What chance does MK 8 hold? With the likes of Street Fighter 4 ...Tekken 6.. and more releasing around the same time
posted12/20/2007 12:25 PM (UTC)by
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With virtua fighter 5 already setting the standard and Confirmed for 2008:

1)Tekken 6
2)King of Fighters 2008
3)Street Fighter 4
4)Soul Calibur 4


5) Dead or Alive 5

No matter what the result 2008 is going to be a hell of a year for the fighting genrefurious personally i don't think Mk 8 stands a chance in hell
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12/08/2007 12:04 PM (UTC)
Holy crap, good point.

Mainly, I can't really form a solid opinion without at least seeing them all. But from what I have seen, here's my take.

1)Tekken 6 = Still gonna be Tekken, no matter what they do to it. I'm saying that it's consistent, and reliable in a way that won't really ever change. So it's predictable in a sense, that it'll still be the same ol' technical fighter...just with new graphics or whatever. Basically.

2)King of Fighters 2008 = (haven't seen or played this game in the past. And if I did, it was extremely short lived. But I know it's one of the tech fighters.)

3)Street Fighter 4 = "2D & the New Graphics". They're either some heavy selling points, or they'll be what will once again make solid differences between why I like Mk better, and why I'm not in particular a SF fan.

4)Soul Calibur 4 = Closest "threat" to Mk8 if you ask me, and my other favorite fighting game. Their selling points are about the same as MK, but without the tremendous violence really. They're weaker on the hand to hand stuff though, and their storyline isn't as interesting to me.....even with all the screw ups from MKs story.

SC2&3 hurt MKD&A imO. But MkSm hurt everybody non-MK.

5) Dead or Alive 5 = Never liked anything from the series, and doubt that will change about me. Largely because, I couldn't get "attached" to any of the characters like I could in MK.

6) Virtua Fighter: Ditto as the other Technical Fighters. Character disconcert, story disconcert, gameplay fun factor lacked, due to "technicality"(no pun, no joke), or "robotics".

Music is an issue with the fighting games outside of MK too....but that's purely a passive complaint.


The main problem with the technical games for me, is actually the gameplay. Any one of them that I've played so far, never felt like I was playing a "fun fighting game". It felt like I was playing with a virtual, remote controlled block of wood. Didn't matter that things worked when I pushed in the commands in these games, it just never registered with me that "this is what I wanna keep playing".

Every move is always too stricken to the system, and I feel like I can see that system when I play these kinds of games.

Personally, I don't care to see the system actually working within my characters actions. Same reasoning behind why I didn't like MKDA//MKD at first(clunky, "trying to be precisely realistic", slow, heavy characters and play. Which was totally different from the earlier Mk games).

I also want characters that I can relate to....at least in fantasy anyway. I don't wanna just "Have a fight in a video game" that is precise and exact to the style of an actual REAL fight(that's boring to me, like Ed Boon said a while back). I want to "explore the what if". MK does that better than any of the others imO.

It's what I think makes or breaks "Video Game" from "Technical" and "Reality".

So, since I know the MKTeam knows how to make things look good, the main things I'm looking for from Mk8 that will crush the competition imO, is:

1. Fix the got-damn story (Main reason I stayed with the franchise all these years was because I related to a character, and his power potential, and what would happen to him next. Largely depends on what I know about my character that I can imagine in "myself". "Relativity")

2. Re-create the Adrenaline Rush from Mk1-T. That WILL require for them to get rid of at least 95% of the glitches, bugs, and pot holes in the way the game plays.

I don't wanna get stuck in "pixel -land" in a corner. I can't use a camera shot, that is stuck in transition while I'm playing. And when I throw a punch, kick, block, parry, or whatever else.....I didn't pay to have a gaping window of opportunity to where I still get hit, or can "cheat" and get away with punishing someone else.
Things have to be technical to a point now...

3. Besides all that, this franchise is waay too old to be making amateur mistakes(so it would seem given the franchise age 15+yrs right?) like the ones lately in the game-play. I mean, give us a sense of mastery about something come Mk8. The way this game plays, or the way this games' story is told....or something.

