are the only person on this site that can basically describe everything and I say that as a compliment and I'm not joking on this one.



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03/07/2008 10:23 PM (UTC)
Yea, it's cool. An "Adequate Description" for why people think this might be a good idea, is all I was aiming for.
03/08/2008 01:33 AM (UTC)
It's just that, with you explaining everything and me picturing it in my head, but I still can't... I just can't see this game going that way. I mean if it was like an adventure game I could see it, if that's what the creator was acutally aiming for, but yet again, you'll have people holding this game in their hands asking themselves how did MK make a game like this without actually sucking.

You see I beleive Midway has made some great games in the past, but now in the future, we've been seeing less and less good games they've made. I'm sure that Unreal Tournament is one of them yet I've never touched it. (And beleive me, I think it looks like an awesome game) But lately with MK, I beleive that it could be an instant failure. I thought Mythologies was a great game, but when I'm looking through all these threads I find less and less people who acutally like the game.

That's why I fear for this upcoming MK game. I think it's awesome that Midway hasn't really mentioned too many things for the game, they want to keep quiet about it, that's their way of saying that they're probably in deep concentration about the whole thing. Yet we've been down this path before where you don't hear about something for a long time and yet when something does happen we all freak out over ONE picture. And then some of you will be like "oh its fake" "omg it looks cool" or some of you acutally would want to hate it... but I doubt that descision is gonna happen.

But with Midway being quiet it's a good thing that they are, because it makes more people show their opinions about what the game should be like and I like the fact that more and more people are coming up with ways that they think MK should be like, even though there are some threads that are basically downright stupid and repeats themselves (unlike this one, it's a repeater but it's not stupid) and you're just gonna keep having these threads pop up until something is finally said.

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03/08/2008 03:59 AM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
It's just that, with you explaining everything and me picturing it in my head, but I still can't... I just can't see this game going that way. I mean if it was like an adventure game I could see it, if that's what the creator was acutally aiming for, but yet again, you'll have people holding this game in their hands asking themselves how did MK make a game like this without actually sucking.

How about this?...Get a good picture of MKD & MKA's Konquest modes in your head........

Now, picture everyone you see, and everyone you can converse with in those Konquest modes, being someone also playing at home. All the people roaming around, everybody.

The only people NOT actually motivated by a person at home, are the characters on the MKA roster. Whom you could converse with in the Konquest modes before...whom you hypothetically should be able to converse with in the same manner, in an MmORPG.

You make up your own character via one of the clans I mentioned earlier.

It's already an adventure type game, and it sets you right in the same type of Mmo environment as say WoW. All they'd need to do is plug "Mortal Kombat" in as the story and gameplay elements...Then just plug the players at home in-to everywhere there is a paladin, or whatever, as a Tarkatan....or whatever. lol
03/09/2008 05:12 AM (UTC)
this is the type of thing i was talking about. i just wanted to hear some people's ideas and opinions because i've been thinking about how a mortal kombat mmo would be and all that would go into it. i just didnt know how others would respond so i didnt out right say it. i was thinking about starting it off some time after armegeddon. You can choose a realm to start from and create your character based on the characteristics of the people from that realm. You can choose a species for your character and a class (ninja, sorceror, soldier, ...). The basic principle of the game could be just training, wandering, starting up an army with other players, collecting artifacts, helping people, defending your realm or what ever realm you choose to protect, assassinating people, ect. For example: you could be a deamon from the netherrealm traveling thru the realm gaining power making alliances with other players or just wandering around exploring. There could also be restrictive tavel between the realms. like only sorcerors or gods can create portals themselves or you can find an open portal located at some specific place or use special forces technology to get thru. You could also be able to start your own clan or join an already established clan in the MK universe. You could use your clan to be mercenaries who get items or complete missions for other players or assassins who players hire to kill other players. I like your ideas predator. im glad to know that other people think about this stuff too.
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