So anyway, without setting an opinion of next year in complete stone just yet....

shadowcat Wrote:
No matter what the result 2008 is going to be a hell of a year for the fighting genrefurious

I agree.

shadowcat Wrote:
personally i don't think Mk 8 stands a chance in hell

I disagree.

But this is my kinda year because I mainly buy//get into the fighting games.
12/08/2007 03:11 PM (UTC)
Yes, mk8 will have a chance. in fact, I think it will spawn a bunch more fans.
12/08/2007 04:32 PM (UTC)
heres what King of fighters 2006 looks like i thoght it was really fun

combos in the video are not hard to pull off at all

Kng of Fighters 2006 Combo Video

its a really easy game just pick up and play plus i like the 2.5 D look
of the game plays 2D with 3D graphics wow
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12/08/2007 06:10 PM (UTC)
Yall are also forgetting UFC's new game might be coming out as well. And I have seen the trailor to it, and it looked Fu*kin sweet. I know its not the regular fighting game, but I expect it to do the best.
As for MK, MK will always hold its own. I think when we see MK8, we will say WTF and WOW ?!?! Cuz It's gonna be different, and I hope revolutionary. I dont think midway is gonna mess it up again. There is too much money involved. Long Live MK
12/08/2007 07:07 PM (UTC)
Since MK8 is taking 2 years in development and making the game etc. MK will stand a chance and hopefully be a success.Since MK:D was rated pretty high I know MK:8 will be a really good game.
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12/08/2007 07:08 PM (UTC)
shadowcat Wrote:
heres what King of fighters 2006 looks like i thoght it was really fun

combos in the video are not hard to pull off at all

Kng of Fighters 2006 Combo Video

its a really easy game just pick up and play plus i like the 2.5 D look
of the game plays 2D with 3D graphics wow

OH hell, I know why I forgot that game...I've only played it once actually. And I was over a relatives friends house when I played. I remember it now though...I still don't have much to say about it unfortunately. I guess it was cool. It looks like it stole stuff from all the other games...Mainly being, SF, and SC.

Hey, what about Guilty Gear X? Didn't they release something in this last year or so? I think there was also an RpG or something....

You know what though? That game keeps the same thing going game after game too. Although that's like my 4th or 5th favorite fighting game. I still think that they should be a little more flexible, and experiment more. GGX is like other peoples "Street Fighter". It's the one "cartoon" 2D fighter that I'll play.

I mean, I'll play SF as well, but no where near as fast as I'll pick up GGX and play with Dizzy.
12/08/2007 07:12 PM (UTC)
Marvel vs Capcom 3 I know would be a big game ,but sadly I don't even think it will be possible for another MvsC.
12/08/2007 07:30 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
shadowcat Wrote:
heres what King of fighters 2006 looks like i thoght it was really fun

combos in the video are not hard to pull off at all

Kng of Fighters 2006 Combo Video

its a really easy game just pick up and play plus i like the 2.5 D look
of the game plays 2D with 3D graphics wow

OH hell, I know why I forgot that game...I've only played it once actually. And I was over a relatives friends house when I played. I remember it now though...I still don't have much to say about it unfortunately. I guess it was cool. It looks like it stole stuff from all the other games...Mainly being, SF, and SC.

Hey, what about Guilty Gear X? Didn't they release something in this last year or so? I think there was also an RpG or something....

You know what though? That game keeps the same thing going game after game too. Although that's like my 4th or 5th favorite fighting game. I still think that they should be a little more flexible, and experiment more. GGX is like other peoples "Street Fighter". It's the one "cartoon" 2D fighter that I'll play.

I mean, I'll play SF as well, but no where near as fast as I'll pick up GGX and play with Dizzy.

speaking of guilty gear that is one of my x-mas gifts just picked up the new one and have not even opened it yet (GG Core) nor have i ever played Guilty Gear but i did recently purchase arcade x (arcade joystick) so i think its time to pop it in as soon as i can (its an x-mas gift so i may have to wait)

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12/08/2007 07:58 PM (UTC)
All the fighting games coming out will be great, don't doubt it. It's just gonna come down to the "hype" factor; how well the games are promoted. SF4 is already building a decent hype.
12/08/2007 09:48 PM (UTC)
Cyber_EV1L Wrote:
Since MK8 is taking 2 years in development and making the game etc. MK will stand a chance and hopefully be a success.Since MK:D was rated pretty high I know MK:8 will be a really good game.

Wasn't MK8 in development before MK Armageddon?

Anyway. In terms of its competition MK does have a hard task. But I think, it doesn't have to be amazingly, Virtua Fighter killer brilliant.

MK8 will sell well, because the fans are a bit mad. Lets be honest here.

It just has to be somewhat good and polished.

Team Eduardo Boon will either screw it up completely or it will be good. No half measures here.
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12/09/2007 03:07 AM (UTC)
MK8 more or less will only see success among the casual gamer crowd like always. MK8 will probably get scores within the 7.5-9.0 range due to the fact nearly every video game reviewer is a scrub. Considering there's a 99.9% chance of the gameplay being broken beyond recognition and as such it will be ignored and ridiculed by the serious fighting game community, again, like always.

With as many awesome fighting games coming out I don't see MK really making much of an impact unless they do the impossible and actually make a good, play tested, and balanced fighting game for once.
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12/09/2007 05:10 AM (UTC)
Wow, I forgot about all these other games.

The only real threat though is Street Fighter 4. The others are not as interesting as MK in my view. So they wont stand a chance. That's of course if Mortal Kombat 8 doesn't suck.
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12/09/2007 05:54 AM (UTC)
MiNeOuT Wrote:
Wow, I forgot about all these other games.

The only real threat though is Street Fighter 4. The others are not as interesting as MK in my view. So they wont stand a chance. That's of course if Mortal Kombat 8 doesn't suck.

How do you compare Mk to SF? I gotta know. lol

I think there are too many specific differences to do so...
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12/09/2007 06:39 AM (UTC)
Im sorry but I like my fighting games to be dark and bloody. Thats why I like MK and shun the others. I think the UFC videogame will be its real competition. Im not sure if they are under the same genre tho. But even still MK has what it takes to be the #1 game period when it is released.
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12/09/2007 06:44 AM (UTC)
Oops. Dont know how it posted twice
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12/09/2007 09:27 AM (UTC)
I'm not sure why anyone would actually be worried about alot of fighting games coming out next year. For one, unless all 4 are released in the same week, there will be time between games for fans to play and get sick of one game before moving onto the next one. Fighting game fans will probably buy Tekken, Soul Calibur and MK.

King of Fighters has never been an overly relevant fighter because most of it's life was on the overpriced and underplayed Neo Geo. Saying this game is a threat is like saying that Blacksite: Area 51 is a threat to Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4. Not quite.

As for Street Fighter, there's a few things to remember. First of all, while hardcore fighting fans might welcome this series back, SF has been off the gaming radar for 8 years. Also remember that while Capcom has a great track record for games, it's one attempt at making SF 3D was a rather sizeable failure. I was unfortunate enough to play SF EX on PS2 shortly after that system came out and it was slow, ugly and boring. Sure, that trailer they released of Ken and Ryu looks sweet, but let's see how the actual game plays before we start worrying.

As far as Tekken goes, it's only one one platform, and it's arguably the worst as far as reaching fans is concerned. I'm not PS3 bashing here, I own a PSP, so I'm not a Sony hater. I'm just stating a fact that the Sony has sold far less PS3's than the competition has sold of their own systems. So I don't see them taking too much away from MK in terms of sales.

Soul Calibur may be cross platform, but consider this: Alot of fighting games coming out in one year is a very GOOD thing. This genre has seen so few releases over the last several years since being replaced by the shooter in terms of market dominance. Alot of fighting games coming out means that there is a higher probability of players who haven't been too into the genre buying a fighting game. If they get into that game, then there's a good chance that they might buy another fighting game.

I never bought an RPG until Final Fantasy VII came out. Since then, I have probably purchased at least 20 RPG's in the last 10 years. Several good fighting games coming out in one year can only help the genre grow, and that means a bigger pie for all developers to get a piece of and (hopefully) more developers creating fighting games.

As for MK not standing a chance... Please. MK has more name recognition in the general public than Soul Calibur, Tekken, DOA, and Virtua Fighter put together. Even if MK8 is a stinker, it'll still sell more than all of those series most recent or upcoming games.

That said, I'm a gamer. I only care about game sales as far as them prompting developers to make more of the games that I like. I still want a great game. I want a great fighting system, intriguing characters with great back stories that are fun to use and an overall game that looks so good and plays so well that I want to show it to all of my friends. MK has not been that series for me in a very long time. They always seem to be behind the curve graphically, and the newbie unfriendly, mindless dial-a-combos and generic, broken gameplay haven't screamed "your friends will love this"
for a series that I have loved since the very beginning.

Even the story has gone through the ringer and come out the worse for it. I mean, when was the last time we actually saw a fighting "tournament" in a mortal kombat game? Nevermind the fact that the stories are always contradicting one another (which isn't hard, since 90% of them never happen thanks to the stupid "what-if" endings), the new characters aren't nearly interesting enough to make me even care what happens to them.

Okay, I know that I'm sounding like a hater, but it's only because I remember what MK was in the past and I still have faith in what it can be in the future. I don't think that I demand too much, but MK has failed to deliver on even the most basic aspects of a fighting game for years in favor of gimmick modes and new gameplay "enhancements" that don't so much revolutionize the genre, but rather further illustrate the fact that Boon and company need to play some other fighting games and realize that they're a little behind the times in terms of what fans want and expect from a high quality title.

I'll say this, if Street Fighter if able to marry a quality, next gen fighting engine with the special moves and old school feel of past SF games, then MK is in serioius trouble, because that is what MK should be striving for and, for whatever reason, failing at for years now.
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12/09/2007 10:06 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:

As for Street Fighter, there's a few things to remember. First of all, while hardcore fighting fans might welcome this series back, SF has been off the gaming radar for 8 years. Also remember that while Capcom has a great track record for games, it's one attempt at making SF 3D was a rather sizeable failure. I was unfortunate enough to play SF EX on PS2 shortly after that system came out and it was slow, ugly and boring. Sure, that trailer they released of Ken and Ryu looks sweet, but let's see how the actual game plays before we start worrying.

I think I heard somewhere that the game will have a 2D style engine very similar to SF3.
12/10/2007 12:40 AM (UTC)
I don't enjoy technical fighters (or "fighting sims") like Tekken or Virtua Fighter, but neither do I have any respect for the SF series. The only fighters I've ever really loved were Killer Instinct 1 and 2, some (but not all) of the MK games, the Soul Blade/Soul Caliber series, and just about anything Dead or Alive.

For me, the choice is simple: I'll purchase MK8 based on its merits as its own game; I won't compare it to SC4 or DOA5, but just because I evaluate it as its own game doesn't mean I'll pick it up if it's obviously sub-par. I passed on Armageddon after realizing that Deception was an absolute waste of money, and I won't hesitate to skip MK8 if need be.

MK is its own beast, but it needs to shape up quite a bit to earn my trust back. I'm hopeful, but leery.
12/10/2007 04:29 AM (UTC)
I'm a casual gamer from the video game perspective; board games are really more my thing. People talk about how much better the other fighting games are, but that video that was posted just looked like alot of button mashing to me. Mortal Kombat has one thing that none of the other fighting games seem to be able to grasp: imagination.

When I play mortal kombat, I can be a champion fighting a cool looking monster. I can be a vengeful spirit, or a warrior of an extinct race. When I play mortal kombat, I notice the arena and wonder if those trees in the living forest eat people. For me, it's all about the fantasy element, and mortal kombat has always understood that the most important part of making a great game is capturing the consumer's imagination.

When I play the other fighting games, every character feels exactly like every other character to me, and they're boring and it's frustrating the way the experienced gamers can waste 10 seconds of my life with a 30 hit combo. I don't know anything about the other games finer points; they may very well be better. It doesn't matter because there not interesting enough for me to bother finding out.
12/15/2007 07:13 AM (UTC)
there r quite less number of ortal kombat games for PC as compared to x box n play stationsad
12/20/2007 12:25 PM (UTC)
i dont actually like tekken or sf as much as the other fighters
dead or alive i dont think poses much of a threat to mk8
i think its main threat is soul caliber
but thats because i dont like tekken and bex dragon thats because its mainly a console game i thought there was only 1 for pc mk4
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